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Following Bliss (The Quest series)

Page 9

by Strang, Heather

  But, that didn’t mean it was easy for them not to go there. Their chemistry was full-on passion, meaning they had to be mindful of their intentions when it came to penetration in those heated moments. And Shelby knew that in the back of her mind was the uncertainty of what would happen once Daniel returned in two weeks. His life could potentially be totally different. For now, she had to do her best not to spend too much time worrying about Kaley Hamilton, while still allowing herself to lust after Daniel. Not the easiest thing in the world for a girl to do.

  After the Nia class, she and Kathryn grabbed a coffee at Case Study Coffee, and then decided to head down to the Saturday Market.

  “So, did it help?” Kathryn asked, as she pulled her brown curls back into a ponytail.

  “It did, until that damn Celine Dion song, that is.”

  “Oh man, I know. When you touch me like this, when you hold me like that. I was doing my best not to get all worked up about Scott right then and there.”

  “I know, right?”

  “Amen, sister!”

  They high-fived and giggled. Scott had come up with this ridiculous yet catchy word rule that whenever someone said, “Right?”—and in Portland that happened often—it had to be followed with an “Amen.”

  “But seriously,” Shelby continued. “The chemistry between us is so off the charts, it’s taken everything I’ve got to not sleep with him. I just couldn’t before he went to see Kaley Hamilton, anyway.”

  “Sweetie, Kaley Hamilton can be as big of a cougar as she wants to be, but if Daniel feels it like how you’re feeling it, you’ve got nothing to worry about. And you know, I’ve got to remind you, what we think about we bring about, so stop manifesting that Kaley the lioness is going to devour your guy.”

  “I know, you’re right. I’ve got to shake this negativity. It’s not good for me and it’s not helping the Universe deliver to me what I want either.”

  “Speaking of non-physical deliveries, have you heard anything more from his mom?”

  “No, she’s been pretty quiet. For some reason, I feel like she’s there in Maui with Daniel. I know she’s trying to help him and something about our connection has opened him up more. I’m hoping she’ll be giving the messages exclusively to him from now on. And I hope she isn’t too angry that I didn’t follow her wacky advice to invite myself to Maui. Whomever’s life had to be saved, will have to be saved by her or someone else. I did the best I could,” Shelby shrugged, unsure of what more she could say or do.

  “Well, you’ve got to admit, it’s pretty cool that you were communicating with a non-physical being on the other side. Whether or not she was sort of a nag.”

  The two of them laughed, as they made their way down to the Saturday Market.

  As they entered the market, the smell of caramel corn and chicken kabobs filled the air. They both looked over at one another and said in unison, “Food!” and quickly headed over to the part of the market where all of the food vendors were located. It was a nice crisp October day, and already vendors were doling out holiday wares—both for Halloween and Christmas. All of that goodness would have to wait while Shelby and Kathryn ate. Shelby found a chicken tamale at Dona Lola’s and wandered over to where the tables were while Kathryn searched for something she could eat that followed all of her various food restrictions. Shelby was grateful that she could eat whatever she wanted within reason. She practiced yoga a few times a week and went on hikes on the weekend, and that seemed to fit her body perfectly.

  Shelby found a couple of seats and sat down to take in the scene while waiting for Kathryn. An older woman in a corner booth caught her attention. The woman was dressed in a simple white top and a long pink-and-white skirt, her golden hair streaked with gray and pulled back into a low bun at the nape of her neck. She was looking right at Shelby, her face well-lined with what looked like years of a fascinating life. Shelby could not stop looking at her. Her booth was non-descript, but for whatever reason, Shelby had to go talk to her. She stood up, leaving her tamale on the table, and walked over to the strange woman.

  “Well, hello there,” the woman said in a thick Croatian accent.

  “I’m sorry for staring, but I couldn’t look away.”

  “You were called. I can see all the angels around you. Come, sit here.” The woman patted the chair in front of her.

  “Are you a psychic or an intuitive?”

  The woman smiled slightly.

  “I am simply a woman who knows things. The people who are drawn to me are the people who I am meant to share this gift with.”

  Shelby was still standing. Was this just some ploy to make money? She looked around for Kathryn, but she was nowhere to be found.

  “I—I have a friend,” she turned and looked around again, pointing.

  “It’s no use, you will not find her. Your angels are directing you now, especially this one woman who has a very strong presence with you.”

  Shelby turned back to face the woman, sitting down in front of her.

  “There’s a woman with me?”

  “Yes, she’s here on your left, on your feminine side. She’s whispering in your ear a lot, encouraging you, giving you messages, warning you too. But you know this already, don’t you?”

  Shelby swallowed hard. “How much will this cost?”

  “Whatever you feel like donating. This is not about money, my dear, this is about sharing my gift. We all have gifts, and it’s our responsibility to share them. When we do not, we cripple up and die. I am 88 years old, but you would not have guessed it would you? I use my gift.” She smiled broadly now. “And it provides for me everything I have ever wanted. Now, would you like me to continue?”

  “Yes, yes please.”

  “This woman, she is connected to you in some very deep way—maybe past life, maybe karmic—that does not really matter. Right now, what matters is that you hold on to something very important to her. You are entrusted with the care of someone she loves very much. Do you understand?”

  “I do. But why am I the one—“

  “This is not of your concern dear heart. You are a very powerful soul and your soul agreed long before you came here to come together with this person, and you two would save each other.” She grabbed Shelby’s hand, turning it palm up, tracing the lines with her other finger. She looked back up at Shelby. “You know that’s what love does don’t you? It is never accident when this happens. It is always divine and it is always so both souls can ascend to the next level. But you…” The woman clucked her tongue. “You and this other are stubborn. Think you know it all already. His heart is broken when this woman left, yes? And you, you keep yourself so busy so you don’t have to feel the love, even though it courses through your veins.”

  Tears began to stream down Shelby’s face.

  “This woman is a gift to you and to the other. She is a guide for you on the path. Listen to her. Follow whatever she say.”

  “Even when she says I should fly to Maui uninvited to see him?”

  “Yes, even then. She is trying to help you both. She’s been trying for years to bring you together. Now it has happened and divine will is taking place. You two are too independent, too untrusting of love. It will be work, but you must trust the path. Always trust the path.”

  The woman closed her eyes. She dropped Shelby’s hand. When her eyes opened they glowed a spectacular, iridescent gray color.

  “You are satisfied?”

  Shelby was full of questions, but too shell-shocked to respond. Her entire body was covered in goosebumps as waves of energy rolled through her. She felt Daniel’s mother to her left. Now she knew whose lives (as in plural, she suddenly realized!) his mother was referring to being saved. And she felt certain of what she had to do next.

  # # #

  Daniel closed the condo door behind him and made his way into the main courtyard to meet up with Kaley and the other publishers. He felt so good; it was as if every cell in his body were vibrating at an abundant level. The walk along t
he beach had calmed his masculine urgency cocktail into a feeling of peace and assuredness. It had also allowed him to clear his mind of the fro-yo incident, along with the confusing feeling that Shelby should be with him. He was a man on a mission, a mission to make his mother proud and to really be something—a published author.

  Freshly shaven, wearing light khaki pants paired with a light blue short-sleeve button down and camel-colored flip-flops (it was Maui after all), Daniel was ready to set the world on fire. He was also ready to pitch the hell out of Shannon Town to whomever Kaley put in front of him. He felt it down to his core—it was his time to shine.

  As Daniel neared the courtyard, he immediately spotted Kaley. She was wearing a long white sundress and appeared far more tan than Daniel remembered. She must be able to vacation a lot with all the high-level authors she represents, Daniel thought. She was surrounded by two other couples, in their late-to mid-forties, all looking quite casual and relaxed with suntanned faces, as they sat in white Adirondack chairs, chatting. A mobile tiki bar sat behind them, along with a table of fresh fruits, skewered meats, and salads.


  Kaley called after Daniel as soon as he entered the courtyard. She rushed over to him, spreading her arms wide for a hug, lightly kissing him on the cheek.

  “We’re so glad to have you join us, Daniel. It’s going to be a lovely two weeks. Do you love the place already or what?” She smiled at Daniel and then at the others.

  “Actually, I do love it. It feels so…so….free. You definitely pick the right places to do business Kaley.”

  “Oh, Daniel. We’re hardly doing business. I mean, look at us!”

  Daniel looked around and noticed that by now the other four guests with Kaley had cocktails in hand and were smiling red-faced at both of them.

  “Now Daniel, you must meet Jonathan Richer and his wife, Emily. Jonathan works for Penguin Publishing and his wife is an interior designer. She did my place—it’s quite fabulous if I do say so myself. And over here is Richard Closterman and his wife, Sarah. Sarah is an associate editor at Tonga Publishing, and her handsome husband is a realtor—he’s actually the one who connected me to these magnificent condos.”

  Daniel shook the couple’s hands, trying his best to put together what was happening.

  “It’s wonderful to meet all of you. And thank you for the hospitality—these condos and the grounds really feel like paradise.” Daniel turned to Kaley. “Kaley, can I speak with you for a minute?”

  “Oh, of course dear. And Richard will you get Daniel a cocktail? You like Mai Tais right Daniel? It really is the only thing to drink when you’re on the islands.”

  Richard nodded, his large Hawaiian button-up and khaki shorts hanging loosely on his broad 6’2” frame, as he got up and made his way over to the mobile tiki bar to make more cocktails.

  Daniel walked to the far corner of the courtyard with Kaley.

  “Kaley, um, where is Thomas Berring, your contact at Random House?”

  “Oh Daniel. You are all business, aren’t you?”

  It occurred to Daniel then that Kaley might be intoxicated.

  “Well, I did think that’s why you asked me over here. So, I’m a little confused, because it seems like I might be merely joining you on vacation with some of your friends.”

  Kaley smiled.

  “Sometimes it’s okay to mix business with pleasure, Daniel.” She leaned in, touching the collar of his shirt and stroking it lightly. “Besides, Thomas really isn’t that much fun to do business or pleasure with,” Kaley winked. “So, you’re better off that he had a family thing come up and couldn’t make it. All you have to do is relax Daniel. We’ll work your book into our conversations with Sarah and Jonathan. I already love it, so I know they will too.”

  She stepped in even closer to Daniel, reaching up to smooth his hair. Daniel could smell the alcohol on her breath—she was clearly drunk. He wasn’t quite sure what to do. Perhaps this was how things worked in the publishing industry and if he could keep his cool and go with the flow, maybe things would turn out all right. Or, even worse—perhaps Shelby had been right and Kaley’s whole plan for him had nothing to do with his book. Daniel couldn’t stand the thought of that, and a huge lump formed in his throat.

  “So, to be clear Kaley, we’re just going to be hanging out for two weeks in the hopes that a casual mention about my book might catch their attention?”

  “They’re on vacation Daniel—it’s not like we want to barrage them with book talk. They get enough of that back east. And anyway, it gives us a good opportunity to get to know each other better.” She was still stroking the collar of his button-down shirt.

  Daniel was speechless. It appeared that this incredibly successful agent, who worked with authors all over the world—primarily male authors, he now realized—was making a play for him. Kaley had told him to come to Maui to meet with an “intimate” group of folks from the publishing world to discuss his book Shannon Town. In truth, he was now on vacation with Kaley and two couples who were close friends of hers. He had taken out a huge chunk of cash to fly to Maui, all in the hopes that this might be his big break. He felt like an idiot. Shelby was right. What would he tell people back home when he returned?

  “Daniel, don’t worry,” Kaley turned serious. “Your book will get picked up. Just have some fun, okay?”

  Daniel took a step back, unhinging Kaley from his clothes and personal space.

  “Kaley, I’m having trouble understanding what is going on here. So, I will do my best to relax and spend time with your friends, but we’re going to talk more about my book—you and me anyway—tomorrow when you’re…” Daniel’s voice trailed off. “Tomorrow when it’s a fresh, new day.”

  “Oh, a man who tells me what to do. I like that!” Kaley cooed and began walking back to join the others.

  Daniel shook his head as he walked back behind her. What had he gotten himself into? A small voice whispered Shelby’s name and he looked up suddenly. Shelby was not going to be impressed with this situation at all, in addition to knowing that she had been right. He didn’t want to admit how naïve he had been. The whole situation made a Mai Tai sound really, really good. Maybe a few of those would make it easier for him to admit that he was so eager to make his dreams comes true that he was willing to believe just about anything anyone in the industry said—including a highly successful and attractive literary agent.

  Richard handed Daniel a cocktail as he sat down in one of the open chairs.

  “Thanks Richard—I really need this right about now.”

  “I hear that, and fortunately you’ve come to the right place. Kihei is the ideal place to get away from it all.”

  “I second that!” cheered Sarah sitting casually in one of the chairs, her dark black hair pulled back into a ponytail, comfortably dressed in white gaucho pants with a turquoise top.

  “So Daniel, if you’re here with Kaley, we can only assume you too are in the writing biz,” said Jonathan with a slight British accent. “What project are you working on these days?” Jonathan seemed the most grounded of the group so far to Daniel, as he sat with an air of confidence—his bald head shining in the dusk of the evening—next to his wife Emily (who, by the way, Daniel noticed could have easily passed as a model, her caramel locks perfectly blown out to match her caramel skin, wearing a pink tank and denim short-shorts. She looked to be about 10 years Jonathan’s junior.).

  Daniel caught Kaley out of the corner of his eye smiling broadly.

  “Well, Jonathan, it’s funny you should ask, as Kaley and I were only minutes earlier discussing this very topic. In fact, Kaley invited me down here so I could connect with you all more about my novel, Shannon Town.”

  “Kaley, you did not!” Sarah squealed. “We’re on vacation!”

  Daniel thought he saw Kaley frown, but she quickly smiled. “Now, you know I would never interfere with our vacation unless it was for a very good cause.”

  The others laughed.

/>   “Daniel has written an incredible historical fiction novel that has a slight western edge to it. And of course, I think every one of you should read it—that means Emily and Richard, too.”

  Richard and Emily rolled their eyes, obviously familiar with Kaley’s habit of bringing work into their social gatherings.

  “I also thought it would be really good for Daniel to get out of rainy Portland for inspiration, and also so that he and I could discuss more seriously what our working relationship will be.” Kaley smiled seductively over at Daniel. “Either way, everyone wins. We’re in Maui, we’ve got a neverending stream of Mai Tais coming our way and we’re surrounded by lovely, gifted people. Who could want anything more?”

  Everyone raised their glasses to toast. Daniel joined in, shrugging his shoulders. Kaley was good, he had to hand it to her. It seemed as though she could make just about any situation work in her favor.

  # # #

  After three Mai Tais, Daniel was feeling so good and having such a great time that he forgot that Kaley had essentially tricked him into coming to Maui. He was getting along great with Richard and Sarah, who also had a strong love of the Pacific Northwest (they had a house in Seattle’s trendy Capitol Hill area), good coffee, and great reads.

  Daniel stumbled up to his room around 1 a.m., bidding the others goodnight and ignoring Kaley’s lengthy stares his way. He thought for a second that he saw something move in his room as he put the key in the door, but forgot all about it as he lay down on his comfy bed.

  # # #

  Daniel, Daniel. A woman’s voice was whispering in Daniel’s ear.

  Daniel, can you hear me?

  He opened his eyes slowly, and saw a sprinkle of lights above his head.

  Over here Daniel.

  The woman’s voice was closer in his ear now. And she was holding his hand.

  Daniel looked over and bolted upright in his bed.

  “Jesus Christ!”

  Daniel, listen to me, I have something to tell you—


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