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Rush: A Second Chance Romance

Page 39

by Ellen Lane

  “Yes… kukla…” He hissed against her throat. “Come for me.”

  She could hardly have refused him.

  Charlotte found herself gasping his name, every muscle in her body clenching as her orgasm crashed over her with the force of a tsunami. It was centered right in that spot...the one that he kept stroking...exploiting while she was contracting around his fingers - and it felt so good she could hardly breathe, let alone think.

  Charlotte was jolted back to the present, her already short breath hitching as Vladimir stroked over her lower folds gently - almost soothingly. At least, it might have been soothing if she weren’t already so over sensitized from the high she’d just come down from. She moaned lowly, reaching out to grasp at his hand in a plea for mercy.

  In reply, Vladimir merely kissed her, soundly, as his fingers slid from her. He caught her gasp of sensation in his mouth a moment before they parted and she watched him taste her, sucking a single glistening finger into his mouth. When he groaned in in unadulterated pleasure at her flavor, Charlotte shuddered, her womb clenching in blatant desire for the rest of him. She tugged him back into another kiss, tasting herself on his lips, a moment before he hauled her into his arms to carry towards the bedroom.

  The brief period of respite gave Charlotte a minute to gather her wherewithal. The moment Vladimir set her on the bed, she was on her knees, her mouth molding to his as she pushed his shirt from broad shoulders.

  God, he was just as mouthwatering as she had imagined. More so, even - broad shoulders, tight, lean abdomen, and a sprinkling of hair that led inexorably southward towards the tent he was pitching in his pants. Charlotte ran her hands over the firm muscles of his chest and felt his abdomen clench under her exploring fingers. When her mouth left his to bite briefly at the line of his throat, he groaned, and his fingers curled into her forearms as if he meant to stop her.

  But he didn’t - and for that, Charlotte was unspeakably glad. She wanted to explore every inch of him...taste him until his flavor was burned onto her tongue. When she reached down to undo the fastening of his slacks, Vladimir made a low sound of disapproval in the back of his throat. In a trice, she had been pushed onto her back on the bed - just in time to give her a lovely view of the man above her shucking his pants.

  He wore boxer briefs beneath, which flagrantly displayed the size of the erection he boasted.

  But before Charlotte could appreciate it fully, Vladimir was climbing onto the bed - looming over her body and capturing her mouth once more. Quickly and efficiently, he peeled her shirt up over her bare body to toss away into the darkness.

  And then there was nothing at all to hide her from his lustful gaze.

  Charlotte had never been shy about her body. If anything, she was absolutely shameless in her own home, to the point where Lila had to warn her to put clothes on when Benny was on his way.

  But now, she found herself suddenly self-conscious beneath Vladimir’s gaze. His eyes roamed over her restlessly, from her burning face to her bare, ample breasts, her flat stomach and legs she’d always thought far too long and gangly for their own good. Any thoughts of her own inadequacy, however, fled her mind the moment her lover lowered his head to tug a nipple between his teeth.

  Charlotte inhaled sharply, her fingers threading through Vladimir’s hair reflexively. He worked on her slowly - teasingly - suckling her alternatively with soft, hungry bites that soon had her all but trembling in need. When he finally lifted his head from her breast, a trembling cry escaped her and her fingers tightened against his scalp in an attempt to guide him back to where she wanted him. He obliged her with one final, brief bite to her nipple before his hands clamped over her hips and he shoved her northwards with a strong motion of his arms.

  A small sound of surprise escaped the redhead as her crown brushed against the headboard. Vladimir’s mouth was now situated right over the heated core of her. This wasn’t what she wanted. Charlotte had a fool-proof plan to have the man inside her and he was ruining it-

  At the first touch of his mouth to the most sensitive parts of her she gasped his name and twisted, gripping the headboard in an attempt to escape. But Vladimir was even stronger than she had imagined. He held her hips firmly in place as he tasted her at his leisure.

  And his leisure was torturous.

  At first, Charlotte did her best to concentrate her efforts towards freeing herself - but in under a minute, Vladimir’s shockingly talented tongue had turned all her protestations to ecstatic undulations.

  The man pressed his lips to her, mouthing her between the legs with such enthusiasm that Charlotte was soon begging him for succor. Every lap of his tongue, every subtle, hungry suck devastated her. And she couldn’t pull him away. To every man she’d ever been with, this, more than anything else, was a chore - a treat that she might get after a particularly creative blowjob. But it was clear that Vladimir’s head was between her quivering thighs for the sheer enjoyment of it.

  All too soon, Charlotte lost her grip on the headboard entirely, grasping at pillows, sheets, the coverlet - anything she could for purchase. But it did no good. She came twice more to the tune of Vladimir’s low, sinful sounds of pleasure against her lower lips. The staggering pleasure left her breathless - boneless- against the coverlet, and she realized, dimly, that there was no way she gained the upper hand here. Vladimir had her right where he wanted her.

  And she hadn’t a single protestation.

  He dragged his body up the length of hers as she tried to slow her breathing. Of course, the attempt wasn’t helped by the drugging kisses he trailed up over her stomach - or the brief suck he gave each of her nipples. When his face finally came level with hers, his eyes were dark and desirous, his mouth glistening with her leavings. “If I didn’t need to be inside of you,” He murmured, his tone gravelly with want, “I would live between your thighs, Charlotte.”

  It was, by far, the hottest thing any man had ever said to her. Ever.

  Though Charlotte had been doubtful of her ability to move just seconds before, she found herself reaching blindly - frantically - for the waistline of Vladimir’s underwear. This time, he let her, and she yanked the cloth down to feel his heated erection spring up against her hand.

  It was safe to say that everything was proportional. Vladimir was a sizeable man, and that equaled an impressive member. But despite his imposing size, Charlotte had never been so desperate to have a man inside her. She wrapped slender fingers around the girth of him, stroking slowly from base to tip, and was rewarded with a low, throaty groan.

  Inside a single second the man caught her wrist in his hand, shaking his head. “Not now,” he growled between clenched teeth. With his free hand, he hoisted one of her thighs over his, parting her legs once more. When Vladimir’s erection slid against the seam of her, there was no resistance at all. Charlotte caught her breath and held it as he began to push inside her.

  It was glorious.

  A low, ragged moan escaped her as he slid deeper and deeper - filling her up completely as her inner passage clenched around him in warm welcome. A low curse escaped the man above her as his hips finally came to rest against hers and Charlotte raised her head to kiss away the lines around a mouth pulled taut with restraint. “Let go,” she murmured against his mouth, pressing her hips up against him to take him even deeper as one slender leg wrapped around his waist.

  And that’s exactly what he did.

  With an almost pained sound, Vladimir withdrew slightly to slam back home with a force that took her breath away. Each additional stroke went deeper, drew shuddering breaths from her until she was moaning his name, clutching frantically at his shoulders and back as she bucked back against him.

  There was something animal in the way that Vladimir took her. While he had taken his time seducing her, this was nothing but fucking - pure and simple. The demonstration of months of frustration. And like everything else that Vladimir endeavored upon, he excelled at it.

  Charlotte was sure she must be
scratching welts down his back, moaning and gasping and screaming his name as he pounded into her. It was rough, carnal and absolutely breathtaking in its intensity.

  Despite her exhaustion, the redhead’s body urged her towards another orgasm. How could she resist? Vladimir’s grip on her was iron, the fingers of one hand tangled firmly in her hair and the other at her hip as he drove into her - his erection cleaving through parts of her already seared raw by sensation.

  Charlotte couldn’t help it - she toppled over the edge with her lips parted in a silence scream. When her inner muscles seized hungrily around Vladimir’s powerful thrust, his rhythm faltered. He clutched her even tighter, stroking twice more into her shuddering body before he succumbed as well, a hoarse shout and the flood of him inside her announcing his completion to the otherwise silent bedroom.

  Dear God.

  Dear fucking God.

  For almost a full five minutes, Charlotte lay beneath the weight of the man atop her, unsure which direction was up. She had never, in all her thirty years, had such an earth-shattering sexual experience.

  She wasn’t even sure if she remembered how to move.

  Vladimir, however, was already stirring atop her. He straightened, propping himself up on strong arms to look down at her, his expression unreadable. When Charlotte merely smiled lazily up at him, his lips turned downward into a frown.

  In a trice, he rolled off her and stood from the bed, headed for the bathroom in the darkness. Charlotte stared after him as her smile faded.

  It would be just like Vlad to withdraw back into that impermeable shell of his now that their ardor for one another had finally been cooled - she just hadn’t expected that it would be so soon.

  With no little amount of effort, she rolled onto her side, reaching for the nearest sheet to cover herself. It was a scant minute or so until Vladimir returned, and she half expected him to start dressing to leave. Instead, however, he merely scowled at her, one knee dipping the bed as he climbed back onto it. For a moment, Charlotte was struck, once again, by how mind-bogglingly gorgeous his body was. At least until he urged her onto her back once more. “Lie back. Don’t move.”

  Charlotte watched, surprised, as Vladimir revealed a damp washcloth. Gently, painstakingly, he parted her thighs and wiped her clean between the legs. It was a surprisingly intimate gesture that caught her completely off guard. All she could do was watch as he continued to use the cloth to wipe the dampness of their sweat from her - over her stomach and breasts and up her neck before finally setting it aside. When he finally spoke, his words only further perplexed her. “I apologize.”

  Charlotte’s brows raced towards her hairline as she turned onto her side once more to face him. “What the hell do you have to apologize for?” She might have reassured him that he had ruined her for any other man, but she didn’t want to stroke his ego too much.

  Vladimir made an oddly displeased face. “I was rough with you. I could have hurt you.”

  At that, Charlotte merely rolled her eyes. “Is that all?” On impulse, she reached up to cup the stubbly line of his jaw, forcing him to look at her. “Vladimir, I’m fine. You warmed me up plenty...besides that, I’m not a little girl. You’re not going to break me.” When he still refused to smile, she went on. “I liked it. Just like that.” Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to his firmly, nipping sharply at the lower one so a soft sound of surprise escaped him as she withdrew. “And don’t you dare treat me like one of your little debutantes because I’m not. I can take anything you can dish out, and that includes a thorough fucking.”

  With a groan, Vladimir covered her mouth with a hand, his expression simultaneously exasperated and aroused. “Dear God, woman, your mouth.”

  Charlotte only laughed against his palm before peeling his fingers away. “You like it. Come on, admit it.” She traced a finger across his chest. “I’ve got a mouth like a sailor and I’m built for rough handling. Isn’t that new for you, Mister Kensley?”

  With a low growl, Vladimir caught her hand as her finger began to drift southward. “Charlotte, I’m warning you…”

  Charlotte felt proof of his renewing erection against her thigh and glanced down in surprise. Sweet Jesus, the man’s recovery period was nothing at all. She herself was completely tuckered out…. but she couldn’t deny that the feel of his cock stirring against her skin had her growing warm in places she wouldn’t have thought possible so soon after he’d thoroughly blown her mind the first time. “Vladimir…” She kissed him again, lingering and slow this time, and when she drew back, her hazel eyes held a blatant invitation. “Do me again?”

  His eyes went wide a moment before skimming over her still mostly naked form. When he answered her, his voice was low and tentative. “I didn’t hurt you?”

  “No. You can’t,” Charlotte replied, wrapping an arm around his neck to press her body flush against hers. Dear God, it was like she’d somehow turned into a succubus. She didn’t know if her body would hold out but her mind was definitely willing. More than willing, “So do me again. Please. I want it. I need it.”

  Vladimir groaned, his restraint giving way as he wrapped an arm around her to bear her back to the mattress once more. “I need it more.”

  Chapter 9 - Letting Go

  Charlotte didn’t sleep for long. Technically, she had hardly known she was asleep. Sometime after the second time Vladimir had shown her the full brunt of his attentions, she had drifted into a doze that lasted for almost two hours before she woke again.

  When she did, the first rays of the sun were beginning to filter through a gap in curtains she thought she’d drawn and she winced slightly, turning her face into the pillow. She wondered, sleepily, if the light was what had woken her after only an hour or two - before a soft, exploratory touch smoothed over the length of her bare spine and up towards the back of her neck. She made a small sound of contentment in the back of her throat, letting her eyes slide closed as Vladimir continued to touch her.

  For all the fuss he’d made about being rough the previous night - how obviously upset he’d been over the prospect of hurting her - he was more than gentle now. Slowly, almost lazily, he trailed his fingertips back and forth over her spine. When he reached her neck, he pressed his fingers in to work at the tension at her nape before beginning the process all over again.

  Charlotte had never guessed Vladimir might be so touchy feely. During sex was one thing, but even afterwards, it seemed like the man couldn’t get enough of skin to skin contact. He pulled her close, skimmed his hands over every bare patch of skin he could find and hadn’t stopped.

  She wondered if he had even slept. For all she knew, he might have been doing this for hours. Trust Vladimir Kensley to become entirely and utterly fixated on a task.

  Charlotte wasn’t the intimate type herself. If anything, she was the one to get up and leave after a sexual encounter. She didn’t have to be told, and there was never any awkwardness the morning after.

  But she found that being with Vladimir was different. She didn’t mind his touches so much...especially when she remembered what he’d said to her the previous night.

  That he needed her more.

  Maybe he hadn’t intended to say it. It was probably a slip of the tongue in a moment of blind lust. But that didn’t mean that Charlotte wouldn’t covet the words selfishly. She had gotten the high and mighty Vladimir Kensley to admit to needing her.

  Her own private victory.

  Somehow, she thought she might feel smugger. A part of Charlotte believed that once she’d slept with Vladimir, she would finally be able to prove him just as human as she was. Just as fallible and subject to mistakes. But all she had discovered was that the man’s need was huge, powerful, and devastating.

  And only made her want him more.

  Any assumptions she might have made that Vladimir believed her asleep were quickly cast aside as his hand moved lower and lower over her spine with every pass. In short order, he was running his hand over the curve of her beh
ind flagrantly, massaging and squeezing indulgently. Charlotte hid her small smirk. Beneath that tough exterior, he was just as susceptible as any man to his desires - perhaps even more so. It would make sense. The man had the patience of a saint.

  But Charlotte couldn’t be gladder that patience had finally run out. She opened her mouth to tell him good morning, only to inhale sharply as the man’s teeth grazed the curve of her buttock. “Vladimir!” The word left her on a low curve as she attempted to look over her shoulder to see what mischief he was up to.

  Vladimir, however, prevented her with a firm press of his hand, forcing her back onto her stomach. “Don’t move.” He murmured against her skin. “I’m tasting you.”

  Well that much was damned obvious, but the words were still enough to make Charlotte’s thighs clench in anticipation. Vladimir had tasted her quite enough just a few hours ago, but she certainly wasn’t about to protest. But the dark-haired man made no move towards the sweetest part of her. Instead, he merely continued his ministrations, biting and kissing at the line of her hip, the curve of her buttock, and the trembling line of her thigh.

  It was ridiculously arousing. “Vlad…” She murmured after a few agonizing minutes, reaching back to tangle her fingers in his hair. “Please….” Vladimir merely took her wrist hostage, holding it firmly as he drew his mouth up the path his fingers had drawn just moments before to the base of her neck. Then, he moved her hand back to her own hip, curling his fingers over hers to tilt her onto his side as he fit himself against her back.

  At the feel of his erection pressing up between her thighs, Charlotte squirmed - but not enough to disengage Vladimir’s grip. He slid up and into her in a smooth motion that took her breath away as Charlotte forgot everything but the press of him, huge and hot, inside her. “Is this what you wanted?” He inquired darkly against her ear, making her shudder.


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