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Maxine’s Bodyguard

Page 3

by M. L. Ray

  “What are you trying to say?” I asked, raising a brow with a very calm voice. I would not let her have it her way. Nobody could ever make me feel small when it comes to my job.


  “My two former bodyguards came from the elite force of the FBI, but sad to say, they were easily silenced to death by the people who sneaked into my house. I feel really sorry for them, especially because I saw how they were killed. It’s a heavy load for me and I know I’ll be carrying it until the day I die. But I have to bear with it. I need to be tough to survive. So, how can you make me believe that I can trust your group with my life?”

  I found myself lost for words when I opened my mouth to respond to her statement. How can someone be so dense and sarcastic like her? She sounded like the lives of those who died guarding her were nothing but a burden. What a bitch…

  “Pardon my words, Mr. Miller, but I wanted to make sure that it’s not going to happen again. It was very traumatic on my part and I want a guarantee that the people that would be guarding me are trustworthy. Can you give me that assurance?”

  I found myself staring at her beautiful face the whole time I was trying to come up with an appropriate response. My anger towards her was fueled with the words that were coming from her full and pinkish lips…lips that seemed to be so soft and lovely to kiss at.

  I flinched at the idea that popped from nowhere.

  I do not like this woman! I reminded myself.

  “That is very rude of you,” I said, in a low and flat tone. I was annoyed with the way she talks about things and people. It was like as if nothing else mattered but her…like she was the most important person in the whole wide world.

  Maxine smiled dryly.

  “Oh, I am sorry if you see me that way, Mr. Miller. But you see I value my life so much. There are still a lot of things I want to do and goals I wanted to pursue. Above all of that, I value my freedom that even if I could be killed by anyone, anytime, I opted not to hide in some god forsaken place that I am not familiar of. I don’t want to stay in a safe house and do nothing. I don’t want my life to stop just because of the death threats. I have a company that–”

  “Don’t worry, my superior already mentioned that,” I said, angrily. I knew I was scowling but I didn’t mind. “I was told that you declined to stay in a safe house and you are asking for assurance that you will be safe from anyone who wants to harm you. So, I am giving you my word that nobody can harm you for as long as my team is with you. And no matter how much it takes from me, even if it costs me my life, I will protect your valuable life,” I added, with all the sarcastic tone I could produce.

  I was mad.

  Valuable life, my ass!

  Chapter 5


  It has been two days since my brief, but infuriating, encounter with Clark. Today, she was scheduled to be discharged from the hospital and my job as her close-in security and bodyguard has commenced. To ensure her safety, I have requested a heavily tinted and bulletproof van from the agency, which Calvin quickly approved. He believes that Maxine needs the maximum security we can offer.

  My team consists of five competent people – including me. The guys I brought were all my juniors from the Special Forces.

  Timmy and Jackson just informed me that the passage we would be taking down to the exit of the hospital was all clear. Meanwhile, Carl and Mickey were waiting for us in the van. And since I’m the team head, I was the one who was going to pick up Maxine.

  I filled my lungs with air and took large and quick footsteps, heading to her room. Whenever she crossed my mind and I remembered the words she had spit about her valuable life and the incompetent security she had, I feel nothing but annoyance and anger. She was really getting on my nerves. She was too proud, acting all high and mighty when in reality she was nothing but a gold digging bitch. I knew that those rumors were true because she did the same thing to Jacob.

  I growled to myself, silently. I should not let my anger get the best of me. Be professional.

  If I hadn’t taken the job when Calvin offered it to me, then I wouldn’t feel so frustrated right now. But I couldn’t get myself to decline that time because aside from the fact that my boss specifically wanted me to take it, it involves the dirty Congressman Williams.

  That asshole.

  Congressman Williams was the first and only person who was able to get away from me. He tainted the perfect track-record of my spying career. He was very wise and scheming. For him, killing people was like spending the funds he took from the government – easy and useless. But this time it will be different. This time, I will make sure that he won’t be able to escape and bend justice according to his benefit.

  But before all of that, I have to keep Clark alive. She needs to be able to stand witness against the politician, and after that, I’ll deal with her.

  She needs to pay for what she did to Jacob, as well.

  Halting in front of Clark’s VVIP room, I took a quick look through the small vertical rectangular glass to see if she was ready. She was sitting at the edge of her bed, brushing her damp dark brown hair. And at the back of my head, says a voice, she looked like she smelled really good.

  I swallowed hard, recollecting my composure when mischievous ideas started filling my mind.

  She was only wearing a red tank top that was matched with white walking shorts and black sneakers. For a moment there I thought I was looking at a teenager. Her outfit was very simple and basic and she was not wearing any make up.


  The mere thought of me stealing glances of her was very stimulating. The pounding in my chest was starting to gain pace again, absent-mindedly making me feel my heart with a hand, like it could stop the wild beating of my pulse…

  She was just combing her hair, for goodness sake! But why did her movements look very sensual? Her fingers, that seemed to dance in the air, the simple bobbing of her head and even the slight parting of her lips…

  Damn. Damn it.

  And when she stood from the bed and walked towards the small fridge, I found myself swallowing hard when my eyes travelled to her small waist, and down to her full butt. The simplest swaying of her buttocks was enough to deliver signals to my manliness.

  She looks so sexy, said a voice in my mind, feeling totally betrayed with the way I was feeling. But the worse of the worst happened when I started feeling pain in my belly. Shit! Shit! Damn woman!

  Desperately, I tilted my head, looking away from the tempting view. I tried to calm myself, reminding the masculine side of me that things like this were normal. I’m just a man after all, and Clark was a woman that could lure men effortlessly.

  You need to get a grip of yourself.

  “Sir!” Timmy called out, making me jump on my feet, feeling like a thief caught red-handed. I swallowed hard before facing him.

  “Yes?” I replied, turning on my heels only to find myself inches away from his face. Goodness! I crumpled my forehead and then scowled, angrily.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  He paused, sighing heavily, trying to catch his own breath. Timmy was a tall and bulky man. He stood six feet and two inches and had exaggeratingly lean muscles. He could definitely serve as a nightclub guard. But he was one of the best agents I have trained under my personal supervision.

  “Pardon me, sir. I was told that everything’s clear and we’re good to go,” he stated.

  And with that, I turned the knob of Clark’s hospital room after knocking two times. After five seconds, I opened the door only to see her all set up, ready to leave.

  “Ready?” I inquired.

  She responded with a nod, grabbing the duffle bag that was resting at the foot of the bed. I saw her wince when she moved her arms. So, being the gentleman that I was, I took the bag and motioned her to follow Timmy’s lead that was waiting just outside the door.

  The subdivision Clark was living in was not far from the city proper and it onl
y took us about half an hour to arrive there. There were three bedrooms in her two-storey house and the security team was occupying the one at the first floor while the other room beside hers was filled with security apparatus such as computers for the CCTVs and tools and equipment needed for emergencies – bullets and guns to be exact.

  I have made instructions to my men and we have also made arrangements for the round schedules. The house wasn’t that huge and I think it was doable for five people to guard it from the inside and have twenty-four hours surveillance. We just need to stay alarmed at all times.

  Meanwhile, Clark seems to be not the least bit bothered with other people’s presence. She relaxed herself, drinking orange juice in the living room, while browsing TV channels.

  Well, this is her house, after all.

  I wanted to scoff to myself. Yeah, right. Another thing she bought using the money from all of those stupid men who begged for her body.

  Calming myself, I breathed in and out before taking a few steps to approach the lounge chair where she was resting. I cleared my throat to get myself noticed and watched her intently.

  Tilting her head, Clark looked at my face, boringly. I was certain that she was studying my figure when I saw her eyeballs move, staring me from head to toe. It didn’t make me less comfortable, not because I was okay with it but because it was normal for me. I used to get gawked at a lot of times – men or women.

  I raised a brow and then sneered. “So?”

  She instantly looked away and took one of the magazines that rested at the center table, looking completely shy. Her cheeks turned pink a little, making me feel proud. No woman has ever blushed after taking a good look at me.

  I am pretty good-looking, if not gorgeous.

  “We’ve met before, haven’t we?” she asked, out of the blue, her dark brown orbs were looking straight to my grey eyes.

  I watched her scan the pages aimlessly, wanting to make her feel uncomfortable with my presence. Though not surprised with the inquiry, I remained silent. If she finds it way too mind-boggling, then she has to find it out herself. I have made up my mind and already built my walls to secure myself from her charms.

  She’s one beautiful woman, but not the kind I wanted.

  I shrugged, completely ignoring her questions. I was there to do my duty as her security. “We’ve fixed everything we need. You can rest. We will handle everything here from now on,” I stated, coldly.

  Clark raised a brow. It was so momentarily, but she did look impressed. “You’re fast. That’s good.”

  I smirked. “I gave you my word, didn’t I?”

  Turning on my heels, I heard her click her tongue, making me stop from my tracks. Did she want to say something more? Clenching my teeth, I looked back to her expressionless pretty face.

  “Can I ask you something?” she mumbled softly, almost knocking a big pile of bricks from my walls. I’ve always been nice whenever someone’s polite.

  Now, now, warned my head.

  “Sure,” I replied, slipping both of my hands to the pockets of my dark jeans, standing straight just a few feet away from where she was.

  “Are you one of those guys I rejected before?” she asked, after inhaling heaps of air, averting her gaze from me.

  I wanted to scoff but I couldn’t get myself to do so. She was blushing so hard and somehow, I found it really cute. Swallowing hard, I did my best not to laugh or ridicule her inquiry. She sounded and looked really confused, trying to place me in her memory.

  Though a bit flabbergasted, I kept an empty expression.

  “What? No,” I replied flatly, not wanting to indulge into the topic.

  “I really got this feeling that I’ve met you before and that you’re mad at me.”

  “Am I?” I retorted sarcastically, reminded of what she did to my bestfriend.

  Chapter 6


  I was not very sure how to react with Rico Miller’s rude response to my inquiry. I was annoyed. But I could not quite understand why I felt a little bit disappointed, too.

  I must be going crazy.

  My new bodyguards were complete experts. They look like they really know what they were doing and I have to admit that I’m impressed. I watched them install all the paraphernalia necessary to have a complete surveillance of my house while trying to figure out where I’ve seen the head of the team.

  Rico Miller sure looked familiar. And I really have the feeling that he’s got something against me. I could tell that somehow, he was putting up his walls against me.

  Why? Are you interested in him? My mind teased.

  Yes, I’m interested in him. Because aside from the fact that I’d be spending every single day of my life with him and his team, I really think I need to remember where and how I met him before. Or if I have wronged him in ways I did not mean.

  Who knows? He might be one of my enemies, too.

  In all honesty, it took me quite the courage to ask him if he was one of those males after me. It sounded like I was one conceited woman. But I didn’t care. I just badly needed to untangle this ‘mystery’.

  I studied him as he walked around, watching closely like a possessed schoolgirl who was looking at her crush.

  He was not bad.

  Rico Miller had that boy next door image and he definitely has the aura of a bad boy. I bet he, too, has a long list of exes under his sleeves. Why not? He is literally the modern version of a ‘knight in shining armor’. He has a very handsome face and a smoking hot body. Not to mention that he is capable of protecting anyone.

  Oooooh, is that why you’ve been staring at him?

  Staring was probably the biggest mistake I did today because he caught me studying. I was blushing crazily as I tried to explain the stupidity I was doing. But I have to admit, I kind of enjoyed the view as his muscles flexed under the white t-shirt he was wearing. He has broad shoulders and a lean chest and I’d bet any woman would feel safe in those strong arms he’s got. He is very tall and sturdy. Damn. I’d like to experience what it felt to be wrapped around his hands.


  What am I thinking? This was the first time I thought of such things. And it’s weird. Having the urge to get close to someone like Rico Miller was dangerous.

  I’m probably losing my mind.

  Feeling unusually embarrassed, I headed to my room and decided to get some rest. Watching Rico was bringing out the part of me I didn’t know existed. He was like a pretty wild flower arrangement that I wanted to stare at all day long.

  Damn him for being effortlessly hot.

  As I waited for myself to feel drowsy, I took the book that was under my pillow. It was the novel I was reading before my life turned upside down. God, I missed having a quiet life. I just hope everything would be over soon so I could get on with my life and do whatever I want without fearing for my safety.

  I squirmed under the sheets and continued reading but eventually found myself crying when the story turned into such a big tragedy. If it was not similar to my life story then I’d probably end up feeling bored.

  Damn all these authors hitting the buttons all at once.

  Covering my mouth, I shoot up and threw the book on my bed. I felt sick when the memory started flashing in my mind again. My stomach grumbled and my feet quickly dragged me to the bathroom.

  I spewed everything I have eaten the moment I reached the sink. Tears flowed down my cheeks and my chest felt congested more than ever. I looked at my reflection in the mirror with heavy breathing, feeling like a loser.

  It has been more than a decade and yet, the pain grows worse than the previous attacks. I still wonder why that memory kept on bothering me. Until when do I have to be in pain for it?

  Pitying myself, I sat on the floor, leaning on the bathroom walls, questioning life. Why did I have to go through such things? Have I been such a bad girl in my past life? What did I do to deserve these punishments?

  I sobbed silently a
s I recollected the happy memories I made with my family. I wish I could go back in time and remain in that period. I didn’t want to be alone. I wanted a family – a home.

  A few moments later – when I felt like I have squeezed all the liquids out of my eyes – I grabbed a towel and dried my face. There’s no point crying over spilled milk. I needed to stay strong to get on with my life.

  That’s enough for today. That’s enough. Your father is dead whether you cry a river or get a heart attack, nothing will change. Your mother is being taken care of in the proper institution as well as your sister. You are on your own, Maxine. Do not let depression eat you up. You can’t give up. You are the only one who can protect them…as well as yourself.

  With that thought in mind, I took a series of deep breaths, finally calming my nerves. I went down the kitchen to get a glass of water, not expecting to see Rico.

  “You look pale,” he commented, getting a pitcher-full of juice from the fridge. He was acting like he has been in that house all his life, without a trace of awkwardness whatsoever.

  I crumpled up my face, reminded of the ‘rudeness’ of his answer to my question earlier that day. I shrugged and took a glass from the cupboard and said, “I just throw up everything I’d eaten this morning. It’s probably because of something or someone…”

  I was trying to be sarcastic on him but his face fell. He looked kind of concerned and puzzled.

  “I hope you don’t mind this but there something I want to clarify,” he spoke in a low tone, sending shivers down my spine. He sounded and looked so damned sexy when he let his fingers run through his unruly dark hair.

  “What?” I asked, before taking the glass full of water to my mouth. He better have something good to say or I’d kick him on the shin. I was not in the mood for to play with words or tolerate his rudeness.

  “Are you pregnant?” Rico mumbled, with nothing but pure curiosity.

  I choke with the water I’m drinking making me spit it on his face to the hilarity of the idea. Me? Pregnant? This man’s insane!


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