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Maxine’s Bodyguard

Page 9

by M. L. Ray

  “She’s not going to fall for that strategy. She knows what she saw and her statement will never change no matter what. Maxine will never stop unless she sees him suffer,” I muttered, in between deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves. There’s no point in getting mad, I just need to tighten my guard on her and ensure her safety.

  And even if it would take me my life, I would do it.

  “Maxine? You two are on first name basis? Already?” Calvin asked out of the blue, rattling me again. What’s wrong with him today? He’s been trying to catch me off guard?

  “Calvin, are you kidding with me just now?” I asked annoyingly, rising from the seat.

  “Nope. Everything I said was true. I just find you really weird today. Are you two dating?” he examined me with scrutiny, before letting out a loud chuckle.

  “You fucked her, didn’t you?” he then said, and I looked away when he eyed me. “I can’t believe you’d do that, Rico. I have always known that she was Jacob’s ex-girlfriend that’s why I gave you this job. I never thought you’d actually do this,” Calvin laughed at me mockingly, and I couldn’t quite understand why he found it very funny.

  My forehead crumpled and I glowered at him with both of my hands on the table. “What are you saying?”

  “I gave you this job because I knew you’re mad at her because of Jacob. I actually did not expect you to accept this job. Now, that everything is clear about his death, nothing is stopping you playing with her too. Is this your plan all along?”

  “What are you saying?”

  “How was she? Is she good?” Calvin asked. He smirked at me before a mocking grin appeared on his face. “Your face shows everything. I bet she’s good. Would you mind if I took her out some time after this case is over?”

  My muscles tensed and before I knew it, my fist landed on his face. Was he insinuating that I have always wanted to get Maxine in my bed? Yes, I loved fucking girls. But Maxine was someone I would never dare to play with. She was different.

  “Whoa. Relax,” he spoke, with a hand on at the corner of his mouth. He was bleeding but the mocking expression on his face did not disappear. Instead, it became more evident. “Are you serious about her?” he questioned.

  “What if I am?” I asked back. “She’s not what you think she is. Stop blabbering nonsense Calvin. I’m not going to apologize for hitting you because you deserved that. Now, leave before I lose all my respect for you,” I stated, in between gritted teeth.

  We watched each other with stern glares and it was Calvin who broke away the silence. He laughed so damned hard that it echoed in the entire dining hall. “Man, you’re doomed,” he commented, before patting me on a shoulder. “And congratulations.”


  Though confused, I gave him a nod before he left the house.

  Chapter 16


  With tears in my eyes, I ran as fast as I could back to my room. I heard the conversation between Rico and his superior. And I learned that he only approached me for revenge. It was all for vengeance all along.

  How could something like this happen to me?

  I wanted to punch myself in the face for feeling so betrayed. I knew I didn’t have the right to feel like this because I did the same thing to his friend, Jacob, and to all the men I went out with. I was not supposed to feel like this. It’s not like we have something between us.

  We had sex – that’s all.

  This was probably what they call karma. It’s all coming back to me now. Worse, I’m already in love with him. What the fuck!

  You gave him your virginity. You gave him your heart. You’re in love with him, you idiot. Stop thinking like it was nothing. That’s what you get for falling in love. Love makes you do stupid things. And now what? You’re crying all alone.

  It was stupid of me to think everything would be different, starting this morning.

  I should not have expected too much. I tried to recollect my composure when I heard a knock on the door. After a couple of breathing exercises, I checked my reflection in the mirror before going back under the sheets. I turned my back from the door and answered to let him in.

  “Good morning, babe,” Rico greeted. I couldn’t see his face but I could tell that he was smiling. When the door closed, I heard his footsteps approaching my bed.

  Babe, my foot! You already won! What are you doing here acting all sweet! You already got what you wanted. Get the fuck out of here. Go away!

  As much as I wanted to scream in his face, I just couldn’t find the courage to do so. And in all honesty, I didn’t have the energy to fight after all the sex we had last night. All I wanted for now was a proper meal and coffee.

  “’Morning,” I mumbled lazy, not bothering to face him. I felt like I’d burst out crying if I saw him smiling at me, expecting that I didn’t know anything.

  Screw him for toying with me.

  I closed my eyes to restrain myself from getting a glimpse of his handsome face but I eventually shot up when I smelled something good – food. He probably ordered food.

  Well, at least he knew you needed something to fill your stomach after you filled his sexual needs, I thought at the back of my mind.

  My mouth instantly felt watery when I saw the sunny side-ups, bacon, toasted bread, cucumber and tomatoes on the plates on the tray he was carrying. And I swallowed my saliva like a beggar when I saw a smoothie in the tall glass. Everything looked freshly cooked. Did he make all of these?

  “Hungry?” he asked, putting the tray on the side table before sitting on the edge of the bed. He stroked my cheek before kissing the back of my hand. And damn. It still felt good even after knowing that he was just pretending – that all of these were just part of his skit.

  But I needed to eat, to think properly. So, instead of letting my broken heart and spoilt pride get the best of me, I nodded and smiled. I wasn’t sure if the smile was genuine or fake. All I knew was that I wanted to eat and the food looked delicious.

  “I made you breakfast,” Rico stated, and tried to feed me but I looked away. I was just hungry, not disabled.

  “It’s okay. I can eat by myself,” I said. I didn’t mean to sound cold but it came out like it, earning myself a confused look from him. But what’s the point on trying to conceal what I truly feel? It’s not like I could turn back time and warn myself not to fall for this arrogant jerk.

  “Is something wrong?” he questioned, looking straight into my eyes. I wanted to melt when I saw a worried glint in them but I kept on reminding myself that none of these were real. All of it was just an act – just to get me to bed.

  I released an exasperated sigh.

  “Why are you doing this? You don’t need to act like you really care for me now that you got what you wanted,” I ranted, finally losing my self-control. As much as the situation calls for me to stop whatever I’m doing, I didn’t. I was just too hungry to stop chewing the bacon that was in my mind.

  Besides, I should reward myself some food after stupidly giving up my virginity to someone who meant nothing but to hurt me.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, with furrowed brows.

  Rolling my eyes, I pierced a piece of sliced tomato with a fork. “I heard everything. You’re here because you wanted to avenge Jacob Moore’s death. You made me fall for you to get me to bed which no guy has ever done. And hey, you succeeded! Congratulations!” I stated calmly, in a sarcastic tone. I did not bother to spare him a glance because I’m pretty sure it would just stir my feelings. And I couldn’t let that happen.

  Not after he made the fool out of me.

  Silence filled the room and Rico was still sitting on my bed. I was waiting for him to say something or maybe I was expecting that he’d at least explain himself but he did not. Instead, when I finished eating the meal he prepared, he rose from his seat and watched me closely.

  “Let’s talk later,” he grumbled under his breath and picked up the tray. With t
hat, he marched to the door and tilted his head, then said, “The lawyers will be here soon. Prepare yourself and if you heard the entire conversation keep in your mind what Calvin had said. If you did not, I’m telling you that you must be very careful of what you say. Just keep your answers brief and strong. They’re planning to frame you as the murderer in this case. And since you don’t have the most pleasing background, it will be hard to find a way out once they’ve set out the accusation.”

  My mouth swung wide open when his statement had sunk. Did that mean it’s possibly that I’d be in jail instead of Congressman Williams? No way! I’m not going to let them play a trick on me. They’re dealing with the number one trickster I’ve known in my entire life – and that’s me.

  If I’d be in jail, Congressman Williams needs to be buried six feet below the ground. I swore. If I go down, I’m taking him with me.

  “And for the record, I never had the courage to hurt you,” Rico added, before completely exiting my room, shutting the door with a loud bang, making me flinch in surprise.

  What the fuck is wrong with him?

  After a couple minutes of silence, realization finally hit me. I did not hear the entire conversation and if Rico really wanted to hurt me he could have done it another way. He’d had an entire three weeks to injure or kill me, but he did not. But instead, he distanced himself as much as possible, acting all rude and snobby towards me.

  Maybe… Just maybe, what I heard was wrong.

  After lunch, the lawyers came and had a brief chat with me. Atty. Wilson was very supportive of me. He had given me pointers that would make me feel more confident and secured for the statement I’m going to give during the hearing. On the other hand, his companion, Atty. Jensen, seemed a little weird. Her questions were misleading and I’m glad Rico was with me the whole. He would give me hints and guided me how to answer properly. And when I couldn’t find the proper words to express my thoughts, he would fill in the blanks for me. I have to admit that he’d done a pretty good share during the entire meeting.

  “We’ll see you tomorrow,” Rico said, as we bid both of the legal representatives a goodbye, waving his hand with a smile on his face – which was obviously fake.

  When the car left, I looked at him and he gripped my wrist, literally dragging me inside the house. Jackson, who was coming out from the kitchen, watched us with curiosity but chose not to say a word when Rico slammed me on the couch. He looked like he had totally lost it when he ran his fingers through his unruly dark hair. The rising and falling of his chest was evident under the leather jacket he was wearing. And it kind of scared me when he closed his eyes as his jaws clenched and veins on his forehead protruded.

  He was mad.

  “I told you, didn’t I?” he said angrily the moment his eyes opened, eyeing me like I was a five-year-old child who committed a single mistake in a spelling quiz. “I told you to be careful.”

  I just watched him pace back and forth, looking stressed and worn out. “I was careful – too careful to the point that I could barely answer their questions. I got too paranoid because of what you told me. What if I’m the one going to jail instead of that sick bastard? It’s not like you can do anything about it.”

  I sighed. “Really? You almost agreed with Atty. Jensen when she insinuated that you’re a gold digger. You call that careful?”

  I scoffed in annoyance. “Why? Am I not? I know what everybody thinks of me. And I cannot change that. I’m just stating a fact. I am a gold digger,” I stated, almost choking in my own words. Each syllable felt like thorns that were trying to escape through my mouth. But as much as I didn’t want to say that, I had to – because I know what I did.

  I took money from people money from men who went crazy for me. I used my beauty and charms to achieve the things I have right now.

  But I knew Rico already knew all about that. He knew my background and I’d bet he learned everything about my family. And deep inside, I’m hoping that he would understand why I did those things and how I ended up like this. I’m still hoping he would accept me.

  Accept your ass. He’s just toying with you, remember? He’s here for revenge. Wake up, you idiot! There no need to hope. He doesn’t care about you. He only cares about his job and how to get back at you.

  The thought broke my heart, making my eyes well up with tears. “I’m sorry,” I heard myself say, out of the blue. Maybe it was because of frustration or the pressure or the fact that I knew I did not do a very good job during the meeting.

  Tears streamed down my cheeks and the next thing I knew, I was bawling in the living room. It was an irresponsible act. I knew my tears wouldn’t solve anything. But I just couldn’t stop. I thought the walls I’d built around me were impenetrable but here I am crying over spilled milk. I’m not very sure why I was crying. All I knew was that it was the best way to release all the emotions I’d been holding up until now.

  “Hush,” Rico whispered, wrapping his arms around me. “It’s okay. I’m sorry. Please don’t cry, baby,” his voice quivered, but the warmth his body was giving me was reassuring. He kissed my hair.

  “I’m scared, Rico,” I mumbled, in between sobbing, finding my arms wrapped around him. “I-I don’t want to go to jail,” I added, shivering in his embrace.

  “I’m not going to let that happen,” he mumbled, planting a kiss on my forehead after pushing the strands of my hair to the back of my ear. He cradled my face with both of his hands to let our gaze meet. “I promise,” he whispered softly, stroking my cheeks to wipe away my tears.

  Feeling secured, I nodded and rested my head on his shoulders. We stayed in that position in long silence. And when I finally calmed down, I found myself asking him questions I never thought I’d have the courage to probe.

  “Can you tell me where you first met me?”

  It was so momentarily when his muscles tensed, then I felt his grip tightening in my hands. I knew he was not expecting for me to open the topic. But someone has to have the guts to talk about it.

  “It was at the birthday party of Jacob’s nephew,” he answered. “Your hair was still long that time. You were wearing jeans and a pair of sneakers and your oversized shirt made you look like a teenager.”

  My lips arched in a smile, feeling flattered with how vivid I was in his memories. “Yeah, I remember that. Was I beautiful?” I asked teasingly, playing with his fingers with mine.

  I couldn’t contain the happiness that was overflowing inside me, knowing that Rico has always found me interesting. And I realized that I overreacted to what I heard this morning.

  He chuckled a little, planting another kiss in my hair. “If you weren’t Jacob’s girlfriend then I would have made a move on you,” he confessed, his voice sounding a little embarrassed.

  An elite handsome agent, acting like a bashful teenager has got to be the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. I tilted my head to see his expression. And just as I expected, his cheeks turned red as well as his ears.

  “Were you mad at me?” I asked, looking straight into his dark eyeballs. His expression shifted from embarrassed to awkwardness. But he did not look away or blink.

  I knew that he hated me. Even the first time I laid my eyes on him, I was able to tell that he had something against me. And never in my wildest dreams did I expect that it was because of Jacob Moore.

  “I was,” he admitted in a soft voice. “But I’m not here for revenge. Hurting you never crossed my mind. I know it’s hard to believe but I’m here to protect you,” he muttered helplessly, trying his best to keep the eye contact.

  I swallowed hard. I did not expect that it was going to be this hard to hear those words from him. I knew about the animosity he had for me from the very beginning but it was more painful to have it confirmed with my own ears.

  “I know this might sound crazy but I did not like the idea of you being in danger. Making you pay for what you did to Jacob has crossed my mind but I realized I was wrong,” he mumble
d softly, bowing his head. “It was wrong hating you. I wish I’d treated you better,” he added, in a quivering voice.

  What? What is he talking about?

  Chapter 17


  Coming clean was never easy. But I knew I needed to do this if I wanted to start anew with the woman I loved. I wanted to keep her and if I wanted us to be together I needed to tell her all of my secrets and my side of the story.

  “Jacob did not commit suicide because of you. I was wrong all this time,” I stated, in a matter of fact. It was never easy to accept that I was wrong. But swallowing my pride was part of the process.

  I had to do this.

  I needed to do this.

  “What are you saying?” she blinked in confusion. Her flustered expression gave me more urge to explain everything.

  Now that I know where she was coming from with that long list of men, I have come to fully understand how much pain she has been bearing all this time. She may have said and acted that she was over it but her depression attacks were the proof that she was not.

  She was and still in pain.

  After reading the documents Calvin had sent me, I felt guiltier. She had a terrible story. I have confirmed that she was not – and never – pregnant. She always had a healthy body and mind. But has been experiencing depression attacks due to emotional trauma. It was a surprise – and a relief – that she did not hit the mental institute after all the tragic situations she went through.

  Now, I understand why she would always call for her father during her sleep. She did not only miss him but she was bearing the guilt of not being able to stop him from committing suicide. Her mother left them when she was only fifteen and went insane after killing Congressman Williams’ mother for self-defense.

  And her only sister, Megan, died because of drug addiction.

  Megan Clark died because of Jacob and not the other way around. She was a model and ended up as a prostitute just to earn more money. She was a doting girlfriend to Jacob but he abused the love she had for him.


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