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Summer on Main Street

Page 96

by Crista McHugh

  She tilted her head and looked up at him. “Having a good time?”


  His gaze dropped to her mouth and she licked her lips. He wondered if he could get away with a quick kiss or if he shouldn’t chance it with Lindsey right there.

  “Squirrels,” Beth muttered as a warning. She knew him too well.

  “Later,” he muttered, and she blushed. God, she was cute when embarrassed. Hell, she was cute all the time.

  “Mommy, Jack-Mack, look!” Lindsey tugged on Beth’s jacket. “The monkeys are being silly.” She giggled and pointed to a pair of monkeys on a platform near the ceiling.

  They looked up and Beth slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. The bigger monkey was on the back of the smaller one, and he was pumping away at her while she ate a banana and stared out at the onlookers.

  “They’re having sex,” Kitty announced in a loud enough voice for other zoo patrons to hear.

  “Gross!” Lindsey turned horror-filled eyes to Beth. “Mommy, Kitty said the monkeys are—”

  “I heard what she said, honey.” Beth cleared her throat.

  “They’re not, are they? They’re just playing, right?”

  “They’re having sex,” Kitty said again, as if proud of herself for knowing something Lindsey didn’t.

  Beth glanced at Jack. He raised his eyebrows, silently telling her, “Don’t look at me.” She cleared her throat again. “It’s hard to tell from down here. They’re probably just, um, playing.”

  Jack chuckled softly. He leaned in close, and put his mouth right next to Beth’s ear. “Looks to me like they’re cavorting.”


  Beth opened the front door when Kitty’s mom arrived. “Kitty’s all ready to go. She’ll probably fall into bed tonight—I swear we hiked every square inch of that zoo.”

  Celia Benjamin laughed. “Better you than me. Thanks so much for taking her with you.” She glanced past her into the house. Her eyes widened. “Is that—?” she whispered.

  Beth looked over her shoulder and saw Jack goofing around with the girls, just a big kid himself. “That’s Jack McCauley, yes.”

  “I heard that he, um—” Celia waved her hands in the air, her face reddening. “Never mind. Not my business.”

  Beth thought about how to handle this, if she should ignore the comment or ask Celia to clarify what she’d heard? She decided on the fine art of distraction, and motioned Jack over. “Jack, this is Kitty’s mom, Celia. Celia, Jack McCauley.”

  They shook hands. “My husband and son are huge fans,” Celia gushed. “They were so excited when you came back to the Rapids.” She spoke really fast, as if she was a bit flustered. Jack had that effect on a lot of people, either because of his fame or his good looks or both. Probably both in this case. And the rumor Beth had just confirmed.

  “Next time they want to come to a game, let me know,” he said. “I’ll hook them up with some great tickets.”

  They chatted a bit more, with Celia asking Jack how his knee was doing. He didn’t skip a beat as he told her it was doing great, almost good as new. But Beth knew him well enough to know he hated the question. He hated being known as an injured player.

  Kitty ran past them onto the porch. “Jack-Mack came with us today.” She told her mom. “He bought me a triple scoop ice cream cone.”

  “Half of which ended up on her shirt.” Jack made a face. “Sorry.”

  Celia waved off the apology. “She’s six. We’re used to stains.”

  Kitty tugged on her mom’s shirt. “Can Lindsey spend the night? Please, please, please?”

  Celia looked at Beth. “It’s okay with me if it’s okay with you.”

  Beth thought about it. It wasn’t a school night. She turned to see Lindsey trying to scale Jack’s back like a rock wall. “Lindsey, do you want to spend the night at Kitty’s?”

  She half expected Lindsey to say she wanted to stay home and hang out with Jack, but she squealed, “Yes, yes, yes!”

  “Then how about you climb off poor Jack and go pack a bag?”

  “Can Jack-Mack help?”

  Beth met Jack’s laughing eyes, lifting her brows in question. He nodded. He reached behind his head and grabbed Lindsey’s hands, pulling her arms up until she hung behind him, legs dangling, and carried her like that down the hall, Kitty in tow. “Don’t forget your toothbrush!” Beth called after them.

  Celia watched them disappear around the corner, then looked at Beth with raised eyebrows. “So are you and Jack-Mack...?”

  “What?” Beth’s eyes widened. “Oh, no. Well, not really. We’re just friends.”

  “Hmm,” was all Celia said.

  They caught up with small talk about the school and an upcoming fundraiser, then the girls raced back to the front door.

  Beth inventoried Lindsey’s bag, and saw that she’d done a good job of remembering everything, most likely thanks to Jack’s help. Lindsey hugged and kissed her goodbye, then did the same to Jack, whose expression went all warm and gooey. Beth bit back a grin. He disappeared into the house while she and Celia discussed when Lindsey would come home tomorrow.

  Beth stayed on the front porch until the mini-van drove off, then shut the door behind her. “That was a fun day,” she said, turning to see Jack leaning against the end of the couch, arms crossed over his chest. “Thanks for taking us.” He stood up and moved toward her, obviously getting ready to leave.

  When she stepped away from the door, he closed the distance between them and planted his hands on the door behind her, framing her and holding her in place.

  “So?” he asked.

  “So… what?” Oh, God. She knew what that look in his eyes meant.

  “It’s just you and me.”

  “Um, yeah. I guess.” She made to duck under his arm, but his hand on her shoulder stopped her.

  “You know what I can’t stop thinking about?”

  He was going to bring up their kiss in his car again, wasn’t he? She played dumb. “What?”


  A giggle bubbled from her mouth. So not the answer she’d expected. “Monkeys?”

  “Not just any monkeys.” He stepped a bit closer. “Cavorting monkeys.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Beth pressed her hands back against the door. “They were, um, kind of funny, weren’t they?”

  Jack’s gaze dropped to her mouth. “Funny isn’t the description I’d use.”


  He dipped his head and peered sideways into her eyes. “It made me hot.” He leaned in close enough to feel his warm breath against her mouth. “Very hot.”

  “Monkeys make you hot? There’s probably a twelve-step program to cure that.”

  His chuckle whispered against her lips. “I know exactly what the cure is.”

  She lifted her hands to his chest and pushed. He didn’t budge. “Not a good idea.” But damn, his hard muscles felt great under her hands.

  “I think it’s a great idea.” He trailed the backs of his fingers across her jaw and down the side of her neck.

  Beth shivered and balled her hands into his T-shirt.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you.” His hands slid down to her waist, stopping on her hips, his fingers kneading her waistline. “You’re driving me crazy.” He stepped closer, thrusting one knee between her thighs, nudging her legs wider. “I want to make love to you. I need to.” His hands maneuvered her hips until her core rubbed against his thigh.

  Beth bit her lip at the pleasurable sensation between her legs and red hot desire licked through her veins, speeding up her pulse and her breath. She pushed against him again, a bit more weakly this time. “Jack. We don’t need to get involved like this.”

  “We’re already involved. You want to be with me again. Admit it.”

  She couldn’t deny it, but also couldn’t say it. She turned her face away.

  “Tell me, Beth.” He kissed the side of her neck as he slowly ground his hips against hers.
  “I-I do. But I haven’t been with anyone in a really long time,” she whispered.

  “It’ll come back to you.” Jack nipped her earlobe and sucked it into his hot mouth.

  Beth’s hands slid up his chest and her fingers dug into his shoulders. “I don’t want to be an itch you have to scratch, Jack,” she said, shocked she could get out a coherent sentence when her insides were a hot mess.

  Jack tucked a finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Baby, if all you were to me was an itch, I’d find an ointment to cure it.” He kissed her softly on the mouth. His lips were warm. Tender. He pulled back and peered into her eyes. “I want you so bad it kinda freaks me out.”

  She blinked at his admission. Before she could blink again, he clamped his mouth onto hers.

  She knew she shouldn’t, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

  He moaned into her mouth. “You’re so sexy.” He kissed his way down her jaw and neck. She shivered when he licked the sensitive area behind her ear and blew a stream of cool air onto the wet spot. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  “We shouldn’t do this,” she said again, even as she tangled her fingers in his hair.

  “Why not?” He tugged the neckline of her hoodie away so he could kiss the top of her shoulder.


  He cupped her bottom and lifted her off her feet. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he pressed her back against the door. His fingers dug into her hips, his pelvis thrusting and grinding against her center, making her see stars. “Because...?” he prodded.

  Pleasure radiated from her core, and she moaned. “I... forgot what I was going to say.”

  He chuckled, then captured her mouth again. He kissed her long and deep, all the while slowly undulating his pelvis against hers, driving her slowly and steadily toward that peak she hadn’t climbed in way too long.

  He lifted her away from the door and carried her to the couch, where they fell onto the cushions, her legs still wrapped around his waist.

  He kissed his way down her neck, then slid her sweatshirt up, exposing her torso. When his lips touched her bare skin, Beth arched up into him.

  This felt so good. So right. She would worry later about all the reasons they shouldn’t be doing this.

  His fingers fiddled with the front clasp of her bra. When it released, he pushed the two parts aside, exposing her nipples to the cool air. He bent his head and took one into his hot mouth, and Beth practically came undone right there. How many times had she imagined this over the past seven years? Too many to count. But having Jack here for real, touching her, suckling her, running his calloused hands over her, was so much better than the fantasy.

  Every pull of his mouth created an answering throb between her legs. She wriggled against him, needing more.

  “I need to see more of you,” he muttered. He grasped the hem of her hoody and tugged it over her head, tossing it to the floor. He slipped his fingers under the straps of her lacy bra. “This is sexy, but it’s gotta go.” He grinned, and her insides turned even mushier than they already were.

  Soon her bra lay next to her shirt on the floor. He rose over her, his molten gaze travelling across her bare breasts. From the growing bulge in his jeans, he was just as turned on as she was. “You’re so beautiful, Beth.” He cupped her breasts with his large hands, and flicked his thumbs over the aching peaks, watching her expression. “But I need you naked,” he growled. “Now.”

  She blinked, grinned, then kicked off her shoes. His answering grin dampened her panties more than they already were. His gaze never leaving her face, he unbuttoned her jeans, then tugged them slowly down her legs. He threw her jeans and socks onto the floor beside her other discarded clothes. She was left wearing only her lacy panties. Thank God she’d gone for the sexy underwear today and not plain boring cotton ones she sometimes wore.

  By the darkening of Jack’s eyes, he liked her choice in panties, too.

  “Such naughty underwear for such a nice girl,” he said, his voice husky with desire. “Before we go any farther...” Jack’s grin as he looked down at her was sexy and wicked. “I have to see your tattoo.”

  “How do you know about my tattoo?” She’d gotten it not long after David’s death, so there’s no way Jack would have seen it.

  “Yoga. I saw just the top of it when you went into a couple of poses and it just about killed me.” His hands urged her onto her side and he tugged down the edge of her panties. “A butterfly.” He traced its edge with his finger. “Beautiful. Just like you.” He lowered his head and licked her there.

  She giggled. “That tickles.”

  “Does this tickle?” He nipped her buttocks, right over the tattoo.

  She squealed at the erotic sensation. He rolled her to her back again and dipped his tongue into her belly button. He moved lower and kissed the small triangle of red lace between her legs, his breath hot against her already burning skin. He spread her knees wider with his hands, then opened his mouth on her, nipping at her aching bud through the lace.

  Hooking his fingers in the bands of the panties, he tugged them slowly, slowly down her legs, sliding them over one foot, then the other. Still holding onto her foot, he kissed the inside of her ankle, then her calf, then her knee. Then the inside of her thigh.

  The muscles in her stomach clenched in anticipation. Beth couldn’t believe what he was about to do. What she was about to let him do. But she wanted this. She wanted him. She’d never stopped wanting him.

  Her body jerked when his mouth touched her, and she gasped her pleasure when his fingers slipped inside her.

  She shoved her hands into his hair, keeping him close. Wanting more. Needing more. But unable to take much more as the sensations built inside her, higher and higher, until finally her body erupted in a torrent of sensation. Her hips bucked up off the couch and she screamed her release into the air. When the most intense waves of passion ebbed from her body, Jack rose above her and stripped off his shirt.

  All she could do was lie there and stare at his beautiful, muscular chest and torso. Which was a whole new turn-on. “Wow. I don’t remember you being quite so skillful with your mouth, Mr. McCauley.” Her voice was breathless.

  He chuckled and stood up, unbuttoning his jeans and sliding them and his boxer briefs down his legs, where he stepped out of them.

  Holy cow. She’d forgotten just how spectacular his naked body was. From his broad shoulders, down to his lean hips, to his muscular and powerful catcher’s thighs. And every magnificent thing between. And it was that “between” area she couldn’t stop staring at.

  “We were just kids back then. I don’t think either of us had much experience.” He reached into the pocket of his discarded jeans for his wallet.

  “Yeah, like no experience,” she said, her voice breathless. He’d been her first.

  He grinned and pulled out a condom.

  Beth continued to gawk at his body. She couldn’t help herself. Clothed, he was a beautiful man. But naked and erect, he was simply… mouthwatering.

  “Baby, the way you’re looking at me is great for my ego.” He tore open the condom and rolled it on.

  He knelt between her legs and positioned himself at her center. Maintaining eye contact, he pushed slowly into her. She winced as her body stretched to accommodate him. He paused. “You okay?”

  She nodded. “It’s just been a while,” she said, hooking her legs around his hips and digging her heels into his buttocks, pulling him closer.

  When he was fully inside her, he paused again. “Damn. You feel amazing. It’s been a long time for us, Bethie.”

  Bethie. He used to call her that seven years ago. When they’d been in love. Or, when she’d been in love. When she’d thought nothing could ever tear them apart. Before the game had taken him away from her and ripped her heart out.

  As Jack made love to her, as his skillful body and fingers brought her back to the edge again, she knew their relat
ionship would be no different this time around. As he catapulted her over that edge, then took his own release, tears filled her eyes. The game would come between them again, but this time she’d be ready for it.

  But no matter how prepared she was for it, she knew it would still break her heart. Because she knew now, once and for all, that she’d never stopped loving him.


  Beth turned over, waking up as she rolled onto the floor with a THUD.

  She glanced around groggily. Couch. Fireplace. Front door.

  She was in the living room.

  She’d fallen asleep on the couch.

  With Jack—

  She sat up straight. Jack. Her cheeks warmed as she remembered. They’d stayed up half the night, making love. On the couch, then in her bed, then back on the couch again. She stretched out her limbs. She was deliciously sore everywhere, including places that hadn’t been sore in a very long time.

  She grinned. Now that was sex. Last night was what romance novels were made of. The smell of fresh coffee reached her nose. Mmm. How sweet.

  She pulled the blanket from the couch and wrapped it around her body as she stood and headed into the kitchen.

  “You’re up early,” she greeted. The room was empty. The coffee maker dripped its last drops into the carafe. A note was propped up against an empty mug Jack obviously set out for her. She sighed again and grinned.

  She reached for the note as she poured her coffee.

  Had a great time last night. Heading out with team this morning. I’ll see you in a week. Tell Lindsey good-bye for me. Jack

  Coffee spilled onto the counter. She stopped pouring, and replaced the pot onto its burner.

  She didn’t know what kind of note she’d expected, but it certainly wasn’t this. Maybe more along the lines of Last night was amazing. Can’t wait to see you again. Will call you later. He couldn’t have written a more impersonal note. It was like last night never happened. She felt used. Humiliated.

  Even as tears stung her eyes, a deep rage rumbled inside her. “That son of a—” Beth spewed between clenched teeth. I’ll see you in a week. He couldn’t have taken two minutes to wake her up and say good-bye?


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