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All or None

Page 8

by Tara Sue Me

  “How is it possible you taste better than I remember?” he murmured against her skin, his question echoing her own.

  He went lower, blowing warm air across her heated and needy flesh, sending a shiver of pleasure through her. She bit the inside of her cheek when his fingertip followed and he gave a low chuckle, finding her so wet.

  “Which one aroused you more?” he asked. “The spanking I gave you, or having my mouth on you?”

  There was no way she could decide between the two of them, so she replied, “They were both equally arousing. Just in different ways.”

  He laughed against the skin of her inner thigh. “I always said your talent was wasted on me and Isaac. You should be in law.”

  It was a strange thing to comment on in the middle of sex. Saying nothing else, he shifted his body, slipping his arms underneath her hips and bringing her to his mouth. She let a groan escape from her throat when his tongue circled her clit, slipped inside her, back out, and circled again.

  “Don’t come yet,” he said, which she thought was horribly unfair seeing as how she hadn’t had sex in almost three years.

  “Not sure I can stop it from happening, “ she confessed.

  “You better,” he said. “If you come before I give you permission, I won’t fuck you. Instead, you can watch as I get myself off. Leaving you to only imagine how it would have felt to have my thick, hard dick fucking your greedy pussy.”

  “Ass,” she said, because that’s what he was being, even though she secretly loved it as well as the fact he still wanted to command her.

  “You want me to fuck your ass instead?” He lowered her hips back to the bed. “Because that can be arranged. Maybe not the first time, though.”

  He was verbally teasing her during sex. She was certain he’d done so before, but at the moment she couldn’t remember any specific instance of him doing so. It relaxed her, making her feel more comfortable. There was something altogether sexy about a man who wasn’t afraid to make his partner laugh in bed. Although she had to admit, in Ty’s case, it helped that he was built like a sex god.

  “I’ll have to take a rain check for the dick up my ass,” she teased back. “Not that I’m opposed to anal sex, but I’m not sure I’m adequately prepared for that task at the moment.” She would never turn down anal sex. It had always been one of her favorites with Ty, but that had been years ago.

  “That’s fine with me,” Ty said. Though they had been talking, his hands had never stopped, keeping her body hot and aroused. “I don’t think either one of us will be bored tonight.”

  He pulled away from her, probably because he wanted her to get into another position, and couldn’t resist a look at his cock. He was hard and ready for her. Just a glance at his length left her feeling desperate to be filled.

  Of course, he caught her looking and reached down to give himself a stroke. “Think you’re ready to take it?”

  “Yes. Now. Please.”

  He didn’t budge. “You can do better.”

  “I said please.” What she really wanted to do was take him in her mouth. Feel him fuck the back of her throat. But she wasn’t the only one on edge. She knew from the way his muscles strained that it was a precarious position for him to be in. If she put her mouth on him, he probably wouldn’t last very long.

  He hadn’t replied to her statement. She tore her gaze from his crotch and looked up to meet his eyes. He lifted one eyebrow.

  Damn. She was an idiot. “Yes. Now. Please. Sir.”

  The corner of his mouth quirked up. “Hands and knees.”

  She took her time getting into position and wiggled her ass while she got situated.

  “Feeling a bit cheeky?” He gave the already reddened skin a hard swat, and she swallowed her moan. “I’ve changed my mind. I want you on your back. Every thrust of my cock will be a reminder of the spanking I gave you. The faster and harder I fuck you, the more your ass will hurt. Get ready, I’m going to ride you hard.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, surprised she could speak at all because, damn, she’d been celibate for the last few years, and wasn’t sure her body could withstand much more of him talking without touching her.

  “Move it, then. Faster.” He jerked his cock as she scrambled to get into position. “Fuck. I’ve never been so hard. Are you sure you can handle this?”

  She looked between her legs at him. Holy hell, she didn’t remember him being that long and thick. But she wanted him to fill her and to do it so completely there was no room for anything else. “Yes, Sir, and don’t be gentle.”

  He didn’t reply, but lined himself up with only the tip inside her. It wasn’t nearly enough, and she whined. Before the whine finished, he grabbed her legs, one in each hand and thrust into her with one hard push.

  For a handful of seconds, she couldn’t breathe, and she was positive she saw stars. All it took was the one thrust and her orgasm crashed over her. Ty continued pounding into her, again and again, even as her body shook with a second climax.

  “Ty!” She shouted. “Fuck. Yes.”

  He gave one last thrust and she felt him release inside her.

  “Oh my, God,” she panted, as he rolled over and brought her to rest on top of him. “I may never move again.”

  “Did I hurt you?” He was as breathless as she was, but she still heard the concern in his voice.

  “Hell, no,” she said. “I meant move out of this bed. You do plan on doing that again, right?”

  * * *

  Long after Ty’s breathing fell into the steady cadence of sleep, Lillian found herself unable to follow him. It wasn’t regret that kept her awake. Not at all. She didn’t regret one thing that had happened between her and Ty just now. In fact, she was glad that it happened.

  Ever since the divorce, she’d feared something was wrong with her and that she’d never experience desire and need the way she had with Ty. Now she knew she could. That it’d been with Ty wasn’t much of a surprise. Part of her had always known how impossible he’d be to walk away from.

  With that realization, she had to ask herself the hard questions she’d been avoiding. Could she play with anyone other than Ty? She didn’t think so, now more than ever. But she’s wouldn’t allow herself to dwell on that topic or to view it as a problem. No, why should she view it as a problem? She’d accepted the fact she still loved him weeks ago.

  Her issues stemmed from the knowledge that she would never be able to trust him completely again. Without trust, there was no marriage. Without trust, they couldn’t even run the simplest of kink scenarios.

  She knew what she had to do, she only hoped she could go through with it when the time came. Not right this second, though. No, she could rest in the comfort of his arms for a few more minutes.

  Chapter 16


  Ty knew something wasn’t right the second he woke up. For one, he was in a bed and not waking up on the floor, but it was more than that. With his eyes still closed, he turned toward the spot Lillian should be and reached for her warmth.

  His hands grasped nothing. Her side of the bed was empty, but not only that, it carried not a bit of heat. She was gone and had been for quite some time.

  The realization startled him, and he woke completely, sitting straight up in the bed. Lillian wasn’t anywhere in the room. Without moving, he took in the open closet which now only held his clothes. He didn’t need to check the bathroom to know it would be just as empty. She’d left him.

  Not only had she left him, she’d sneaked out in the dead of night, without saying goodbye, and after some of the best sex he’d ever had. What the fuck?

  A glance at his phone told him it was only six thirty. How long ago had she left? He jumped out of bed and threw on the clothes he’d thrown on the floor the night before. Of course, the car keys for the ridiculous rental car were also gone. Damn, he hated the thought of her on the road and driving that matchbook of a car.

  He didn’t have to think about where he was going. Moving with
purpose, he wasted no time in making his way to the main building. As expected, Eric was already there with coffee. Ty didn’t even want a cup this morning. Ignoring everything else, he strode across the floor to stand in front of Eric.

  “Ty,” Eric said with a nod, like everything was fine.

  “What the hell happened with you and Lillian last night?”

  “We had a pleasant dinner and took a walk.” He shrugged. “Then I brought her back here. I’m surprised she didn’t tell you the same. Why are you asking me?”

  “Because she left this morning.” Ty realized his mistake as soon as the words left his mouth. In wanting to know why Lillian left, he needed to blame someone, and he picked Eric without thought. But the truth was, if anyone was to blame, it was Ty himself.

  Eric realized the same thing almost immediately. He narrowed his eyes at Ty. “She left this morning? Maybe I should ask you what the hell happened last night?”

  Ty didn’t respond, which only made Eric study him closer. Ty held his ground, refusing to give Eric an ounce of satisfaction by fidgeting like a boy caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

  “I’d be right in asking that question, too, I believe.” Eric pointed at Ty’s neck. “Are those scratch marks? I don’t remember seeing them yesterday.”

  Ty turned to make his way back to the cabin. He’d go back and try to call her. If he’d had a thought in his head, he’d have done that very thing before trying to go after Eric. Damn it. He’d been so sure it was the other man. And it wasn’t. It was him. She’d left because they’d slept together last night.

  “Hold up.” Eric put a hand on his shoulder. “You’re not walking away from me that fast. Why don’t you tell me the real reason Lillian left today?”

  “I don’t know,” Ty said. “I’m going to get my phone and call her.”

  Eric didn’t remove his hand. “Do you want to know what happened with me and Lillian last night? I’ll tell you.”

  Ty turned to face him. “Go on.”

  “We had dinner at a nice seafood restaurant, and I don’t think it’s disingenuous for me to say we both had an enjoyable time. I, for one, wasn’t ready for the night to be over and I didn’t think she was either. I gave her the choice of coming back here or going on a walk.”

  “That’s pretty much what she told me.”

  Eric gave no indication that he’d spoken. “We walked along the beach for some time, just chatting, nothing major, just getting to know each other stuff. On our way back here, I told her I’d enjoyed her company and would like to get the chance to get to know her better when we were both back home. I also told her I’d like for us to visit The Club together, if she’d feel comfortable with that.”

  Ty took a deep breath to make himself calm down. Eric and Lillian had done nothing other than dinner, a walk, and a pleasant chat.

  “I really thought she’d agree.” Eric shrugged. “But she told me she’d enjoyed our meal, and while she was glad she got to know me better, she didn’t envision herself playing with anyone. Possibly ever.”

  Ty held his breath at his words. Possibly ever.

  “I don’t know how, but somehow you still have a hold on her,” Eric said. “I also know that you don’t give a fuck about what I think, but I’m going to tell you, anyway. Lillian is an exceptional woman. You know this, of course, because you were smart enough to marry her. What you may not know or fully comprehend is how exceptional she has remained after your divorce.”

  Of course he knew that as well, he wanted to tell the man. Ty also wanted to add that he didn’t appreciate his tone and the way he kept insinuating that he somehow knew Lillian better than Ty did.

  “But when she turned me down last night, I realized something I don’t think you’re aware of, even after whatever happened between the two of you last night.”

  “And what is that?” Ty asked.

  “Behind her facade of a strong, independent, single woman is a lost and lonely submissive who desperately needs her Master. Either find a way to be that for her, or help her find someone who can.”

  Chapter 17


  Lillian left the resort at five thirty in the morning. Even though she knew Celeste was awake, she waited until she’d found a coffee shop on the mainland four hours later before calling her London friend. If she called any sooner, she feared Celeste would think there was an emergency, and Lillian didn’t want to worry her.

  The two women had grown close over the last several months. It was hard for Lillian to believe that Lance would have ever settled down. Of the three friends, he was the one everyone thought of as Most Likely to Remain a Bachelor Forever. Not that anyone considered him a player. He wasn’t. Yet it was safe to say he’d always enjoyed playing with a variety of women.

  All that changed the day he offered to take over the audition process for his family's scholarship to Juilliard since his grandmother was in the hospital.

  “Lillian?” Celeste answered with. “How are you? Aren’t you still in Florida?”

  Just hearing her friend’s voice coming through the phone was enough to make her warm inside.

  “I’m still in Florida, but I’m not with Restoration any more.” That was the first thing she did upon arriving at the coffee shop moments earlier was to call their main number and let them know she was leaving because of family complications.

  “What happened?” Celeste asked.

  Lillian told he the entire story, starting with her stupid idea to go to The Club right up until this morning when she left. The entire time, Celeste was silent, letting Lillian do all the talking.

  “Oh, girl,” Celeste finally said once Lillian told her everything. “You’re in a mess and a half.”

  “Tell me about it.” Lillian ran her fingers through her hair. She hadn’t taken a shower this morning because she wanted to leave without waking Ty. She was almost certain she could smell him on her skin. “I don’t know what to do at this point.”

  “Then don’t anything,” Celeste said, as if it made all the sense in the world.


  “Take it from me,” her friend said. “Someone who had to learn this lesson the hard way. Don’t do anything. Where are you now?”

  “Just outside of Miami.”

  “Excellent. Here’s what you do. Book yourself a suite at a five-star hotel. You’re not due anywhere for the next week and a half. Spend a few days investing in you. Go to the spa. Read a book. Rest.”

  The idea of even one day to just relax boggled her mind, much less more than one. “I can’t in good consciousness spend days lounging around a spa when I’m supposed to be rebuilding a home for a family left homeless by two hurricanes.”

  “Normally, I would agree with you, but in this case, I would argue you tried to do that very thing, and you would still be doing it if your ex-husband and the project’s team lead hadn’t gotten into a contest trying to figure out who had the biggest dick.”

  Lillian smiled and gave a little laugh at the picture Celeste’s words brought to mind.

  “See?” Celeste asked. “You know I’m right.” Before Lillian could comment on anything, Celeste asked, “You said you’re in Miami, right?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “I have my laptop right here, and I’m looking to see who has vacancy. I wouldn’t think it’s currently Miami’s high season, but then again, what do I know?” The sound of typing came through the phone. “Here we go. The Faena has availability. That’s a nice one. Yup, this is where you need to go chill out for a few days. I’m going to send you this link. Oh, look at that, they have a suite available. Call and book it. Don’t make me fly across the ocean, because you know I will.”

  Lillian could only laugh, because she knew Celeste meant every word. “I’ll call them as soon as I hang up with you.”

  “That’s more like it. That’s what I want to hear.”

  “How’s London?” Lillian asked. “Still treating you and Lance well?”

  “No com
plaints here,” Celeste said. “The group is playing in Austria next weekend. Lance and I are sneaking away a few days early, so we can explore a bit.”

  Celeste was a world class violinist who played for a European touring orchestra based in London. Lillian still shook her head when she imagined Lance, over ten years older than the love of his life, following her around like a lovesick groupie.

  “Be sure to keep that man of yours in check,” Lillian said. “I’ve worked with him, I know how sneaky he can be.”

  Celeste snored. “Nah, you just have to learn how to play him.”

  “Well,” Lillian said. “Between the two of us, you’re the one with the most experience in learning how to play hard things.” At the giggles Celeste made, Lillian realized what she’d said. “I mean, you know how to play with hard things.”

  But that only made Celeste break into laughter.

  “Damn it,” Lillian said. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do,” Celeste said, trying to catch her breath. “But it’s so much fun listening to you make unintentional dirty innuendos.”

  “Whatever.” Lillian rolled her eyes. “I’m going to call that hotel. Goodbye.”

  * * *


  * * *

  Celeste was still giggling after saying goodbye to Lillian.

  “Sounds like a fun conversation.”

  She turned her head to find Lance standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame, watching her with amusement dancing in his eyes. It never failed to take her breath away that he was hers. How did she get so lucky? Sometimes she had to pinch herself because surely she was dreaming. How was it possible he’d followed her across the ocean? Then after he found her, he stayed and uprooted his entire life to stay because her dream job was here and he didn’t want to be without her?

  She stood up and made her way over to him. From all appearances, he’d finished work early. When he first told her he’d be cutting back his hours, she’d been skeptical, not understanding how he could do anything of the sort while working in an international office. But he’d done it.


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