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The Lady of the Butterflies

Page 35

by Fiona Mountain

  He did not deserve a lie. I stroked his hair. “I think it must be.”

  “They are not done yet, are they?” he said with a heartrending perception way beyond his years.

  WHEN WILLIAM MERRICK CAME to inspect the carnage in the pigsty he told me to show forbearance, but even he seemed to have lost much of his old brash self-assurance. He appeared almost cowed.

  “I had hoped it would be different this time,” I said, as we watched two silent laborers, their pails brimming with red water, scrubbing the blood off the walls. “I hoped the memory of that poor boy’s death in the last serious floods would make a difference. What, in God’s name, does it take to convince them?”

  “Evidently much more than it takes to convince the investors to withdraw their funding,” William said morosely. “Unfortunately they have heard of these recent disturbances and it has undermined their confidence in the whole project.” I had never seen my former guardian so disconsolate. “They will back out if there is even a whiff of more trouble. The fear is that once the work commences, the vandals will turn their attention from destroying your property to sabotaging the new sluices and walls and rhynes. Such setbacks in the Fens cost the investors dear, almost brought about their ruin. My partners had not anticipated such disastrous disturbances here.” He looked at me scathingly. As if it was my fault that I had not carried the people with me, as if to say that all would have been very different if Edmund, or indeed any other man, were here to calm, coerce and inspire solid confidence. I did not think it would have been different at all, but I would have given much to hear Edmund’s unshakable assurances that what we were doing was right, that even the commoners would come to see that eventually. Without him, doubts assailed me again. It was my decision now, not my father’s, not my guardian’s, not my husband’s. But having no one to tell me what to do meant there was no one to share the responsibility. My decision. And by it I should stand or fall.

  “William, do you honestly believe they have no justification for what they do?”

  His eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Justification?”

  “I know there is no excuse for violence, but they see their rights being stripped away from them and what else can they do?”

  “Are you actually questioning if certain circumstances make it acceptable to break the laws of this land?”

  “It is not as simple as that.”

  “No,” he said drily. “Nothing is ever simple where you are concerned. You’d find a dozen different sides to examine on a triangle.”

  I laughed, glad at least that he would joke with me now. My father had liked him. I should like to find a way to like him too, and perhaps, now that we were on a more equal footing, it would be possible.

  We had turned and walked back inside the house. The children had gone to their beds not ten minutes before, but I heard Mary scream with terror as she sometimes did when awoken from a bad dream in the middle of the night. The scream was followed by the pounding of her bare feet on the stairs as she came running to find me in her nightshift, her thick plait of red hair flying. I caught her up in my arms and hugged her, her little arms clinging tight around my neck and her legs wrapped round my waist like a monkey. “Whatever’s the matter, sweetheart?”

  “An eel,” she sobbed. “An eel in my bed.”

  “In your bed? Are you sure?”

  She nodded vigorously, her tawny eyelashes wet with tears.

  “Let’s go up together and see, shall we?”

  In the nursery I pulled back the blankets, and there it was, its slippery, glistening body dark against the white linen bedding of my daughter’s cot, like an evil black serpent.

  For Mary’s sake, I made light of it, did not let her see my anger flare almost beyond control, destroying any lingering sympathy I might have had for the commoners. Damn whoever did this, I thought. Damn them all to Hell. She’s just a little girl. “It is just an eel,” I said. “It can’t hurt you.”

  She hid her face, had always been squeamish in a way I had never been. “Is it . . . dead, Mama?”

  It wasn’t. Quite. I reached out and took hold of its slithery, twitching body, and with a calmness I did not feel, I took it to the window and threw it out.

  For once I was grateful that Mary did not ask the questions I would have asked at her age. She did not even ask how the eel could have got into her bed. Like her father, she did not dwell on things, would not dwell on who might have crept secretly into the house and up to the nursery and pushed it between her sheets. I knew better than to even think for a moment that this might be a prank of Forest’s. He doted on Mary, would never have done anything that might frighten or upset her.

  “We’ll get the chambermaid to change the sheets in the morning,” I said, hugging her close. “You shall sleep with me tonight.”

  WILLIAM HAD LEFT. I did not close the curtains around the bed and I kept the candle lit. I closed my eyes, but every muscle in my body remained tense, my ears alert for any sound. All I had wanted was to make our home, our little world, a better, safer place, and it seemed I had done just the opposite. And Heaven knows, there was danger and unrest enough in this county without creating more.

  Everyone said the Duke of Monmouth would sail from the continent and bring war again to the West Country any day now. His father, King Charles, had died in February and Charles’s brother James had been crowned in his place, an avowed Catholic, in a country that still despised Catholicism, was still utterly opposed to a Papist on the throne. The dashing duke was Protestant, and because of that at least half the country favored him as king. Monmouth would move soon to take the crown of England by force. The rivers of this land would run red with blood again, as men I had known all my life rose up to fight for the grand old cause, for the battles my father had already fought and ultimately lost. I could do nothing at all to prevent that. But I had hoped to rid Tickenham of its lethal floods.

  I sat up, pushed my hand under the pillow and reached for my notebook, knowing it was the only chance I had of finding some peace. Mary sat up too and snuggled into my side as she did when we were reading a storybook together. “Is that your book about flufflies?” my enchanting daughter lisped, with her own endearing pronunciation that I could not bear to correct, dreading the day when she called butterflies by their proper name.

  I put my arm around her, pulled the blankets up around her. “It is, my little love.”

  “Why do you write about them?”

  “Because I like to.” But it was more than that, so much more. Because I have to, I could have said. Because I believe it is what I am meant to do. Because it is the only thing I can do. Because it is the only thing that really makes me happy. Because it stops me from thinking. Because I began to study butterflies and to write about them as a cure for longing and I am still longing, and it is still the only cure for it that I have.

  I had the time and freedom now to spend on my own observations and catalogues and had amassed a collection of specimens and records of which even I was proud. With Ned Tucker’s help, I was cultivating a butterfly garden near the orchard, stocked with all the plants that seemed to attract them. But I did not write to James anymore; thought it was simpler, fairer. I had sensed his deepening affection for me and knew I could never love him that way. There was only one man I loved. Since the day I had first seen Richard, he was all I had wanted. Even if I never saw him again, it seemed likely that my last thoughts this side of the grave would be of him.

  I slipped a letter from inside the back cover of my observation book. Richard had kept on writing to me, just as he kept on trying to see me. I had consigned all his letters to the fire, except for this one. In a moment of weakness I had opened it, read it, and once I had, I could never have destroyed it. It was a lovely letter.

  My eyes drifted to the closing paragraph.

  What I once took for poverty, I now see as the greatest riches. I think I would be content now just to be able to look at you, to talk to you, to hold your hand,
to be your friend, if only you would let me. But in a way it makes no difference that you refuse to see me. Know that when you are dancing, when the fields and the rivers are lit by moonlight, when the floodwaters freeze thick enough to skate upon, I am there with you, waiting for you. I shall always be there, Nell. I shall always be waiting.

  A window shattered below stairs. I sat bolt upright. I did not drop the letter, but rather my fingers tightened upon it, as if I would cling to it on a journey through the jaws of Hell.

  It was silent now. It had been raining, but the rain had stopped and there was only the occasional drip from the wooden guttering. Otherwise, perfect stillness and silence. Except for the violent hammering of my own heart.

  Another window smashed and Mary sprang awake. “What was that, Mama? I heard a noise.”

  I clutched her tight. “Shush,” I told her, as reassuringly as I could.

  “We know you are there,” a voice shouted from outside. “Show yourself.”

  “Who’s that?” Mary squeaked.

  A different voice: “You can’t hide from us.”

  There were two of them, then. “Just village lads who’ve been drinking,” I said to my daughter. “That’s all.” I put my hand over her ear and pressed her red head against me, gathered her to me more closely, as if I could shield her from all harm with my own body.

  “Come out now, if you know what’s good for you.”

  I recognized that voice, recognized the spite and the malice in it. Thomas Knight. Three of them, then.

  “Come out now or we’ll burn down this house.”

  I leapt out of bed as if it was already in flames. “Stay right there,” I said to Mary as I threw a loose gown over my shift.

  “Don’t leave me,” she squealed, her face filled with terror.

  “Go and get into bed with Forest. But do not come below stairs, do you understand?”

  “They are going to set us on fire!”

  I took her shoulders, looked intently into her face. “They will do no such thing, Mary. They will not.”

  If at least three, then maybe more. Maybe a whole rabble, come to protest and besiege the house just like the angry mobs that had gathered when they’d tried to drain the Fens. But there was no doubt in my mind that Thomas Knight was the instigator, and Bess would talk sense into him. I must hold them off long enough for someone to fetch her from the cottage where she lived with Ned and Sam.

  I ran to the door of the room Susan Walker, the dairymaid, shared with her sister, who worked in the bakehouse. “Susan. Wake up.”


  I lifted the latch and flung open the door. The room was empty. I flew down the dark passage to the next room, where Mistress Keene slept. She wasn’t there either. Everyone had gone.

  My legs were shaking so much I could hardly stand. I was all alone in the house with two small children and a gang of angry men outside, threatening to burn us alive.

  Another window shattered.

  I ran down the stairs and grabbed my father’s flintlock musket and bayonet off the wall, found the cartridge box in the buffet and ripped the twisted paper tail off the cartridge with my teeth as my father had shown me. With trembling fingers, I half cocked the trigger, poured some of the black powder into the pan to prime it, turned the gun and emptied the rest of the charge and the lead ball down the muzzle. Then I whipped out the ramrod and rammed it down the barrel hard to force the powder and ball into place.

  The gun was heavy and nearly as tall as me but as I slung it over my shoulder and headed for the door, I took courage from remembering that women during the civil wars had defended their houses against besieging enemy armies, against neighbors and friends and people with whom they had once shared their meals and whom they had counted as family. If they could do it, then so could I.

  The mob that I faced was more than two dozen strong. Thomas Knight was there, Jane Jennings’s husband, Matthew. There was John Hort, the eeler. Ned too, as were the Bennett boys and their father, plus two other tenant farmers’ lads. Two dozen against one. There might just as well have been fifty. They were all armed with pitchforks, axes, pikes and scythes—those cruel and murdering weapons with their long poles and curved blades. Thomas Knight and two of the others were waving flaming torches while swigging something from a small flagon that they handed between them.

  Thomas Knight was staring at the musket. “What’s she going to do with that, d’you think?”

  “I do not want to do anything with it.” I tried to keep my voice from shaking and looked directly at Ned. “For God’s sake, go home. All of you. Go back to your wives and your children and your mothers.”

  “We don’t want any trouble,” Ned said nonsensically.

  “Then what are you doing here?”

  “You’ve left us no option,” he half apologized. “If we’re to go on being able to afford to put bread on our tables, to feed our families . . .”

  “The moor is ours,” one of the farmers’ boys yelled ferociously. “You’ve no right to take it from us.”

  They all started shouting at once, each as vociferous as the next, so I could not make out a word. They’d inched forward as one body, drawn more tightly around me. They were gesticulating angrily, pointing at me menacingly with their assorted weapons, stabbing the air between us with their pikes and pitchforks. The sound was deafening, like a crowd at a bearbaiting.

  “Get back,” I shouted. “All of you.” I leveled the musket, pressed it against my shoulder, aimed the long barrel into the middle of the crowd. “I swear I’ll use it if I have to.”

  They quieted, one or two even backed off.

  “Come on, don’t be cowards,” Mark Walker sniggered. “She’s just a lass, and a small one at that. She won’t know how to use it.”

  I waved the gun at them, narrowed my eyes. “Do not wager on that, Mark.”

  At the edge of my vision I glimpsed someone else, the caped silhouette of a lone rider, some distance off to the right under the trees by Monk’s Pool, but I had no time to wonder who he was or why he was not joining in.

  “She might fire at us.” Thomas Knight stepped forward, his sharp jaw clenched, his eyes black as bile, black as pitch. “I wouldn’t put her to the test. She’s never been quite right in the head after all, never been like other girls. And she’s been without a man so long, she’s forgotten what it is to be a woman.” He came up closer to me. “That’s why she’s involving herself in men’s business—business she doesn’t understand.”

  “She needs reminding of her place in the world,” John Hort sneered.

  “You’re the man for it, Tom,” John Bennett piped up. “You’ve been itching to know what it’d be like to lie in the squire’s bed. Now’s your chance.”

  I could smell the spirits on Thomas Knight’s breath, just like I’d done in the copse on May Day when I’d had a butterfly in my hands, instead of a musket. I felt no safer for the exchange.

  “Go on, Tom,” Matthew Jennings said. “I bet she has a different taste from other girls, with her fair skin and her clean hair and her full set of teeth. You can tell she needs it. She’s probably not had a man since her husband, and he died years ago.”

  The threat in Thomas’s eyes was not remotely sexual but rather covetous, as if it was not my virtue he wanted from me, such virtue as I had, but something else entirely.

  I tensed my shoulders. Strands of hair had fallen loose from my night-plait and I tossed my head to flick them away from my face. He was so close that if I swung the bayonet at him it would cut his cheek, scar him for life or take out his eye. I’d never fired a musket but I couldn’t fail to hit him. I did not want to shoot him or stab him. He was Bess’s brother and his father’s favorite. It would destroy Mr. Knight if anything happened to his son. Also, I saw then that Thomas bore an almost uncanny and disturbing resemblance to my own son. With his black hair and deep-set, belligerent black eyes, he had such a look of Forest that it made the idea of harming him suddenly even more abhorrent.r />
  “We could strike a bargain,” he said. “Like the one you made with those men from Bristol who are coming to take our commonland.”

  “What is it that you want?” I said. “Tell me what you want and I’ll do my best to get it for you.”

  “Aye, tell her, Thomas,” someone leered. “Tell her that if she lets you bed her now, between clean linen sheets in the squire’s own chamber, we’ll do her no harm.”

  “Leave her alone, or I’ll kill every damned one of you.”

  It was a well-loved voice, a voice from my dreams, but the rider who came galloping across from Monk’s Pool in a thunder of hooves was very real. He wore a long dark cloak and a scarlet plume in his hat, and his right arm was raised, sword unsheathed.


  His beautiful face alight with courage, he rode his black Barbary stallion directly into the heart of the mob, wielding one sword amongst a lethal forest of pikes and pitchforks and scythes and flaming torches. John Hort turned on him, brandishing his pitchfork. The spikes glanced off the horse’s flank, making it rear up, high enough to unseat even an experienced rider. But not this one. Grappling the reins in one hand, he lunged with the other. Even from the saddle of a rearing stallion, his aim was true. John Hort screamed, dropped his pitchfork, stared in shock at his assailant and then staggered off toward the church, clutching his arm. Richard sliced the sword through the air above their heads. “Who is to be next?” The ferocity in his eyes and in his voice was enough to make them scatter in all directions. Some dropped their weapons in their hurry to be away and some clung to them, but within seconds all of them were gone.

  Richard slid his sword back in its scabbard, not looking at me. A light rain had started to fall again and I felt droplets on my cheeks, like tears. His cloak was studded with raindrops as if with tiny diamonds. The horse sidled, tossed its head and snorted, lifted first one hoof and then the other as if it were prancing on burning coals. Richard leaned forward and stroked its neck, making soft, soothing noises to calm it. All the while, he steadfastly kept his eyes averted from mine, even though he must have felt me watching him.


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