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Checkmate (Caitlin Calloway Mystery Book 2)

Page 10

by Applewater, Mavis

“The other day. Some kind of allergic reaction while he was playing golf.”

  “He’s allergic to golf?”

  “You’re a pain in the ass.”

  “That’ll cost you a dollar,” CC quipped. “So, what happened?”

  “Bee sting or something like that. I don’t know. Just thought you’d want to know. I went to the service, although I doubt his widow was pleased to see me.”

  “You framed her baby boy. Didn’t you know that?”

  “That woman will never face reality.”

  “Speaking of her baby boy,” CC said. “They didn’t let him out for the funeral, did they?”

  “No,” Brooks answered firmly. “Lawyer kicked up a fuss, but Simon’s an escape risk. Can’t blame anyone but himself.”

  “Never stopped him before.”

  “True enough. I just wanted you to know in case you wanted to send flowers or something.”

  “Mrs. Fisher hates me more than she does you,” she said. “Malcolm told me once that he’s involved with the National MS Society. I’ll make a donation in his name.”

  “Auntie Caitlin?”

  “I’ve got to go. Thanks for letting me know.”

  CC didn’t know what to feel. She and Malcolm Fisher had formed an uneasy alliance. She respected the man’s character. Most parents never accept their children’s shortcomings. Mr. Fisher accepted not only what his son had done but what he was capable of doing. CC knew that it broke his heart, but he was determined to keep his son locked up. CC had learned in the passing years that there was nothing anyone could have done to stop Simon. He was a classic sociopath, and there was no rhyme or reason for it.

  She retook her seat at the kitchen table and smiled, pleased that Emma had kept her word and wasn’t playing with the knife. She put her phone down on the table and set about clearing away pumpkin guts. When she glanced over, she noticed Emma fiddling with her new cell phone.

  She was more than a little curious as to what Emma was doing with her phone. She peered over and her jaw dropped. There sat Emma, easily guiding her way through a forest, fighting a dragon, and entering a castle.

  “Those graphics are amazing.” CC was unable to understand how realistic the game seemed that Emma had somehow managed to make appear on her phone. “How are you doing that?” She was completely astonished at how adept Emma was at what seemed like a very complicated game.

  “This game is easy.” Emma shrugged as if it were no big deal. She finished the game and handed CC her phone. “You can play chess on it, too. Did you have video games when you were little, Auntie Caitlin?”

  “Have you ever heard of Pong?”

  The blank stare she received was all the answer she needed. “Okay, let’s get back to making the best jack-o-lantern ever.”

  By the time they finished, CC was convinced they had indeed made the best jack-o-lantern ever. She knew it was too early, and they would need to carve another set of pumpkins next month.

  After chasing around a crazy suburbanite that thought killing her nanny was a dandy idea, a calm day spent with Emma was just what CC needed. Emma was innocent, sweet, and plotting on convincing her mother that they should get a dog. Emma was doing her very best to enlist her aunt into helping her.

  “I don’t know, Emma. A puppy is a big responsibility.”

  “I can do it, Auntie Caitlin.”

  “I’ll talk to her but no promises.” CC instantly regretted caving in. During Stevie’s childhood, CC was the one who raised her. Their mother just let the youngster take over. CC felt a need to protect her sister. Sadly, the person Stevie needed the most protection from was her father, something their mother refused to believe. Now all these years later, after refusing to allow Stevie to get a puppy, she was in collusion with her niece. She would wait until later to talk to Stevie when she was rested and Emma was off to spend the weekend with her father, Brad.

  * * *

  Later in the afternoon, CC was sitting on the sofa watching television with Emma while Jamie was upstairs in her office working. She couldn’t stop thinking about the phone call from Brooks. It was a shock to hear that someone she had just seen a short time ago had died. Normally, if they did, it was related to work, not her life.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said to Emma who was wrapped up in the exploits of The Wizards of Waverly Place. “I just need to talk to Auntie Jamie for a moment.”

  “Okay.” Emma shrugged. CC knew the little imp was still working on her plot to get a puppy. In many ways, Emma really did remind her of Stevie. If that was true, they were in for a fun ride over the next couple of years.

  CC smiled when she peeked into Jamie’s home office, which was right across the hall from her own. She loved watching Jamie. The doctor was wrapped up with some project on her computer, seemingly unaware that her wife was watching her. Or so CC thought.

  “Are you just going to stand there?” Jamie asked, peering over her glasses.

  “I’m admiring the view.”

  “Behave, we have the rug rat downstairs,” Jamie said playfully.

  “I just had a medical question.” CC regretted her words when Jamie tore off her glasses and looked over at her with fright. “About someone else,” she said quickly. “What can you tell me about allergies?”

  “What kind? Are we talking mold spores, seasonal, pollen, or something more serious?”

  “More serious. Like something that can kill you.”

  “Anaphylaxis,” Jamie said in a careful tone. “Better known as anaphylactic shock. It’s quite common. People can be allergic to a great many things that can kill them. Peanuts, medications, spider bites, and a whole list of other things.”

  “Like bee stings?”

  “Bee venom is a very common allergy,” Jamie said in a direct tone. “Without immediate treatment for anything from hives to difficulty breathing and swallowing, a person can die from being unable to breathe or from a heart attack. Usually, if a person gets treated right away with antihistamines and epinephrine, they should be fine. Most people with an allergy that severe carry an EpiPen.”

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s about so big.” Jamie demonstrated with her hands. “It has a plunger so a person can jab it into their thigh to shoot epinephrine into their system. Stops the venom from spreading, restores their breathing, and slows their heart rate. Someone die?”

  “Malcolm Fisher went out to play eighteen holes and met up with a bee that didn’t like him.”

  “That’s a shame. He seemed nice,” Jamie said in a sincere tone.

  “I always felt bad for him. Not his fault his son is a psycho.”

  “I know.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Thought you should know Emma is plotting to get a puppy,” CC said. “She’s wants our help.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “I said ‘our’ help, Blondie.”

  “Again, good luck.”

  “If you think she’s not going to drag you into this, you are sadly mistaken.”

  “I’m staying out of it.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  * * *

  “No.” Stevie was unmovable.


  “But nothing, sis. Maybe down the road, not now. Emma isn’t responsible enough for a pet. Or have you forgotten about Goldie the fish?”

  “There could have been something wrong with that fish.”

  “Or Emma overfed the poor little thing. A puppy is a lot more work than a fish.”

  “We have a big backyard now,” CC said.

  “Hey, you wouldn’t let me have a puppy at her age, and for good reason.” Stevie stood her ground. “I’m not saying never, just not now.”

  “You wouldn’t let her have a puppy?” Jamie said.

  “No. I had her practice with a stuffed animal. You know, getting up in the morning to walk it, then again at night, and making sure it was fed.”

  “Which I eventually lost interest in,” Stevie said. “After a solid
week of getting up at the butt crack of dawn, the idea lost some of its appeal.”

  “I have no doubt,” Jamie said. “What I was surprised by was that it was Caitlin who made that decision. When Stevie was Emma’s age, you wouldn’t have been that much older.”

  “Don’t go there,” CC said and groaned. “Mom was Mom, and Stevie’s father was… well, you know.”

  “A big pedophile who was waiting to get you out of the way so he could try to put the moves on me and my friends,” Stevie tersely explained. “No puppy. Is that clear?”


  “What if we got one?” Jamie shyly offered.

  “No trying an end run here, ladies. You forget the two of you work the late shift. Not to mention, given the nature of your careers, you don’t punch out at an exact time. I’m the one who works from home. Ergo, I’m the one who’ll be cleaning up puppy poop. No thank you. In a couple of years, Emma will be able to take on the responsibility. In the meantime, I’m getting her a stuffed dog, so she can practice.”

  “Okay.” CC conceded defeat.

  “If you want to help, stick around, sis. In a couple of years, you can explain lots of things to her like her period, sex, and how even though Mommy and Daddy are both big homos, she wasn’t a planned pregnancy.”

  “Hell, no.” CC flatly refused. “You’re the mom. I was the one who told you not to go out drinking with boys. As for the puberty stuff, talk to my wife, the doctor.”

  “I’ll take puberty,” Jamie eagerly volunteered. “No way I’m explaining how you and Brad got dumped by your partners and ended up getting loaded and making a baby. I would skip over the part where Daddy was dressed up like Cher.”

  “She already knows her father is a drag queen.” Stevie waved it off. “Thanks for watching her. I know it isn’t what you had planned for your day off.”

  “No worries,” Jamie quickly said. “We love spending time with Emma. And I for one think we’ll have the best jack-o-lantern in the neighborhood. I hope we get a lot of trick-or-treaters. There weren’t that many kids back in the old neighborhood. Too many young professionals and retirees in that condo complex.”

  “I know,” Stevie said. “This place was a great find. Big house with separate sides, huge yard, and a good school.”

  “And the neighbors didn’t even flinch when three Subarus, complete with rainbow flags and HRC stickers, pulled up in the driveway.” CC couldn’t resist snickering.

  “Way to announce ourselves,” Stevie said, chuckling. “Then again there are at least four other houses on the block that are sporting the same declarations. Speaking of which, did you know that Freda and Ethel Birkenstock are married? To each other?”

  “Damn,” CC groused.

  “Told you.” Jamie laughed. “You owe me a foot rub, my darling.”

  “How did you know?”

  “The way they bicker. Only old married couples bicker like that. Just think, honey, someday that’ll be us.”

  Stevie quickly changed the subject. “How is the case going? I thought I saw something on the news this morning.”

  “Oh, the psycho, suburban, murdering mom as the media likes to call her,” CC said. “She’s mounting her defense. Good thing, since Max has decided that was more than enough work for the year. The boss is still talking about bringing Mulligan into the department.”

  “Think she’ll make a good partner?” Jamie asked.

  “Yeah. The other news is I found out why everyone was talking about that West idiot a few weeks ago. Seems one of those news shows, or what passes for news these days, is doing a story on him. They want to interview me.”

  “You’re going to be on TV?” Jamie felt proud.

  “No, I passed.”

  “Oh, come on, sis,” Stevie said. “It might be fun. You snagged one of the most prolific serial killers in history.”

  “No, I didn’t. And he wasn’t all that. Granted, he was a twisted freak, but in comparison to Dahmer, Gacy, and let’s not forget Bundy, Jeffery Charles West was kind of lame. I mean to get busted acting like a dufus after a basketball game. What a moron. I did agree to talk to the reporter, but that’s as far as I go. I have no desire to be on television. My life is interesting enough.”

  “Whatever, I need to get going,” Stevie said. “Have a good night, ladies.”

  “I thought she’d never leave,” Jamie murmured.

  “Why, Dr. Jameson, whatever do you have planned?”

  “Ssh.” Jamie hushed her with a mischievous grin. “Come here.” She playfully beckoned, curling her fingers into the belt loops of CC’s faded jeans. She pulled her closer, reached up, and laced her fingers through CC’s long dark hair. Her heart beat a little faster. It amazed her that after all these years the feeling remained the same. A simple look or glance could make her quiver like a schoolgirl. She nuzzled CC’s neck, drinking in her scent. Each time she felt her lover’s touch or drank in her distinctive aroma, she felt as if she was coming home. She clasped CC’s hips, needing to feel more of her body touching her. The rough feel of denim frustrated her. Jamie’s hand slid up CC’s body. She had come to the conclusion that they were overdressed for the occasion.

  “You’re all sweaty,” CC murmured. ”But it smells good blended with the air of fresh-cut grass.”

  “I love having a yard.” Jamie sighed happily while focusing on the task of ridding CC of her clothing. “Enough talk. I need a shower and someone to wash my back. Interested?” Jamie laughed as she watched CC’s naked body racing up the staircase. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She giggled and raced after her.

  She was delighted to find CC in the bedroom clad only in a pair of Scooby Doo boxer shorts. “My God, you’re so sexy.” Jamie shed the last of her clothing. “Just one thing would make this moment perfect.”


  “Drop the cartoon shorts.” Jamie’s pulse quickened as she watched CC slip her thumbs in the waistband of her boxers.

  “You don’t like?” CC taunted her. “I can’t help but notice that you keep buying what you call real underwear.”

  “I like you in nothing.” Jamie struggled to catch her breath as she watched the shorts slip lower. She released a soft growl when CC halted her movements. “I said nothing, woman.” Her eyes narrowed when she caught the cocky smirk her wife was sporting. “Are you planning on teasing me?” She had meant to sound assertive; instead, her query squeaked out. The throaty chuckle CC released only served to fan the flames. Oh, yeah, she’s in a feisty mood. Jamie secretly relished the thought, knowing that the payback was going to make for an exciting evening. “Paybacks, my love,” she said, loving the way CC’s eyes darkened with desire.

  “Promises, promises.” Jamie stepped closer, her desire growing with each step. She licked her lips, pleased when she noticed that CC seemed to be struggling to control her breathing. Jamie stopped just a breath away from CC’s trembling body. She loved the differences in their height. Being so much shorter than her wife when they stood toe-to-toe, she was greeted with the wondrous view of CC’s breasts.

  “Fine, have it your way. I don’t really need you to take off your shorts to ravish you.” Jamie was pleased when she caught a look of surprise in her lover’s eyes. “You’d think after all these years” she taunted her wife by raking her blunt nails up along CC’s exposed thigh “you’d know better.”

  “I do,” CC hotly whispered in Jamie’s ear.

  “Hmm,” Jamie murmured. Her hand glided higher while her lips gently grazed the valley between CC’s breasts. “Keep it up, and I’ll have you on your knees begging for mercy,” Jamie whispered against CC’s flesh. She slipped her hand up along CC’s thigh. She relished the feel of CC’s body quivering from her touch.

  She smiled when CC gasped as Jamie’s fingers slipped beneath the leg of the cotton boxers. Her fingers drifted higher until she was greeted with her lover’s overflowing desire. It was her turn to gasp. “Just what have you been thinking about?” she choked out before parting her wife.r />
  “You,” CC whimpered.

  “Right answer.” Jamie nudged CC’s thighs farther apart. “God, you’re so wet.” She moaned with delight. She gazed up, and her pulse quickened when she was captured by the dark desire smoldering in CC’s crystal blue eyes. They were locked in a fiery gaze. Jamie ran her fingers along CC’s wetness. She watched as her wife fought to control her breathing. She licked her lips, slowly stroking and teasing, loving the feel of CC’s clit hardening against her touch.

  She continued to explore, pressing a single digit against CC’s center. She slipped inside of her before quickly retreating. She smiled when CC released a frustrated growl.

  “I told you I was going to tease you.” She slid her thigh between CC’s legs. She pressed her thigh against CC’s wetness, rubbing eagerly against her. CC clung to her, encouraging her to ride against her. Once again, Jamie slowed her movements.

  “Not fair.”

  “You have only yourself to blame.”

  “I’m dying here.” CC cupped Jamie’s full breasts. “It’s been forever.”

  “Yesterday.” Jamie groaned, relishing the feel of her nipples hardening against CC’s knowing touch. “We made love yesterday.” Her eager partner was far too busy pinching and teasing Jamie’s nipples to listen. “Then again, that was so long ago.” Jamie gave into the feel of CC’s lips gently grazing the nape of her neck.

  Jamie returned her attention to teasing her lover’s clit while CC’s kisses drifted lower. Jamie arched her back, pressing her erect nipple against CC’s lips. She twined her fingers through CC’s long dark hair. She used her other hand to stroke her lover urgently.

  She had enough teasing. She guided CC backward and pushed her down on the bed.

  “God, I want you.” She hovered over CC’s prone body. Quickly, she lowered the boxer shorts down CC’s long legs. Then she slowly kissed her way back up along the newly exposed flesh. She licked the inside of her wife’s quivering thighs. She cupped CC’s firm backside and drew her closer.

  The musky aroma of CC’s passion invaded her senses. She parted her lover with her tongue before she began to feast on her overflowing wetness. She murmured with delight, savoring the taste of her wife’s passion, while CC pressed her body tightly against Jamie’s. She became lost in their passion. CC’s pleas for release made her heart beat just a little faster.


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