Perfect Excuse (Mason Creek Book 11)

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Perfect Excuse (Mason Creek Book 11) Page 3

by A. D. Justice

  “What if Ryder shows up? Will you be all right?”

  “Sure, I’ll be fine. All the alcohol will numb the pain, right?” Nothing else has worked so far, but a girl can still hope.

  “You can’t lie to me, Liv King. I know you better than anyone else in this town does. You could dive headfirst into a vat of tequila, but it wouldn’t make you forget your first love.”

  “Normally, that would be true. But not tonight. For the next few hours, Ryder King doesn’t exist.”

  We disconnect, then I walk toward the screened porch on the back of my house. Ryder and I converted it to a bird sanctuary soon after we brought Kiwi home. I lean against the doorframe and watch Kiwi before she knows I’m there. One side of my mouth lifts in a cheerless smile as I reminisce about the care Ryder took in the layout of her new home. Every branch had to be in the perfect position. He placed multiple toys in various locations to keep her entertained. The room looks like a tropical jungle.

  At the time, I remember thinking if he took such great care of our pet bird, one day he’d make a wonderful father.

  “Hello.” Kiwi leans over, putting her face directly in front of mine. Then she rubs her beak against my cheek. “Love you.”

  “I love you too, sweet girl.” She’s so affectionate, and she warms my heart when I’ve had a tough day.

  “Is she gone yet?” Her voice lowers an octave or two as if she’s trying to whisper, but the words cut through my heart like a hot knife through butter.

  “She will be when I catch her, sweetheart. And her body will never be found.”

  That’s it. I’m getting shit-faced tonight and I don’t care who sees me. Rumors be damned.

  If I have to suffer through this, at least I’ll do it in style.

  Pony Up is a great place, but it’s not exactly the high-end bars my parents frequent when they visit New York City. The dress code is much more come-as-you-are than if-you-have-to-ask-you-can’t-afford-to-get-in. I’m breaking the Mason Creek law tonight and wearing something unexpected.

  On an uncharacteristic whim, Mom bought an outfit for me on one of her whirlwind world trips. It’s the cutest pale blue strapless romper. The fabric belt hangs lower than the shorts, but that only accentuates my tan legs. Since we’ll be dancing and drinking, I’ll pair it with my Boho style toe ring sandals. I may never fall in love and marry again for the rest of my life, but I’ll look damn good while not doing it.

  I’ve prided myself on my fashion sense and being able to mix unexpected elements for several years now. My talent really blossomed when I was in college and finally found the confidence in myself to become bolder and more daring in my wardrobe choices. That eventually led to opening my own business after I graduated and moved back to my hometown.

  Though I’m outgoing and friendly to everyone, I have a huge secret I haven’t shared with anyone. Not even Ryder. Sometimes I wonder if withholding part of my life from my husband jinxed our marriage. It’s too late to focus on the what-ifs and if-onlys everyone experiences in the aftermath of a broken relationship.

  I push the pain aside and focus my attention on getting dressed to kill tonight. Faith asked about Ryder out of concern for me, and I played it off as well as I could. But I do think he’ll show up at the bar tonight. There are only so many places to hang out around here, and Pony Up is the best. Besides, he won’t be happy sitting home alone.

  Just as I finish dressing, the double tap of a car horn lets me know my ride has arrived. I rush to the window and see Charlee hanging out the passenger side window, waving an arm and yelling my name. “Liv, it’s time to get our party pants on! Let’s go, girl!”

  I grab my small purse, just big enough to hold my license, credit card, and house key, and dash out the front door. “I’m so glad Justine sent up the flares so we can let off some steam tonight. It feels like I’ve been cooped up in a box for a year.”

  “You look hot. I may have to dump Grady for you before the night’s over.” Charlotte fans herself with a playful wink.

  “I heard that,” Grady grumbles from the driver's seat as I slide into the back. The smirk on his face as he turns to look at me over his shoulder betrays his serious tone. “Charlee’s not leaving me for you, Liv, so don’t get any ideas about my woman.”

  “Don’t mess with me, Grady Jackson. You know how the people in this town love to gossip about me. I’ll start a new rumor about Charlee and me, and I’ll make it damn good. The one Hazel and Hattie started about you and me will be considered boring by comparison.” The three of us burst out in laughter at the same time. It wasn’t funny at the time, but now that we’re past the effects of the rumor mill, we can joke about it.

  Grady and I have known each other basically since the day I moved to Mason Creek when I was a little kid. When Charlee joined the ranks of our town, she fit in so naturally, I would’ve thought she was born and raised here. He and I have never been anything more than friends. Ryder King has always held my heart in his hands. Deep down, I think everyone knows that, but the temptation to gossip is too much to resist. We swing by to pick up Faith, then head into town for a little dancing and a lot of drinking.

  The music is jumping when we enter the bar, and the rhythm seeps into my blood immediately. I can’t stop myself from dancing all the way to the table where Justine, Lenora, and Laken have claimed our spot. When Tucker sees us coming, he kisses Justine on the cheek, then meets Grady halfway. The men move to a table in the back to give the illusion of a separation between the boys and the girls, but we all know better. If any hot rod wannabe so much as looks at their women the wrong way, the guys will swoop in and put a stop to that shit immediately.

  It’s sweet how protective Tucker and Grady are of Justine and Charlee. The guys don’t hover or smother them, but the ladies know they’re well taken care of should they need anything at all. I don’t show it, but I miss the security I felt when Ryder did the same for me. I’m strong and independent, always have been, but since we’ve been apart, I’ve realized there were so many small things I depended on him to do. Maybe I took those things for granted… took him for granted… assumed we were on the same page because I wanted a big family.

  “Get out of your head.” Faith leans over and speaks in my ear so no one else can hear. “We’re here to have fun and forget our real-world problems, remember?”

  “I’m trying.” I nod and flash her a smile to show I’m here with her and not lost in a dream world.

  “Come dance with me. The drinks should be ready by the time the song’s over.” Faith stands and pulls me up with her.

  On the dance floor, I close my eyes and let the music take the lead. My hips sway with the beat, my legs move to the tempo, and my heartbeat keeps time with the cadence. Then I let go and allow the music take control. I feel others bump into me as they dance, but I block them out and stay lost in my own musical world.

  When the song ends, Faith and I make our way back to the table and throw back our first couple of shots. “That was exactly what I needed. Thank you for coming out with me tonight.”

  “I’m so glad you didn’t give me a choice.” She chuckles, then someone behind me catches her eye. I can’t help but turn and see who it is.

  “You little minx! You didn’t tell me you have a crush on Mitch Collins.”

  “I don’t.” She denies it a little too quickly and forcefully.

  “You do. I saw how you were just looking at him. You don’t give men that look for no reason. You like him.”

  “There was no look. You’re imagining things.” She won’t make eye contact with me.

  “Faith Evans, I know what I saw, and you were the one who was imagining things. Very dirty, naughty, sexy things. It was written all over your face. Look how red it is now.” When she playfully punches my arm, I only laugh harder. “You should come by my shop tomorrow. I’ve got just the thing to help make your fantasies come true.”

  “You know he won lunch with me when he bid on my basket at the festival. It wa
s simply a sweet gesture on his part. Nothing more.”

  “Faith… the man bid a thousand dollars to win lunch with you. That’s a little more than a sweet gesture. There’s nothing wrong with you appreciating him in return. You can show him how much you’re grateful for his bid while wearing one of my sexy, sheer bodysuits. It sparkles in the light and glows in very strategic spots in the dark.” Even in the dim bar lighting, I can see her face turn fifty shades of pink from embarrassment.

  “I’d rather talk about how we’re going to fix this little hiccup between you and Ryder. You’ve made your point. We all know you’re stubborn and crazy at the same time. Apparently, you’ve rubbed off on him because his crazy now matches yours. Admit you’re miserable without him and be willing to compromise to save your marriage. If he was unable to father children, you wouldn’t have divorced him.” She pins me with her try-to-argue-with-me expression.

  “We’re not talking about that tonight because it’s not happening, babe. But you’re right, I would’ve stayed with him forever if he was unable to have kids. Except, he’s not unable, only unwilling. I’m thirty, Faith. I’ve made concessions and waited this long. I’m not the only one who needs to cooperate here.”

  “All right, you two look like you’re in a deep discussion down there.” Justine yells at us from the other end of the table. “We’ll have none of that shit tonight. Lock it up, ladies. We’re here to have fun.”

  “You’re absolutely right, Just. We need another round or two or ten of tequila shots to get this party started.” I grab a passing waitress and ask her to hook us up with enough liquid courage to make us forget all our troubles.

  When a full tray of shots appears before us, we all stand and take one in each hand, holding them up as a salute to everyone. Justine yells the countdown to the table, preparing everyone to drink our shooters at the same time. When she hits three, my eyes stray to the back of the bar as if they knew he was here before my brain had a chance to comprehend it.

  Ryder’s here, sitting with Grayson, Tucker, Grady, and Malcolm. His eyes are fixed directly on me, and a scowl covers his face. His drawn brows make him look more menacing than usual. His arms are crossed over his chest and his head is cocked to the side.

  Damn, if he doesn’t look even sexier tonight than ever.

  Chapter 4


  “Every fucker in this place is looking at her.”

  I can’t take my eyes off her. Her long blonde hair and blue eyes are eye-catching enough, but she’s killing me with that one-piece outfit she’s wearing. The strapless top reveals every inch of her slender neck and sexy shoulders. The shorts hang loose against her toned legs, swaying with her every movement as she walks and dances. From the moment she moved here, I’ve been caught in her spell. Tonight is no different.

  Grayson is good enough not to say anything about my foul mood. We’ve been best friends long enough for him to know when to push the issue and when to let it go. I brood in our corner of the bar alone, while he and the other guys serve another tray of drinks to the ladies. They’re here for harmless fun. My head knows that, but my heart can’t bear the thought of some guy taking my wife home for a one-night stand.

  When the men return to our table, they can’t stop ribbing Grayson about the obvious connection he and Laken had during their brief interaction. He deserves another chance at love. After losing his wife, he’s raising his twins alone. I’ve supported him every step of the way, but there’s only so much a best friend can do to help. If he’d open himself up to the opportunity, he’d find so much more happiness.

  On the other hand, I also understand why he’s still hesitant after all this time. I’ve been apart from my wife for seven months and still can’t get her off my mind. Even when the ink is dry on the papers and the dust has settled from the storm we’ve created, I’ll always think of her as mine. There’s not another woman in the world who can match Livvy in my eyes.

  Hours pass as the ladies have fun dancing with each other, laughing, drinking, and talking with other friends. I join in the conversation at our table as best I can, trying not to be the downer of the group. Liv arrived with her best friend Faith, but Faith left earlier than the rest. My bet is she wanted to get home to her daughter.

  “Liv said Charlee and Grady are giving her a ride home tonight. Faith caught a ride with one of the ladies who works at her salon.” Grayson knows exactly what’s on my mind. Closing time is approaching quickly and my wife has to get home somehow.

  “They’re losing steam. I think it’s time to wrap up this girls’ night out. We should probably get them home now.” Malcolm begins to push his chair back from the table when a feminine voice catches everyone’s attention.

  “Ry? Take me home?” Liv stands behind me, swaying on her feet from the number of shots she consumed tonight.

  “Of course.” I jump to my feet, slide my arm around her waist, and walk her out to my truck. Though I don’t say it, I’m grateful she asked me over anyone else in the bar tonight.

  I pour her into the passenger side of my truck and fasten the seat belt over her. It’s a small town, but I won’t take any chances when she’s shown implicit trust in me. Besides, heading to our former shared home just outside the city limits where the countryside quickly takes over, there are any number of large animals we could encounter along the way.

  She instinctively reaches for my hand when the truck begins to move. Then she leans her head against the headrest and closes her eyes, secure in the knowledge I’ll keep her safe. As we drive along the familiar streets, I tighten my fingers around her hand and lift it to my lips. It’s been too long since I’ve felt the warmth of her touch or enjoyed her sweet scent. She smells like honeysuckle after a spring rain.

  She smells like home.

  When I glance over at her as I pull into the driveway, I realize she’s already asleep. She still hasn’t released my hand, but I know she’s too far gone to be alone tonight. I turn off the truck and quickly walk around to her side. She opens her eyes and looks at me when I unbuckle her seat belt and turn her legs toward me. I stop what I’m doing and meet her gaze.

  She lifts her hand to cup my face, her palm lying flat against my cheek. She curls her fingers, scraping the tips across my stubble. “I’ve always loved playing with your beard.”

  The memories of how often she used to do that flood my mind, making me chuckle. “Yeah, babe, I know you do. You did it during our wedding and caused all kinds of rumors to fly around town.”

  “They were all just jealous bitches who wanted your beard for themselves.” She slurs her words, but she says them with complete conviction.

  “Yep, I’m sure that’s what caused all the talk. It couldn’t have been the way you were undressing me with your eyes during the ceremony.” She puts her arm around my neck and I help her stand, keeping my hands on her waist long enough to make sure she’s steady on her feet before I move again.

  “I can’t help it if your stubble reminded me how raw the inside of my thighs were.” She grins mischievously.

  My intentions were good. Get her home safely. Keep her out of the arms of some horny guy. Sleep on the couch in case she needs me tonight.

  The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  Our bodies are perfectly aligned, and she’s in my arms. She steps closer, closing any gap that remained between us, and I close the door with a flick of my wrist. Her arms tighten around me, her breasts press against my chest, and her warm breath tickles my ear.

  “Take me inside, Ry.”

  “Babe, you’ve had a lot to drink tonight. I don’t want you to regret this in the morning.” I’m trying to be a good guy here, but she’s making it very hard.




  “I’m not that drunk, Ry. You’re not taking advantage of me. I’m inviting you in… to stay with me.”

  “You know I’ve never been able to turn you down, Liv. If you want me to stay tonight, I’m
yours all night.”

  She leans back enough to look me in the eye, then her lips land on mine. Standing on the driveway under the light of the moon, I’m taken back to when we were dating. Sneaking around town, making out wherever we could find a private place, and hoping no one saw us. Tonight, I don’t care who sees us. The entire town can walk by in a holiday parade and take pictures as far as I’m concerned.

  Our kiss changes from a slow burn to a raging inferno in a split second. I step forward, pushing her back against the truck door, and lean my full weight against her. Her soft moans work me into a frenzy. I slide my hand down her body and lift her leg. She wraps it around me, using it to pull me in tighter. Loving her feels so natural to me, like second nature. Though I’ve tried my best to hide it from all the busy bodies around town, I’ve missed her in every way possible.

  My lips trail down her neck, my teeth graze across the sensitive skin of her neck, and goose bumps flare out across her skin. She curls her fingers into a fist, gathering my shirt in her grip. I’m getting drunk on the taste of her and high on the sounds she makes.

  “Ryder, if you don’t take me inside right now, I’ll tell everyone about the time we went skinny-dipping in the frigid waters of the blue hole, and your dick was so shriveled up you thought it would never come out of its warm shell again.”

  I chuckle against her skin, just above her collarbone. “Tell them whatever you want, babe. All your screams tonight will prove that’s a lie, whether we’re outside or inside.”

  “Now, Ryder. Right now.”

  “You’re so demanding.” I step out of her leg-hold and lift her off the ground, carrying her like a baby. When I reach the front door, a different metaphor pops into my head. I’m carrying her across the threshold, like she’s my new bride, and now we’re starting our lives together.


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