Perfect Excuse (Mason Creek Book 11)

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Perfect Excuse (Mason Creek Book 11) Page 13

by A. D. Justice

  Thoughts of Ryder slip into my mind like a thief in the night. Comparisons of my relationship with my parents and with Ryder bombard me. Ryder and I are both obstinate, but he always forgave quicker and was ready to move forward before I was. My problem was I liked to hold on to grudges a little longer. Did my need for independence and autonomy drive an invisible wedge between us until I completely pushed him away?

  One more thing to talk to Allie about. Add it to the growing list.

  When I emerge from the back room, Annie and Jasmine are closing out the till for the night. The store will be closed for the next few days while we rearrange the floor, have the stage built, and draw the shades for the big reveal of my new line.

  I’m so excited I may vomit.

  “Tonight’s the night.” I turn to Faith for support for the fifteenth time today. “I’m going to throw up.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re going to make this town go up in flames with your sense of style.” She shakes her head at me, then slings her arm around my shoulders and hugs me to her. “I’m so proud of you, sweetie. This place looks amazing.”

  Faith and her employees are working during the show tonight, helping the models become stage-ready with their hair and makeup. She’s also my emotional-support human and the only reason I’m halfway sane right now. “Putting this event together has drained every bit of energy I have. My plan is to sleep a solid week when this is over.”

  “Listen, you’ve transformed this store into an elegant art gallery. The pink and white flowers perfectly match the shade of the runway. The lighting is amazing, and your models are all gorgeous. This will be an incredible success all the way around. Stop stressing. It’s not good for your skin.”

  Faith knows how to calm me when I’m on the edge of a nervous breakdown better than anyone else I know.

  Annie and Jasmine find me in the back checking last-minute preparations to tell me our guests are beginning to arrive. The shades on the front of the store are drawn, keeping the interior of the store a secret, and advertising the event at the same time. When I peek outside, I’m surprised to see the long line of people waiting to get in.

  “Here we go.” I unlock the door and welcome each person, then Annie and Jasmine direct them to the seating areas.

  When the rows are all filled and the door is closed once again, I scan over all the smiling faces as I make my way to the stage. One person who’s obviously missing is Ryder. I’d secretly hoped he’d be here to support me during this big night, but I guess he’s beyond mad and simply over us. I step up on the runway and ask for everyone’s attention.

  “Thank you for coming tonight. I guess the cat’s out of the bag now. Surprise! I’m the designer behind the Roots & Wings collection. You’ll be the first to see all my new designs tonight. I’m thrilled to announce you’ll also be the first to see my all-new line… of men’s unmentionables.” The crowd laughs, and a few people whistle with loud catcalls in their excitement. “Now I’ll turn the runway over to the people you actually came here to see—the models!”

  The main lights dim, and the spotlights take over, drawing everyone’s full attention to each model as she makes an entrance. The room fills with oohs and ahs, making the butterflies in my stomach multiply. The ladies rush around backstage to change into the next outfit, then strut down the catwalk once again.

  If I wasn’t watching every detail of this event, I’d still know the very second the guys stepped out from behind the curtain.

  Cole Jackson, our resident cocky, arrogant, and flirty playboy, is up first. Cole is always on a mission to make others smile. He takes to the runway like a fish takes to water. He’s wearing the silky blue boxers with red stripes and white stars. One of the stars ended up in a rather strategic position on the fabric, and he makes sure to point out that specific spot as he walks.

  When he reaches the end of the stage, the music immediately changes, and he starts doing his best Magic Mike impersonation. The crowd goes wild, and women all over the room jump to their feet. I suddenly wish I’d given out a pair of panties to each person so they could throw them onstage at him. I turn to Annie and Jasmine, and I can only imagine my face resembles a cartoon character. My eyes are bugged out of my head, and my bottom jaw is lying on the floor.

  “Where did that music come from?”

  “Cole.” Their joint reply is all that needs to be said. The man is a walking spectacle, but give him a stage and an audience, he becomes a superstar on steroids.

  Not to be outdone by his cousin Cole, Levi Jackson struts out next, wearing black and red Valentine-themed silky boxers and a matching smoking jacket. He jerks the jacket open wide, standing with his feet planted and looking a lot like a flasher. Then he quickly closes it and turns to face the other side of the room. His coy expression doesn’t fool anyone. He’s simply waiting for the perfect timing of the song. He throws it open again and joins Cole in the stripper dance.

  In their quest to be number one, Cole and Levi start a friendly shoving match—pushing the other behind him to take over the full spotlight, that is. Tears of laughter stream down my face as I watch those two goofballs ham it up for the audience. People are up on their feet, waving dollar bills in the air, laughing with their friends, and thoroughly enjoying themselves. I haven’t laughed this hard in forever, and it feels so good.

  Then Will Murphy steps on stage. He may be a little wild, but he’s a good-hearted kid. He’s in all black silky boxers, but he’s added more to his outfit than I originally slated… in the form of a beautiful lady on his arm. She’s wearing one of my split-thigh night dresses in matching black silk. The music changes on cue with their appearance, and they begin a sexy salsa dance. The crowd cheers louder, making Cole and Levi stop their show and watch Will and his friend for a minute.

  The two men lock gazes for a moment and shrug, then start salsa dancing too—with each other. My entire show has gone off the rails, but in the best way possible. The men and women in the audience are having a great time, the models have all converged on the stage together, and they’re all switching dance partners like they’re at a square dance.

  While I’m wiping away tears again, I don’t see the ambush approaching me on both sides. Cole is on my left, and Levi is on my right. They grab my arms and carry me out to what’s now the most scantily clad dance floor Mason Creek has ever had. I’m sandwiched between two handsome men wearing nothing but their loose, silky underwear. They’re both grinding against me—all in good fun—but this scene could easily be taken out of context. With my history of rampant rumors, I’d rather not stoke the fires if I can help it.

  But this is my party, and I’ll salsa if I want to. Besides, I can’t easily extricate myself from their arms. Or legs. Or torsos. When the song plays out, I excuse myself and end our night of frivolity on a high note.

  “I hope everyone enjoyed the show.” Before I can finish my prepared speech, the room breaks out into clapping and cheers. “Even though I didn’t arrange or even know about the male stripper show Cole, Levi, and Will performed for us, I want to thank them for being such good sports up here tonight. There’s not a lot of demand for men’s designer underwear in this small corner of the world, but they made it look like a household staple. To the female models, thank you all so much for making my lingerie look so good. To everyone who turned out tonight, thank you so much for spending your evening with us. If you’re interested in any of the new pieces, we’re now taking orders in the store and online. Good night, everyone.”

  When the last person finally leaves the store, I collapse on the stage from sheer exhaustion. After moving all the clothing and racks out of the building to set up the show, I’m already tired from just thinking about resetting the store to normal again. But that’s a problem and a concern to start thinking about tomorrow. Tonight, I’m going to enjoy the afterglow of this major feat.

  Faith drops down on the platform beside me and lies on her back. “What an awesome night. I’m so incredibly proud of you a
nd all you’ve accomplished. You are going places, my friend.”

  Chapter 16


  For the past week, I’ve purposely avoided anything remotely related to Liv and her marketing festivities. I’ve skipped my morning coffee run, making it at home instead. Lunch has been reheated leftovers from the night before. The lonely, quiet night before. My internet surfing didn’t include anything local since I know all the gossip is shared so freely.

  I want no part of it. The less I know, the better.

  “Son of a bitch.” When I open my browser to the national news page, there’s a viral video of Liv onstage with Cole and Levi Jackson. They’re grinding all over her while she laughs and lives it up with them. Cole is one of the biggest playboys around, but his constant flirting is mostly harmless. My rational self knows this because I know him so well. Same for Levi, for the most part.

  It’s the irrational monster inside I’m dealing with now. The green one who doesn’t want to see another man anywhere near touching my wife, much less dry humping her on stage while wearing almost nothing. If I allow my mind to examine the facts, I know neither guy is Liv’s type, and she’s too smart to fall for a smooth talker with a witty line. But that’s a fleeting thought when I keep hitting replay on the video.

  After waiting another week before engaging with anyone more than absolutely necessary, I realize I can’t avoid the town forever. I decide to face the music and grab my standing order from Java Jitters on my way to work. When I walk in, Cole Jackson himself is in the middle of the store, recreating his moves with someone else. The morning crowd cheers him on with their laughter.

  “And that, ladies, is how I became an overnight sensation. Once Tate posted that video on her blog, the rest was history. Instant. Viral. Video. There’s my fifteen minutes of fame, immortalized on every social media site and news outlet.” Cole beams with pride as he sips his coffee.

  “I think you mean you were riding Liv’s coattails for her fifteen minutes of fame, don’t you?” Jessie chuckles from behind the counter.

  “Nope, not at all. Did you watch the video, Jess? I’m the one with all the moves and the dancing expertise. I have mad love and respect for Liv, but she clearly just stood there. All the talent is right here in my hips.” He starts gyrating again like he was doing when I walked in. He looks up for the first time and notices me watching. “Ryder, my man. Tell them. Liv is great, but the woman can’t dance. She has zero rhythm.”

  “Don’t drag Ryder into your delusions, Cole. Liv is the one in New York City right now at Entranced magazine. She has more than fifteen minutes of fame in her future.” Jessie turns her attention to me. “You want the usual or do you want a little spice today?”

  “Spice me up, Jessie.” I step to the register to pay. “Did you say Liv is in New York now?”

  “Yeah. She’s been up there a little over a week now. The day after the big event, the video of her designs went viral. The magazine extended their gala to ride the wave of free publicity. The article will still come out as planned, but they flew Liv up there to do an encore of her show on a much larger scale. Tonight is her big night in the spotlight. She was terrified, but we told her she couldn’t pass up this opportunity. It’s a once in a lifetime deal.” Jessie finished making my cup of whatever the hell this is, and I walk out, more confused than I was when I walked in.

  I had no clue all this was happening ten minutes ago. Now, I’m even more lost as to what’s happening, or what I’m supposed to do about it. For someone who didn’t want to travel or even leave Mason Creek, my wife is certainly going places. She’s going with or without me. Seeing her in that video with Cole woke me up in ways I didn’t even realize I was asleep.

  I’ve never been the jealous type. Possessive, maybe, but every man is to a degree. But jealousy that ate me alive and kept me up at night was foreign to me until recent visions of my wife in the arms or bed of another man, sharing the intimate moments we’ve had together, torments me relentlessly. As does her secret life. If she kept her designs from me for so long, what else has she hidden away?

  How can I even trust her again?

  Before I realize it, I’m already approaching the store. My mind has been on everything except where I was, so I don’t even remember the walk from the coffee shop. As I reach for the door, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I’m surprised to see Mom’s number on the screen when I fish it out.

  “Hey, Mom. Where are you and Dad today?” I walk through the store and head toward my office in the back.

  “We’re actually back in Mason Creek. We have a meeting with Grady today to discuss either buying or building a house here.”

  I’m stunned speechless.

  “Uh, well, that’s great, I guess.”

  “What kind of homecoming greeting is that?” Mom chuckles, but she’s trying to hide the hurt behind her laughter.

  “No, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry. You know I’m glad you’re back. But the last time you talked about living here, you were adamant you hated the small-town, uncultured atmosphere. You felt smothered and cut off from the rest of the world. What changed your mind?” I’m genuinely curious because this was the last call I expected to get today.

  “The world changed our minds. We’ve had wonderful adventures and experienced things we’d never seen in Montana, but we miss our son and our friends. We can vacation anywhere, but only one place has ever felt like home. It really is where our heart is and where we want to spend our golden years, surrounded by those we love.”

  “Wow. To tell you the truth, I’d pretty much given up on you moving back here. I was actually thinking about how I could move away and get out of this place too.” I lean back in my chair and wait for her words of wisdom to guide me.

  “Son, I’m afraid I put that thought in your head, and I’m sorry I did. I’ve lived in Mason Creek my entire life and thought I was missing out on everything the world had to offer. But our great country—and this great big world of ours—is made up of countless small towns just like it. We’ve been to so many places now, but all our favorites have been the small, intimate, out-of-the-way towns where we got to talk to the locals. You don’t find the same hospitality and warmth in the big cities, son. Vacation wherever you want but make your home somewhere you’d feel safe raising your children.”

  There’s that knife in my chest again, though she has no idea. I’d rather die a thousand deaths by horse fly bites than talk about that topic. With my mom or anyone else in this town. I’m even regretting sharing it with Grayson somewhat.

  “Well, since Liv and I are separated, and she’s off in New York City living her best secret life, that’s not something any of us have to worry about. You’ll say I’m still young and I’ll change my mind. But I assure you, another trip down the aisle isn’t anywhere in my future, so neither are kids.” Besides traveling the world, the only other request my mother has made is to have grandkids one day. Seems I’m disappointing everyone and crushing the dreams of both the ladies in my life.

  “About that… you know I love you more than life itself…”

  “But.” Here comes the other shoe.

  “You’re wrong in this case, sweetheart. You’re taking her designs way too personally and reacting far too harshly.”

  “Too personally? How is this anything but personal?”

  “What I mean is she didn’t keep her designs from you specifically. She held that part of her close to her heart for years. I know it hurts she didn’t trust you with that piece of her, but there’s a reason why she didn’t feel as though she could. What was that reason, Ryder?” Mom pushes even though she already knows the answer.

  “Look, I already know I made her think I was ashamed of her business, and I feel like shit because of it.”

  How many people saw that in me and never said anything until now?

  “You need to look deeper than that, Ryder. What you said is true, but you are her husband. That makes you her soul mate, protector, best frien
d, and confidante all rolled up into one person. If she didn’t have you in her corner, she didn’t have anyone. You can’t blame her for doing something harmless, and what she loves, that helped support you both. When you go to her, think about that, son. That’s how you’ll win her back.”

  We talk for a while longer, mostly about their house plans and other business ideas they’ve picked up on their excursions. My thoughts keep returning to what she said about everything that Liv needed me to be. Can one person really fulfill all those needs? Then I think back on all the ways Liv supported and encouraged me over the years, and I realize how far off the mark I’ve been.

  “New business ventures, huh? You’re not interested in buying the store back from me?” I’m ready to sell. Today. I have no idea what I’ll do instead because this is all I’ve ever known, but I’m ready to find out.

  “We can talk about that if you’d like. Your dad and I didn’t want to bombard you with too much all at once. But he has missed the sales part of the job. He loves talking to everyone and finding the perfect piece for them. There’s no rush though. We’ve made some lucrative investments over the last few years, so we’re better off than when we left town.”

  “Perfect. Once you’re settled in again, we can make the deal happen and you’ll be the proud owners of King Jewelry once again.” This move will turn my life on its ear, but I’m ready for the change.

  “Slow down, speedy. Let us get into a house first. We haven’t even been by to see you yet. How about we take you out to dinner tonight?”


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