Perfect Excuse (Mason Creek Book 11)

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Perfect Excuse (Mason Creek Book 11) Page 14

by A. D. Justice

“I’ll never turn down a free meal with my parents. We can talk about your hostile takeover bid over some lasagna and salad.”

  “Sauce It Up Italian, it is. We’ll meet you there at seven.”

  My day crawls by with Liv on my mind the entire time. When I close the store, Kiwi and I walk home. After I put her in the cage and make her supper, I jump in the shower and dress for dinner. My parents have been away for months on end, and I’m excited to see them again.

  “Momma?” Kiwi tilts her head to the side, waiting for me to produce Liv on command.

  “Momma’s not here, sweet girl. She’ll be back soon. I know you miss her.”

  “Daddy loves Momma?” She has made the statement before, but she’s never posed it as a question.

  “Yes, Daddy loves Momma. Daddy loves Kiwi too.”

  “Momma loves Kiwi?” The question gives me pause more than anything she’s ever said. She’s questioning her place in Liv’s life, and I know without a doubt she feels our separation deeply.

  “Yes, pretty girl. Momma loves Kiwi very much. She’ll be home soon.” Now I know exactly what Liv was trying to tell me about how my actions would hurt Kiwi. I can’t do that to her… and I can’t do this to us.

  I have to talk to Liv.

  My parents walk toward me from the opposite end of the block. “Paula and Chris King, the epitome of love after forty years of marriage.”

  “Look how handsome our boy is, Chris. We’ve been gone too long.” Mom rushes to me with her arms open wide and a smile splitting her face in two.

  Dad joins her in a group hug in the middle of the sidewalk right in front of everyone. “Hello, Ryder. We’ve missed you so much.”

  We move inside and are shown to our table. After we order, Mom stops talking in mid-sentence. “Look at Liv on the national news. She looks as beautiful as ever. But she does look a little green around the gills. She must be nervous.”

  I can’t tear my eyes off the screen. Liv looks absolutely stunning in the formal gown she’s wearing. Her hair is styled in an updo, exposing the delicate skin of her neck. Her makeup is much heavier than she usually wears it, but I have no doubt that’s because of the cameras. The magazine’s main gala is tonight, and Liv is one of their guests of honor.

  “You’re right. She seems very nervous. All those cameras and eyes on her are taking their toll. She’s up there all alone. I don’t know how she’s doing it.” She shouldn’t be alone, but that’s one fact I verified at work today. The viral video and the magazine exposure combined made her an overnight sensation. The internet is full of articles about her now. She’s no longer only being covered by our local gossip girl.

  “She’s strong. Always has been. But even strong women need a safe haven to come home to, a shelter where they’re protected from the storms life throws at us.” Mom cuts her eyes over at me.

  “She wouldn’t trust anyone else to give her that.” I know her too well, even if she had secrets she kept from me.

  “Sounds to me like you have the perfect excuse to take the red-eye to New York.” Dad sips his wine and raises his eyebrows at me. “You’ll miss the main event, but there are other activities she’s slated to attend. Pack your tuxedo and your best suits. You’ll need them. We’ve got the store while you’re away.”

  I’m on my phone reserving my seat on the next flight before he finishes his speech. Perfect excuse or not, she’s mine, for better or worse, and I’m hers until death parts us. Probably even long after I’m gone.

  “Kiwi already feels the pain of Liv being away. Can you two stay at my condo with her until I get back? I don’t want her to think I’ve abandoned her too.”

  “You got it. We’ll spoil our only grandchild until you get back.” Dad winks in jest, but he secretly loves Kiwi almost as much as I do.

  We finish dinner, then I pack and make a few phone calls while they dote on Kiwi. I remind them of all the dos and don’ts with her before I leave, but I’m not sure they’re even listening. When I finally rush out to the airport, the only concern on my mind is getting to my Livvy and being the pillar of stone she needs this week.

  This King will do whatever it takes to protect and serve his queen.

  Chapter 17


  When I left Montana for New York, I barely had time to pack much less alert everyone of my sudden departure. Annie and Jasmine are already on a group text with me, so I managed to get the store covered and asked them to pass the word. I’m sure the whole town knows where I am by now.

  The cameras were all over the gala last night. I’ve never been so self-conscious of every move I made or every facial expression I had. How famous people do this all the time is beyond me. If I had someone following me to snap a picture every time I pulled my panties out of my crack, I’d just become a hermit permanently.

  Part of the reason why I’ve kept my label hidden is because I don’t like being in the spotlight. I’m fine being the woman behind the curtains, working the levers and pulling the strings. Being out front and center was more uncomfortable than I imagined it would be. Last night was incredible, every last moment of it, and I wouldn’t change one second of it because it’s an experience I’ll never get to live again. All the compliments and appreciation of my work made me want to outdo myself when I create the next new set. But for that, I want to be far away from everyone else where my creative juices can flow freely.

  There is another extravagant event tonight coupled with a formal dinner Entranced is having catered for specific high-profile advertising agency contacts. Their mission to feature and promote businesses owned by women has successfully launched the careers of many others into the stratosphere. I’ll be rubbing elbows with the best and brightest in the luxe fashion advertising world, and I have no idea what to say to them. The world of two-thousand-dollar shoes is as far from my everyday norm as I am from home tonight.

  My phone rings, pulling me away from my window seat and out of my trance. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Mrs. King. This is Sandy, Jacqueline’s assistant. I’m calling to confirm your schedule for this evening. Our driver will pick you up at your hotel and drop you off at the Liberty Warehouse in Red Hook. Ms. Rafferty has arranged a private showing of all your work, including the new pieces from your men’s collection, and will set the parameters for advertising proposals. The interested agencies will have questions about your direction and goals for the future so they can determine how to best represent your brand. You’ll want to have the answers prepared and rehearsed ahead of time. Do you have any questions?”

  “Sandy, I’ve never been involved in anything like this before. What if no one wants to pick me up as a client? I mean, if I’m sitting there alone and no one’s interested, I’ll be mortified.” Seriously, this is way out of my comfort zone, and I feel completely out of my league here.

  Sandy bursts into a loud guffaw before quickly composing herself again. “I don’t think you quite understand how this works. That won’t happen. They respect Jacqueline’s opinion and her prediction of future trends too much to jeopardize their working relationship with her. If she believes in your talent, so will they. She wouldn’t have arranged this event and invited them otherwise. Will there be anything else?”

  She asks the question politely enough, but her tone leaves no room for further discussion. It is simply the professional in her that won’t allow her to end the call so abruptly. I’m truly alone in this, and I’ve never felt more lost.

  “No, that’s all. Thank you, Sandy.”

  We disconnect after she reminds me of the pickup time. There’s a knock at my hotel room door a second later, and I’m surprised to find a courier delivering my prescribed outfit for the evening. Seems they’ve taken care of everything and aren’t leaving anything to chance since the hair stylist and makeup artist arrive next.

  Great. It only took me thirty minutes to remove all the stage makeup from my face last night.

  After everyone’s finished making me into someone I’m not, I bar
ely recognize myself when I step in front of the mirror. The woman staring back at me looks as if she belongs in the world of high fashion in her exquisite dress, expensive shoes, and name-brand purse. Her hair is perfect. There’s not a single strand out of place. The fiercest nor’easter wind couldn’t penetrate the makeup that looks as though it’s straight out of a supermodel’s photoshoot.

  The driver calls on his approach to my hotel, so I make my way down to the lobby to meet him. He opens the back door of the Mercedes sedan and I slide into the opulent interior. He navigates the city streets with ease as I watch the blocks go by one after the other. Before I know it, and before I’m ready, we come to a stop, and he opens the door for my exit.

  Standing there waiting for me, at Pier 41 in Brooklyn, is my knight in a black tuxedo.

  He looks so handsome in his finest dress clothes. His hair is styled exactly the way I like it—short on the sides and spikey on the top, with that sexy, intentionally messy vibe. It’s just long enough for me to run my fingers through it and grab a handful. He shaved his beard closer to his face, simulating three days of stubble and enhancing his strong jawline. His jacket is a perfect fit, accentuating his broad shoulders and trim waist.

  “Ryder.” I say his name on a released breath. I’ve missed him more than I realized until this very second. “What... what are you doing here?”

  “What I should’ve done all along. I’m here to support my wife, protect her from everyone else in the world, and give her all my love. If she’ll have me.”

  Despite his tempting outward appearance, what draws me to him over and over again is the invisible connection I feel on a deeply physical level every time we lock eyes. We’ve always had a special bond, but this act of devotion is beyond anything I would’ve expected of him.

  “She will.”

  Relief fills his features. He turns and steps beside me, extending his elbow for me to take his arm. I slide my hand through and wrap my fingers around his bicep. Part of me is thankful to have a plus one at my side so I’m not alone tonight. But that’s not the main reason I’m thrilled to have Ryder with me. I trust him with my life and my heart, and I finally realized that when I thought I’d lost him forever.

  He reaches over and gently turns my face toward his. “I’m sorry I made you feel anything but valued, appreciated, and respected. But I know where my place is now, and I’ll never forget it.”

  “Where’s that?” My reply is barely a whisper over this lump of emotion clogging my throat, but it’s enough.

  “Wherever you need me. Nowhere else.”

  “I need you beside me, anywhere I am.” He has no idea how much I need him. Always have. Always will.

  “You have me, come heaven or hell. Good times and bad. Blue jeans and cowboy boots or tuxedoes and dress shoes. I’m yours until the end of time.”

  “I love you more than anything, Ryder. Normally, I’d warn you about making me cry and messing up my mascara, but the fifteen coats on my eyelashes will last for years.” We chuckle together, releasing some of the bottled-up tension.

  “Since we’re dressed all fancy and we’re already here, let’s go inside to dazzle the elite ad agencies. We’ll have them eating out of your hand in no time.”

  We begin our trek inside the waterfront warehouse that hosts some of the most elegant weddings and other significant events in the city. Our rented space here is incredible. A light stone accent wall complements the dark red brick of the warehouse. Round tables with immaculate linens, place settings, and centerpieces are perfectly arrayed to allow mingling. Short strings of lights hang from the ceiling, twinkling like a million stars in the sky. Large glass sliding doors are open fully, allowing the breeze from the water to permeate the room as guests enjoy the view from the expansive balcony.

  “Ryder, let’s sneak out the back door and call an Uber. I don’t think I can do this.” My hands are clammy, I’m starting to hyperventilate, and I’m sure I’ll trip in these four-inch heels any second now.

  “Not a chance, babe. This is your moment to grab this business by the balls and make it your bitch. Are you afraid of failing… or succeeding?”

  “Yes.” My answer is completely honest.

  “Either way, I’m here to catch you or help you fly as high as you can soar. You’re not in this alone anymore.”

  “They’ll want to know what my future plans are and what direction I’m taking my company. Ry, I don’t know what to tell them.”

  “I have a couple of ideas if you’re interested in hearing them.” He raises his eyebrows as he waits for my stunned reply.

  “Uh, yeah, of course I want to hear them.” I can’t believe he has more suggestions for my lingerie.

  “One line can be more exclusive and higher-end than the others. Make pieces to include some rare gems in the final product so they’ll sparkle more. My other idea is to create themes for your merchandise. You can do a wedding theme, honeymoon theme, holiday themes, costume themes, and make the men’s and women’s lines match. Start with those and see how they react.” He takes two flutes of champagne from a passing tray and hands one to me.

  “Those are genius ideas, Ryder. The exclusive line alone gives me so many design ideas, although they will be extravagantly expensive. But you’re right, that caters to a different buyer demographic. The theme idea could cross lines too. I’m so excited to start working on the sketches for these new ideas.”

  “So my marketing degree wasn’t a total waste of time, huh?” He winks then sips his champagne. “Are you going to drink that?”

  “Not right now. My stomach is in knots. I’m also afraid I’ll spill it on this twenty-thousand-dollar dress they gave me to wear or throw up when someone talks to me. Plus, holding the glass gives me something to do with my hands.” I smile and shrug, accepting my inability to truly fit in with the crowd surrounding me.

  His dazzling smile lights up his face. “I hope you never change. You’re adorable and perfect exactly as you are. Come on, babe. Let’s go razzle-dazzle all your guests together.” He jerks his head to the side and takes my hand in his free one.

  We make our rounds through the room, with Ryder doing most of the ice-breaking and introductions. Once the conversation starts flowing, I chime in and manage to add a few witty remarks and intelligent points regarding the topic at hand. If Ryder hadn’t been standing there when I got out of the car, I probably would’ve already left by now. But he gently urges me to keep going with every new conversation we have.

  Jacqueline Rafferty, the woman in charge of my fashion world, arrives with a flurry of activity and a rush of excited chatter. She takes the stage and steps in front of the microphone.

  “Good evening and thank you for joining us tonight as we focus on another company founded and operated by a woman with high hopes and attainable goals. As you all know, Entranced magazine has a long history of supporting our fellow women in business ventures we believe in.

  “It’s my profound honor to endorse Olivia King, owner and founder of Roots & Wings lingerie. Not only does she have a keen eye for fashion, she has her finger on the pulse of what women of all ages need and want. Her vision is to make every woman feel sexy and desirable, erasing the constraints and doubts that have held so many back from what they really want.

  “If you haven’t met her and her handsome husband yet, I urge you to get in line as soon as possible. This young lady has an incredibly bright future ahead of her. Also, you’re being treated to a private showing of her most recent creations for both women and men over tonight’s dinner. Enjoy.”

  With my smile in place, I turn to Ryder and whisper without moving my lips. “She hasn’t met you. How did she know you were here with me?”

  “I made a few calls to people from college until I found someone who knew someone who knew her. It wasn’t easy, but we got through to her and explained the situation. She loved the idea of me being here for you, so she added me to the guest list.”

  “You went through all that trouble t
o be here with me?” I can’t hide my surprised expression.

  “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to be with you, Liv. There’s nothing too hard for me to accomplish. There’s nowhere that’s too far for me to go. I’ve loved you my entire life, and I’ll love you forevermore.”

  The ad agencies we haven’t talked with yet begin making their way to our table, forming a line as Jacqueline instructed. During dinner, while others watch the show, we continue talking and engaging with people who can change our lives forever. Over the next two hours, Ryder and I answer questions until we’re hoarse and have no energy left. Our cheeks hurt from smiling and our throats are as dry as the Sahara. A waitress stops to replace our table’s water pitcher, and we greedily refill our glasses.

  When the event is over and the hour is way past my bedtime, Ryder and I walk outside together and find the same car and driver waiting for us. Ryder hesitates for a moment, unsure of what I expect him to do. I clinch my fingers tighter around his hand.

  “They gave me one hell of a suite at the hotel. The room is huge, and I’m the only one in it. Would you like to spend the night with your wife?”

  “Only every night for the rest of my life.”

  We get in the car and stay close to each other. It’s late for us, but we can’t stop staring at the still full streets of the city that never sleeps. The night life here is incredible, but I don’t think we can swing it after the evening we’ve had. In fact, I know I can’t. Everything I’ve done lately has zapped my stamina with all the stress I’ve been under. We reach the hotel and head straight to the suite.

  “Thank you for tonight. Without you, ten agencies wouldn’t have promised a proposal within the week. This also wouldn’t be both the most exciting and the scariest time of my life. But I’d much rather face it with you than without you, that’s for sure.” I wrap my arms around his waist, and he does the same to me.

  “You did all the work. I only started a few conversations.” He shrugs as if it’s no big deal.


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