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The Reckoning

Page 16

by S. L. Morgan

  Reece had no idea how long she had remained in this meditative state with Levi, but it felt like an eternity before the evil within him vanished. When she opened her eyes and sat up, she felt Levi’s aura return to its normal state.

  She stood and would have collapsed to the ground if Harrison wasn’t there to catch her.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked with concern.

  “Yes,” she exhaled in relief as she leaned into Harrison’s embrace, legs shaky and weak. “I forced his mind into a coma. His body will continue to heal, but I must check on him every day.”

  “Reece, do you realize how long you have been at this?”

  Reece laughed. “It feels like forever.”

  “Try close to eight hours!” Harrison said with disbelief. “There was nothing we could do to break whatever bond you formed with Levi. You were unresponsive. I thought we were to lose you both.”

  “Eight hours?” Reece said with disillusionment.

  “Yes,” Navarre said as he entered the area and brought Reece into an embrace. “Allow us to get you to your rooms. Allestaine has been sick with worry over you and Levi.”

  “I can’t leave him,” Reece answered. “He needs to be cleaned up.”

  “I’ll send for Henry,” Navarre said.

  “No,” Reece ordered. “He is my husband, and I will personally see to it that he is cared for.”

  “Reece, please.” He reached for her hand. “Do not forget you are carrying a child, and while you may still have the power of that stone, enough is enough. Levi is on the fast track to becoming healthy, so it is best you are well to receive him when he wakes up.”

  She glanced up at Navarre and leaned into his embrace. “Thank you. I’m sorry I’m being so stubborn. I just want him back.”

  Navarre placed a kiss on Reece’s head. “It is your stubbornness that brought Levi back to all of us and gave him peace. Now, Harrison, escort Reece to her rooms and send for Jasmeen and Allestaine to care for her.” He looked at Reece. “We will watch over Levi in your absence.”

  “If he wakes—”

  “You shall be the first to know,” Harrison said as he nearly dragged Reece from the room.

  Two weeks had passed, and there continued to be no signs of Levi emerging from the deep coma although Reece worked with him daily. She knew his mind must still be healing, and it was up to Levi to fight back and pull through this on his own.

  Reece was on her way to visit him when a sharp pain stabbed into her abdomen. She fell against a wall and let out a guttural moan. The pain grew stronger, and Reece broke into a sweat, hands and legs shaking violently. She couldn’t stand, so she slowly crawled on the floor, trying to get to where someone was that could help her. Reece knew something was gravely wrong with the baby. She screamed, and a servant came rushing from far down the corridor. The young woman bellowed for help as she tried to bring Reece to rest in her lap. Another servant approached, and as quickly as he left, Navarre came running through the corridor to where Reece was lying on the floor groaning in pain.

  Navarre swept her into his arms and barked orders to everyone he encountered on the way to her room. “Jasmeen!” he roared as he marched into her room. “Get a remedy to calm Reece this instant. She is severely ill.”

  “Doctor Fletcher is on his way, My Lord,” Allestaine said from behind them.

  Once Reece was on the bed, Allestaine rushed to her side, rubbing a damp cloth over Reece’s face. “There now, darling.” Tears filled her eyes. “Take slow breaths.”

  Reece tried breathing slower, but the pain continued to surge through her. As she tried to focus on her breathing, she noticed blood on Navarre’s white sleeve. Reece gripped her stomach as it clenched in another spasm.

  “NO!” she screamed through her tears.

  “Reece, look at me,” Allestaine ordered her.

  Reece started fighting. “The baby! I’m losing our baby!”

  She continued to groan in pain when Doctor Fletcher arrived in her rooms.

  “Reece and the baby are in utter distress,” the doctor said as he held an object to her abdomen. “She will sleep in calmness within a few moments, and then I will be able to fully assess her and the baby’s condition.”

  “No!” Reece said in a faint voice. Her eyes pleaded with the doctor. “You have to save my…” she trailed off as her heavy lids slipped closed.

  Reece woke to Allestaine gently brushing her hair. “There you are, my dear.” Her eyes sparkled as she gazed adoringly into Reece’s eyes.

  Reece tried to sit up, but Allestaine stopped her. “Not so fast.” She looked over her shoulder. “Elizabeth, send for your father, please. Reece is awake.”

  Reece looked at Allestaine, her mind still fuzzy. “Is the baby okay?”

  “The baby is perfectly well,” she said with a reassuring smile. “How are you feeling?”

  Reece felt surprisingly rejuvenated. “My mind feels a little foggy, but other than that, I feel much better.”

  “That is what sleeping for two weeks will do to you,” Navarre said as he entered the room with a beaming Elizabeth.

  Reece’s thoughts at once returned to that of Levi. If she had been asleep for two weeks and they weren’t calling for him to come see her, then he was still asleep—or worse. “Levi!” she said, looking at Navarre, “Where is he? Is he—”

  “Levi is fine,” Allestaine said with a smile. “He remains unconscious, but he appears to be more peaceful, and his color has improved over the last week drastically. His hair is no longer silver, and the visible traces of him transforming into one of Mordegrin’s creatures are slowly being erased.”

  “He’s still in a coma?” Reece said with panic. “It’s been a month!”

  Her heart rate was increasing, and her stomach tightened in pain. “Reece, do not distress yourself over his condition at this time. It is the stress of everything you have already endured that almost took the baby’s life,” Navarre said.

  “Doctor Fletcher has advised that once you have awakened, you must remain free of any stress and activity until he is assured you have fully healed,” Allestaine instructed. “He will be here momentarily to advise you of the necessary precautions we must take to ensure you and the baby stay healthy.”

  “I have to see Levi,” she said, somewhat disillusioned.

  “Harrison stays with him,” Navarre interjected. “When Harrison is not able, I am at Levi’s side. Do not worry,” he said with a reassuring smile.

  “Elizabeth, have Jasmeen send for some light food and some tea for Reece,” Allestaine requested.

  After three days of being forced to stay in bed, Reece was going out of her mind. Fortunately, Doctor Fletcher released his order for her to remain in bed. He instructed Reece to refrain from visiting Levi, given that her stress could return and put her and the baby at risk again. With promises from everyone in the family that they would send for her the moment Levi appeared to be waking up, Reece heeded the doctor’s orders.

  After a week of strolling through the gardens and trying to distract herself by learning needlework with the ladies, Reece was at her limit. She couldn’t stop thinking about Levi, and regardless of what anyone said, she ached to see him again. It had been over a month, and he was still unconscious. She was becoming worried that maybe she was too powerful with persuading his mind to sleep.

  “Reece, I have a surprise for you,” Allestaine said with a brilliant smile.

  Reece exhaled, abruptly brought back into reality, she forced a smile. “You do?”

  “Are you up for a short journey?”

  “I can’t leave—I won’t leave. I’m sorry, but I’m not going anywhere until Levi is awake.”

  Allestaine softly laughed and stood. “Levi’s condition remains the same. I believe that an hour or so away from the palace will not be long enough for him to undergo any drastic changes.” She reached for Reece’s hand. “The emperor is under strict orders to send for us if Levi shows signs of waking.”

p; Reece stood up. “Okay. Getting out of the palace for a while sounds refreshing.”

  Allestaine smiled warmly. “I am delighted you feel that way. With Angeline and Lizzy off shopping and being entertained in the city, I feel you should try to treat yourself as well.”

  “I’m not going to the city; that’s too far away. It’s the only reason I didn’t go when they asked.”

  “I am not taking you to the city, sweet one.”

  Close to thirty minutes later, the carriage turned down the road that led to Levi and Reece’s estate. Reece hadn’t been here since the last time Levi had abruptly left when he first kissed her.

  “I believe that when Levi awakens and is recovered, he will demand you both take up residence in your home,” Allestaine said as they walked up the entrance to the imposing structure.

  Reece stopped before entering their home. “How can you be so sure he will remember me again?”

  Allestaine reached for Reece’s hand, encouraging her to follow the elegant woman into their home. “Reece, you must not think that way. Do not forget that the entire trauma Levi had suffered was Mordegrin’s doing. I am hopeful that as his mind heals, his memories will return. We must place our trust in that.”

  “I hope you’re right. I’m so thankful that he is showing signs of healing from Mordegrin’s curse. I want him back so badly, it hurts if that makes any sense.”

  “It makes perfect sense, darling,” Allestaine said as she led Reece into the grand foyer. “Now, have positive thoughts. I want you to enjoy this moment. If anything, I want it to give you hope again that when Levi wakes, everything will be as it should again.”

  Reece inhaled. “Positive thoughts,” she stated confidently before allowing herself to take in the sight that surrounded her.

  The coverings were removed from their new furniture, and servants were bustling all around, cleaning and dusting everything. As Allestaine led Reece to the third floor, Reece avoided looking in the direction of her and Levi’s bed chamber. Depression was threatening to set in until Allestaine opened the door to the nursery. Reece stood in awe at the furnishings throughout the room. A soft yellow color covered the walls, complemented by the elaborate white trim work and paneling. Tears filled her eyes as she took in the beauty and the peace emanating from this room. She imagined herself in the rocking chair that sat near a window overlooking their back lawns, holding her sleeping baby in her arms.

  “Earlier this morning I sent for Levi’s crib to be brought to your home,” Allestaine said as she walked over to the polished crib. She held up a plush, cream blanket. “I planned to give this to you after the baby was born, but I feel that now is a perfect time to give it to you instead.” She laughed as she handed the soft blanket to Reece. “It was Levi’s most treasured gift as a child. I truly believed Levi would never grow tired of it. He was irate with me for close to a week after I stole it away from him and hid it.”

  Reece laughed as she caressed the soft, silky blanket. “I would’ve never imagined him to be like that.”

  Allestaine grinned. “That boy did have a temper.”

  “Lady Allestaine, I am at a loss for words. I cannot thank you enough for this,” Reece said with a jubilant smile as she brought her into an embrace. “You’ve helped to restore the hope I was losing.”

  “He’s coming back, Reece,” Lady Allestaine said, stepping back. “Change all of your worrisome thoughts about the possibility he won’t. Now is the time to know in your heart that the pain of everything is nearing an end.”

  Days had passed since Allestaine surprised Reece with the nursery she had personally decorated. The doctor finally allowed Reece to travel from the palace on her own, but only by carriage. Reece was relieved to get some freedom back, and she made a new routine of spending an hour or two every day at her and Levi’s home. Their baby seemed to be growing rapidly and healthily. The previous evening was the first time she felt the baby kick, and she reacted by jumping out of her chair with excitement, prompting everyone in the sitting room to share the amazing event with her. The only person missing these precious moments was her husband.

  “There you are, little one,” Reece said when she felt the baby move during her stroll through the gardens of her and Levi’s estate. Another soft nudge inside of her abdomen forced a laugh from Reece. “If only your father were awake to experience this,” she said as she gazed up at their impressive home. She looked up at the balcony of their master bedroom, and against her will, her cheerfulness of having their baby awake and active within her stomach was replaced with the grief of missing Levi again.

  Don’t start this, Reece!

  For the first time since visiting their estate, she felt the loneliness of being there without Levi. She swiftly walked out of the gardens toward the front of their home, in search of the Imperial Guards and her carriage. She was distracted from leaving the location when she saw four multicolored birds gliding along the surface of the large pond at the side of their home. Taken with their majestic beauty and shimmering colors, she meandered over to a stone bench that overlooked the water. She sat and let the unique birds soothe the void she felt.

  So lost in her tranquility, the scenery changed before her.

  What? she thought as she found herself standing in a room with Navarre and Harrison who were watching a transformed Levi intently. She tried to speak, but no one could hear her.

  “There is movement!” Navarre said as he looked at Harrison. “Go and send for Galleta, this instant!”

  “What about Reece?” Harrison questioned. “We must—”

  “Harrison, summon the queen. I am unsure if he is waking and will not give Reece false hope.”

  Reece’s heart pounded against her chest when Levi’s eyes opened. They had returned to the unique sapphire blue they once were, just as his hair was onyx black again.

  Levi sat up. “Where is Reece?” he questioned with urgency.

  Navarre stood at the side of Levi’s bed. “Son, you have awoken from a deep slumber, and we must be sure you are fully healed before—”

  Levi dropped his legs off the side of the bed and stood. “I feel perfectly fine,” he responded. “Where is my wife?”

  “I must say, it is truly a delight to hear you refer to Reece like that again,” Harrison said as he entered the room with Queen Galleta.

  Levi sighed in annoyance. “Please, Queen, evaluate my condition and ensure my family that I am my usual self again.”

  Galleta walked toward Levi and ran her hands along his face, studying him. Reece tried to force her eyes open and out of this hallucination. This had to be a premonition telling her that Levi would be waking soon. She was to be the one to assess Levi, not Galleta.

  Please wake up, Reece begged herself.

  “He is healed, and his energy levels are incredibly strong,” Queen Galleta notified the men in the room. “It is as if nothing ever happened to him.”

  “Harrison, go retrieve Reece from the manor,” Navarre said as he impulsively hugged his son. “Levi, my boy, the joy it brings me to have you back again leaves me speechless. Reece—”

  Levi withdrew. “I must clean up and see her now.”

  “Reece had requested that we are to send for her if you should awake. You must wait.”

  Levi eyed his father and grinned. “Nothing could make me wait.”

  Reece’s eyes snapped open, and she tripped on her dress when she abruptly stood and turned back toward the manor. She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the thunderous echoes of a horse’s hooves charging up to the estate.

  Harrison! she thought with disbelief as she turned to see the rider racing up the road. Levi was waking up, and Harrison was here to deliver the news. I knew it was a premonition! I must get back to Levi before he wakes! she thought as she rushed toward the road.

  She stopped when the rider came into view and her eyes widened.

  “Levi?” she whispered with disbelief.

  Chapter Eleven

  Is this really
happening? Reece thought as she watched Levi riding Areion at top speed toward the entrance of their home. It was evident that Levi had aggressively ridden to their home, as Areion’s coat was shiny with sweat and his breathing heavy.

  When Levi spotted Reece, he guided the charging stallion in her direction. Without hesitation, he flung himself off Areion’s back while the horse continued to race past where Reece stood. She snapped out of her state of shock the moment Levi smiled. Reece gathered her dress and ran toward him, meeting him as they both collided into a powerful embrace.

  “My love,” he whispered breathlessly before he brought his hungry lips down onto hers. Reece’s head spun wildly, as it did when Levi kissed her for the first time.

  Even though her legs were weak, she managed to savor every moment. His memories had returned, and Levi had come back to her. He was finally healed, and he was hers again. No words were spoken as Levi framed her face with his strong hands and began placing tender kisses throughout. He continued to kiss along her jawline and down the center of her throat. His hands were soon on each of her sides as he knelt down on a knee and pressed his lips against her abdomen.

  Reece ran her hands through his wavy hair, relishing in every part of this miracle she was experiencing. Levi gently rested his head against her stomach, to which she felt the baby respond.

  “Your father is here, my sweet one.” Levi looked up at Reece, his brilliant sapphire eyes sparkling with tears apparent in them.

  Tears streamed down her face as she smiled, caressing Levi’s cheek. “I can’t tell you—” she shook her head, trying to speak through her tears.

  Levi stood and wiped the tears from her cheeks. He tilted his head to the side, eyes unwavering as they studied hers. “I have missed every fiber of you,” he said. He let out a breath as his lips twisted. “I beg of you, please forgive me for everything that—”

  “Levi, don’t,” Reece stopped him. She brought her hands up to his neck, studying his face, knowing that their separation was over. Through all her heartbreak, she was rewarded: Levi had come back to her. “Don’t apologize, my love. It’s over,” she said, crying with laughter. “It really is. It’s finally over!”


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