Two Lone Wolves

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by Cara Adams

  Werewolves Wanting Love 2

  Two Lone Wolves

  Ivory Tainton wants a Dom. Hadrian McNaught’s a Dom but he and Gregory Boland want Ivory to get to know them as people first. They’re both lone wolves who have met up with each other and now want a woman to make them into a family. Ivory isn’t listening. This is her opportunity to find out all about BDSM and she isn’t waiting for all their explanations. Ivory’s one of the dance teachers at the DADISP with very little free time. How can they get to know her when she’s always racing off to do something? How can Hadrian explain BDSM to her when she wants to jump straight in and experience it herself? And how can they get her to understand how very dangerous it is to allow anyone calling himself a Dom to teach her instead of waiting for them?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 35,178 words


  Werewolves Wanting Love 2

  Cara Adams


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Cara Adams

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-781-5

  First E-book Publication: June 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About the Author


  Werewolves Wanting Love 2


  Copyright © 2014

  visit for more books

  Chapter One

  Ivory Tainton made her way through the crowds at the barbecue, looking for a group of women to talk to. There were sixty women at the Second Desperate and Dateless Interspecies Week-Long House Party—known as the DADISP—and almost two hundred men, so finding an actual group of ladies wasn’t as easy as it sounded.

  Also, there seemed to be an excessive number of security guards standing around. Now, okay, the barbecue was out on the lawns of the Konference Kabins convention center, but even so, it was well inside the fenced property, not on the roadside or being held in a public park or something. Why were there so many beefy security guards surrounding the barbecue pit, the food tables, and the dance floor?

  The DADISP was a week-long event and tonight was the third night. Ivory and her sister Ebony were here as dance instructors and already Ebony had found two men who made her very happy. There were two men Ivory liked as well, but what she wanted was some men who’d introduce her to BDSM and neither of the men who wanted to get to know her better would do that. So now she wanted to talk to the other women here and see if any of them had met up with a Dom they’d introduce her to.

  How the hell will I ever know if BDSM is what I’m looking for, if no one will teach me? Or at least give me an introduction to a BDSM club with high standards and a rule about only permitting safe, sane, and consensual play.

  “Ivory?” Dorothea, the events coordinator for the DADISP, gripped her arm. Ivory turned around, and sighed. Standing on either side of Dorothea, making her look even smaller than she really was, were Hadrian McNaught and Gregory Boland, the men who had made it quite clear they’d like to get to know her better. She stifled her sigh and looked at them both critically. They really were very easy on the eyes.

  Hadrian was maybe five feet eleven tall, with a very stocky and muscular build. He’d told her he’d been born in the mountains of Wyoming and he looked as if he had the sheer mass and power to move a mountain anytime he wanted to. He also had thick black hair, and very dark, almost black eyes, that seemed able to look right into her innermost being.

  Gregory was a couple of inches taller than Hadrian and it was his eyelashes that she’d noticed first about him. She’d kill for eyelashes like his, they were so long and thick. His hair was light brown, although his brows and lashes were darker, and his eyes were hazel, not that she could tell in the semidarkness right now.

  Purposely ignoring the men, she smiled at Dorothea. “Hi, Dorothea. Why is there so much security here tonight?

  “Oh, you know what wolves are like. They’re just naturally protective.” Dorothea stepped back and Hadrian and Gregory moved to take one of Ivory’s arms each.

  “May we escort you to get some barbecue?” asked Hadrian.

  Ivory sighed again. They were really nice, and she was hungry. Just smelling the delicious meat cooking had made her ready to eat. But she wanted a Dom and was running out of time to find one. Gently but firmly she pulled herself free of them both. “Not tonight, but thanks anyway.”

  Turning swiftly, she dived between some men and reappeared on the other side of them, hurrying to the group of women she’d sighted just before Dorothea had stopped her. Maybe one of them could point her to her Dom.

  * * * *

  “Dammit! Getting her to stay with us is like trying to catch a fish with my bare hands.” Hadrian
stared at the backs of the men who blocked his view of where Ivory had disappeared into the crowd.

  “Can you do that?” asked Gregory.

  “Do what?” Hadrian turned to look at Greg.

  “Catch a fish with your bare hands.”

  “Of course I can. But it means standing in a good place in the stream where I know fish will be and waiting without moving at all until they reappear. Why are you asking?”

  “Oh, I just wondered if it was a saying like, ‘Nail Jell-O to a wall.’ Or if it was a real thing.”

  “Yeah, sorry. You can take the man out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the man.”

  “Just as long as you don’t start singing some sad, mournful, wailing ‘somebody done me wrong’ song,” said Greg.

  Hadrian glanced at him for a moment, before he saw the edges of Greg’s mouth twitching, and laughed. “It’s a deal.”

  “So, getting back to business here, are we going to follow our woman or not?” asked Greg.

  Hadrian dragged his gaze away from where Ivory no longer was, and turned fully to face Greg, his friend and the man with whom he planned to share Ivory. When she finally agreed to join with them. He refused to think she wouldn’t ever let them love her. “She wouldn’t be happy if we chased her right now. I’m starving. Let’s go eat.”

  “Oh, good plan. The smell of the meat cooking for the last few hours has been driving me crazy.”

  Hadrian and Greg joined the line and watched as several thick slices of beef were carved and placed on their plates, before filing past a long table of salads, bread, sauces, and other barbecue fixings. Only when their plates were piled high did they move over to one of the circles of chairs and join with the other men to talk and eat. But he couldn’t stop watching for Ivory. As soon as he saw her he wanted to go to her and speak to her. Time was passing too fast for them to wait much longer. Soon they’d have to forget about being gentlemen and just grab her and kiss her until she was dizzy. Maybe then she’d listen to them.

  He and Greg were working at Thorne House, the shape-shifter clinic, helping with exercise programs and patient rehabilitation. Dorothea also worked there as an events planner, and as soon as she heard that they’d passed the registration tests to come to the conference, she’d talked them into helping her perform a display dance on the first night here. It’d been a formal Regency-era dance, all skipping, and walking backward and forward, and under people’s arms, and bowing. It’d actually been quite fun to master all the steps. And then, when they’d come to rehearse the dance with the other people involved, Ivory and her sister Ebony had been two of the dancers. Instantly Hadrian had been drawn to Ivory.

  At first glance, although the sisters looked different, they seemed almost like twins. Their actions and attitudes were so similar. Many people even confused which one of them was which, despite Ebony having long dark hair and Ivory a short blonde bob. But as he’d gotten to know Ivory better he’d been quite certain she was the one he wanted. Her gaze was a little more pensive. Although she laughed and smiled a lot, he was certain that buried in her past was something painful. Someone had hurt her once upon a time. Oh she’d gotten over it. She wasn’t nursing a broken heart that he could tell. But there was a slightly cautious look in her eyes as she watched all the men here, almost as if she was checking them out to see who wouldn’t live up to her standards. Hadrian was damn sure he and Greg would not only live up to her expectations but exceed them. They’d love and protect her and care for her and give her so many orgasms she couldn’t count them all. Well, they would if she’d just let them talk to her for a while first.

  And how the hell was he going to organize that? The rules at this party were clear. The women had the final say about everything. If a woman said no that was the end of the man’s request. And so far Ivory was saying no. In the sweetest, nicest possible way, but still no. She hadn’t come home with them. She hadn’t agreed to be alone with them. She wouldn’t even let them walk her to her cabin. They still didn’t even know which cabin was hers and Ebony’s, for fuck’s sake.

  And if that wasn’t enough to knot his balls and turn them bright blue with repressed desire, she’d said she was interested in finding a Dom to learn about BDSM. She hadn’t mentioned the word sex, but his dick had heard it implied loud and clear. He was a Dom and no true Dom would take a woman up on such a casual statement. To be a true Dom, a man needed to know all about his woman. He needed to be certain when he planned a scene for her that it would give her extreme pleasure. What Ivory was suggesting was practically an open invitation for any asshole to abuse her. Fortunately the exceptionally strict registration tests should ensure there were no assholes here this week. But the moment she left the conference and went out into the world, she’d be open to be preyed on by any slime or sleazeball out there. Hadrian simply couldn’t permit her to act like that. But until she opened up and talked to him, he couldn’t do anything to help her.

  Something had to change and change fast. They were almost at the middle of the week and had made zero progress. By the end of tonight they would have to find her and get her to promise to let them talk to her properly. To book a time, make a date, to have a real, serious, in-depth, deep-and-meaningful type of conversation so she would know they were genuine about wanting to get to know her better.

  And how the fuck were they going to do that when she wouldn’t stand still long enough to agree to eat lunch with them?

  Well, he was a Dom. He’d just have to think of a plan so good she couldn’t help but agree. Fuck if he knew how to do that though.

  * * * *

  Gregory Boland had always been a lone wolf. In fact, he wasn’t even sure if he was one hundred percent wolf. He suspected his was a mixed heritage. His earliest memory was of his mother’s extreme relief the time he first shifted into his wolf form. It’d been winter, and snowing, and he’d thought if only he was a puppy he’d be allowed outside to play. Before he’d thought anymore about it, he was a puppy. Well, a wolf cub anyway. And his mother had grabbed him and hugged him, dampening his fur with her tears as she’d said over and over again, “You can shift! You can shift! Oh praise God that you can shift!”

  He and his mom had always lived as humans, moving from town to town every few years, never settling anywhere very long. He’d known long before he was old enough to articulate the thought that his mother was searching for something, but who or what that might be he still didn’t know. As a child, he’d wondered if it was for his father. But as an adult, he’d thought perhaps it was more that she was looking for herself. Or maybe a pack to join.

  They’d finally arrived at Carnal Connections, a BDSM community and a safe place for both panthers and wolves, as well as humans. Here, at last, his mom had relaxed and made her home. Never having finished high school or qualified for a job, Greg had worked on the land at first. Soon he’d decided he was more an indoors man, not an outdoor person, and had found a job as a rehabilitation aide at the shape-shifter clinic, studying for his qualification while he worked. There he’d met Hadrian and they’d been drawn to each other as both were lone wolves. They’d decided to research how to find and share a mate, had sat for the registration tests, and now were here at the DADISP.

  Even better, they’d found a woman they both wanted and who Greg was certain was perfect for them both. The only problem was, Ivory didn’t seem to think they were the ones for her. Would playing some BDSM games with her convince her? It was the only thing Greg could think of to do, since trying to get her to eat with them or talk to them wasn’t working.

  Greg munched his way through the plate of food he’d piled high with baked potato and sour cream, coleslaw, corn on the cob, warm red pepper salad, and barbecued beef, but only part of his mind was savoring the delicious food. The main part of his mind was working away at the need to find a method to get to know Ivory properly. Every time they’d caught up with her she’d spoken nicely to them, answered their questions, and been sweet and pleasant, bu
t that was all surface stuff. He wanted to dig deeper into her mind and heart. What had caused the shadowed look that came into her pale-blue eyes from time to time? Why did she always hold herself slightly aloof from everyone except her sister, even when she was talking and laughing with them?

  He’d seen her almost dissolve into giggles at their dance practice when half the group had turned right at the exact time the other half of the group had turned left, and they’d all ended up in a tangle of limbs. He’d been lucky not to land on his ass on the floor. He’d staggered and almost fallen and he knew Hadrian had as well. But instead of berating him for being a clumsy oaf, Ivory had laughed and laughed, tears running down her face, until the rest of them were all laughing just as hard as she was.

  In that instant he’d known she was the right woman for him. Someone who was passionate about the things that interested her, but who also could see life through an amazing sense of the ridiculous. But how to convince her? That was the problem.

  As far as he could work out, there was only one way to catch her undivided attention, and that was to play a BDSM scene with her. Unfortunately that was the one thing Hadrian really didn’t want to do. But professional Doms planned scenes with people who only wanted to be a sub for a night so it had to be possible.

  While he’d been living at Carnal Connections, Greg had attended a few of their public events. They ran party nights with BDSM exhibitions. It was all very carefully supervised and all in one huge room, which meant nothing bad could happen. Greg didn’t plan to make love publicly to Ivory, but the rules of the mating party were that any man who took advantage of a woman or even upset her would be instantly expelled from the event, so that was a definite protection. Every man here had come to find a mate. Elementary math clearly showed that unless every woman chose three men, that wasn’t possible. But it was enough to ensure none of the men broke the rules. Nonetheless Hadrian ought to be able to plan something for Ivory that would demonstrate BDSM and entice her. As long as it meant Greg could kiss her and touch her, it would be all good by him.


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