Two Lone Wolves

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Two Lone Wolves Page 2

by Cara Adams

  Greg swallowed his last mouthful of beef and tapped Hadrian on the arm with his fork. “We need to talk, right now.”

  They dropped their plates and cutlery in the trash, and walked over to an area where no one else was standing, although the nearest security guard wasn’t all that far away. There seemed to be more security guards than normal out here tonight. Greg shrugged. He had more important things on his mind than how security did their job. He had a woman to romance.

  Carefully avoiding naming Ivory, Greg said, “We’re running out of time to romance our woman, and our current plan isn’t working. I’m thinking we need to try something along the lines of a Carnal Connections party, but for one person only.”

  He watched Hadrian carefully, not wanting to offend him, but reluctant to wait any longer for Ivory to change her mind and do things their way.

  “But I don’t know her well enough to plan anything. I mean there’s a few pretty basic games we can play, but I have no idea what, um, strength of program, to use.”

  “Once she accepts our invitation we can ask her what she wants to watch and do.”

  “Are you suggesting that I use you as a model? But you aren’t a sub.”

  “I know and we can tell her that. But if she wants to watch I don’t mind being a model for this one time. I’m sure she wants to participate, not watch, anyway. I mean. Maybe look and touch at first, but not just be a voyeur indefinitely. She strikes me as someone who would like to partake. And since she’s determined to taste and see I’d much prefer she did that with us and not with someone else who she might form a bond with,” said Greg.

  “It’s not at all the correct way to do things, but like you, I’m getting worried that we’ll lose her before we ever had her the way things are going. Time is definitely running out. Okay, let’s find her and see if she’ll agree to some form of compromise.”

  * * * *

  Ivory had done her best to find out discreetly if any of the still-unattached men here were Doms. Several of the women had told her that a lot of male werewolves were very dominant, and also very protective, but that didn’t tell her if they were interested in a BDSM lifestyle. Of course, she wasn’t completely sure that’s what she wanted either, but from what she’d read and seen it sounded like bliss to her. She and Ebony had talked about it occasionally, and they’d even gone to a fetish club once, which had made her feel very aroused indeed, but that still didn’t prove it was right for her.

  It annoyed her intensely that Hadrian and Greg wouldn’t show her what she wanted to know. Hadrian had rambled on about a Dom’s responsibilities, but she wasn’t asking him to put a collar on her, just to tie her up and paddle her ass to see if she liked it, or if it turned her off. She wanted a taste in a nice safe environment so she could make a logical decision. She’d trusted a man to make choices for her once and it hadn’t ended well. She wanted to be very sure she knew what she was doing this time.

  However, she couldn’t help but smile every time they caught up with her. They were good, she had to admit. They didn’t stalk or harass her. But a couple of times every night they’d magically appear wherever she was and ask to dance with her, or take her to lunch, or just talk to her. And here they were again, right on cue.

  “Are you having a pleasant evening? The weather is just perfect right now, not too hot in the daytime but not cold at night yet, either,” said Hadrian.

  “Are you thirsty? I could go fetch you a drink,” asked Greg.

  “I’m fine thanks.”

  “Have you eaten? Would you like me to get you some barbecue?” asked Hadrian.

  “I already ate, but thank you for asking.”

  Ivory allowed them to escort her to a group of chairs. Actually she was ready to sit down for a short while and they were nice to talk to. Perhaps she could ask them about BDSM once again, work it into the conversation somewhere.

  “You know Ebony and I are both dance teachers. All I know about you both is that you work at Thorne House, the shape-shifter clinic, helping patients with their rehabilitation. Tell me a little about yourselves,” said Ivory. She wanted to be in control of the conversation and she was genuinely curious about them both.

  “You already know we’re both lone wolves. I grew up in a very small pack in the Wind River Mountains in Wyoming. There were two boys much older than me who left to find mates when I was maybe ten or eleven years old. Another kid, way younger than me, was the only person I was homeschooled with. I left when I was seventeen to find a pack. I worked my way across the states until I found the shape-shifter clinic and I’ve been there ever since,” said Hadrian.

  “What about parents, aunts and uncles?” asked Ivory, intrigued by his story.

  “My parents were older and not very happy about me leaving. My dad wanted to pass the farm to me but it was crazy. Why would I live there all alone with no future just to hold onto the land? It wasn’t even really good soil. I mean, it grew enough to keep the three of us, but that was about all. If I’d married and had a couple of kids I’d have had to go and work in the town to provide for them anyway. Staying made no sense.”

  Ivory nodded. “That would be so hard. From your point of view there’s no future for you in the mountains. But from your dad’s position, likely it’s really sad to know the land will be left to lie idle once he stops caring for it himself.”

  They were all silent for a moment and then she asked, “What about you, Greg?”

  “I never knew my father. My mom was a wolf and we never belonged to a pack that I know of. She loved to travel and hated staying anywhere very long, so every eighteen months or two years, we’d move somewhere else. We almost always lived as humans although once we stayed with a pack out in the desert somewhere. Arizona maybe, or Nevada. I may not even be one hundred percent wolf. My earliest memory is of Mom’s relief when I shifted for the first time which kind of makes me think she either didn’t know much about my dad or that he wasn’t a wolf, or maybe not a full wolf. She lives at Carnal Connections now and it’s the first time she’s wanted to stay anywhere. They told me about the need for workers at the clinic which is how I got my job.”

  Carnal Connections was a BDSM community as well as a shape-shifter one. That was the opening she needed to turn the conversation. But first she had some other questions. “Are you a travel junkie, too? Do you have a bucket list of places you want to visit?”

  “No, the opposite in fact. Traveling around was an awesome life for a kid. Always new things to see and do, new places to explore. And Mom was never too fixated on school. That time in the desert, I only ended up in school because the other kids went, not because Mom told me to go. We were on the Pacific coast once and it wasn’t even all that hot. Likely fall, rather than summer. But I know I spent weeks on the beach instead of in school. It was the first time I’d ever seen the ocean and I loved it. But now I’m ready to settle down. To make a home somewhere.”

  That made sense and it was likely why both men were here at the DADISP looking for a mate.

  “You mentioned Carnal Connections. Are you a Dom, like Hadrian?”

  Hadrian grunted and Ivory glanced across at him. But no one was close by listening to them. Besides, here they were surrounded by other wolves and people accepting of shape-shifters. And wolves did have Dom tendencies. The reason people kept saying that was because it was true.

  “No. I’m neither a Dom nor a sub, but in any ménage relationship I would need to be involved as a participant in the scenes. I’m prepared to follow the Dom’s instructions because it will be his scene. But I won’t be his sub.”

  Ivory leaned forward and put her elbows on her knees. “What was the most erotic display you’ve seen at Carnal Connections?”

  She licked her lips and focused on him, ignoring Hadrian. At last she’d find out some things she needed to know.

  * * * *

  Greg just stared at Ivory. This conversation wasn’t going at all the way he’d expected it to go. He wanted to learn more about Ivory a
nd in a weird roundabout manner he supposed he was finding out more about her. But he’d expected to hear stories of about her likes and dislikes, her daily life, things like that. Not to be grilled about BDSM displays he’d watched. Especially when it was obvious she wanted to know about the punishment and sex, not what color dresses the ladies were wearing. Weren’t women supposed to ask about shoes, and makeup, and flowers? Not about whips and canes and paddles. Not that he should have expected Ivory to be like just any woman. She was most definitely uniquely herself.

  Then he had an idea. “I could do that. But it won’t do anything for you. Men are very visual creatures. They see something and want it. Women are much more intellectual. They like to think and talk about things first. I watched a pole dancing exhibition that I thought was really hot. The women were wearing stiletto heels and not much else. I was entranced by the outright eroticism of their movements. But the women who watched the exact same display talked about the pole dancers’ physical strength and gymnastic flexibility to be able to perform the movements. So you see, one display but very different reactions to it.”

  “Uh-huh. And a nice avoidance of answering my question by you,” added Ivory.

  “Why are you so hell-bent on discovering BDSM? I’ve already told you true BDSM can only be in the context of a stable relationship where the Dom knows all about his sub so that the scenarios he plans are certain to bring her complete enjoyment,” said Hadrian.

  “I understand that, and I expect at some BDSM clubs the new recruits have to complete a sixteen-page questionnaire about their likes and dislikes. Possibly they also have to pass psychiatric tests and hell knows what else as well. But I’m not signing up for a relationship. I’m asking for a broad overview. Just a window of insight. And you’re both being damn frustrating about it.”

  Greg could feel the tension rolling off her body. This was not looking good for them getting to know her and showing her they cared about her. Hell, he was almost certain she was the woman he wanted, and making her angry was totally not what he’d planned to do. Well, he and Hadrian had started discussing something that might solve the problem. They weren’t really ready yet to talk about it, but Greg was sure that if he didn’t say something now he might lose every chance of getting to know Ivory. She was seriously annoyed at them.

  “What about if Hadrian and I demonstrated a scene for you? You would sit and watch us, not participating or interacting with us. It would be a demonstration and that’s all. Afterward you could ask questions and tell us how it made you feel.”

  “But you said you’re not a sub. Wouldn’t that mean you won’t enjoy it?”

  “It won’t do for Greg what it would do for a true sub. That’s what I’ve been trying to explain to you. The Dom plans a scene he knows will arouse and please his sub. Or maybe it’s meant to soothe and relax her. But it’s especially designed to fulfill her needs. What I’d be doing with Greg would be demonstrating a scene to show you a range of possibilities. Not to please Greg,” said Hadrian.

  “Well that’s not very fair if he doesn’t get anything out of it.”

  “But I would get something out it. I’d get the opportunity to show you what you want to see and answer your questions. And making you content would please me,” said Greg softly. He wanted so much to hold her in his arms, capture her gaze, and make her concentrate on his words so she understood the difficult thing she was asking of them. The thought that she might open herself up like this to anyone else but them horrified him. Someone could take advantage of her quite dreadfully.

  “Why are you so determined to try out BDSM?” he asked.

  “Because I think it’s what I want, what I need. This week is the perfect time for me to find out safely, and you men are deliberately blocking me from what I want.”

  “Will watching me perform a scene on Greg answer your queries?” asked Hadrian.

  Greg stared at Ivory, trying to see inside her mind. It hurt him that he couldn’t direct her pathways, and that had she to make her own choices. He could tell she wasn’t happy with the compromise. It wasn’t perfect, he knew that. But it was safer than anything else he could think of. The question was, would she agree or not? Would she just ignore them and race out and put herself in danger? Dammit, why couldn’t she understand? Even if he took her to Carnal Connections, to an event there, it might be too hardcore for her. They did some pretty racy stuff there, especially later in the evenings at their parties. But at least she’d be safe there. She’d be even safer with him and Hadrian. Greg trusted Hadrian completely. He knew his friend would do his best to demonstrate what Ivory needed to see. The thought of some asshole Dom laying his whip on Ivory’s delicate skin made him cringe. Surely she’d agree to their suggestion?

  “All right. It’s not ideal but it’ll do. When will you show me?” asked Ivory.

  “We could do it now if you come to our cabin,” said Hadrian.

  “Now? I thought you said it took a lot of time to plan these things. That the Dom had to make everything exactly right for the sub?” Greg thought Ivory sounded suspicious and he was glad she was demonstrating she had a smart brain that was still engaged in thinking things through despite her desire to see her plans fulfilled.

  “Yes, but I’m not planning a scene to pleasure my sub. We’ve told you Greg is neither a sub nor a Dom. Therefore all I need to do is show you some things and tell you about the meaning behind them,” said Hadrian.

  “You aren’t going to pat me on the head and brush me away are you?” Ivory still sounded suspicious and Greg had to hide a smile. He wouldn’t mind patting her on the ass, though, instead of on the head.

  “No, Ivory. I’ll explain everything to you properly.”

  “Okay. Let’s do it.” Ivory jumped to her feet, leaving Hadrian and Greg to copy her. Greg walked behind her, letting Hadrian lead the way and wishing he could hold her hand. Wishing he was taking her to bed to fuck her and show her how much he and Hadrian wanted her. Instead, he was about to get his ass whipped and paddled in the hope she’d decide it was what she wanted. Well at least she was paying them attention. That was a start, he supposed.

  Chapter Two

  Hadrian walked slowly toward the cabin he and Greg shared. Fortunately all the men’s cabins were farther away from the main building. The women had been housed closer in. That gave him an extra couple of minutes to plan what he’d do. He’d thought about this scene on and off ever since Ivory had first asked him about BDSM. He’d chosen items he thought she might like but he’d never gotten as far as thinking he’d actually use them. Especially not on Greg instead of on Ivory. It was a damn hard task, really, to display to an onlooker some of the things a sub would think and feel during a scene.

  Sensory deprivation, however, was what he had in mind. Spanking someone’s butt was what was expected, almost obligatory, but it needed to be felt to be appreciated. Anyone could whack another person on the ass but that wouldn’t necessarily bring pleasure. The skill was in where and how the Dom placed the strokes, and a novice watching would have no comprehension of the vast difference between well-placed and well-timed strokes, and someone lashing away with a whip. No, sensory deprivation would be much better because the watcher then would be able to imagine the darkness, the stillness, the silence.

  He opened the cabin door and closed the drapes. Then he set one chair by the door, facing the adjacent wall of the cabin. He stared at it for a few minutes, planning everyone’s position, moved it slightly, and then nodded to himself.

  “Ivory, sit on that chair and don’t move or speak. Understand?”


  “Greg, undress and stand in front of the cabin door, hands behind your back, feet shoulder-width apart.”

  Greg walked across to his bed, presumably to do as Hadrian had suggested. Hadrian didn’t watch him. He went to the closet and brought out his toy box. He unlocked it and selected some items, putting them inside a plain white cotton bag he kept there so onlookers couldn’t guess his plans.
This room was by no means ideal, but it was all he had. A purpose-built room would be much better. Not that he’d ever had a dungeon of his own, but one day, when he had a house, he would have one. He knew exactly what it’d look like and where all his equipment would be placed.

  Ivory was sitting as he’d told her and Greg took up his position. It’s time to start. Shit, I hope this works!

  Hadrian took a thick blindfold out of the cotton bag and blindfolded Greg. “When one sense is removed, the person’s other senses immediately focus and sharpen. Because Greg is naked his skin will feel the slightest movement of air, enabling him to know if I’m walking around. Perhaps I’m behind him, about to spank his ass. Or maybe I’m moving in front of him to touch him. When there’s no air movement he’ll be listening intently. Am I raising my hand to whip him? Greg knows I’m wearing boots and it will be almost impossible for me to move soundlessly. But if he hears a slight whisper of fabric he won’t know whether it’s you, Ivory, wiggling on your chair, or perhaps it’s me, getting into position to paddle his ass. Or maybe I’m removing my shoes and socks so I can step around him silently. The desire in the blindfolded person to know what is happening, raises his tension and makes what comes next more powerful.”

  As he spoke Hadrian watched Ivory intently. He saw the frown cross her forehead and the tiny nod she gave as she assimilated his words. Hadrian took a clothespin out of the bag and clipped it on Greg’s nose.


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