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Key to My Heart: An Anthology of Sweet Romance

Page 23

by Alice La Roux

  Burying my face in my hands, I mutter, “I’m going to kill Sarah Jane when I get back home.”

  “Sarah Jane?”

  “My best friend.” My hands drop to my sides as I huff out a breath. “She thinks I need to put myself out there, and I guess one of those is meant to inspire me or something.” I shrug, rolling my eyes. “She means well.”

  “Ah.” He nods in understanding. “I have one of those friends too. It’s like they think being single is the worst thing in the world.”

  “Right? Never mind the fact I’d been dating a guy who told me—” I stop myself before I divulge too much.

  “Told you what?”

  I shake my head. “Doesn’t matter. It’s not important.”

  Brad purses his lips before reaching out and taking my hand in his. “Why do I get the feeling it is important?” With two fingers under my chin, he tips my face up until I meet his gaze. His eyes search mine, as if he can find the answer hidden in their depths, and for whatever reason, I feel compelled to tell him what happened with Damian.

  Brad’s jaw clenches and his eyes darken, but he doesn’t look away. Instead, he listens to every word I utter. The way he’s looking at me feels more intimate than anything I’ve ever experienced before, and it has my heart doing somersaults in my chest.

  “It was a long time ago,” I whisper, coming to the end of my tale. Only this time, perhaps because of the feelings Brad is stirring up inside me, I don’t feel like it was all my fault.

  “Please tell me you didn’t believe him? Tell me you didn’t believe a damn word he said.”

  My hands automatically go to my stomach as I swallow the lump in my throat, and his eyes follow the movement before darting back up to my face.

  “Listen to me, Dee.” He gently cups my face in his hands and leans his forehead against mine. “I know we haven’t known each other long, but believe me when I say, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, okay?” I try to shake my head, but he holds me firm. “I mean it, Dee.” He pulls back, his eyes raking up and down my body. “You’re beautiful. Every inch of you.” He taps my chest. “In here too.” Then he presses his lips to the top of my head. “And here.”

  “You don’t have to say that. I’m okay.” Tears fill my eyes as I say the words, knowing I’m really not. Damian knocked my confidence and made me question myself. But one look from Brad, one touch of his hands, and I find myself wanting to believe what he’s saying.

  “I’m not just saying it. I mean it.” He leans in. “Can I tell you a secret?”

  I frown, not sure where he’s going with this. “Okay?”

  “I knew you weren’t on anything back at the airport. I just wanted to have a few more minutes with you.”

  “You did not.” I swat his chest, and he simply grins, nodding his head. “Really?” My eyes widen.

  “Guilty. I thought it was cute how nervous you were.” He takes my hand again, and we continue down the path. “Of course, I wasn’t expecting to find your little friend…”

  “I’m never going to live that down, am I?” I groan.

  Chapter Five

  “Sharon? It’s Dee, from the airport?”

  “Oh, hey. How’s it going? You finding your way around okay?”

  “So far so good. Listen, I’ve, um, got myself a date tonight, but I didn’t exactly come prepared for one. I don’t suppose you know of any good dress shops?”

  Sharon whistles down the phone. “Geez, you move quick, don’t ya?”

  I laugh because she has a point. “Yeah, I guess I do. Can you help me?”

  “Is the Pope catholic?”

  “So that’s a yes?”

  “You’re at the Ibis, right? Meet me in the lobby in an hour. We’ll get you all dollied up.”

  “Thanks, Sharon. You’re a lifesaver.”

  After two hours of wandering the streets, we find a boutique store with gorgeous dresses in the window. Sharon drags me in and begins scouring the racks instantly. “Ooh this is nice.” She holds up a silver dress with a fitted bodice and short, flowing skirt.

  “I don’t know.” My hands skirt around the bottom of my top. “Is that too much skin for a first date?”

  “Pfft, no such thing.” She shoves the dress into my arms. “Go try it on. I’ll keep looking.”

  I strip down and pull the silky fabric over my curves. I have to admit, it looks nice. No, I look nice. It’s not easy to say that about myself, but ever since our chat yesterday, I’ve been trying to see myself the way Brad does, and Sarah Jane, too. For too long, I’ve let Damian control the narrative in my head, and it’s time I laid it to rest.

  “What do you think?” I step out into the store, holding the skirt out and doing a little twirl.

  “Mmhmm, that’s it. That’s the one.” Sharon claps her hands together. “He’s gonna be sweeping his jaw up off the floor when he sees you in that.”

  A warm glow starts at my toes and slowly flows through the rest of my body. “You think?”

  “Oh, yeah. That dress was made for you.”

  “Thanks.” I smile, finally allowing myself to feel good until a voice in the back of my head whispers, “If only it could last.”

  “Why the sad face?” Sharon frowns. “You want to try something else instead?”

  “No, I love the dress. I just… I finally meet someone who makes me feel good, and he lives in another country.” I sigh. “It doesn’t seem fair.”

  “First of all, you can’t rely on a man to make you feel good. Only you can do that.” She grabs my shoulders and spins me to face the mirror in an all too familiar scenario. “Forget how he makes you feel. How do you make you feel?”

  “Um, pretty?”

  “Now try saying it with a bit more conviction,” she says dryly.

  “I feel pretty.”

  “Damn right, you do. Forget everything else, and just have some fun. If it’s meant to be, it’ll be.”

  Chapter Six

  “Wow.” Brad’s eyes trail from my head to my toes and back again. “You look amazing.”

  “Thanks, you look pretty good yourself.” I smile, walking towards him with a bravado I haven’t felt in a long time.

  “I’m almost glad Damian said what he did.”

  My steps falter and I frown. “Why would you say that?”

  “Because otherwise I might not be the one standing here with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You really are a knockout.” His eyes appraise me again, and I feel heat rising in my cheeks at the look in those beautiful blues of his.

  “You know all the right things to say. Tell me, how is it you’ve not been snapped up already?” I ask as he guides me down to the car.

  “Well, that’s easy.” I quirk a brow, and he smiles, his eyes crinkling at the sides. “Because I’m right where I’m meant to be. Here, with you.”

  “Wow,” I breathe, once again wondering how the world could be so cruel as to introduce me to this wonderful man when we live so far from each other. This man who stirs up emotions I haven’t felt in years, if ever. This man who somehow has the power to make me believe in myself again.

  He opens the door, then takes my hand and helps me into the car before racing around to the other side. When he climbs in, his radiant smile beams back at me, and all of a sudden it makes perfect sense. This is where I’m meant to be. Right here, with Brad. Whether it’s a holiday fling, or something that goes beyond, it’s too soon to tell, but I’m sure, in this moment, with his hand resting on mine, that I’m where I need to be. The rest we can figure out along the way.

  Chapter One

  “Can you believe we’re actually here?” I look across to my baby sister, who is bouncing with excitement—bless her. Well, it is our first holiday away without our parents. It took a lot to convince them to let me bring her with me on holiday; we don’t really see eye-to-eye, Mum and I. You could say my parents don’t exactly like my choice of career. I’ve always wanted to help others and fight for what’s right, so I dec
ided to enlist in the army, and as you can imagine, Mum and Dad were less than thrilled about it.

  I look across to my baby sister, Evelyn, again. The excitement is rolling off her as we board the luxury cruise line for our week’s break in the sun. I can’t wait to get by that pool and relax with my kindle.

  Walking up to the staff, I hand over my cruise card for my picture taken. Once we’re done, we head on into the ship. I absolutely love cruising, getting to see all the different islands, all the food and drink, plus all the entertainment on board. How could anyone not enjoy it?

  Evelyn is literally bouncing around, looking at what’s on board to do. “Wow, did you know it has a crazy golf on board? Oh, and a cinema. It’s even got three pools. Come on—let’s go check them out.”

  “Let’s see if our cabin is available, shall we first?” I’m too busy looking at Evelyn that I don’t notice the six-foot man in front of me, until it’s too late. I walk straight into a solid chest. I look up to say sorry, but I’m left speechless. His eyes are mesmerising; they shine a bright emerald.

  “You okay there, sweet cheeks?”

  I nod because I seem to have developed stupidity and can’t talk. He looks down at me grinning and with amusement in his eyes. I side-step him; I need to get away. Something about him gives me goose bumps.

  “Wow, you’re tall, mister,” I hear Evelyn say.

  “Come on, Evelyn. Let’s go see if our cabin is ready.” I lead her off away before she can embarrass me anymore but take a quick glance back at the mystery man and see him still watching me with a smile on his face.

  “He’s nice and smiling at you.”

  “Let’s go,” I say, shaking my head.

  We find our cabin with ease, considering how big this ship is. Noticing our luggage waiting outside the door for us, I move it all inside and begin unpacking all our things. Evelyn sits on the bed and just looks at the map of the ship, shouting all the things she wants to do for the week. With everything she’s firing at me, I don’t think a month would be long enough onboard.

  “Right shall we go check out the buffet restaurant and get some lunch, Evelyn?”

  “Yes. I’m so hungry,” she tells me all dramatic. You would think she had never been fed.

  “Come on then let’s go.”

  We make our way around the ship, getting lost a couple of times, and we at last find the restaurant and find a table. Straight away, Evelyn is heading for the food and seeing what they have to offer. At eleven, she certainly can eat, that girl. I’m so lost in my own thoughts that I don’t notice Evelyn come back and with someone with her. I lock eyes with the man from earlier and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

  “Vicki, look who I’ve found again?” she says with a massive grin on her face. Little minx knows exactly what she’s doing.

  “Oh hey, nice to see you again.” I feel a pink blush cover my cheeks and looking at him, I know he’s noticed as well. Oh sugar… what is it with this man and the way he makes me go all silly around him?

  “Nice to meet you, Vicki.” Oh man, the way he just said my name… wow. I look away and see Evelyn sit down and start eating.

  “You okay here for a minute, Evelyn, while I go get some food?”

  She just nods with a mouthful of food.

  “I’ll watch her for you.”

  “I don’t even know your name. What makes you think I would trust you with my baby sister?”

  He looks a little shocked at my response, but a smile graces his face and I know he likes it. “You’re a little feisty Vicki.”

  I roll my eyes at him and turn back to Evelyn. “Stay there,” I order her and get up and make my way for food. This man is something else. I keep looking back to Evelyn to make sure she is okay. I know she will be fine, but I just don’t want to give Mum and Dad any excuse not to allow me to take her on holiday again, and knowing my luck, something will go wrong.

  I return with a full plate of food and mystery man is still sat there. He raises his eyebrows at all the food on my plate… oh he so better not be judging me for liking food. He can go do one. “You okay there, mate? Looks to me like you have issues with my plate of food.” I give him a hard stare, making him aware that I won’t take any grief from him.

  “Not at all. I like a woman who likes her food,” he says, holding his hands up in defence.

  “Good.” I pick my fork up and start eating, but I can feel his eyes on me the whole time, and I feel my body heating up under his intense stare. I don’t know what it is about him, but he makes me uneasy but in a good way. I’ve never felt like this at all with anyone. Men were never on the cards for me. I just wanted my career in the army, fighting for what’s right. I need to get away from this guy and the way he makes me feel.

  Chapter Two

  “Vicki, can we go to the pool now?” I look across at Evelyn, who is practically bouncing in her seat. I love the excitement that’s coming from her; it makes me smile to see her so happy—so care free.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when I hear mystery man talking to Evelyn. I really must ask him his name. “So, Evelyn, you like swimming?”

  “Yes, I love swimming. I’ve done lots of swimming lessons, so I’m pretty good and can hold my breath for ages.” She puffs her chest out in pride and it makes me smile. She’s too damn cute. “What’s your name mister?”

  Oh, Lord. What’s this kid like? I can’t believe she’s just called him mister.

  “My name’s Andy,” he says on a laugh at her.

  I can’t help the small laugh that comes from me. Andy looks at me, grinning, and I feel a blush cover my cheeks.

  “Why are you laughing?” Evelyn asks me, looking all confused.

  “It’s okay, Evelyn. Shall we go check the pools out?”

  “Yes,” she shouts, jumping up from her seat and collecting her bag from the floor.

  “Okay, calm down.” I stand up and take the last swig of my drink.

  “Are you coming with us, Andy?” Evelyn asks him.

  Oh, no! I was hoping to get away from him and his stare. I can feel his eyes on me now.

  “Well, that depends if Vicki wants me with you?”

  What do I say to that? Like really, am I meant to say ‘No I don’t want you with us, go away’? Yeah, I’m not a hurtful person.

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ve got other things to do than hang around with us. Don’t your family need you?”

  “Nope. My mum and dad are off exploring the ship; I’ve come on holiday to have some fun and I think you and I could have lots.”

  I swear he has a hidden message in that statement. I roll my eyes at him and start walking away. “Come on. Let’s go, you two.”

  I think this holiday is going to be nothing like I am expecting it to be.

  We walk around the ship with Evelyn walking ahead of us. I can feel his presence next to me. I don’t know what to say or do. I mean, I don’t even know him, yet he’s happily walking around this cruise ship with us.

  “So, Vicki, tell me about yourself?”

  Man the way my name rolls off his tongue. I need to get a grip on myself and quick.

  “I, erm, work for the army,” I say, all flustered. I can’t even speak right around this guy. Seriously, what is wrong with me? I look to Evelyn and see her walking too far ahead. “Evelyn slow down, please.”

  “Yes, Mum,” she says all sarcastic and with a roll of the eyes. If she’s like this now, God help us when she reaches teenage years. I hear Andy chuckle at the side of me. “Don’t laugh. You don’t have to put up with her,” I say, smiling.

  “Yes, but you can see the love you have for her.”

  I’m a little taken back by his words. “I do. She may be my baby sister and annoying at times, but I wouldn’t have her any other way.”

  “It’s lovely to see. She worships you—it’s easy to see.”

  My heart bursts with pride at his compliment. “Thank you.”

  He nods at my reply, and we keep walking, heading outside to th
e pool area.

  “Vicki, Vicki. Look we’re here.”

  “Okay, let’s find some spare sun beds and you can get changed and go for a swim.”

  Walking around the pool, I notice a couple ahead. “Over there, Evelyn,” I say, pointing across to them. She runs ahead and claims them. Once we’ve reached her, she grabs her things and runs to get changed.

  “Does she ever slow down?”

  I burst out laughing. Does he not know kids?

  “No, she doesn’t; she’s like this all day.”

  “I wish I had her energy,” he says, laughing. We get settled on the beds and wait for Evelyn to come back from the toilet.

  “You sure you don’t have anywhere else to be?”

  “You trying to get rid of me Vicki?”

  “No, no, that’s not it. It’s you don’t really know us, and yet here you are with us.” I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment.

  “You’re cute when you blush.”

  Yep that makes me blush even more. “I don’t think I’m cute.”

  “I definitely think you’re cute.” The look he gives me tells me he means what he says. We sit and stare at each, not knowing what to say next. Our spell is broken when Evelyn comes running back and throws her clothes on top of me before running off again to the pool.

  “Evelyn, please don’t run, and be careful in the pool.” I know she can swim fantastically, but I still worry about her.

  “Don’t worry. She’ll be okay. Plus, I happen to be a lifeguard if anything happens.”

  I turn my head in shock, my mouth hanging open. Oh Lord, he’s a lifeguard. I’m that stunned, I don’t feel his finger under my chin, closing my mouth.

  “You’ll catch flies with your mouth open that wide, sweetheart.”

  Tingles shoot through me, and I melt at his words. I turn my head away from his touch and stare. I don’t know what to make of him. He makes me loose my mind and all my senses and we’ve only known each a few hours. I make myself busy by folding Evelyn’s clothes she threw at me.


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