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Stronger Within (The Silver Lake Series Book 1)

Page 23

by McCallum, Coral

  A chirp from her phone brought her back into the real world

  “Be there in 5. J x”

  “Shit”, she muttered texting back. ”Still in bed L x”

  “What? At this time of day? J x”

  Abandoning her artwork in the midst of the bed covers Lori got up as quickly as she could and threw on her favourite sun dress. She was still brushing her hair when she heard Jake’s truck pull into the driveway. Its door banged shut as she slipped her feet into her white Converse. Lori was only just starting to tie the laces when she heard Jake call her name.

  “In the bedroom,” she called back.

  “Hi,” called Jake, poking his tousled head round the door. “Are you really just up?”

  “Yes,” said Lori bluntly. “I was sketching and lost track of time.”

  “Ah, working? That may make our deal void,” he teased as he stepped into the room.

  “No way,” laughed Lori. “You just said I had to rest and stay in bed. I did.”

  “Ok,” he relented with a smile. “You win. Anyway, I need to go shopping. There’s a photo shoot set up for Saturday!”

  “Explain,” instructed Lori as she reached for her cane. “I thought we were having a BBQ on Saturday?”

  “Slight change of plan,” began Jake sheepishly. “Rich called this morning. He got a call from Jason. He’s coming down here this weekend with a photographer. He’s got a record company to take us on and they need photos. If they need photos, I need some new clothes!”

  Lori laughed, “So much for hating shopping, Mr Power.”

  “Harrumph,” he grumbled. “If we’re going, let’s get it over and done with. I do hate shopping but this is an emergency.”

  Still giggling, she lifted her car keys and followed him out to the driveway. He was all set to get back in his truck when she tossed the Mercedes key fob to him, “You drive.”

  “You sure?”

  Lori nodded and opened the passenger side door. “I’m still sore. Be gentle with it though.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, actually inwardly happy to be getting back behind the wheel of the Mercedes.

  As they drove out of town, they debated on where to start their shopping expedition. The first priority after discussion was jeans, then sneakers of some sort and finally some new T-shirts. Having established the basics, Lori tried to fathom out what kind of “look” he was going for.

  “How the hell should I know?” snapped Jake then quickly added, “Sorry, Lori. This is stressing me out.”

  “Why?” she asked softly. “It’s only a few photos. Where are they going to shoot them?”

  “Ah, I meant to talk to you about that too,” he began, blushing slightly. “We wondered if we could use the beach house as a base, then maybe go out on the lake or down onto the beach?”

  “And if I say no?”

  “Then we use my one bedroom apartment that right now looks like a laundry room!”

  When she had finished laughing at his stress and anxiety over it all, Lori agreed that they could base themselves at the house.

  “Maybe I’ll even dust off my own camera.”

  “I hate getting my photo taken,” declared Jake, as he pulled off the highway into the “Seaside” parking lot at the outlets.

  “Calm down, rock star,” she said quietly. “It might be fun.”

  “Easy for you to say,” he muttered.

  Easy their expedition wasn’t! Three stores in and Jake had yet to give anything more than a cursory glance. When they reached the jeans outlet, Lori offered up a quick prayer that this store would prove to be more successful. Once inside, she changed tactics and left Jake to browse on his own while she checked out the ladies section. She had a couple of T-shirts and a zip through hoodie over her arm by the time he wandered over with three pairs of jeans and a handful of T-shirts.

  “I need to try these on,” he said, sheepishly. “Will you come with me?”

  “Sure,” replied Lori, relieved that he was finally getting as far as the changing rooms. “Let me pick up a couple of pairs to try myself.”

  Ten minutes later they stepped back out into the afternoon sun with two bags. It took them another two hours to finish the shopping marathon by which time Lori was hungry and thirsty. The mission had been accomplished though and Jake was now the proud owner of enough clothes to last him for a while plus three new pairs of sneakers. Lori too had treated herself and, despite the stressful start, had enjoyed the whole traumatic event.

  “You done?” she asked, as they left the last shoe store.

  “I think so,” declared Jake. “I’ve maxed out my credit card.”

  With a weary smile, Lori said, “Well, in that case, let me buy you dinner. I’m starving.”

  “Deal but let’s drop the bags back to the car first,” suggested Jake.

  “I’ll wait here and you can take the stuff back to the car,” she compromised, handing him her bags.

  “Ok. Don’t wander off.”

  While Jake jogged back across the parking lot, Lori slipped back into the nearby men’s store. They had been admiring a leather jacket in there and Jake had looked great in it when he had tried it on but had put it back. Now, after his credit card comment, she guessed it was the price tag that had swayed his decision not to purchase it. She only just made it back to the spot where he had left her on time, now clutching one more bag.

  “Did I forget one?” asked Jake as he walked up to her.

  “Not really,” she said. “I slipped in the store while you were away. A gift for you.”

  “You didn’t need to buy me this!” Jake protested as he looked in the bag. “It’s way too much.”

  “Nonsense,” replied Lori sharply. “Now let’s go and eat. I need to sit down for a while.”

  Applebee’s was the nearest restaurant and they were soon seated at a window table with a cold soda in front of them as they browsed the menu. The waitress who had shown them to their seats and talked them through the long list of specials could hardly take her eyes off Jake. When she returned to take their food order, she seemed flustered and nervous. Both of them had to repeat their order twice and just as Lori was about to ask if she was alright, the girl blurted out, “Are you the singer with Silver Lake?”

  Dazzling her with a smile, Jake replied, “Guilty as charged.”

  “I loved your Surfside gig,” she gushed, then flushed scarlet. “Could I have an autograph?”

  “Sure,” said Jake warmly, still smiling at her. “What do you want me to write?”

  Her hand was shaking as she passed him her pen and a bit of paper, “To Cali.”

  “Is that all?” he teased.

  Quickly he scribbled, “To Cali. Hurry up with my dinner order. Jake Power” then handed it back to her.

  “Thanks!” she gasped. “I’ll get dinner to you as soon as the kitchen can get it ready.”

  “Cali,” called Lori as the girl turned away. “Bring your phone back with you. I’ll take a photo of you both.”

  “Thanks! I will!”

  Once the young waitress was out of earshot Jake asked why she had offered to take a photo.

  “Because she’ll live on the high of it for a while. She’ll share it on Facebook and Twitter and you will increase your fan base,” explained Lori. “Remember, it’s all a game.”

  “I guess,” muttered Jake, still shy at being recognised in public.

  “Play along. Make her year,” coaxed Lori softly.

  When the waitress brought their meals out, miraculously managing not to spill them, she handed Lori her phone. Her delight at being photographed with Jake was written all over her face. Burying his own nerves, Jake put his arm around the girl’s shoulders and smiled at Lori. Three photos later and Cali left them in peace to enjoy their meal.

  On the way back to the house, Lori asked, “Was that so hard?”

  “I guess not,” admitted Jake grudgingly. “But she’s a sweet girl.”

  “You’ll probably find that most o
f your fans are sweet people,” said Lori. “The vast majority of Mz Hyde fans, I’ve met have been really polite and genuine.”

  “Maybe you’ve just been lucky.”

  “Perhaps,” she conceded “But you need to get used to this or find a coping mechanism.”

  With a sigh, Jake had to agree with her.


  His coping mechanisms were being stretched to their limits by the middle of Saturday afternoon. A photo shoot was Jake’s idea of hell, he had quickly determined. They had had a pleasant start to the day- coffee and croissants on Lori’s sun deck where Jason had introduced the band to their photographer for the day, Matt. While the band had discussed business with Jason, the photographer had set up on the opposite side of the deck. He had brought a plain white backdrop and some photography umbrellas and lights. From the back of his truck, Matt had produced an ornately carved church pew to use as a seat cum prop. Rich had been the first up to pose for some solo shots. He was a natural in front of the camera. Paul then quickly established his identity as the band’s joker. Grey went for the serious “Daddy” of the band persona, then it was Jake’s turn and the only role left was band “heart throb”. Just as he had almost got himself psyched up to pose, Matt announced they were heading over to the lake to do some group shots. With a look that pleaded for help, Jake kept his eyes on Lori as he followed the others out to the truck. A few seconds later she heard her phone chirp and she read the message from Jake “Get me out of here! J x”

  “Hang in there, rock star,” she replied.

  It was two hours later before the Silver Lake entourage returned from the lake and, when she saw Jake’s miserable expression, Lori just wanted to reach out and hug him. As they all bundled back onto the sun deck she called out, “Anyone ready for a beer?”

  The deafening chorus of “yes” was all she needed to hear.

  “Jake,” she called. “Can you give me a hand?”

  Glad to be free to spend a few seconds with her, he quickly followed her into the kitchen.

  “You ok?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his waist and holding him.

  “Just,” muttered Jake. “It was ok out at the lake. Less intense.”

  “What’s left to shoot?”

  “The individual stuff of me then Matt wants to do some shots down on the beach nearer sunset. Something about dusky light. We should be done around eight,” explained Jake.

  “Are they coming back tomorrow?”

  “Christ, I hope not!”

  Laughing Lori said, “Try to relax a bit. Now help me with these beers. I put some in that blue cooler. Can you carry it out?”

  “Sure,” he said, lifting the box effortlessly. “I’m really sorry about this invasion. We’ve kind of taken over your whole house.”

  “It’s fine,” she said softly. “Now get those beers out there before there’s a riot.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he joked with a smile.

  Back out on the sun deck, the mood was lifting as the band took a well-earned break. Someone had lit the BBQ coals and Rich had gone off to get some burgers and chicken. The photographer had accosted Jake and they were deep in conversation beside the BBQ. Lori was relieved to see that he was still smiling and looking more relaxed. All the furniture had been moved about and the only free seat was the pew in the photo set. She wandered over and took a seat there with a beer, quietly watching the others. It was hot out and she was glad of a bit of shade for a while. Catching sight of her sitting on her own, Jake excused himself and came over to join her.

  “Penny for those thoughts, li’l lady?” he asked, draping his arm around her shoulder.

  “Sorry, I was miles away,” she apologised, snuggling closer to him. “I was thinking about work. I’m still trying to get a plan together for one of my commissions.”

  “I guess this isn’t helping much,” he commented before taking a chug at his beer.

  “Actually, it is,” replied Lori smiling. “Don’t look, but Matt’s coming this way and he looks armed and dangerous.”

  Jake looked up to see the photographer approaching, carrying two cameras. His stomach lurched at the thought of having to pose for his solo shots.

  “You guys look great sitting there,” said Matt kneeling down before them. “Try to ignore me.”

  Both Jake and Lori heard the camera fire a few times. She could feel Jake begin to tense up beside her. Whispering in his ear, she said, “Imagine him naked.”

  “I’d rather imagine you naked,” he whispered back under the pretence of kissing her neck.

  “Later,” promised Lori softly. “If you behave.”

  “Beautiful shots, guys,” called out Matt, interrupting their moment. “I’ll mail them to you later.”

  “Thanks,” said Lori, flashing a smile at him. “I guess I’d better move and let you get on.”

  “That would be good.”

  “Lori,” called Jake, “Stay beside Matt, please.”

  “OK, just for a minute or two,” she promised. “It’s only a camera. It won’t hurt you.”

  “Easy for you to say,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Matt,” said Lori, as she stepped carefully out of the set. “I have an idea to help here.”


  “Let him play his guitar. It’s in the sun room.”

  “Lori,” declared the photographer. “You’re a genius!”

  Her idea proved to be inspired as less than an hour later Matt was more than happy with the results of Jake’s solo shoot. Once he had his beloved acoustic guitar in his hands Jake’s nerves melted. Grey had stepped over realising that his friend was struggling and he put in a few requests for Jake to play. Lori too suggested a few songs. In the midst of this impromptu performance, Rich returned, fetched his own guitar from the house and joined in. While Paul and Grey took care of the BBQ, they all enjoyed listening to the two musicians jam together in the late afternoon sun. When Matt announced he was done, Jake continued to play on for his own amusement.

  “Ok, food’s cooked,” called Paul, placing a plate of burgers in the centre of the table. “Let’s eat!”

  As they all sat about eating and joking Matt seized the opportunity to capture some candid shots. Eventually, patience wearing thin, Grey cornered him and said bluntly, “Sit the fuck down and eat with us.”

  There was a round of applause when Matt set his cameras down safely in the shade and joined them for some food and a well-earned beer.

  “What’s the plans for the beach shots?” Jason asked, helping himself to the last of the burgers from the plate.

  “Well, I thought we could go for a more relaxed look. A few shots in the sand dunes. Some in the waves. Maybe a few with a football or a Frisbee being thrown about,” explained the photographer between mouthfuls of food.

  “We could toss a ball about a bit,” agreed Rich “But no more posing, please.”

  “OK, let’s try it with a football game,” agreed Jason sounding far from convinced by the idea. “Anyone got a ball?”

  “I do,” confessed Grey. “There’s one in the back of my truck.”

  “Grey,” asked Lori. “When’s your mom bringing Becky over?”

  “In about an hour. They were going to dinner first,” replied the bass player, fishing in his pocket for his keys.

  “I’ll clear up here and listen out for them while you guys go down to the beach,” said Lori, stacking the empty plates. “I’ll bring her down when they get here.”

  “Thanks, Lori.”

  Ball in hand, like a bunch of overgrown teenagers, Silver Lake headed off the deck and down onto the beach. It was after six and the day’s tourists were more or less all packed up for the night. A couple of lone fishermen were still spaced out along the shoreline. Instead of getting his camera out straight away, Matt left the case wrapped in a towel and joined in the game, as did Jason briefly. The band’s competitiveness gradually emerged and as the game got more serious the shirts came off and the tackles got rougher. Thi
s was the imagery that Matt had been searching for – Silver Lake relaxed and at play and finally oblivious to his camera. As the band’s stamina wore out, he got a few natural, relaxed shots as the guys sat or lay in the sand. Soon it was only Jake and Rich still tossing the ball. With an impish grin, Rich launched a long throw towards the water. Already in his bare feet, Jake sprinted after it kicking up sand as he ran into the waves to catch the ball. He caught it by his fingertips as he lost his balance and disappeared headlong into a wave. The guys howled with laughter as Jake got bowled over and emerged dripping but still clutching the ball triumphantly. Matt never missed a moment of it.

  “Daddy!” came the cry as Becky came running down the beach towards them. Lori, too, was making her way across the sand somewhat tentatively. She had left her cane in the sun room and was suddenly hit by nerves as she felt the soft sand under her bare feet.

  “Wait there,” called Jake, tossing the ball to Rich.

  She paused where she was, grateful that he had picked up on her discomfort. In a few long, loping strides, he was at her side and had put a wet supportive arm around her waist.

  “Be careful, li’l lady,” he cautioned warmly, before kissing her gently.

  “You look more relaxed,” observed Lori with a smile. “And a bit wetter”

  “It was fun,” laughed Jake. “It’s been a long time since we’ve thrown a ball about. It was good for the soul.”

  “As long as it worked for the photographer.”

  “Right now I don’t care,” he declared, grinning like a teenager.

  Slowly they made their way over to where the others were now sitting on the sand. Becky was clambering all over her dad, trying to get him to come and play with her. When she saw Jake arrive with Lori, the little girl turned her attention to “Uncle Jake” and soon had him chasing her round in circles a few yards further along the beach. Carefully Lori sat on the sand beside Jason, who was watching this relaxed scene unfold with complete fascination. Turning to Lori, he said quietly, “Your friend Maddison was right. There is a special magic with these guys. I feel very privileged to witness this.”


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