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Stronger Within (The Silver Lake Series Book 1)

Page 55

by McCallum, Coral

  Supporting his weight on his hands and knees, Jake delivered another cascade of light kisses across her breasts. Playfully he bit her erect nipples hard then ran his tongue down her smooth taut stomach. Beneath him, Lori groaned and instinctively arched her back, thrusting her hips towards him, as her body craved more attention. Sensing her readiness, Jake could feel his manhood, still wrapped within her feminine softness, harden and respond to her carnal desires. This time their lovemaking was hard and fast. As another orgasm swept over her, Lori shuddered and moaned pleasurably, all too aware of the searing pain burning in her leg.

  “I love you, rock star,” she purred, as Jake gently withdrew from her.

  “Not as much as I love you, li’l lady,” he sighed, kissing her tenderly on the forehead.

  Before she could object, Jake had stood up and scooped her up into his arms. Skin on skin, he carried her through the house to the bedroom. Very gently, he laid her down on the bed then stretched out beside her, gently running a finger down the length of the scar on her thigh.

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked, his voice suddenly husky.

  “I’ll live,” whispered Lori quietly.

  Sitting up, looking concerned, Jake asked again if he’d hurt her.

  “No,” reassured Lori with a forced smile. “You didn’t hurt me. I was sore before you touched me. For those wonderful moments, I forgot the pain.”

  “Oh, Lori,” he sighed, as he lay down beside her and pulled the duvet around them. She wriggled over closer to him and lay her head on his bare chest.

  “Jake, you could never hurt me,” she whispered softly. “Now hold me. I need a hug.”

  They were still wrapped in each other’s arms when Lori awoke next morning. Slowly, trying not to disturb Jake, she moved over to her own side of the bed to check the time. A watery winter sun was filtering through the gauzy drapes, casting a ghostly light around the room. Feeling her move, Jake stirred and opened one sleepy eye.

  “What time is it?” he muttered through a yawn.

  “About nine,” replied Lori, lifting her phone. “When are the others arriving for lunch?”

  “Around twelve” answered Jake stretching like a cat. “Time for a run along the sand before I cook lunch.”

  “You’re cooking?”

  “I thought it might be easier for you,” he said. “Nothing fancy. Chicken Parmesan, pasta and some garlic bread. A green salad bowl on the side.”

  “Sounds fabulous,” replied Lori with a sleepy smile.

  “Means you get to rest a bit more too,” he added.

  “Please, don’t say anything to them,” said Lori sharply. “I don’t need a fuss today. I’ve had a sore leg for a year. Let’s not draw any more attention to that fact.”

  “Ok, li’l lady. Calm down,” he soothed softly. “I won’t say a word. You ok though?”

  “Sorry,” she apologised, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m just a bit anxious about what John’s going to say tomorrow. I don’t think I can cope with another setback.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?” offered Jake.

  She shook her head. “You’ve got your meeting at school. I’ll be fine. I’m just being paranoid.”

  “If you’re worrying about going, I’ll come with you.”

  “No. I’ll be fine,” she said, with what she prayed was a confident smile. “Now if you’re going for a run, you’d better make a move. I’m going for a shower.”

  Music and the relaxed notes of friendly conversation were filling the beach house by early afternoon. Maddy had been the first to arrive, roaring into the driveway in her Mustang. Both Jake and Lori were surprised to see her arrive on her own, but she quickly explained that Paul had driven up to Philadelphia to collect Gary and Scott from the airport. Traffic permitting, he hoped to be back around four and would bring the guys straight out to join them. While Jake busied himself in the kitchen preparing lunch, the two girls retreated to the sunroom. Within a few minutes Grey had arrived with Becky then Rich pulled up with Linsey in tow. Soon the three girls were relocated in the lounge while Becky sat happily watching cartoons in the sun room. The three members of Silver Lake were all in the kitchen helping Jake with lunch.

  “So how was the tour?” asked Linsey, as she settled herself on the couch beside Lori.

  “Tiring,” said both Lori and Maddy in unison.

  “It was fabulous,” added Lori. “I’m not sure what the fans would say if they could see the guys just now though.”

  “Good job Scott hasn’t arrived with his camera,” laughed Maddy, casually resting a hand on her expanding baby bump.

  “Rich told me about him,” said Linsey. He’s going to film the school show, isn’t he?”

  “That’s the plan,” replied Maddy. “Just be careful what you tell him, honey.”

  “Don’t scare her,” cautioned Lori softly. “He’s adorable. Just don’t tell him anything too personal about you and Rich.”

  “Thanks for the warning,” said Linsey nervously. “Oh, Lori, can I ask a favour about Saturday?”


  “The seniors are in charge of decorating the gym hall and are planning to do a piece for Silver Lake. Would you be able to come into school for a few hours to help get them started?”

  “I’d be glad to,” agreed Lori warmly. “When?”

  “Are you free tomorrow?” asked the art teacher hopefully.

  “I have an appointment first thing, but I could come in after that. I’m not sure when I’ll be done. Probably mid to late morning.”

  “Perfect. I’m free for an hour before lunch. We can talk through a few ideas, grab some lunch and if you could spare the kids some time after lunch that would be brilliant.”

  “Fine. I’ll drop Jake off so I can hang around till school’s done and drive home with him,” agreed Lori. “Give me a note of your cell number and I’ll call when I know a more definite time.”

  “Thanks,” said Linsey, breathing a sigh of relief.

  The girls chatted casually for a while until Jake called to say he was serving lunch. Soon they were all seated round the dining room table, dishing up chicken and pasta and pouring juice.

  “Did you keep back any chicken for Paul and the boys?” asked Lori, noticing the dish of chicken breasts was almost empty.

  “Yes, li’l lady,” replied Jake. “There’s a second dish in the oven as we eat.”

  “I didn’t expect them to fly over so soon,” commented Grey, as he helped Becky to cut up her chicken.

  “Gary called on Friday to say they’d grabbed the first flights they could get,” explained Maddy. “I know they both wanted to be here well before Saturday.”

  “Where are they staying?” asked Rich, tearing off a piece of garlic bread.

  “I’ve booked them into the hotel beside me,” Maddy explained.

  “How long are you going to camp out there for?” asked Lori curiously. “You’ve been there for months!”

  “Not much longer. Paul and I are going to rent a house near here. We’ve a couple to look at this week. One’s on the far side of town, out towards the outlets. The other one is near here. It’s on the far side of Silver Lake. I don’t want to be too far from the medical centre, just in case.”

  “Have you seen the doctor since you’ve been back?” asked Lori.

  “Friday afternoon. Everything’s fine. She reckoned I’m about twenty weeks. I’ve to go back in four weeks,” answered Maddy. “Although Lord knows what size I’ll be by then!”

  “You look like you swallowed a big meatball,” said Becky, with a cheeky grin.

  Everyone laughed at the little girl’s observation.

  “Honey, it’s one heck of a size of meatball,” commented Maddy, as the twins both kicked furiously.

  “Well, technically it's two meatballs,” added Jake, flashing her one of his smiles.

  Their casual banter continued throughout the meal. Initially Linsey had sat quietly among them, but, as she relaxed, sh
e too joined in the animated conversation. The relationship between Rich and Linsey was still in its infancy and she still felt shy around the band. Once the main course was over, she rose to help Jake clear the plates. Grey too got up to lend a hand. While her daddy was in the kitchen, Becky took the opportunity to disappear back into the sunroom, lured by the call of the cartoon channel.

  As the adults were finishing off their leisurely lunch with coffee and cheesecake, they heard Paul’s truck pulling up outside, closely followed by the back door opening, sending a blast of cold salty air shooting through the house.

  “Hello,” called Paul, as the three of them entered the kitchen.

  “In the dining room,” Jake called back.

  A few seconds later, Paul came through, pulling off his beanie hat. A rather weary looking Gary and Scott followed him.

  “Hi, guys,” greeted Lori with a smile. “How was your flight?”

  “Early,” muttered Gary with a yawn. “Thanks for inviting us over.”

  “The more the merrier,” replied Jake, getting up from the table. “You both hungry?”

  Both of them nodded.

  “Grab a couple of chairs from the kitchen till I fetch you some food,” instructed Jake. “Beer?”

  Lunch stretched into early evening as Paul and the two new British arrivals ate their meal. This was Scott’s first visit to the USA and he was enthusing about the drive down from the airport and the sights he had taken note of. His enthusiasm was infectious. Soon they were all debating what their favourite local landmark was. Arguing over which one signalled their arrival in town.

  “When I used to come here with my folks for the summer it was the first road sign that says beaches. Then I would watch for the water tower,” reminisced Lori.

  “The outlets,” declared Linsey. “They’re my landmark.”

  “No, I’m with Lori on the water tower,” added Jake.

  “So what else is there around here?” asked Gary, as he finished his last mouthful of chicken.

  “Miles and miles of sand and ocean,” said Jake. “It’s quite a sleepy town in winter. In summer the place is jumping with tourists.”

  “Well, I’m sure you’ll soon show us both around,” said Scott before adding, “Any decent nightlife?”

  “There’s a few bars in town,” said Paul, with a wink to his band mates. “Enough to get you in trouble.”

  Their conversation was interrupted by Becky coming back through from the sunroom. She clambered up onto Grey’s lap and whispered in his ear.

  “This young lady is tired, guys,” said the bass player. “We’re going to call it a night if you don’t mind. What’s the rehearsal schedule for next week?”

  “Tuesday night?” suggested Jake, glancing over at Lori for approval. “Say six thirty?”

  “Fine by me,” said Rich. “How about I bring food over with me?”

  “Perfect,” agreed Paul, nodding.

  “Ok, I’ll be here Tuesday,” promised Grey, getting to his feet and hoisting Becky onto his shoulder. “Thanks again, Lori.”

  “It was all Jake’s hard work today,” she replied. “But I’ll take the thanks. Night, Becky.”

  “Night, Lori,” murmured the sleepy little girl.

  “Night, all,” said Grey, as he headed for the door.

  “We’d better go soon too,” said Linsey quietly. “I’ve got some prep work to do for tomorrow.”

  After Rich and Linsey left, Lori went through to the kitchen to make a fresh pot of coffee for the others. Maddy followed her through to offer her assistance. She had noticed the pained look appearing on her friend’s face and, as she entered the kitchen, she caught Lori swallowing down two painkillers.

  “When are you seeing a doctor?” Maddy asked softly. “I can see you’re in real pain.”

  “First thing in the morning,” replied Lori, filling the water reservoir for the coffee maker.

  “Are you ok?”

  “I’m fine. Just sore. It’s a pain like bad toothache. Not the same kind of pain as when everything was healing,” explained Lori quietly, not wanting the others to over-hear her. “I’m scared though that it’s something serious.”

  “Like what?” asked Maddy with genuine concern.

  “I don’t know. A problem with the metalwork. An infection,” answered Lori, with a resigned sigh. “It’s so close to the anniversary of it all that I just want to move on from hospitals and doctors and pain meds.”

  Giving her friend a hug, Maddy soothed, “I understand, honey. If you need me, we’re here for you. All three of me.”

  Her turn of phrase made Lori giggle and lightened the mood again. The fear of what the doctor was going to find slid to the back of her mind once more.


  Next morning that fear was foremost in Lori’s mind as she drove towards the medical centre. She had dropped Jake off at school for his meeting with the principal, promising to call him as soon as she was out of the doctor’s office. They also agreed to meet for lunch when she came into school to help Linsey with the school dance art project. Once she was alone in the car, her mind started racing and filling with “what if’s”. All weekend she had resisted the temptation to Google her symptoms but, as she navigated her way through the breakfast time traffic, Lori wished she had. Ironically the pain in her leg had eased considerably over night, but a part of her wondered if she was just growing accustomed to it.

  When she entered the medical centre she made her way to the X-ray department and was met by a friendly, motherly radiographer who was expecting her. Instantly the woman put her at her ease as she escorted her through to the take the x-rays. It didn’t take long to complete the series of films.

  “Alrighty, that’s you done, Mz Hyde,” she declared cheerfully. “Dr Brent is waiting for you round in his office. Do you know the way round?”

  “Yes, thanks,” replied Lori as she got to her feet.

  Slowly she walked through the building towards the doctor’s office. The waiting room was empty, as was the reception desk. John’s office door was open slightly. Lori knocked gently on it and entered the all too familiar room.

  “Good morning,” he said, getting up from his seat to come round the desk to greet her. “How are you?”

  “Hi,” she replied nervously, forcing a smile. “I’m ok. A bit scared.”

  “Understandable,” he empathised. “Take a seat.”

  He watched her closely to see how she moved as she sat down, then returned to his own seat at the desk.

  “Did you get the x-rays done?”

  “Yes. I went there first. Just as you told me to.”

  “It’ll take them a few minutes to email them over. Now, tell me again, in detail, about when this pain started, what you’ve done differently. Anything different that you’ve done in the past couple of weeks.”

  Calmly Lori explained about her trip to the UK, about the flights, attending the shows, the long days and the late nights. The doctor listened closely and made several notes as she spoke.

  “When you were watching from the side of the stage, were you standing all that time or sitting down?” he asked.

  “A mix of both, but when I was sitting, it was on a wooden stool. You know, like a bar stool,” she replied. “Why?”

  “Just a thought,” he began. “Were your feet dangling or supported? Did your feet reach a spar on the stool without over stretching?”

  “I’m not sure. Both nights in London my feet were dangling, as you put it, I think,” she answered, frantically trying to visualise the scene at the side of the stage. “I also sat on a high cocktail stool for a while at the end of tour after show party but my feet were definitely supported then.”

  “Give me a moment while I look over these x-rays,” he said, turning his attention to the PC in front of him.

  Lori watched anxiously as the doctor scrutinised the x-rays on the screen. She could see he was zooming in on part of the image, but from his facial expression, she couldn’t tell if he liked
or disliked what he was seeing in front of him. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, he turned the screen towards her.

  “The good news is there is nothing major showing up on here. The internal fixation is all still in place apart from one screw that has split. Now that can happen for various reasons and shouldn’t in itself pose a problem,” he began, pointing to the broken screw on the screen. “Is that about the level with the site of the pain?”

  “I think so,” replied Lori hesitantly, trying to gauge how far down the length of her thigh that particular screw was.

  “Pop up on the couch for a minute,” requested the doctor. “I want to take a look and see if we can confirm this.”

  Fortunately, Lori had had enough sense to wear a long skirt instead of trousers. She sat back on the narrow couch and pulled her skirt up. Knee high length brightly coloured striped socks adorned her feet and lower legs. When he saw them, John Brent raised an eyebrow at her and smiled.

  “I like stripes,” she confessed with a nervous giggle.

  Slowly and gently, the doctor palpated the length of her thigh, gently applying light pressure to try to determine where the precise point of injury was. As his hand reached the midpoint, Lori flinched. He noted that there was more heat in this area, but it was hard to determine if there was any swelling.

  “That seems to fit with where that troublesome screw is,” he commented. “Does it fit with where the edge of the stool was when you were sitting on it?”

  “More or less, I think.”

  “Ok. I think I have an explanation of the problem here,” said John calmly. “I want to email your surgeon from Mount Sinai and send him the x-rays to confirm a couple of points. Just as a precaution. He may have a different opinion to mine here and want to take an alternative course of action.”

  “So what are you thinking?” she asked quietly, inwardly dreading the answer.


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