Magic Man

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Magic Man Page 17

by Stone, Wendy

  “One boy and two girls? This is wonderful. As soon as that cousin of mine comes back home, we’re going to have a party to celebrate.”

  “You still don’t know anything?” Terry asked.

  “Nope, not a word,” Lukah said.

  * * * *

  Nashe looked up as Kit and Lelia came into the room with Molly walking in front of them. They’d allowed her to dress but their weapons had been drawn. Now she stood in front of them. “What’s going on in here?” Kit asked, seeing the blood and the men pushed into a tight circle by the Weres that guarded them.

  “A rescue effort,” Nashe said, standing in front of the exotic looking woman, with her golden hair and big tawny eyes. “These Weres were being used as guinea pigs...”

  “Hey,” one of the Weres said, “most of my relatives are guinea pigs.”

  “Sorry, dude,” Nashe said. “They were used for experiments by Dr. Parnell. He’d captured them and kept them here against their will.”

  Kit slid her taser back in her pocket, indicating that Drake and Lee should do the same. Mage came up behind her. May I be of service, he asked. Erasing this whole event from their minds should keep this from happening again.

  “Can you do that without injuring them?” Kit asked out loud, though she could have just thought it at the Empath.

  Of course. Mage smiled, making his face look even creepier. Nashe felt a chill run through him at the sight. He wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of whatever they were talking about doing.

  He watched as the hooded figure glided over to Dr. Parnell. The doctor, having stood up when Molly had released him, now pressed against the wall, his hand out as if to stop the strange being stalking him. “No,” he said quietly, “No, please don’t let him do this.”

  “Just consider it an experiment, Doc,” Molly growled, her eyes shimmering with anger. She felt Brady move closer to her, tucking his arm around her shoulders.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as Mage focused on Dr. Parnell. The man’s face took on a blank look, like he was being reprogrammed.

  “Yes,” Molly said. “I feel so bad that I got you into this.”

  “It’s ended well, that’s all that’s important. You can get back to your life without worrying now,” Brady said slowly, watching her expression.

  “What? Oh yeah, I guess that’s true.” Molly looked up at his face, noting the guarded expression and the look in his eyes. “I guess you get to go back to Renee. She’s probably worried sick about you.”

  “Yeah,” he said, dropping his arm from around her shoulders.

  Molly immediately missed the warmth and the security she’d always felt in his arms. When he made some excuse and left her side, she wanted to call him back. She wanted to tell him she loved him and beg him to make her his.

  How did you tell a man you wanted him to leave his fiancée for you? Molly didn’t know, so she stayed silent, going to where Tynan stood, easily holding Tallie in his arms.

  “Are you all right?” she whispered to her sister, fighting back the tears that clogged her throat.

  “I will be,” Tallie said.

  Molly stared at her little sister, seeing the core of strength that was hidden by a fragile exterior. “Yes, you will. I’m betting that dad is going to watch us both like a hawk for a while.”

  “Yes,” Tallie said quietly. “Maybe he’ll send us on a cruise?”

  “Doubtful, he’d be afraid we’d get taken over by pirates or shipwrecked or something of that sort.”

  Tallie squinted at her, almost as if she were trying to see inside of her. “You’re not all right, Molly. What is it?”

  “It’s nothing. I guess I’m a little tired. You know how I get when I don’t get enough sleep.”

  “It’s more than that, I can tell. I know you, Molly. I know something has you upset enough that you’re almost in tears. Tell me,” Tallie urged. “Please.”

  “I’m betting, Miss Tallie, that Miss Molly’s problem has something to do with the one everyone is calling Magic Man. Am I right?”

  Molly couldn’t even look at him. She nodded her head, and then turned away as the first tear slid down her cheek.

  “What did he do?” Tallie asked.

  “He didn’t do anything,” Molly said softly, staring at the black leather sleeve of Tynan’s jacket. “It’s what I did.”

  “What did you do? Oh no. Molly you didn’t.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I fell in love with him.”

  She swiped at the tear on her cheek and took a deep breath, fighting for composure. When she thought she’d gotten it, she turned back to Tallie. “He’s engaged,” she said. “This is my problem. I’ll get over it. It’ll just take time.” She choked back a sob. “I can’t talk about this anymore. How about we get out of here?”

  “Sounds good to me. Let’s go get Nashe.”

  “I’ll do that, you stay right where you are. It’s quite the hike back to the SUV.”

  Nashe was more than ready to leave now that they’d accomplished their goal. They left quietly, but Molly felt Brady’s eyes on her as she slipped out the door. “It’s for the best,” she whispered out loud. “I’m okay.”

  The trip was a bit rugged, but with Tynan and Nashe, the two girls made it easily. Only when they were in the SUV did they do any real talking. By that time, Tynan had mounted his motorcycle and disappeared down the dark road before them.

  “You two are okay?” Nashe asked. “Do we need to find a healer?”

  “No,” they both chorused. “Can’t we just go home?”

  “I’m going to put you on Dad’s jet. It’s at the airport in Detroit. Somebody will be there to meet you when you land and drive you to Dad’s fortress of steel. He’ll meet you there.”

  “Sounds like everything’s figured out,” Molly said.

  “Just like Dad. Makes all the arrangements and we find out about things at the last moment,” Tallie groused.

  “This time it’s in our favor,” Molly said, turning to look at her sister, who had the entire back seat to herself and had stretched out. “Why don’t you get some sleep, Tallie? I’ll wake you when we get to the airport.”

  “You look like you could use some too,” Nashe said. “Don’t worry about staying awake with me, I can handle this drive easily.” The road spread out before them, the darkness only occasionally broken by the lights of another car.

  Molly pushed the seat back a bit and got comfortable. “Thanks Nashe,” she said softly.

  * * * *

  She wasn’t sure if she were awake or asleep. It must have been some kind of dream, because Brady was holding her in his arms, dancing with her under the bright Colorado stars, the moon hanging in the sky. The moon sent beams of light to tease the fire in her hair. Brady had his hands buried in her curls, holding her head so that he could kiss her.

  His lips were firm, certain, holding the key to what she needed. She felt herself come back to life under his kiss and knew for a certainty that she’d never love or need anyone the way she did him.

  Lifting his head, he gazed down at her, his eyes gleaming like the moon. “I love you, Molly,” he said softly. “You are the only woman I could ever want or need. Come back to me.”


  “Means nothing to me. She’s already moved on, Molly. She’s nothing, just a way for me to be normal. But I’m not normal. I don’t think I ever will be and why should I want it?”

  “But...” she began only to be hushed by his fingers against her lips.

  “No buts. We belong together. You tell me if you think any other man will give you what I can?”

  “No,” Molly shook her head. She wanted to reach out with both hands and take what he was giving her, but she was afraid. She was afraid that if she reached out, he’d disappear because she wanted him too much. “I’m terrified,” she said softly.

  “Of me?” he asked, incredulous. “I’m standing here shaking because I think that the woman I love, the woman who holds
my heart in her small hands will turn away from me. I’m nothing without you, baby.”

  His hand slid to her cheek, holding her still. Then he lowered his mouth to hers, his lips sinking into her kiss. He moaned, a tortured sound, and reached out to drag her into his arms. He held her against him so tightly, not even one of those moon beams could come between them.

  “God I love you,” he growled, tearing his mouth from hers.

  “I love you, Molly,” he said again as he took her down onto a blanket that lay on top of the soft grasses behind her father’s home in Colorado. She could hear the sound of the stream where she loved to go fishing, making its way through the pasture.

  Brady’s hands moved over her, magically seducing her clothes away, exposing her to that same bright moon. Her body gleamed, pale and elegantly sensual against the darkness of the blanket. Her hair shone with red fire, a glorious back drop for her slim form.

  His hands shook as he softly stroked her breasts, finding the tips already hard, rolling them between his thumb and finger. She arched into his touch, her body already aflame from his kisses. When his mouth covered one taut nipple, she moaned her pleasure, feeling contractions in her womb. Her thighs grew lax and she spread wide, feeling him above her. His knee rubbed against her sex and she found herself grinding on him, wanting more, needing more.

  “Brady!” she cried as his lips moved to her other nipple. “Yes, oh God, yes.”

  His mouth moved from her nipple, his hand coming up to toy and play with the hard tip while his lips slipped lower, sliding over her thinly fleshed ribs to her stomach. He played with the downy hair he found there, rubbing his nose against the soft flesh just under her navel. Molly buried her hands in his dark hair, her body arching as she tried to get him to where she wanted him most.

  “Please,” she whimpered, breathless in her pleasure and need. “Brady, don’t tease me.”

  He slipped between her thighs, her tongue parting her thick lower lips with ease. She was wet and hot, tasting of sweet musk. He breathed in her essence, parting her with his fingers and slipping one inside.

  Molly ground against his hand and the fingers he had inside of her. When he began to use his tongue, teasing her clit with it, she almost exploded right there. The only thing holding her to the blanket was his mouth. She was awash in the pleasure he was giving her, unable to breath or think of anything else.

  “Molly,” Brady said as he moved above her. “Molly, wake up, baby.”

  Her eyes opened and she looked around, searching for Brady. It was Nashe that had awoken her. “Brady?”

  “It must have been one hell of a dream, sweetheart, but he isn’t here. We’re at the airport.”

  Molly moved the seat back up, rubbing her hands over her eyes to get rid of the grit. Turning, she saw Tallie sitting up and stretching as well. It was still dark outside.

  Nashe startled suddenly, causing both the girls to jump as well. He started to fumble in his pockets and brought out his cell phone. Looking at the screen, he quickly flipped it open. “Hey man, how...”

  “What? She’s okay? The babies ... Tell her I’m on my way home now, okay? Tell her I love her, Luc. Thanks man.”

  “I’m a father,” he said with the air of a man who’d gotten both good and bad news. “Holy fuck, I’m a father.”

  “Congratulations, daddy,” Molly said. “Why don’t we take you as far as you’re going in the jet? You know Dad won’t mind. He’ll want to see the babies.”

  “Yeah,” Nashe said as he fumbled with his seatbelt. Molly reached over and pressed the button that released his belt, almost laughing at the way cool, calm and collected Nashe was acting. “Look at you, a couple of babies and you’ve completely lost it, Nashe.”

  “Oh God, you’re right. I’ve got to calm down.”

  “Come on, big brother,” Molly said, taking the rental car keys and paper work from him. “Let’s get you home.”

  A small voice spoke in her head and Molly wondered if she’d ever know home again. Home was in Brady’s arms. But his arms, and the rest of him, belonged to another woman. She brushed aside those thoughts as the three of them went inside the airport.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Brady paced the floor of his office, unable to sit and concentrate. He had clients waiting, cases that he needed to close and bills to send out. But right now, all he could think of was Molly.

  She’d wormed her way into his heart and now it seemed that was where she would always be. He sighed, shaking his head in disgust with himself. He was slinking around like a wussy little boy. The buzzer on his desk went off and he reached for it, picking up the receiver. “Yes?” he growled, knowing his tone was harsher than Haley deserved.

  “Renee is here, sir,” Haley’s voice over the intercom held a chill that he knew would stay until she forgave him. That forgiveness usually cost him a basket of flowers and a small box of chocolates.

  “Send her in,” Brady said, groaning and rubbing his temples. He could feel the headache growing and he knew Renee’s voice was just going to make it worse.

  She entered like she was at a grand ball. Sweeping into the room, she reached up and gave Brady a kiss…only she actually kissed the air about six inches from his face. “We really need to get the rest of the wedding stuff planned, sweetheart.”

  “I’m a bit busy right now,” he said indicating the tall mess of folders on his desk.

  “Too busy for even me?” she asked, trying for cute but only achieving bimbo.

  “Right now, yes,” he said firmly.

  “You’ve changed,” Renee said, looking at him with wide blue eyes. “Ever since you went out of town with that client, it’s like you’re somebody else, someone I don’t know.”

  “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about,” Brady said, ducking his head guiltily. He hadn’t been with Renee since he came back. He couldn’t do it. It was like he was cheating on Molly. Just the thought of that made him unreasonably pissed off.

  “You haven’t made love with me in ... what’s it been, a month now? You don’t have time for me and you’re always using the excuse that you have to work. It can’t all be because of work, can it?”

  The guilt was eating him alive. He felt his stomach roll and knew he couldn’t keep doing this to her. “Renee, you remember the trip where I was out of town?” He continued when she nodded. “My client was not a man as I told you. She was a woman and while we were out there...” he let his voice trail off, knowing that she could come up with the rest.

  “You ... you ... slept with her?” Renee’s eyes narrowed, the small line that Brady called his “oh shit” line showing between her eyes. “How could you?” Her slap rang hot and hard across his cheek but what came next was worse. The water works started and she dug in her purse for a handkerchief. Brady sighed and tried to put his arms around her to comfort her but she was having none of it.

  Instead, she tore her ring off of her finger and threw it at him. “My father will hear of this!” Renee snarled. The door reverberated against the frame, sending two of the framed prints on his wall to shiver then drop to the floor, their glass breaking.

  He felt his shoulders relaxing as the last eight weeks of tension left him in a sigh. It was as if he’d been carrying a heavy load and it was suddenly gone. He flicked on the intercom, waiting for Haley to answer.

  “What did you do to that girl?” Haley’s voice inquired over the speaker. “She went running out of here as if all the demons in hell were after her.”

  “She just broke off the engagement,” Brady said with a grin.

  “Is that good news or bad news?”

  “It’s wonderful news. Get me a seat on the first plane to Denver. And while you’re at it, see if you can find the address of a Callan Wolfe. I’ll need the Colorado address.” He flicked the switch on the intercom. “Okay, Molly,” he said softly, rubbing his hands together. “Here I come, ready or not.”

  * * * *

  Nashe rushed out of his office when
the hostess let him know that Terry and the terrible trio had arrived. He saw his mate standing by the stroller holding their babies.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked, knowing the triplets had been to the doctor’s office this morning. He kissed her before she could answer.

  “Nothing that I won’t get over,” she said with a sigh. “I know the vaccinations are good for them, but they cry so hard and...”

  “You cried along with them, didn’t you?” he asked, hugging her close.

  The trio had grown so much in two short months. They hadn’t shown any signs of the change yet, but most babies didn’t until they were a year or so in age.

  “Your babies are so beautiful,” a lady said as she passed by the stroller. “Triplets. They must make life a bit more interesting.”

  Terry reached in the stroller and lifted out a fussing Faith. “They sure do,” she said, unconsciously rocking the baby to soothe her. “Can I use your office? I think they’re getting hungry.”

  Nashe commandeered the stroller and followed Terry into the office. He closed the door behind them, watching his wife expertly put little Faith to her breast. “That is so beautiful,” he sighed.

  “What?” she asked, her brow furrowing.

  “You with our children,” he said, sinking down next to her and picking up Chris when he began to fuss. “You are beautiful anyway, but watching you with our children…I just can’t believe how lucky I am.”

  She leaned closer to him, turning her face up for him to kiss. “The doctor gave me some other news as well,” she said softly.

  “What’s that?” he asked, kissing her once more.

  “He said I’m healthy and can resume my marital duties.” She giggled as she mimicked the old doctor, who was actually a were-antelope.

  Faith fell asleep as she was suckling, letting go of the nipple and snuggling contentedly against Terry’s naked skin. She moved her over her shoulder, patting her bottom until she burped. She stayed asleep as Terry moved her to the stroller. Then she took Christopher from Nashe, feeling her strong and handsome little son latch on. He drew hard upon her nipple, causing Terry to start.


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