Magic Man

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Magic Man Page 18

by Stone, Wendy

  “He definitely takes after you,” she said, staring down at her raven-haired son, whose eyes were just beginning to look more green than blue.

  Nashe laughed, picking Abigail up from the stroller. She’d woken and must have realized that her brother was getting all the attention and had started to cry. She quieted down immediately in her Daddy’s strong arms. “That might be, but I think little Abby is going to be your spitting image.” Abby had lost the dark hair she’d been born with and what was coming back was a pale blonde. Her eyes had lightened but hadn’t changed from the blue they were at birth.

  Faith was a mixture of the two. She had momma’s blonde hair but she also had her father’s green eyes. She was going to be a knockout when she got old enough to notice boys. Terry laughed as she thought of what Nashe would put those poor boys through.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  “I was just thinking about what you’ll put the local boys through before allowing them out with your girls.”

  “We won’t have to worry about that, will we, Abby?” He held the baby out a bit from his chest so that he could talk to her. “Neither of my girls are ever going to leave me or have anything to do with boys.”

  “Okay,” Terry said, rolling her eyes. “You remember you said that when the first boy knocks on our door wanting to date your daughter.”

  “I found something today I think you’ll find interesting.” He rose, carrying Abby with him, and went to his desk. Pulling out a folder, he came back and opened it, laying the papers on the couch between them. “I think we’ve both been feeling a little claustrophobic with the triplets and everything they need. What do you think of this?”

  This was a two-story townhouse. “Three bedrooms and a den that could easily be made into a fourth. Two and a half baths and its right across from the park,” Terry read, her eyes going from the picture of the neat front of the house to the floor plan inside. “Master bedroom with a master bathroom. When can we move in?”

  “I thought you’d say that. I called the realtor and put in a bid for the house. She told me she would call me when she found out if they accepted or not.”

  “Well, if not, we can keep looking, can’t we?” she asked him as their son cooed while he ate.

  “We can definitely keep looking. The restaurant is doing great and I’ve almost got Lukah paid off on it. Of course, I know we won’t ever be able to afford something like what Lukah and Marissa have.”

  “I’d hate to have a house that big,” Terry said, holding her hand out for Abigail and putting her to her other breast. She laughed. “Sometimes I feel like a cow.”

  “But you’re a beautiful cow.” He leaned over and kissed her, taking Chris from her when he needed to burp.

  “Yeah, I’ll remind you of that when my breasts are dragging on the ground.” She jumped as Nashe knelt at her feet, his hand sliding over her exposed breast.

  He toyed with her nipple, leaning forward to lick and suckle from her himself. “Do you remember the first time you were here?” he asked, lifting his head.

  Terry’s blue eyes sparkled as she remembered that day so long ago. Her shoe’s heel had broken and Nashe had swooped her up in his arms, carrying her into this office. “You were so hardheaded,” she said, running her hand through his hair. “I was so mad at you for invading my dreams.”

  “I couldn’t help myself,” he said softly, his fingers playing gently with her nipple and making her squirm.

  “Careful, you’ll make me drop the baby.” Despite the denial, her cheeks flushed and her pulse was racing.

  Nashe smiled, a smile that made her even more nervous. He took Abby, lifting her to his shoulder to burp. Then he laid her next to her litter mates before turning and raking his wife with a heated stare. “Come here.”

  Terry rose, going to him. Her hand caressed his cheek as he brought his lips down, finding hers easily. His arms were hard around her, lifting her and laying her on the couch, coming down on top of her. “You’ll tell me if I hurt you?” he whispered in her ear, his fingers unbuttoning her shirt and sliding around to unhook the nursing bra.

  “Did you lock the door?” she asked, arching her back to help him remove the rest of her clothes.

  “No one would dare touch that door,” he growled, pulling her jeans off. She’d already lost the weight she’d gained while pregnant. The only signs she’d given birth were the tiny white lines that marred her flat stomach and of course, her breasts, now heavy with milk for the triplets. He leaned over, kissing her soft belly. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered.

  “You’ve got way too many clothes on,” she said.

  She rose, her hands going to the buttons on his shirt. She ran her hands over his chest, pushing the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms. Her hands slid over the lean muscles of his chest and back before she dropped to her knees. Letting her nails trace the rippled muscles of his belly, Terry smiled up at him. She could see his chest move as his breathing quickened and fire shone in the green of his eyes.

  Her hands went to the belt at his waist, easily ridding him of it. She let the leather hang from her neck as she unbuttoned his jeans. His cock was hard, tenting the front of his briefs; a small wet spot showing his enthusiasm for what she was doing. Freeing him from the confining fabric, she turned, pushing him down on the same old lumpy couch where he’d first tried to make love to her.

  Her small hand curled around the shaft of his cock. With a smile, she flicked her tongue over that satiny hardness. Drawing him deep in her mouth, she moaned softly as his hands rested on her head.

  “God, Terry, that feels so...”

  “Nashe, I heard the babies were...” the voice broke off as Marissa saw the couple on the couch.”Oh, I-I’m s-sorry.” She closed the door as quickly as she had opened it.

  Terry fell back on her heels, laughing. “Just like the first time, huh?”

  Nashe chuckled. “Yep, just like the first time.”

  * * * *

  Brady stepped out of the rented SUV, glancing around at the ranch and the ranch house. “Whoa,” he said softly.

  The place was huge, a two-story house that had been greatly expanded, wings stretching from both sides of the original building. Painted white, the style was mimicked by the outbuildings. Just the size of the place almost sent Brady back to the airport to fly home. What could he offer Molly that she didn’t already have?

  “Love,” he whispered. He could offer her his whole heart. He walked across the dusty path that led to a wide front porch. There was a well-used swing at one end with the other holding a small table surrounded by a couple of wicker rockers. He lifted his hand to knock, but the door opened before he could.

  Tallie, Molly’s sister, gasped, her hand going to her breast. “Brady, you surprised me.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said, quickly lowering his arm. “I was hoping to find Molly here?”

  “You just missed her, she went for a ride to check the fences on the south pasture.”

  “Oh.” He cursed under his breath.

  “You could ride out and find her,” Tallie offered. “Have you ever ridden a horse?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “It’s been a few years though.”

  “Aww, it’s just like falling off a bicycle,” Tallie laughed. “You’ll do fine. I know just the horse for you.”

  She grabbed his hand, pulling him toward one of the outbuildings that surrounded the house. Inside, horses shifted and came to see who was invading their space. Tallie walked by about a dozen stalls before she stopped at one. “Trickster here is one of the gentlest horses we have. He’ll take care of you.”

  She got tack and helped him saddle and bridal the roan-colored gelding. Giving him a quick refresher on how to ride, she led the horse out and helped him on.

  “Tell me I’m not making a mistake here?” he asked Tallie.

  “She’s been miserable, Brady. Trust me, she’ll be more than happy to see you.” Tallie grinned, her heart lightening. She’d been ups
et by the changes in Molly. She barely smiled anymore. “Just tell me you’re not here to break her heart and I’ll wish you well.”

  “It’s more likely that she’ll break mine,” Brady said from the back of the horse. “South pasture?”

  “Yep, through that open gate and then just follow the fence line. She’s been at it for a while. If I know her, she’ll be at the pond. You can’t miss it.”

  She waved as he kicked Trickster into an easy trot, heading through the gate and following the fence.

  “Good luck,” Tallie whispered, feeling an aching in her own heart. “It’ll happen some day.”

  * * * *

  Molly slid off her saddle with a tired sigh. She could have left the fence repairs to one of the hands but she’d always been a boss that worked with her men. She wasn’t going to stop now. But damn! The thought of the pond, whose clear blue water would be just a touch cold at this time of year, sounded wonderful.

  She threw her reins over the branch of a tree, leaving her horse enough room to nibble at the soft grasses that grew in the pond’s clearing. Then she pulled off her clothes, tossing them over her saddle. Naked, she walked across the grass. The pond was deep, the water that fed it coming from a natural spring further down her property. It flowed out from the pond and crossed onto her neighbor’s land.

  She felt the water with her toes and then jumped in, coming up with a shriek from the temperature of the water. Swimming a bit made her warmer and she dove deep, holding her breath to touch the bottom.

  When she came up, the first thing she saw was another horse next to hers. She recognized it as one that Tallie usually rode. “Tallie?” she called, not seeing anyone. There was movement in the water next to her and she shrieked, kicking backwards from the shape in the water.

  Brady pushed his hands through his hair as he surfaced. “Damn this is cold,” he gasped, turning to her. She was staring at him as if he were a ghost. “No hello?” he teased.

  “What are you doing here, Brady? You ... You should be getting married.”

  “That’s contingent on what you say, Molly.”

  “What does that mean?” she asked, treading water as she watched his face.

  “That means it depends on you, Molly. I’ve been miserable without you.”

  “Did you come out here to hurt me again?” she asked, backing away each time he tried to touch her. “I don’t think I can live through it again, Brady. You ... you should go.”

  “I can’t,” he said, finally backing her into a corner where she couldn’t move unless she got out of the water. “You’ve stolen my heart. I can’t live without you.” His fingers slid over her cheek and then tangled into her wet hair, pulling her close. His lips were about to come down on hers, but she turned, kicking against him to get out of the pond. Her foot in his chest knocked him backwards and he was left with a flash of her wet rear end.

  She was at her horse, pulling on her shirt without the benefit of her bra, the fabric wet from her body. “No, Brady. You’ve got Renee.”

  “No,” he answered slowly. “I don’t. My jeans are on my saddle, check out the back pocket.” She ducked under her horse’s head, going to Trickster and grabbing the jeans off his back. In the pocket was a print out from a popular blog. “Read it, Molly.”

  The blog was short and to the point. It spoke of their broken engagement and made hints of another man in Renee’s life. Molly read it over and then read it once more before she looked up and into Brady’s eyes. “Is any of this true?”

  “I told Renee that I was in love with you. She broke the engagement and I went along with whatever she said so she could save face. I didn’t care, I just wanted to be with you. I still do.”

  He pressed against her arm, feeling it give way so that he could pull her into his embrace. He groaned at the way she felt, pressed against him, her head fitting perfectly under his chin. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  Molly slowly let her arms climb from his chest, her hands moving over his naked shoulders. She leaned back and made eye contact. “I missed you, too,” she sighed, raising her lips to his.

  Heat slammed into both and they tangled their tongues in a wicked duel of passion. His hands slid from the fabric of her shirt, sliding down to cup her ass, squeezing the taut muscles with an added groan. He lifted her, pressing his erection into her belly, letting her know how much he needed her.

  Brady lifted his head, his eyes searching the clearing until he found a patch of soft grass and tiny pink clover. Carrying her, he went to his knees, feeling her legs wrap around his hips as he helped her take off the shirt she’d just put on. He stared into her eyes, wanting, needing her to see. “I love you, Molly. I want to marry you, mate with you, be with you the rest of our lives.

  Tears gathered in the startling bottle green of her eyes. “You ... You mean it?”

  He lowered her until she was on her back; the fire that was rushing through him at the touch of her soft body making him groan. “Yes, I mean it.”

  Molly sat up, her hands going to his chest, stroking over his nipples and watching them grow hard. She shivered as his hands touched her, carefully, making her feel fragile. He stroked his fingers gently over her cheek. Too gently. She wanted more, she wanted flames and passion and ... and she wanted him to dominate her like a male wolf would.

  Her eyes turned wicked, a glint of mischief warning him that she was up to something. Before he could move, she’d knocked him backwards into the grass, crouching over him. Leaning down, she took the head of his cock into her mouth, sucking as she trailed her tongue over him.

  He tasted of pond water and musk and the sweetness she’d grown to love. Slowly she took him deeper. He groaned and called her name, his hand resting against her ass. She felt him at the back of her throat and ignored the gag reflex, determined to take all of him.

  “God, Molly,” he cried, his head going back as her nose reached the wiry mass of hair at his groin. She held him there for a moment before pulling back. He could already feel the tingling in his balls, the pleasure of her mouth overwhelming him. “I’m gonna come if you keep that up,” he warned her.

  She raised her head, turning so she could look up at him, wiggling her ass at him. “Is that what you want? You want to come in my mouth?”

  “No,” he growled, pulling away from her stroking hand. “I want to fuck you.”

  Getting behind her, he swatted her on one soft buttock. She rose up, offering herself to him like a bitch in heat. He ran his hand down the crease of her ass, his fingers sliding into wet heat between her thighs. Using two fingers, he teased her, slowly finger fucking her until she cried out, pushing back into his hand, begging to be taken. His hand came free, covered with her juices.

  Lining up his cock, he pushed into her in one thrust. Brady growled deep in his throat at the way she felt, tight, hot, wet, ready for him. He slid his hands over her hips, moving slowly, wanting to make this last. Her breasts filled his hands and he kneaded them slowly, pulling on the tightly-budded tips.

  She pushed back against him, meeting him thrust for tortuously slow thrust. “Oh,” she asked with a shiver in her voice “Can you feel it?”

  “Yes,” he gasped. Something inside of him grew and grew, filling him. His eyes changed, growing opaque and he felt fangs growing in his mouth. He looked down at her and an urge shook him, an urge too strong to fight. He lifted her, one hand in her hair, pulling it aside to expose soft, fragile skin. He eyed the spot, still thrusting against her. Then, he slowly leaned down and took her nape in his teeth.

  Molly never felt the pain of the bite. All she felt was ecstasy of a kind that almost made her scream. Her release was hard and seemed to last forever. She convulsed around his cock, her eager sex drawing him deeper, the muscles stroking his cock, wanting his seed.

  Brady drew back from the wound he’d made. He licked his lips, tasting her blood and the endorphins that rushed through it. Without thinking, he pushed his wrist against her mouth. “Do it!” he ordered. He n
eeded it. He had to have her teeth sinking into his flesh, biting deep so that their blood would mix. When they did, he reared back, his cock going even deeper, swelling as his hot seed pulsed through it and into her. He shouted his release, scaring off the birds in the tree above them.

  Drained, he fell to his side, drawing Molly with him. “I love you,” he whispered against her hair.

  “I love you,” she said just as softly. Licking the wound on his wrist, she admired her fang marks. “You’re one of us now,” she said, turning her head.

  He kissed her blood-smeared lips. “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said. “You know, there is something else in my jean pocket for you. I bought it hoping that you’d wear it.”

  “What is it?” she asked eagerly.

  Brady chuckled at her ill-concealed greed. He reached for her left hand, holding it gently in his. “Well, it’s round and shiny and goes on this finger. That is, if you’ll have me?”

  “I don’t know,” she teased. “I’ll have to see the size of the stone.”

  His eyes narrowed and he pulled out of her, getting to his feet. Walking over to the horse, he grabbed his jeans and pulled the box out of the front pocket. On his way back, he stepped on a hidden rock, cursing as pain raced through his system. “Dammit,” he growled.

  Molly went to him, putting his arm around her shoulders and leading him back to the soft grass. “I was just kidding,” she said guiltily.

  He sank down and Molly picked up his injured foot, brushing the bit of dirt off of it to see the welt on the tender arch of his foot. “Oh baby, I’m sorry.” She bent over and kissed the darkening bruise. When she looked up, he held out the box that he’d opened.

  “I know I’m the one that is supposed to be on his knees, not you, baby. I love you. I want you to marry me. I want Joe to officiate and my parents to meet you. I want to be with you, love you, protect you forever. Will you marry me?”


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