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by Natasha Knight

  She grabbed her razor and stepped under the steaming water still processing the fact that she had let him spank her. She had let a perfect stranger spank and fuck her senseless. But maybe she needed a perfect stranger to force her to look at herself honestly and face what she'd been running from for the last two years.


  Julian watched her leave. He was awake, but wanted to give her some space, let her process what had happened between them last night. The thought of it made his cock hard and he turned onto his back, reaching down to massage the length of it.

  She'd been so compliant, so submissive as soon as she'd decided. He liked that very much in a woman. He knew she'd be embarrassed when she saw him today, but she'd have to get over that. A spanking was only the start of his plans for her.


  Three tables were full at the restaurant when Gabrielle arrived to find Julian sitting with a cup of coffee, an empty seat beside him. Blushing when she met his eyes, she dropped her gaze and walked over to him, sitting down. She winced as she did.

  "Good morning," she said.

  "Good morning." He reached over and kissed her cheek.

  Luciana walked out of the kitchen toward them, greeting her warmly. "Would you like a cappuccino or something else?" she asked. Gabrielle could almost hear Luciana's brain working, wondering about the pair.

  "Yes, a cappuccino sounds perfect. Thank you."

  Luciana went back to the kitchen and Julian asked how she was feeling.

  "A little embarrassed," she answered honestly.

  He took her hands and made her look at him. "No judgment. No shame. Just two consenting adults satisfying each others needs, do you understand?"

  She considered him. "What need am I satisfying in you?"

  "It's sexually gratifying for me to have power over you, to give you pain you can handle." When she didn't answer, he continued. "I want us to be completely honest and open with each other. I don't want lies and I don't want you to hold back whatever thoughts or feelings come up when we're together intimately. Giving yourself over to someone is about as close as people can get. It's about trust and I want to nurture that trust. What are you feeling for me right now? No judgment, just open communication."

  She considered. "I…" She was going to say that she didn't know, but that would be a lie. "I feel safe with you. I told you something I haven't told anyone, not even my closest friends. I don't know if this is normal, to trust someone so quickly."

  "It is normal, but we, and I mean people in general, have managed to fuck it up over time," he said. "How is your bottom?"

  "A little tender."

  Luciana brought her coffee and they remained silent until she left.

  "But you'd like more?" he asked.

  "Yes," she said.

  "I'm glad I didn't scare you off. Did you do what I asked?"

  She nodded, blushing.

  "Drink your coffee," he said.

  After breakfast, they headed back to his apartment. Once inside, he held her against the back of the door and kissed her thoroughly, his already hard cock pressing against her belly. He stripped off her sundress as she lifted his t-shirt over his head and pressed her breasts against his chest. Wrapping her in his arms, he lifted and carried her to his bed.

  "I feel so good with you," she said when he settled his weight on top of her.

  "That's what I want," he said, his kisses traveling down her body. Pulling her panties down, he knelt between her legs. "I love your pussy".

  She spread her legs wider giving him a full view of her newly bare sex.

  "The back too?" he asked.

  He watched as she turned over onto her belly and settled on all fours on the bed, spreading her knees wide, her ass high in the air.

  He knelt behind her, his hands immediately on her ass cheeks.

  "Get down on your elbows and keep your palms flat." His voice was hoarse. She obeyed, the position opening her even wider. "Good girl," he said, his finger trailing the split between her cheeks down and over her asshole, making her gasp as he hovered there, circling. His other hand found her clit from below. "You’re so wet," he said, rubbing, spreading her lips apart while still probing her anus. "You deserve a reward for being so good and obedient." He pressed that finger against the tight rear passage.

  She moaned and her hips arched up to meet his hand.

  "You’re a greedy little girl, aren’t you? Do you need another spanking, Gabrielle?"

  "Yes, please."

  He moved away and she turned to watch as he rummaged through a bag and returned with two items. "All right, my naughty little girl. I'll spank you, but first," he held up the items and she tensed: a tube of lubricant and a butt plug. She knew what it was but had never felt one inside her before.

  "Have you ever been taken anally?"

  "Yes, just twice though."

  "Did you like it?"

  She nodded. "I did, but William wasn't into it."

  "That's a shame, there's so much pleasure to be offered from that sexy little hole," he said. "I'd like to fuck your ass later," he said.

  Her eyes were wide as she stared at him. "What are you going to do with that in the meantime?" she asked, gesturing toward the plug.

  "I'm going to prepare you. If you wear it now, you'll be ready for me later. It'll go more easily for you. But I promise, you will love the sensation. May I?"

  She didn't have to think about it, she'd always been intrigued but too ashamed to ask. "Yes," she whispered.

  He opened the bottle of lubricant. "First the plug, then your spanking which will feel much more intense with this inside you. Then a good, hard fucking."

  "I feel so…dirty," she said.

  "No shame in taking pleasure from your body, Gabrielle," he said, setting one knee on the bed and lubing his fingers. "Here we go." His finger circled her anus. "Just relax, lay your head down, let me in."

  He rubbed and rubbed, taking his time, his fingers working patiently, gently until she opened for him and one finger slipped inside, lubricating her from within.

  She found herself arching her back, lifting her hips even higher into the air as his finger moved inside her ass. Before long, more pressure was added as a second finger joined the first. Taking her clit into his other hand, he began to rub. "Come for me, Gabrielle. Come with my fingers inside you," he said.

  Her clit was swollen and tender and her pussy wet with pleasure. It didn't take long for her to reach her climax, her hips bucking with her orgasm, the muscles of her anus clenching around his fingers until finally, once the wave passed, she relaxed.

  He withdrew his fingers and the next thing she felt made her gasp. She turned to meet his eyes as the head of the plug pressed against her ass. "Relax, it's not so big and you can take it. Reach back and touch yourself while I work it in, go on," he said, one hand holding her open as the other worked the plug in. As he rubbed and circled, she massaged her clit, relaxing her muscles to take the plug while he played with it, inserting then retrieving it again and again until her anus sealed around it. She came again, her pussy soaking her hands, her thighs. He watched, his cock ready.

  But she needed her spanking first.

  She remained on the bed as he walked to the bathroom and she heard the water run. He returned, drying his hands on a towel and, finding a condom, he opened the packet and slid it over his cock before coming to stand behind her.

  He began spanking her harder than he had last night. She gave herself quickly to the pain as she rubbed her clit, the sensations of the spanking with the plug in so tender a place driving her mad.

  "Oh god! Don't stop, oh my god…"

  When she was close to orgasm, he gripped her hips and pulled her closer to him. He thrust his cock deep into her pussy, pounding into her, both holes full. They came together as all of her muscles tightened, her pussy around his cock, her anus around the plug, making her shudder and convulse with the force of her climax.

  Chapter Five

  Swimming with
the plug inside her was simply not an option. Julian had told her she wasn't allowed to orgasm again until he allowed her to and she realized now why he'd had such an evil little grin on his face when he'd said it. If she were to climax on her own, he promised her punishment more intense than the spankings he'd been administering. She knew he wanted to use his belt on her and the thought thrilled and frightened her.

  Truth was, she was enjoying their role play much more than she ever thought she would. Not that she'd given it much thought before, but the idea of giving away her power for brief intervals where she wasn't responsible for what happened, presented an incredible outlet for her. The pain of the punishments themselves offered relief for a long carried and heavy burden. The fact that a sexual act between two near strangers could do this still boggled her mind.

  But a voice inside her told her to take care, to consider her feelings for him. She trusted him absolutely, which should be strange considering she'd only known him for a little over twenty-four hours. He seemed to know exactly what she needed at any given moment. He was kind but firm when he punished her, knowing how far to take her, how much pain to give and how to turn that pain into unbelievable pleasure. She enjoyed submitting to him and wondered if she'd ever have been able to do that with William, or any other man she'd dated for that matter.

  She had feelings for Julian, but was that only because of the role he played when he punished her? She gave over her power to him during those moments and that was dangerous for her heart because if she were honest with herself, she'd have to admit her growing dependence on him to take care of her, to know what she needed even before she knew it herself.

  Her brow creased with worry at this revelation. He lived in Denver and she in Florida. They only had one more night together, she couldn't fall in love with him. That just wasn't an option.

  Julian climbed out of the pool, water sliding off his tanned, muscular body. He walked toward her, black eyes searing into her own pale brown ones, setting her pussy on fire. Her body reacted to him. It was as though, without bothering to consult her brain, it knew he was its master.

  "How are you doing?" he asked.

  "As well as can be expected, given the circumstances," she answered, holding his towel out to him. She'd had the plug in for about two hours now and enjoyed the feel of it inside her. She liked anal sex, but had always been ashamed of asking for it, especially with William. Asking for what she wanted wasn't easy for her, she felt vulnerable and the slightest glance misinterpreted would send her running in shame.

  "What are you thinking?" Julian asked, settling into the chair next to hers. Besides one other couple, the pool was deserted.

  "It's strange, but I like doing what we're doing. When you spank me, I mean," she added the last part as color flushed her cheeks.

  "You like to submit."

  "I guess so. I never considered myself to be submissive."


  "Why do you say it like that?" she asked.

  "Because any dominant male will see it in you. Easily."

  She looked at him, shocked.

  He laughed and reached to touch her chin. "Don't worry, there isn't a flashing light over your head. Only certain men will recognize it and those men will be the ones who are looking for that particular quality in a woman."

  "I suppose that was to comfort me?" She shook her head, her mind already on her next question. "Have you ever used your belt to whip someone before?"

  "Yes," he answered easily.

  "Have you done it a lot?"

  "I'm experienced if that's what you mean."

  "What does it feel like?"

  "It hurts. It's sharp and intense as the pain settles and remains with you longer than a spanking. But it wouldn't be unbearable and you'd have the comfort of your safe words. Are you considering it?"

  "I want you to do it," she said, swallowing.

  "Are you sure?"

  She nodded.

  "We can talk about it. Let's go to my room, we should take that plug out anyway."

  The walk back was a silent one as he held her hand and a voice inside her head asked her what the hell she was thinking. Once inside his apartment, they went directly to the bedroom.

  "Take off your clothes and lay back on the bed. Spread your legs wide," he said, taking off his swimsuit and pulling a chair to the foot of the bed. He sat down where he could easily watch her. She settled into position, planting her feet flat on the bed and taking her knees wide. "Would you like me to whip you, Gabrielle?" he asked, his voice as erotic as if he'd touched her.

  "Yes," she answered, her pussy seemed to react independently of her mind when being watched by him.

  "Touch yourself for me, make yourself come. You may as well earn the punishment," he said, massaging his cock as she began.

  Her eyes remained on his as she found her clit and began to rub, spreading her pussy lips open with her other hand.

  "Put that hand on the base of the plug as you play with yourself," he instructed.

  She did, and found herself moaning with the sensation.

  "Good girl, now slowly begin to release the plug, but play with it, in and out, in and out, good, just like that." He massaged himself all along and came to kneel between her legs as he did. "I'm going to fuck that ass in just a little while, Gabrielle," he said as she pulled the plug almost all the way out then thrust it back in. She was close.

  "Pull the plug out as you come," he said, pumping his cock faster with one hand and pushing one of her knees down onto the bed with the other. He positioned himself closer and, as she pulled the plug out at the start of her climax, she felt the first hot streams of semen hit her pussy, her thighs, making her come that much harder.


  Gabrielle showered as he prepared the room for her. He moved the desk to the front of the French doors so that she would face outside and, although the apartment was completely private, she'd know that someone could walk by at anytime and witness her punishment. He retrieved his belt and set a condom and a tube of lubricant on the desk while waiting for her.

  She emerged a few moments later and saw what he'd done. Her eyes darted from the desk to his belt to him.

  "What if someone sees?"

  "It will add to the excitement, don't you think?" he asked. "We can close the curtains if you prefer, your choice."

  She considered, "no, leave them open."

  "Are you ready?" he asked.

  "I'm a little scared."

  "That's natural. I thought we would do a round of five and see how you feel. If you've had enough, than we'll stop. If you'd like more, then we'll continue."

  "What if I want to stop after one?" she said, eyeing his belt.

  "Then you call out red and we stop."

  Was she really going to do this? "OK." Her pussy was warming to the idea of submitting to him again.

  "Bend over the desk, elbows and palms flat. Legs spread wide, ass lifted."

  "You've given this some thought," she said, moving to stand before the desk.

  He only smiled and picked up the belt.

  Spreading her legs, the damp lips of her pussy opened as if they too were anxious for what was to come. She lay her hands flat on the desk, letting her fingers travel over the cool, smooth surface of the wood as she leaned her torso forward. Awareness of her throbbing clit enticed her to arch her back, lifting her ass higher as she settled on her elbows. Turning her head over her shoulder, she met his eyes. He kept his gaze on hers as he positioned himself behind and slightly to her side and unraveled the belt. Taking it in his left hand, he wrapped it around the palm of his right once, twice, then held it securely in his grip.



  "Face forward and count."

  The sound of leather moving through the air had her heart racing and it took all she had not to run. She clenched her buttocks in anticipation, all her muscles tightening as they waited for the belt to strike. It did. It came down across the very center of both che
eks, causing her to fall forward on her exhale. It was a moment before the pain registered and Gabrielle squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hold back a scream. "One," she barely got it out.

  "Relax your buttocks and resume your position please," he said.

  She did as he said, forcing her muscles to soften as the burn of the first stroke settled beneath her skin. Bracing herself on her hands and elbows, she waited.

  The second one came swiftly landing just beneath the first. "Two," she said, barely having inhaled a breath before the third landed. "Three," she groaned and struggled to keep her legs spread. Leather landed again, the next two strokes coming in quick succession. "Four, five!" She was panting now, her buttocks on fire.

  "Gabrielle?" Julian said from behind her. He wanted permission to continue.

  It took her a moment before she answered. "More, please more," she said, tilting her ass higher as moisture dripped down her right inner thigh. She was more aroused than she'd thought possible.


  "Six!" The strokes were harder as he delivered the next set. "Seven, eight, oh god…Please...Nine…" Tears rimmed her eyes by the time she called out, "ten!"

  He paused.

  She needed this.

  "More, please, Julian. I need more." She dared a glance over her shoulder. His face was flushed as he shifted his position slightly and lifted the belt. She turned forward and prepared to receive the next set of her punishment.

  "Eleven!" This was accompanied by a scream and she allowed herself to sob now. "Twelve," he was crisscrossing over existing marks and her buttocks stung with each quick blow. "Thirteen, please, oh god. It's…fourteen, please…fifteen!" She hung her head, tears falling onto the table as she wept but held her position.

  "More?" he asked from closer behind her.

  "Yes." It was a quiet whisper.

  "Last set. These will be difficult to bear." With that warning he began. The first stroke landed on the crease where her thigh met her ass, the pain sharper. "Sixteen," she closed her eyes and lifted her hips. "Seventeen, eighteen." He moved down her thighs as she scratched at the desk with her fingernails. "Nineteen." She was sobbing as she called out the last of the set, "Twenty. Oh god, oh my god."


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