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Scandalous Motives- Heartless Reactions

Page 4

by Red Snapper

  Later that evening, Bradford and Kyle were having a drink at a local bar when the topic of Regina and Shareefah suddenly surfaced. Kyle was still trying to figure out a way to except his actions of having sex with Bradford. He sat there as Bradford kept chatting and talking about that night. Kyle was really getting furious as he continued to listen to him.

  “So Kyle now that you are out of the closet, what are you going to do about Shareefah?”

  Kyle gazed at Bradford with an evil expression on his face and said, “What the fuck do you mean, what I am going to do about Shareefah?”

  Bradford replied, “That’s what I said, what are you going to do about her?” “Are you going to keep her in the loop or are you going to explore the horizons and find you a man that can satisfy you desires?” “You know…I would love to be the one for you man.”

  Kyle suddenly put his bottle of beer down on the bar, turned himself to face Bradford and said, “Look muthafucka, I know you are getting your fuckin’ rocks off about me giving you some fuckin’ ass, but I am still a man and I don’t know what I want right now so back the fuck off player!”

  Bradford moved back as he replied, “Damn man, why you gettin’ so fuckin’ hostile?” “Oh, I fuckin’ get it…you think you made a mistake and now you want to make it up to her.” “Well, you better be honest with yourself man, because you are a man that loves men!’ “Just like I do and you have to make a choice.”

  Kyle looked at him and said, “A choice…you still haven’t made a choice and you are telling me to make a fuckin’ choice!” “Well, my choice is to keep away from this homo shit and be with her!”

  Bradford stared at him and said, “Man…how dare you judge!” “You are just as homo as I am!” “You are being fuckin’ scandalous about this shit man!”

  With that, Kyle quickly stood up swinging his fist so hard, hitting Bradford in his jaw, knocking him on the bar room floor. Bradford was now lying on the floor, as Kyle commenced to kick him several times in his stomach and face. Bradford tried to get up off the floor as he grabbed Kyle’s leg and pulled him down to join him. Soon both men were on the floor wrestling around as the crowd grew around them.

  Suddenly a couple of bouncers rushed over and broke up the fight as Bradford was swinging his arms, trying to strike Kyle. As security pulled both of them apart, Kyle got in one more strike, hitting Bradford in his nose. Bradford’s nose was now bleeding as the police strolled into the bar. As the police officers escorted Bradford out of the bar, he shouted to Kyle, “No matter what you do Kyle, you’re still fuckin’ gay!” “You can run all you want but in the end you’re still on the down low!”

  All Kyle could think about was those words coming from Bradford’s mouth as the police officer tried to sat him down at the table. He was now sitting there at the table in a complete daze as the police officer tried to get answers concerning the fight. Kyle just let those words of Bradford’s soak in, because he could not deny the statement. He had been involved in a sexual encounter with a man and he enjoyed it. This made the statements coming from the same man that he had the sexual encounter with more vivid and real. He was indeed what he said he was and he wondered how he got there.

  Chapter 4

  Fredericka was feeling great these days, as her body was healing sufficiently, not to mention her attitude had improved. She was in great spirits because she was finally getting her life back in the right direction. One reason she was doing so well was she was falling in love with her physical therapist. She was trying her best to wrestle her emotions as she tried to focus on her recovery and not him, but as she sat in her bedroom preparing to go the clinic, she thought, “I wish that LaDarius would ask me to go out with him.” “He’s so nice to me and he really has demonstrated to me that he really cares for me.” “I can’t help but to feel more for him.” “I must get this thought out of my mind, but why, I really want him, but how does he feel about me?” “What if he does not feel the same as I do?”

  Just as Fredericka was about to stand up, Wanda walked into her bedroom. She immediately ran over to her, assisting her as she stood.

  “How are you feeling baby?” “Are you in pain?”

  Fredericka smiled at her as she replied, “No Momma, I actually feel pretty good!”

  Wanda gazed at her daughter as she watched her slowly stroll to the door. She slowly followed her as she finally made it to the living room. All Wanda could do was smile as she watched her daughter show positive signs of recovery. She looked at her mother and said, “Momma, I am glad that you had faith in me.” Wanda walked over to her and embraced her as she said, “You just needed to see for yourself that you could do it.” “You know someone else that believes in you?”

  She gazed into her Mother’s eyes as she replied, “Who Momma?”

  “Don’t tell me you can’t see that LaDarius really cares about you.”

  Fredericka’s eyes lit up as she replied, “Momma, he’s just doing his job.” “You don’t really think that he has any feelings for me do you?”

  Wanda laughed as she open the door, “Where have you been baby…that man can’t keep his eyes off you!” “If you give him an opportunity, you will see.”

  Fredericka strolled out the door as she replied, “Momma what makes you think he wants me?” “In the beginning I treated this man like garbage.” “Why would he want me?”

  “Because he knows your situation and he only wants you.” “He knows you have been through so much with Javon, so he wants nothing more but to see you happy.”

  Fredericka smiled, “Well, Momma, if he wants me, he will have to let me know.”

  Wanda smiled and said, “Just give him a little more time, he will…trust and believe.”

  “I hope you know what you are talking about because; I sure don’t need to have another setback in my life.”

  As Shareefah was sitting at her desk in her office, all she had on her mind was the thought of finding a swinger’s club to satisfy her sexual appetite. She searched the Internet for any clubs that may offer such a venue, but was unsuccessful. As she tried to figure out how she would find such a club, Vikki she thought. Vikki could advise her. Impulsively, she reached for the telephone and dialed her private line. As she waited for her to answer the phone, she thought, “I sure hope she knows where to find a swinger’s group because I really want to try something different.” Suddenly Vikki answered the phone, “Hello Shareefah.”

  “Hey Vikki, how have you been?” “It’s been a long time since we talked.”

  “Yeah it has, is everything okay baby?” “Is there anything I can do for you girl?”

  “Yeah girl, I was wondering if you can help me find out something.”

  “Yeah, I’ll try, what’s up?”

  “Vikki, you know I have been part of the local club scene, going to the same clubs and venues in town.” “I’m just tired of the same old crap.” “I need something different, something exciting.” “I was just wondering if you knew of a club that offers more…one with some extracurricular activities.”

  Vikki laughed as she thought, “What is she trying to ask me?” “Does she know about the Guild?”

  Vikki replied, “What extracurricular activities are you inquiring?”

  Shareefah laughed as she replied, “C’mon Vikki you know what I’m talking about.” “Sexual groups like a swinger’s club!” “I know you know about that right…you being a former sex therapist” “Where can we find something like that?”

  Vikki giggled as she replied, “Shareefah, where did all of this come from?”

  Shareefah stood up and strolled over to her office window as she replied, “Well, Regina and I were just looking for some real excitement and I just thought that you would know where we could find something like that.” “Maybe I should not have asked you…I’m sorry.”

  Vikki replied, “Hey Shareefah, wait a minute.” “Let me check it out for you.” “Can I call you back in a second?”

  “Sure Vikki, just call me ba
ck when you have a chance, okay.”

  “Okay, bye girl.”

  Vikki hung up the phone as Waynell walked in from her bedroom and sat down on the sofa. Vikki began to tell her about her interesting phone call.

  “Waynell…guess who just called asking about joining a swinger’s group?”

  Waynell looked at her puzzled and said, “I don’t have a clue, girl who?”

  Vikki smiled and said, “Shareefah and Regina.”

  Waynell responded, “Really…do you think they know about the Guild?”

  Vikki strolled over and sat down next to Waynell on the sofa.

  “No, I think they’re just trying to find some excitement and I being a former sex therapist, they just figured I knew where to go.”

  Waynell laughed, “Well…YOU DO know where to go?”

  They both laughed, embracing each other, than quickly releasing each other.

  Vikki asked, “Well baby, do you want me to invite them to an orientation?”

  Waynell quickly responded, “Yeah…you should call them back and set it up.” “Make sure they get one of our special cards, the whole works!”

  “I’m on it”

  “Let me know when you set it up!”

  “Okay Waynell.” “You know this is going to be fun having them as members of the Guild!”

  They looked at each other and laughed as Vikki began to walk out of the room. Before she could get out the door Waynell said, “Girl this is going to be a special initiation, I want Shareefah and Regina to be blown away.”

  Vikki turned around and said, “Oh…they will be blown away alright!” “I’ve got some new recruits who will make sure of that!”

  In his villa in Olathe, Javon put down his drink and in a voice slightly slurred, he felt Ratasha would not notice he had been drinking as he dialed her cell phone number. As he waited for her to answer her phone, he thought, “Where is she…why hasn’t she called?”

  The phone rang and rang.

  Ratasha was in the supermarket when she received the call. She glanced at her cell phone and quickly recognized Javon’s phone number. As she was deciding whether to answer the phone she thought, “I know I have to talk to him sooner or later.” “I just prefer later.” Phone still ringing, she sighed as she finally answered it.


  “Hello, Ratasha!” “What are you doing…where are you and the baby?”

  She hesitated before she answered, then she sighed as she replied, “Javon…I just had to get away because Maxwell was really pushing me over the edge.”

  “Ratasha, I guess you didn’t hear the news?” “Maxwell Costantino was murdered about two weeks ago.” “He and two other men were found shot to death in the hallway just outside his loft.”

  Ratasha was speechless as she heard the news about Maxwell. She did not know whether to be miserable or to celebrate. She was completely silent as Javon tried to get her to respond.

  “Ratasha…are you still there?” “Ratasha…answer me baby!”

  As he tried to get her attention, she suddenly went into a flashback, reminiscing about her time spent with Maxwell, remembering the good moments as well as the unpleasant. She tried to hold back her tears as she finally responded, “I don’t know what to say.” “I guess I always knew that the lifestyle he was living would eventually catch up with him.” “Although I was trying to get away from him, I’d never wish this on him.” “This is tragic.”

  “So Javon, where does this leave you with the assault charge…your case?”

  Javon sighed as he began to answer her question, “I’ve spoken to my lawyer and as of now I will be going to my hearing next week, but she believes that due to the new developments and the current circumstance, that all the charges will be dismissed.”

  “My question to you is when are you coming back here?” “I want you and my son back here!”

  “Javon, I don’t know.” “I don’t know if I want to come back there. We're making it here in Los Angeles and…immediately Javon interrupted, “WHAT, you are in Los Angeles?” “Why did you take our son all the way to the West Coast?” “Ratasha, you need to bring him back here.” “This is where he needs to be, not in L.A.”

  Instantly, Javon began to reminisce about his father leaving him and moving to California. He could see the scene as clear as if he was reliving it, as he remembered his father, as he looked the day he waved goodbye to them at the airport. All he could remember was that this would be the last time he saw him as he later found out his father and mother were having marital issues. He divorced his mother and started a new family in California.

  Javon repeated to her, “Ratasha, you need to bring him back here.” “This is where he needs to be, not in L.A.” “My son needs to be here with his father!”

  As Ratasha heard him on the other end, tears uncontrollably began to roll down her face. Although she was relieved that Maxwell would not bother her anymore, she was not certain if she wanted to return to the drama that she and Javon had created. Although she had been in Los Angeles for a short period, she had begun to start a new life for her and her son. She responded, Javon, baby…why do we have to live in Kansas City?” “Have you ever considered a fresh change?” “Let’s live out here and get away from all the memories and drama of that place!” “You could start your practice like you always dreamed.” “We could start fresh, what do you say baby?” “Don’t you want a brand new start?”

  As Javon heard her words on the other end, he became furious as he began to respond, “I don’t want to live out in fuckin’ Los Angeles!” “What is wrong with you?” “Why can’t we live here?” “This is where all of this began for us.” “Besides, I can’t leave here until I get this assault charge bullshit settled.” “I need my son here!” “I need something positive in my corner.”

  Ratasha laughed as she thought, “Oh…you just want your son nigga, what about me?”

  Javon quickly asked her, “What…why are you laughing?” “I’m serious.” “I need Javon Jr. to be here for strength.”

  “Well…what about me Javon?” “I noticed you didn’t say anything about me being there!” “I guess you want to take my son away from me and ride away into the sunset.” “Well, I go where ever my son goes!” “We are a packet deal and you ain’t taking him away from me!”

  Javon was surprised to hear what Ratasha was saying as he quickly responded, “Girl, what are you talking about, of course I want you back here with him!” “You think I want my son to grow up without his mother?” “I want you BOTH to return here!” “I need you and my son back!”

  She smiled as she let out a sigh of relief after hearing those words coming from him. She immediately responded, “Okay…but you must promise me that when this is all over, we will move away from K.C. and start fresh somewhere?”

  Javon answered, “Yeah baby…sure…whatever, but please take the next thing smoking back here.” “I really need you back here.”

  “Okay…just let me take care of some minor loose ends here and we will be back.”

  Javon smiled as he heard her words, “Alright then, call me when you book your reservation so I can be prepared to pick you up.” “Everything is going to be alright baby, you will see.”

  “Okay Javon, I will call you later.

  “I look forward to it, bye.”


  As she hung the phone, she grabbed her bags and walked to the car. As she got in her car she thought, “I don’t know what I’m going to do about Javon…I am not sure if I want to go back to him.”

  She started the car and drove him. After about thirty minutes she walked into the house and put the bags on the kitchen counter. She sighed as she sat down on the couch with her hand on her forehead as Richard walked into the house. He walked into the kitchen and sat more groceries down on the counter as he glanced over to her. He noticed that something was on her mind as he said, “Hey cousin I need you to help me put these groceries away, you know you got to do your part around h
ere…hey baby, what’s wrong?”

  By now, the tears were running down her face as he stopped putting away the groceries and walked over to sit down on the couch next to her. He embraced her and then said, “What is it…did you talk to him?”

  She broke the embrace, as she looked up at him and said, “Yes, how did you know?”

  “I just know that you had spoken with him.” “With whom did you speak with baby?"

  She turned facing the window as she responded,

  “I spoke with Javon…my baby’s daddy.” “He just informed me that the man I was running away from was murdered about two weeks ago and that I should come back to Kansas City to be with him.”

  Richard looked at her and said, “Whatcha going do?” “Now you know you don’t have to hustle on making any decisions.” “Just take your time…think things through before you go back…if you go back.”

  She quickly turned back around facing Richard and said, “If I decide to stay here, will you let me stay until I get a place of my own, get settled in a job?”

  Richard smile and said, “Now that is a dumb question.” “Of course, I would love to have you here.” “Take as long as you need.” “Just don’t make any promises that you can’t keep to this man.” “One thing I know, if you make him a promise, he will expect you to deliver.”


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