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Scandalous Motives- Heartless Reactions

Page 9

by Red Snapper

  Moesha kissing her way up Kamala’s stomach, to her breasts, and then to his lips, she held Moesha against her as the Commissioner and Kamala engage in a long passionate kiss. Then she turns her head and kisses Moesha’s neck. His arms encircle the both of them, as they lay against him. He thought to himself, “Tangie sure knows how to get me what I need.”

  Tangie witnessed the whole escapade unfold through her two-way mirror from the adjacent room. She smiled as she saw that her objective was met, getting the Commissioner to fall deep into her clutches. The dumb fool did not realize that every minute of his little session was being videotaped. After it was done, she told the video technician to make sure she made copies as she walked out the room back to her party. When she returned, Waynell smiled as she sat down next to her.

  Waynell laughed and said, “I know you took care of that business real quick, huh Mother.”

  She slowly rubbed her daughter’s hand and said, “Baby, you know how I roll, of course it was done with perfection!”

  They both laughed as they continued to entertain their guests. About thirty minutes later, the Commissioner strolled out the back into the ballroom. He gazed at Tangie until she made eye contact with him and then he let off a huge grin as he began to talk to some of the other guests. Waynell looked at her mother and said, “He must be one of the dumbest men I know.”

  Tangie replied, “No one else is dumber except Brian!”

  They both began to laugh so hard everyone in the room noticed and began to laugh as well.

  Chapter 7

  The weather was nice in the middle of June in Los Angeles. The people were going about their business on the crowded streets. Ratasha, Javon Jr., and Richard were all strolling through a local park enjoying the scene as they watched the many people jogging, throwing Frisbees, walking theirs dog, and enjoying life. Richard was talking to her but Ratasha’s mind was on Javon as she wondered, “What he was doing, was he okay, did he go back to his wife?”

  As Richard continued to talk to her about nothing, she suddenly interrupted him, “Richard, what should I do?” “I’ve been here over three months and I really miss my man.” “I should be there for him right?” “I know that Maxwell is dead and I don’t care if his people may try to kill me!” “I want my baby and his father to be together.”

  He looked at her with his mouth open for a minute, than he replied, “Well, that is a whole lot coming out at once.” “My question to you is…are you ready to go back to Kansas City and face him?” “You took his only child and ran to the West Coast, speaking to him once since you been here.” “What do you think he is going to do or say?”

  She glanced at the ground, than she gazed at her son, in the baby stroller. His facial features were now evident that he truly is the son of Javon James. As she gazed at his Javon carbon copy hazel eyes, she began to miss him deeply. She yearned for his masculinity and especially his touch as she continued to reminisce.

  Soon she found herself asking Richard, “How do I get him back, what do you think he is going to say?”

  He looked at her with an extremely serious expression on his face as he tried to answer her question. “Baby, it is not going to be easy…but if you want this man, than you will have to fight for him.” “Your biggest challenge will be his willingness to trust you again.” “You took his baby and ran away.” “If I were him, I know damn well that hurt.” “It will take him sometime, but he has to be willing to forgive and forget that.”

  Tears were now rolling down her face as he embraced her. She began to cry vigorously as she replied, “I need him in my life…I don’t want to lose him!”

  He rubbed her head as he replied, “Well, I think you better make plans to go back to the Midwest!”

  She looked up at him and smiled as she replied, “Thanks cousin!” “I am so glad to have you in my life.”

  “That’s what family is for!” “I can even come with you…you know for moral support, if you like?”

  She smiled and said, “That would be great…than you could meet him!” “You’ll witness for yourself how good a man he really is!”

  He smiled as he thought, “I hope she’s right, because I believe he may not forgive her for this shit.”

  Meanwhile back in the Midwest, Vikki was just outside of Niesha’s apartment when she called her cell phone.

  Vikki quickly answered, “Hello…Is this you?”

  Niesha replied, “Yeah…I am coming out to meet you…just stay in the car.”

  Vikki hung up the phone as she sat there in the car, fingers tapping the steering wheel as she waited for her to come. After five minutes, Niesha emerged from the apartment and ran over to the car. She quickly got in as Vikki began to drive away.

  Niesha looked at her as she felt that Vikki was a little nervous. She noticed that Vikki’s right hand was gripping the stick shift. She slowly put her hand on hers and said, “Just relax…everything is going to be just fine!” “Trust and believe.”

  Vikki glanced back at her as she felt her hand on hers. Vikki quickly asked, “Have you done this sort of thing before?”

  Niesha laughed as she quickly answered, “Girl, this is my profession!” “This is my claim to fame!” “Murder is what I do!”

  Vikki smiled as she pulled the car over in a nearby rest stop. She put the car in park as she opened her purse and took out the pearl handled .22 Caliber pistol, that Tangie gave her. She handed it to Niesha as she said, “Ms. Laurie instructed me to give this to you.”

  Niesha looked at the gun and knew exactly what it meant.

  She looked up at Vikki and said, “Laissez l’amusement commencer!”

  Vikki’s eyes grew big as she quickly responded, “Une fois que vous allez noir vous ne reviendrez jamais.”

  They both laughed as they gave each other the Guild grip. Vikki quickly asked, “So how long have you been a member?”

  “Since 1999, I joined at the Guild’s Golden Society meeting in St. Louis.”

  Vikki looked at her and said, “So Tianna…is she a…Niesha immediately interrupted her and said, “No…but she was offered…it would be truly ashamed to depose of such a great piece of ass, but this isn’t personal, this is business.”

  She took the gun, cocked it, and aimed it out the car down the road. She put the gun back on safe and put it in her bag.

  “Tell Ms. Laurie I will take my usual fee…unless YOU come with the deal.”

  Vikki let off an extremely sensuous laugh as she replied, “I will let her know your terms…all of them, rubbing her hand slowly. Niesha glance down at her hand, than back up to her face and said, “That’s what’s up…can’t wait to lick your sweet little cunt.” “I’ll be standing by waiting for one of ya’ll to call me.”

  Vikki was puzzled as Niesha got out of the car, “Hey don’t you need me to take you back to your place?”

  “Naw…I got a friend just up the street from here.” “I will go over there for a minute!” “You keep in touch okay!”

  She smiled as she answered, “Of course…Later girl!”

  As she pulled away from Niesha, she noticed just over the ridge there was a large blue house, so she drove slowly, watching Niesha go up to that house. Vikki moved the car around to the edge of the ridge and parked. She got out of the car and slowly worked her way up close enough to see the front of the house. She saw Niesha talking to someone as she entered the door. Curious to see what was going on, she moved closer to the house, going around to the backside to a patio with sliding doors. As she stood back keeping herself hidden from view, she could see Niesha and another women standing there conversing. They looked like they were in a heated discussion as the unknown white women was throwing her hands up and cursing at Niesha. Soon Niesha got tired of the mess and began to walk away from the woman, but the unidentified woman grabbed her arm and Niesha turned around slowly, embracing the women, French kissing her passionately. The woman tried to pull Niesha’s jacket off her shoulders, but she refused. She pushed the woman awa
y slightly and she quickly slapped Niesha on her face. Niesha gazed at her with the most demented expression on her face as she pulled out a Glock from her jacket pocket and pointed it at the woman. The woman just smiled as she moved back away from Niesha. The woman angrily picked up her bag and stormed out the front door. As Niesha closed the door, she heard a slight noise coming from the patio area and turned around quickly. With her gun still in her hand, she moved slowly toward the sliding doors, careful not to expose herself. She thought that her lesbian friend was trying to play a trick on her so she slowly opened the sliding door. Vikki was now scared as she tried to hide under the patio beam. Niesha slowly stepped out on the patio as Vikki heard her footsteps. Niesha moved slowly, trying not to make a sound as she began to go down the patio stairs. Vikki could see her shadow as Niesha approached her. Suddenly Niesha turned and went the other direction. All was quiet as Vikki thought she must have gone to the front of the house. She saw this as an opportunity to make a run for it. Before she could run away a hand covered her mouth, keeping her from screaming and soon her arms were behind her as she tried to break free. She felt herself quickly spent around, looking directly into Niesha’s eyes. She tried to speak but her mouth was restricted.

  Niesha said, “What are you doing here?” “I’m going to remove my hand from your mouth.” “Please do not scream.”

  She nodded her head in the affirmative as she slowly lowered her hand from Vikki’s mouth.

  Breathing heavily and shaking she responded, “I’m sorry…I was just curious…I didn’t mean any harm!”

  Niesha smiled as she responded, “Calm down girl!” “It’s no problem…if you wanted to come with me, you should have asked.” “What were you hoping to find out?” “Do I detect some mistrust here?”

  Vikki struggle to get loose as she said, “Look Niesha, I was not trying to do anything…I was just intrigued with you, and wanted to know what you were doing at this house.” “I’m sorry if I invaded your privacy.”

  Niesha smiled, as she was intrigued with Vikki’s beauty. She gazed at her brown eyes and her luscious lips as she moved closer to her, slowly kissing her. Vikki hesitated at first, but when Niesha put her tongue into her mouth, she willfully received it, closing her eyes, and savoring her taste. After their long and sensuous kiss, Vikki looked at her responding, “Maybe it was good that I came up here.”

  Niesha looked at her responding, “I would agree.” “Can you come in for awhile?”

  “I’d love to but Lady Mistress is expecting me back soon, so let’s make plans to see each other later okay.”

  She gave Niesha her private number as she prepared to walk back to her car. Niesha stood there, watching her as she strolled down the hill. She smiled as she got in the car and quickly drove away.

  Watching all of this unfold, was the unidentified white woman who Niesha had the confrontation with. She was extremely furious, thinking to herself, “You think you can throw me out for that bitch…you just wait!” “I’ll show you about getting rid of me bitch!” “This shit is personal…not business!”

  Across town in her villa, Fredericka was now able to walk using a cane. Her recovery was going along just fine after eight months of recovery. She was doing okay and settled with the fact that Javon was out of her life. The divorce was grueling on her, but she made it through with the aid of her mother and LaDarius, yes, LaDarius, a man that she has been spending a great deal of her time with. He’s been nothing but an encouragement to her, aiding her to walk again, giving her self-determination and motivation to go forward with her life. He was there for her in such a way that she felt no one has ever been. You see, Fredericka had fallen for this man, but she did not know how to tell him. Afraid that she would destroy their sacred relationship, she did not dare try to add romance to the equation. Little did she know LaDarius felt the same about her? This man was in love with her and did not want to destroy what relationship they had by expressing his true feelings for her. They just keep their secrets from each other, going for months holding back their thoughts for one another.

  She often sat at her window, daydreaming about being with him, loving him, and spending timeless night’s together, making love, caressing and kissing each other all over. For many nights, she woke up in a deep sweat after dreaming of him, having his throbbing shaft deep in her sweltering love box, pumping her, placing her in every position known to man. Her wet dreams became more intense as her mind traveled more over the thought of him, breathing heavily, panting, and then, orgasm after orgasm.

  She often thought, “What if he has someone?” “What if he’s not attracted to me?” “What if he’s gay?” “You know, that would explain why he never made a pass at me!” She laughed as Wanda strolled in her bedroom.

  “Hey young lady, what are you doing?” “Are you hungry?” “Want some dinner?”

  “I’m fine Momma…I’m not really hungry, but I wanted to ask you something.”

  Wanda sat down on the bed as Fredericka sat in her recliner, next to the window.

  She looked at Fredericka and said, “Ask me…you know you can as me anything you want child.”

  Fredericka smiled as she said, “How do you know when you truly find the one that you want to spend the rest of your life with?”

  Wanda looked at her with a surprise expression on her face and responded, “Oh…where is this coming from?”

  Fredericka smiled as she replied, “Momma, I’m just going to come out and say it…I’m in love with someone and I don’t know how to tell him.”

  “Wait a minute, where is this coming from?” “Aren’t you moving a little fast?” “You just got out of a painful marriage.” “Honey…please don’t rush into anything!” “Anyway, who are you so hot over?”

  Wanda paused as the thought came to her, covering her mouth, she said, “LaDarius!” “Oh my God you are in love with LaDarius?” “That is awesome…JUST AWESOME!” “Does he know how you feel?”

  Fredericka sighed, as she glanced down at the floor, “No…I haven’t found a way to tell him.”

  Wanda stared at her and said, “Why child…he is not a hard man to talk too.”

  Fredericka looked up at her and replied, “You just told me that I should not be in a hurry to get into another relationship, besides, what if he has someone, or he does not want to get involved with me?”

  “Girl, how will you know unless you tell the man your feelings?” “You should at least give him a chance and at least see if he feels the same way.”

  “Well Momma…I just don’t want to mess everything up if he does not feel the same as I do.” “I will tell him when the time is right.”

  Wanda looked at her and said, “Alright child…you do what is best for you!” “Nobody knows but you when that time is.”

  Wanda walked over to her and embraced her as she helped her up from the chair.

  “Baby, I am so proud of you!” “I know that you will make the right decision and if you make the wrong one, guess what…you are the one who has to live with it, not anybody else!”

  “Thanks Momma for being here for me!” “I’m so glad that you are my Mother!”

  Meanwhile in his office across town, Bradford was packing his briefcase, preparing to go to a meeting when his cell phone rang. He immediately glanced at the caller id and noticed that Kyle was on the line. He stopped what he was doing and answered the phone.

  “Hello Kyle…what a pleasant surprise.” “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  Kyle sighed as he began to speak, “Hello Bradford…I hope that I did not catch you at a bad time.”

  Bradford sighed as he answered, “No…as a matter of fact I was about to head out for lunch and then to a late meeting.” “Are you alright…your voice seems a little slurred?”

  Kyle slowly answered, “Hey man…I just wanted to let you know that my fuckin’ life is fucked up man!” “I really need to just roll up in a ball and die!”

  Bradford quickly replied, “Hey man, where are you?”
“Let me get you some help!”

  Kyle did not answer. Bradford continued to try to get a response.

  “KYLE…listen to me…tell me where you are so I can help you?”

  He finally answered, “I am at my apartment…hurry up man…I feel like I’m floating up out of here…”

  He immediately dropped his phone as Bradford tried to get him to answer, “KYLE...PICK UP THE PHONE…KYLE!”

  Bradford immediately ran out of his office to the elevator, pushing the button, but the elevators were taking too long so he decided to use the stairs. He ran as fast as he could down eight flights of stairs before he reached the main lobby. He was exhausted, but he immediately called 911 and told them to meet him over at Kyle’s apartment. He had the valet get his car. As soon as it was brought to him, he speeded out of the drive into the street. He drove as fast as he could, but it seemed that the traffic was just too slow. It seemed like every car he was behind, had a conservative driver driving below the speed limit. Finally, he made it to the highway and was able to get to Kyle’s apartment in about ten minutes.

  When he arrived to Kyle’s place, the paramedics were on the scene. He parked the car in the middle of the street, got out and ran as fast as he could to get into the apartment. When he got to the door, the uniform police officer tried to stop him from entering. Bradford struggled with him as he said, “Hey man…I’m the one who called you!”

  The officer quickly released him, letting him go through. As he entered the apartment, he saw Kyle as they placed him on the stretcher. Bradford immediately went to the paramedics and began asking questions.

  “What’s wrong with him?” “Is he going to be alright?”

  One of the paramedics responded, “Sir, calm down…he is in stable condition right now. It’s good that you called.” “His took a numerous amount of sleeping pills and it is starting to take a toll on his body…Bradford immediately interrupted her, “SLEEPING PILLS!” “What do mean SLEEPING PILLS?” She looked at him with a surprise expression on her face. She stopped and pulled him by his arm to the kitchen area and began to explain, “Sir…your umm...I don’t know what your relationship is to the patient?”


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