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The Life and Times of Mickey Rooney

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by Richard A. Lertzman

  on the MR-Taylor scandal, 262–63

  Oscar received for Andy Hardy series, 141. See also Andy Hardy films

  radio properties, 284–85

  star system, 105, 143, 301–2

  success, 130

  MGM: When the Lion Roars, 156–57

  Michaeljohn, John, 40

  Michener, James, 298, 322

  Mickey Mouse, 55

  The Mickey Mouse Club, 330–31

  Mickey Rooney Productions, 322

  Mickey Rooney’s Tabas Hotel, 408

  Mickey’s Helping Hand (Darmour), 57

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream (film; M. Reinhardt), 94–103

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream (stage version; M. Reinhardt), 85, 86–94, 105, 554n18

  Mighty Joe Young, 303

  Milinkovich, Nikola, 350

  Miller, Ann, 433–34, 439, 448, 469

  Miller, Arthur, 487

  Miller, Sidney, 81, 182

  on Red Barry, 310

  on Wynn Brown, 78–79

  on Darmour, 58

  friendship with MR, 74–75, 160, 222, 258, 297, 412

  on Joe, Sr., 221

  on MR, 164–66, 177, 228

  on MR and Ava, 175–76, 194, 205, 257

  on MR and Carolyn, 420

  on MR and Judy, 156

  on MR’s financial problems, 485

  on MR’s gambling, 335, 444

  on MR’s military service, 240

  on MR’s nightclub act, 378

  on Nell, 75, 404

  on Martha Vickers, 290

  Milner, Martin, 367–68

  Milosevic, Milos, 349–52, 354–56, 358, 361–63

  Minnelli, Liza, 157, 394, 422, 426

  Minnelli, Vincente, 1, 156–57, 401

  Minsky brothers, 31

  minstrel acts, 29

  Mitchell, Grant, 99

  Mitchell, Margaret, 130

  Mitchelson, Marvin, 416–17

  Mitchum, Robert, 394

  Mix, Tom, 61

  mobsters, 109, 116, 230, 324, 326, 334–36, 338, 363

  Modell, Art, 331–32

  Monroe, Marilyn (née Norma Jean Baker), 209, 228, 290, 292–93, 302, 394, 487–88, 502

  Montalban, Ricardo, 109–10

  Monte Blue, 71

  Montgomery, Earl, 53

  Montgomery, Elizabeth, 375

  Montgomery, Robert, 84, 117, 210

  Moore, Colleen, 39, 42

  Moore, Sally, 179

  Moore, Terry, 303

  Moore, Tim, 29

  Moran, George, 29–30

  Moreno, Rita, 508

  Morgan, Harry, 386

  Morgan, Jaye P., 448

  Morris, Anita, 448

  Morrissey, Will, 36, 63

  Morrow, Barry, 456–60, 463–64

  Morse, Robert, 446–48

  Mostel, Zero, 378

  Motion Picture Tennis Tournament, 72

  Moulin Rouge Theatre, 338

  Mowbray, Alan, 317

  Muir, Jean, 99, 102

  Muni, Paul, 39, 77

  Murray, Arthur, 343

  Mutual Radio Network, 284–85

  Naish, J. Carrol, 77

  Nathan, George Jean, 128

  National Broadcasting Company, 57–58

  National Film Preservation Foundation, 52

  Navarro, Ramon, 386

  Nayfack, Nick, 144

  Neal, Roger, 475, 513

  Needleman, James, 308

  Nelson, Rick, 410

  Nelson, Willie, 392

  Newman, Paul, 332

  Newton, Wayne, 377

  New York Times, 252–53

  Nicholson, Jack, 344

  The Night They Raided Minsky’s (Friedkin), 31

  Nijinska, Bronislava, 91, 97

  Niven, David, 376

  Noguchi, Thomas, 350, 358, 363

  Nolan, Lloyd, 464

  Norton, Cliff, 378

  Novak, Kim, 299

  Nugent, Frank, 136

  Oates, Warren, 386

  Obama, Barack, 508

  O’Brian, Hugh, 322, 375

  O’Brien, Erin, 306

  O’Brien, Margaret, 1–5, 154

  O’Brien, Pat, 202, 302

  O’Connor, Donald, 151, 292, 299, 409, 467

  O’Connor, Glynnis, 453

  Oliver, W. E., 92

  Olivier, Sir Laurence, 3

  O’Neill, Eugene, 120, 129

  Oppenheimer, George, 163

  Orenstein, Bernie, 454–55

  Orsatti, Frank, 149

  Osborne, Robert, 278

  O’Sullivan, Maureen, 65, 70, 84, 117

  Our Gang series (Roach), 34–35, 40, 44, 46, 58–60

  Ozzie and Harriet, 129

  Paar, Jack, 338–41

  Pacific Military Academy, 112–13

  Page, Anthony, 457

  Page, Betty, 30

  Paige, Marvin, 474

  Palance, Jack, 372

  palimony, 416–17

  Pallette, Eugene, 99

  Palmer, Zumma, 71

  Pankey, Fred (MR’s stepfather), 232, 276, 404

  marriage to Nell, 135, 145, 181, 235, 255–56

  relationship with MR, 224–25, 281, 518

  Pankey, Nell. See Yule, Nellie Willa

  Paramount, 369

  Parish, James Robert, 139, 143–44

  Parker, Cecilia, 133–34, 136, 139, 332

  Parker, Fess, 316

  Parsons, Louella

  and MGM, 162

  on MR and Ava, 179, 194

  on MR and Betty, 272–74

  on MR and Martha, 286–87

  on MR’s contract with MGM, 254

  on MR’s military service, 240

  on MR’s party image, 166–67

  on MR’s performances, 91–92, 94, 120, 272–73

  Patricola, Tom, 72

  Pat White and His Gaiety Girls, 21, 23, 30–31

  Paul, Les, 337–38

  Pawley, Kevin, 472, 483, 490

  Paxton, Dick, 182, 222, 258, 297, 412

  Payton, Barbara, 282

  Pearson, Ray, 402

  Peters, Bernadette, 411

  Petersen, Paul, 8, 330, 515, 521–23

  Peterson, Les, 306

  MR and Ava’s wedding/honeymoon arranged by, 190–92, 194–95, 211

  as MR’s keeper, 155, 169–70, 178, 195, 197–98, 210, 212–13, 222, 228, 260, 297

  on Stiefel, 230–33

  Pham, Sherisse, 6

  Philbin, Regis, 508

  Phillips, Betty Jane. See Rase, Betty Jane

  Pickford, Mary, 86

  Pieroni, Mario, 244–45

  Pillsbury, 319–20, 328–29, 381

  Pillsbury, Walter, 321

  Pitts, Zasu, 78

  Pollan, Michael, 143

  Popkin, Harry, 284

  Porter, Darwin, 260–61

  Post, Wiley, 118

  Poverty Row, 45–46, 57, 60

  Powell, Dick, 99–100, 102–3

  Powell, William, 81–82, 96, 117, 119, 386

  Preminger, Otto, 376

  Presley, Elvis, 390

  Preston, Robert, 310

  Prewitt, Margaret Elizabeth, 18, 33

  Prewitt, Wade (MR’s uncle), 18, 32, 34

  Priester, Bob, 244–45

  Prima, Louis, 336

  Prince, Danforth, 260–61

  Prinzmetal, Irving, 214

  Productions Eleven, 408

  Provine, Dorothy, 372

  Prowse, Juliet, 448

  public persona, 184

  Q score, 328

  Quaid, Dennis, 457, 463–64

  Quine, Dick

  All Ashore, 311

  Drive a Crooked Road, 315–16

  friendship with MR, 74, 182, 222, 258, 308–9, 329, 412

  Hey, Mulligan, 317–18

  The Jean Arthur Show, 387

  on MR, 161, 299, 301

  Sound Off, 308–9, 311

  suicide, 448

  Quinn, Anthony, 372

  Radin, Roy, 40

  radio, evolution of, 285

  Radley, Gail, 486

  Raft, George, 336, 367

  Randall, Tony, 379, 461

  Rase, Betty Jane (née Phillips; “B.J.”; MR’s wife)

  background, 241

  birth of Mickey, Jr., 246. See also Rooney, Mickey, Jr.

  birth of Timothy, 271–72. See also Rooney, Timothy Hayes

  marriage to Barney Kessel, 391–92

  marriage to Buddy Baker, 290, 330, 391–92

  marriage to MR, 238, 243–46, 255, 257–59, 273–74. See also Rooney, Mickey—MARRIAGES

  on MR’s cheating, 260–62

  musical talent, 242, 392

  at Nell’s ranch, 253–54, 258

  singing career, 390

  Rase, Edward and Lena, 243

  Rathbone, Basil, 235

  RCA, 57–58

  Reagan, Ronald, 260–61

  reality TV, 501–2

  Rée, Max, 97

  Reed, Donna, 197, 212, 316

  Reed, Jimmy, 395

  Reeves, George, 211

  Reich, Frank, 45

  Reid, Jack, 18–19, 21

  Reilly, Charles Nelson, 486

  Reiner, Carl, 377, 437

  Reinhardt, Gottfried, 87, 97

  Reinhardt, Max, 86–94, 96–98, 103, 105. See also A Midsummer Night’s Dream

  Rembar, Charles, xiv

  Reno, Kelly, 451

  Rettig, Tommy, 394

  Reynolds, Burt, 410

  Reynolds, Debbie, 151, 378

  Reynolds, Donna, 286

  Rich, Lee, 316

  Rickert, Shirley Jean, 58

  Rigby, Harry, 431–35, 437–39, 441, 447

  Riley, Ronna, 443, 445, 472–73

  Rivers, Joan, 277

  RKO, 57, 59–60

  Roach, Hal, 34–35, 40, 44–45, 57, 59

  Robards, Jason, Jr., 31

  Robinson, Chris, 426

  Robinson, Edward G., 39, 282

  Robinson, Jimmy, 51

  Rodgers, Richard, 151

  Rogers, Ginger, 149, 185, 282

  Rogers, Will, 98, 117–18, 118–19

  Roland, Gilbert, 72

  Rolling Stones, 390, 395

  Rooney, Ava. See Gardner, Ava

  Rooney, Barbara Ann. See Thomason, Barbara Ann

  Rooney, Betty Jane. See Rase, Betty Jane

  Rooney, Carolyn. See Hockett, Carolyn

  Rooney, Chris (né Aber; MR’s stepson), 412

  accused of elder abuse of MR, 6, 499

  bankruptcy, 499

  conflict with brother Mark, 483–84

  at Densmore Productions, 499–500

  drug use, 500

  at MR and Jan’s wedding, 428

  on MR and women, 300, 446

  as MR’s assistant, 443, 472, 486, 490

  on MR’s business schemes, 337, 485–86

  on MR’s drug use, 466

  and MR’s estate, 511–13

  on MR’s fans, 7

  on MR’s gambling, 443

  MR’s payments to, 9

  on MR’s popularity, 465–66

  Rooney, Elaine. See Mahnken, Elaine

  Rooney, Jan. See Chamberlin, Jan

  Rooney, Jimmy (MR’s stepson), 415, 517

  Rooney, Jonelle (MR’s daughter), 415, 514, 517

  Rooney, Kelly Ann (MR’s daughter), 342, 347, 516

  adoption by grandparents, 364

  on Garland, 401

  on her mother, 344, 353, 358–60

  on MR, 157, 359–60, 485

  and Nell, 34, 353, 404

  Rooney, Kerry. See Mack, Kerry Rooney

  Rooney, Kimmy Sue (MR’s daughter), 350–51, 355, 359, 364, 416, 514, 517

  Rooney, Marge. See Lane, Margaret

  Rooney, Mark Aber (MR’s stepson). See Aber, Mark

  Rooney, Martha. See Vickers, Martha

  Rooney, Michael (MR’s son), 342, 356–58, 364, 416, 514, 516–17

  Rooney, Mickey

  Academy Juvenile Award received, 104

  on acting, 4–5

  addictions, generally, xix, 220–21

  on aging, 366–67

  on Andy Hardy films, 143

  Andy Hardy role/image, xviii–xix, 7–8, 10–11, 124–29, 125, 139, 146–47, 160, 163–64. See also specific films

  anger issues, 7, 319, 473, 501–3

  anxiety attacks, 398

  appearance, xviii

  autobiography, xi–xvi, 221, 300, 382–83

  autographs sold by, 12–13, 474, 491, 501

  bankruptcies, xix, 6, 381–82, 484, 500–501

  on Barbara Ann’s death, 364

  on being alone, 177

  on Berkeley, 153

  as bipolar, 5, 470–71, 475, 496, 512

  birth/infancy, 23–25

  blacklisted, 328, 338, 407

  Bronze Star earned, xvii, 253

  business sense lacking, 276–77, 337, 420–22, 444–45, 485

  career start in movies, 45

  César Award received, xviii

  as a character actor, 5, 267, 278–79, 297–98, 323

  character/reputation, xix, 164–66, 271, 297, 319

  childhood burlesque performances, 25–32, 36, 67, 69

  children, 271–72, 297, 404–5, 416–17, 496, 515–17. See also Mack, Kerry Rooney; Rooney, Jonelle; Rooney, Kelly Ann; Rooney, Kimmy Sue; Rooney, Michael; Rooney, Mickey, Jr.; Rooney, Theodore Michael; Rooney, Timothy Hayes

  at Columbia, 308, 311

  in conservatorship, 443, 498–99, 512, 514

  critical reception, 61, 64, 71–72, 82, 84, 89, 92–94, 118, 121, 227–28, 323, 378, 467–69, 492–93

  dance lessons, 36

  death, xvii, 13–14, 368–69, 510–11

  depression, 5, 308–10

  as director, 413

  drinking/womanizing, 10, 159–60, 164–67, 220–22, 241, 259–60, 271, 297, 306, 445–46

  drug use, 115, 156, 297, 359, 404, 405–6, 423, 466–67

  on dying, 513

  education, 55, 72–74, 112–14

  effects of mother’s prostitution on, 37–38

  elder abuse of, 5–7, 12, 484, 495–98

  as elder performer, 460–63

  El Ranchita home, 146, 190–91, 293, 296

  Emmy award/nomination, xvii, 449, 459, 464, 522

  estate, 511

  family wreckage, 514–15

  fans, rudeness toward, 471–75

  financial problems, 6, 12, 60, 224–27, 259–60, 275–76, 294, 305, 307, 325–26, 485

  at First National Pictures, 41–42

  funerals and burial, 511–14

  gambling, xix, 9, 208, 220–21, 259, 288–89, 297, 326

  gambling debts/bookies, 206, 208, 221, 227, 334–36, 443–44

  Garland’s chemistry with, 149–52, 379–80

  Garland’s relationship with, xviii–xix, 148, 148–49, 156–58, 380, 401–2, 479

  on Garland’s death, 403

  Golden Globes won, xvii, 459

  golfing, 196, 323, 414–15

  gossip about, 170–71, 179, 297

  as Hadacol Caravan emcee, 307

  heart disease/surgery, 482–83

  height issues, 62, 236, 259, 303

  on his films, 377–78

  horse racing, betting on, xii, 9, 150–51, 220–22, 388, 443–44

  and Howard Hughes, 239–40, 395–99

  idle periods between films, 267–68, 305, 407

  impressions by, 30, 64, 72

  interpersonal skills lacking, 319–22, 328

  in Kansas City with aunt and uncle, 32–35, 55

  on Kelly Ann, 364

  lawsuit against his stepchildren, 6

  on marriage, 196–97

  at MGM, 80, 81–83, 87–88, 105–7, 110, 115–16. See also MGM and specific films

  on MGM and Mayer, 104, 106–7, 221–22

  at MGM brothel, 108, 222

  Mickey McGuire name used, 58, 60, 62–68

  Mickey McGuire role, 43, 56, 83–
84. See also McGuire series

  Mickey Rooney name acquired, 68–69

  military service, xvii, 213–16, 234–35, 237–38, 238, 243–47, 252–53

  military service, AWOL episode, 239–40

  on Milosevic, 354–55

  and the mob, 334–36, 338, 348

  on Monroe, 487–88

  moves to Florida, 414

  musical talent, 241, 324

  nervous breakdown, 466–67, 496

  ninetieth birthday, 507–9

  Oscar nominations/awards, xvii–xviii, 152, 160–61, 224, 452–53, 458–60, 482

  paid appearances (Mickey parties), 491

  pensions, 497

  Peterson as his keeper, 155, 169–70, 178, 195, 197–98, 210, 212–13, 222, 228, 260, 297

  popularity, 71, 76, 103, 123, 161, 198, 222–23, 227, 267, 305–6

  portrayals of, 8

  in poverty, 485, 495, 501

  psychological assessment of, 294–95

  public image, 114, 160, 162–70, 183–84, 390

  recordings, 548–49

  relationship with father, 28, 31–33, 100–101, 160

  relationship with Fred Pankey, 224–25, 281, 518

  relationship with Lewis Stone, 224–25

  relationship with mother, 32, 113

  relationship with Wynn Brown, 41, 78–79, 113

  religious leanings, 440, 445, 453

  salaries earned, 49, 56, 61, 64, 69–70, 82–83, 94, 122, 145, 223–26, 414, 442

  on Schenck, 199

  The Search for Sonny Skies, 489

  sports interests, 72, 81, 120, 196, 323, 414–15

  on stardom and lack of privacy, 270–71

  on Sam Stiefel, 294

  and Storm, 311–12

  sued for breach of contract, 338

  table tennis skills, 81

  talents, overview, xvii, 69, 298, 518–19

  tennis skills, 72, 120

  toboggan accident/broken leg, 96–97, 100–102, 119–20

  as a top moneymaker, 185–86

  trust fund, 145–46, 382

  at Twentieth Century–Fox, 302

  at Universal, 65, 69–70, 77–78, 83

  war bond tour, 198–202

  will, 496–98, 511–12

  in Will Morrissey Revue, 63–65

  work ethic, 76–77

  writings, 489, 549

  —FILMS, 531–39

  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 129, 222

  Ah, Wilderness! 120, 124, 129–32, 262–64

  All Ashore, 311

  Ambush Bay, 354, 362, 375

  Andy Hardy Comes Home, 329, 332–33, 338, 516

  Andy Hardy Meets Debutante, 150

  Andy Hardy’s Blonde Trouble, 213–14, 223, 227

  Andy Hardy’s Double Life, 223

  Arabian Adventure, 453

  L’Arcidiavolo/The Devil in Love, 375, 404

  As de Corazon, 426

  The Atomic Kid, 477

  Babes in Arms, xviii, 14, 150–54, 172, 185

  Babes on Broadway, 3, 150, 152–55, 172–73

  Baby Face Nelson, xviii, 329, 338

  Beloved, 78

  The Big Cage, 71

  The Big Chance, 77

  The Big Operator, 329, 338


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