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Destined to Meet: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 3)

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by Jourdyn Kelly

  Destined to Meet

  Copyright © 2014 by Jourdyn Kelly

  Published by Jourdyn Kelly

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  ISBN Number - 978-0692296813

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Art by: Jourdyn Kelly

  Interior Design by Angela McLaurin, Fictional Formats

  Other books by Jourdyn Kelly

  Something About Eve

  Destined to Kill

  Flawed Perfection

  Destined to Love

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight



  About the Author

  What you should know:

  “With a great cast of characters and an action packed plot I can honestly say I really enjoyed reading this book. Anala is a strong, selfless female that cares deeply for her family and friends which made her a very likeable heroine in my opinion.”


  Oh My God!!! This book was awesome! This is the second time out of the 10 years I’ve had my Kindle that I felt compelled to write a review. I could not stop reading this book. My only complaint is that it ended. Please hurry (but take your time :)) with the other two books… kudos Jourdyn Kelly.

  —R.Spears (Amazon)

  “Oh man this is a fantastic book! I would recommend it to anyone who loves to read suspense and fantasy. Jourdyn Kelly did an amazing job with this book. Can’t wait for the next one.”

  —Draftsit (Amazon)

  “This is a very interesting and exciting book - one of my favorites. I label it as a must read!”

  —Kimbra White (Amazon)

  “This book was awesome. It was very entertaining and action packed…”


  “5 out of 5 stars. I am very impressed with this novel, and even more surprised with how much I liked it.”


  “I have to say this book is my favorite so far, Jourdyn Kelly writes in a way that the story flows and you just keep on reading till the end. She has an amazing imagination, and l love how she built her characters.”


  “…I really enjoyed this novel, just as much as I enjoyed the first one. Kelly’s writing is subtle, and realistic and it entertains you effortlessly. You just find that you’ve read 100 or so pages and it doesn’t at all feel like work…”


  “…a book about love and humanity. one that shows it is what is inside that matters and not who you are. A nice read with a great look at what makes us tick…”


  “I love Ana! She is so relatable, besides the fact that she is a vampire lol. Sam falls in love with her but it’s not easy for everyone that she loves him back. Her newly turned vampire Zac loves her and is struggling with seeing Ana and Sam together. They all need to stick together though because they have one of their biggest battles coming up. To make matters worse it’s against an old friend and lover. Will they survive? If you love paranormal, love, mystery, suspense stories you will love this book. Make sure you read Destined to Kill first so things make more sense.”


  “There’s no way I can say everything good there is to say about this book in a limited space. Many of the characters were further developed in this book…”

  —Wanda Shull (Goodreads)

  “Jourdyn Kelly has done it again! Fantastic book. Destined to Love picks up right where Destined to Kill left you and takes you on another wild ride. Thoroughly enjoyed every word and can’t wait for the next one!”

  —Draftsit (Amazon)

  Destined to Meet is the third and final book in the Destined Series. For a complete understanding of Anala Geil and her Hunters, I encourage you to read Destined to Kill and Destined to Love before delving into Destined to Meet. The Destined Series follows Anala Geil on her journey as Hunter, to Cursed Hunter. All Ana wants to do is be a regular teenager. Problem is, she is anything but regular. Not only is she a Hunter (Cursed Ones beware), she is also Cursed (a vampire) and, well, more than 600 years old. Still, she tries her best to live life as normally as she can. She has just graduated from high school (again), and pulled her friends - and not so friends - along with her on a journey into her past. It just so happens those friends are descendants of Hunters, and Ana needs their help.

  In this final book, we’ll see if Ana, her lover Sam and her devoted friends/Hunters can deal with the adversities they will face in the land where her life began six centuries ago. One thing Anala knows for sure, she will do everything in her power to protect those she has grown to love. She’s lost too much already, and she doesn’t know if her immortal heart could take any more.

  “Anala Lagan?”

  Amanda’s incredulous voice broke through my shocked immobility. Obviously I heard right if Amanda is saying the same name that is going through my head. Over and over.

  “Impossible.” My voice is barely above a whisper, and I’m not sure anyone is even paying attention to me. That is until I feel Sam’s hand resting lightly on my back. Even that gentle touch was enough to ground me.

  “Yes.” Tania looks confused at my reluctance to believe her. She turns to me, anger filling her hazel eyes. “You question my honor?”

  “Hold on there, Buffy.” Jenna steps between me and Tania, holding her hands up in a placating gesture. I can’t help but to snicker at her ‘Buffy’ comment, and she turns to smirk at me before addressing Tania again. “A…, er, Ella’s not questioning your honor. We just have things we need to discuss. Alone.”

  Jenna turns and walks purposefully out of the room, fully expecting me to follow her. Damn. This could be complicated. I can’t just leave Tania here by herself without being watched. I haven’t known her long enough to trust her.

  “Sara?” I beckon. She strides towards me, giving Tania a small smile as she passed.

  “You want me to stay and keep an eye on her?” Sara asks quietly.

  “Please. We will fill you in on everything when we can. Is that okay?”

  I don’t want Sara to think she’s not part of the group, no matter ho
w new she is. She has proven herself to me, and though we have had our disagreements, I trust her to have discretion with Tania. She nods slightly.

  “Come.” Sara takes Tania by the arm and leads her out towards the kitchen. “Let’s see if we can find something suitable to eat. My grandmother could make a delicious meal out of any scraps she found in the kitchen.”

  I wait until her voice trails off before turning to the others.

  “Let’s not keep Jenna waiting. No telling what she’ll do to us.”

  “About time. Thought I was going to have to come in there and drag you people out.” Jenna pops her gum for good measure, grinning at me when I let out a small growl.

  “How can this be possible?” Sam asks, ignoring Jenna’s antics.

  “It can’t as far as I know,” I answer. Then again, I had no idea that other Hunters - or ‘Enforcers’ - were roaming the world, consorting with Cursed Ones. I wonder, if my parents had lived, would I have learned about the others? Why did papa keep all of this from me? He must have known that Cursed Ones and Hunters existed beyond our village. Why keep me in the dark if I was to inherit leadership of the Society? Too many damned questions, and not enough answers.

  Perhaps he was trying to protect you.

  Sam’s voice in my head held understanding and compassion, but it didn’t help me.

  Protecting me would be giving me all of the information I need to protect myself.

  I touch Sam’s arm briefly, a silent apology for my attitude. It’s still odd to me that we can have complete communication without anyone else knowing.

  “I need their journals,” I say aloud.

  “Could Thomas have…” Emily’s question was hesitant. I wonder if it’s her shyness coming out, or if she’s loath to speak Thomas’s name.

  “No. He was turned not long after me.”

  “But, he could have… been with someone before he was turned,” Amanda counters.

  I pause, thinking of that scenario. Could he have bedded someone else while saying he wanted to be with me? Hell, at this point anything is possible. I just don’t believe it. I hear Sam’s thoughts stir, but he prudently stays quiet. If he feels like I’m hurt by the possibility that Thomas was with someone else, he isn’t projecting it. Doesn’t matter. Perhaps back then I would have been hurt. But I carry so much hatred for Thomas now after what he did to Sam and Zac that I can’t find an ounce of empathy for the boy I knew long, long ago.

  “He could have,” I concede. “But, why call her Anala?”

  “Because he was in love with you,” Sam answers matter-of-factly.

  “We were children, Sam.”

  “And, he allowed himself to be Cursed when he thought something had happened to you. He murdered your parents,” he finishes softly.

  The pang of guilt and sadness hit me, causing me to tremble.

  I’m sorry. Sam made the apology in my head, and I could plainly hear the dismay he felt in saying the words.

  It’s true. I respond in kind. It’s fine, baby.

  “Well, we won’t know much until we get the journals,” I say for everyone to hear.

  “We can go tonight.” Jeremy cracks his fingers, and bounces on his toes as though he was ready for a fight. As proud as it makes me, I can’t let them go.

  “I’ll go,” I say. Although my tone lets them know I want no arguments, they argue. What can I tell you? They are my Hunters. I would probably be disappointed if they didn’t argue.

  “Why should you go alone?” Jenna scoffs.

  “Ana, you can’t do this alone!” Amanda scolds.

  “No way!”

  “We’ll go with you!”

  “What if something happens?!”

  Jeremy, Eric and Emily spoke over each other, each getting louder and more defiant. The only one I don’t hear from - and the one I’m most concerned about - is Sam. I don’t know if I’m going to get the agreeable Sam or the one who’s going to be pissed off at me for wanting to go at this alone.

  “Look, those guys over there are unpredictable. I will not risk your lives for a few books.”

  “All the more reason for us to go with you!” Amanda puts her hands on her hips and glares at me. She then turns that glare on Sam. “Will you talk some sense into her! I mean, you’re her boyfriend! Maybe she’ll listen to you!”

  All of the others look to Sam expectantly. Obviously they think that he can change my mind. Perhaps if I weren’t so wary of Malcolm’s mental capacity, I would let Sam change my mind. As it is, meeting Malcolm - after flying to England to find out more about Hunters and Cursed Ones we recently became aware of - I find myself wondering if his mental state is hanging by a thread.

  “Will you at least let me go with you?” I hear Sam ask, bringing my attention back to the here and now.

  “You’re still new, Sam. I can’t take the chance…” I had to Curse Sam after Thomas had him beaten to the brink of death. It wasn’t something I wanted to do, at least not like that, and not so soon. However, with Amanda begging me, Sam and Amanda’s mother asking me for a miracle, and my own desire to keep the man I love with me, I had no other options. I’m still surprised at how well Sam is handling being Cursed. I just can’t help being worried that it may change at any moment.

  “You don’t trust me?”

  “That’s not it!” I pace away, running a hand through my raven hair. I still have the have contacts in that I wore to hide my almost transparent eyes, making them closer to their original blue, and they’re beginning to irritate me. Sam has contacts as well, to hide the effects of being turned. I stand in front of him and hold his gaze, enjoying the fact that his eyes are close to his golden eyes I adored so much. “I trust you, you must know that. But you have been Cursed for less than two weeks. This is all still new to both of us. Please, Sam. If you go with me, I’ll be worried about you, not focused on what I’m supposed to be doing.”

  Sam’s once expressive eyes seem dull behind the contacts, but he still nods, acquiescing to my pleas.

  “Ugh! Fine!” Amanda throws her hands up in the air, frustrated by Sam’s seemingly easy surrender. Only I know that he’s seething in his head. “You won’t let Sam go, then you’re taking at least one of us.”



  “Enough, Amanda! For once, act like I’m your leader and not just your best friend.” I soften my voice when I see her flinch at my tone. “I’m not doing this to be difficult. Those people have guns. Guns, Amanda. I will not put you in danger like that. How do you think I would feel if you were killed because of something I could have easily done myself?”

  Amanda opens her mouth, then closes it again looking properly chastised.

  “But, they’re Hunters, Ana,” Eric tries reasoning.

  “You think I can’t handle them?” I raise an eyebrow, putting my hands on my hips - much like Amanda - and dare him to say something I don’t agree with.

  “Of course you can. But, we are Hunters. We are your family. You shouldn’t have to do it on your own. It is you who thinks we can’t handle them.”

  Well, damn. I dared him, and he called my dare.

  Sigh. “I have faith in all of you and your skills, Eric. But, we are not dealing with typical Hunters here. Their guns can kill you without you even knowing they’re there. Guns won’t hurt me.”

  Each of them contemplates my explanation, and I hope they can see my side. Either way, I don’t want them putting themselves in danger, but I’d rather they not be cross with me.

  “She’s right,” Jenna finally says. Yeah, I know. I’m just as shocked as you. Jenna and I have found a tentative truce lately, but I’m still a little amazed when she comes to my defense. “Guns are no joke. As much as I hate for Ana to go by herself, she’s the only one - besides Sam - who can do this without being killed by the stupid freaks.”

  Ah, there’s my Jenna.

  Amanda sighs heavily, but she can’t argue anymore, which I’m sure is hard for her. Dear, sweet, blond, cheery A
manda does not like to lose.

  “If something happens to you I’ll never forgive you,” she grumbles and brushes past me to stalk back into the sitting room.

  The others look at me, then at Sam, then back to me. Their excuses for leaving us alone were incoherently mumbled, and I find myself facing an irate Sam.

  “I know you’re not happy with me, baby, but…”

  “Why do you think they couldn’t sense me?” he interrupts.

  I take a moment to adjust to the course change this discussion just took. I think back to when Sam found out what I really was, and he asked me the same question. ‘Why can’t I sense you?’

  I take a tentative step towards Sam and lay my palm gently on his cheek.

  “They can’t sense you for the same reason you couldn’t sense me,” I explain gently. “There’s not an ounce of evil in you, Sam.”

  “And, yet, you still think I will lose my humanity at any moment,” he murmurs, pulling away. “I guess I don’t blame you. Zac’s humanity switched off pretty quickly.”

  “Oh, baby.” I use all of my strength not to go to him and wrap him in my arms. “Zac already had anger issues. I don’t believe he was evil, but I don’t think he had a handle on his emotions.” I gave up trying to stay away from Sam, and pray he won’t pull away from me again. “I don’t think you’ll lose your humanity. I really don’t know what I’m afraid of. This whole thing seems way too easy.”

  “I understand that. I saw how Zac was, and was worried that would happen to me. I don’t know why I haven’t felt the intensity of the effects.” He looks almost defeated when he lifts his eyes to mine. “I’m afraid…”

  I pull Sam into my arms and hold him tight. It’s all my fault he’s feeling this fear. If I could just stop waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop, he would be fine. Damn me and my pessimism. Six hundred years of pain and loss can really turn you into cynic.


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