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Destined to Meet: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 3)

Page 4

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “What’s up?” Amanda glances over her shoulder, focusing on the journals. If recent history is anything to go by, she can’t wait to get at those books. She was practically obsessed with the journals I wrote, needing to carefully go over every word, forgoing sleep, eating and even talking. You know it’s serious when Amanda stops talking.

  “Are you guys going to be okay going over this by yourself for a while?” I ask quietly.

  “Sure. I mean, it’s only been about a week since we’ve graduated, but I’m sure we still know how to read.”

  Her sarcasm makes me want to smile, but I give her a mock glare instead.

  “Funny, funny girl,” I mutter.

  Amanda glances at Sam, who was waiting patiently - or maybe not so patiently since he’s shifting from one foot to another. She leans closer, lowering her voice. “Is something wrong?”

  I wonder if she realizes that no matter how low her voice is, Sam can hear her.

  “We need some time. Alone.”

  Amanda just stares at me for a minute.

  “You’re leaving us to do this because you want some nookie?” she asks incredulously.

  Great. The time I want her to be quiet and she nearly shouts my very private intentions.

  “Will you keep it down!” I whisper fiercely. Of course the damage is already done since I hear Jenna snicker, and a glance shows me the sly grins from the boys, and blushes from the other girls. I grab Amanda’s arm and lead her further away. “It’s not like that. I can’t explain this to you. At least not right at this moment, but it’s not about… nookie!”

  Amanda must have seen what I assume is an almost desperate look on my face. She hugs me briefly, then pushes me towards Sam.

  “We’ll be here. Take all the time you need.”

  Sam touches my arm lightly as I walk past him into our bedroom. I turn to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “Ever since you turned me,” he began, burying his face in my neck, “I haven’t experienced the overwhelming hunger. At least not in the way I thought I would.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My hunger… is for you. Your scent, your blood. Your body.” His arms tighten around my waist, pressing me to him. “Your love,” he murmurs.

  “I’ve felt the same,” I confess. The only way I can explain this is that I was in love with Sam when I turned him. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

  “I love you, Anala.”

  “I love you, too, Sam.”

  “When all of this is over, we need to have a serious discussion about the future.”

  His mischievous grin makes me chuckle. The kiss he gives me on my neck effectively stops that chuckle turning it into a groan. When I feel his teeth graze me, I lose all coherent thought completely.

  “Would you like a sandwich or something?” I carefully maneuver the milk and water bottles in front of the bottles of blood in the refrigerator before turning to a surprised Tania.

  “How did you?”

  “I heard you,” I interrupt. “Are you hungry?”

  “Not really. I just came in for a water and possibly some aspirin.”

  I look closely at Tania and notice the veins throbbing in her temple. I also notice the sweat beading on her forehead. I reach back into the refrigerator and extract a bottle of water.

  “What did he have you on?” I ask as I hand her the bottle. I don’t know what has me convinced that Malcolm has something to do with Tania’s condition, but the feeling is strong.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re shaking and sweating. Your head is pounding. You’re going through withdrawals. What did he have you on?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I study her, seeing only truth and confusion in her eyes. She really has no idea that Malcolm has been drugging her, and I don’t think she was willingly doing drugs. I wonder if that’s how he keeps all of his Enforcers in line.

  “Sit.” I guide Tania to a chair, feeling the clamminess of her skin. “This is going to get much worse for you before it gets better. Have you been feeling nauseous?”

  Tania nods her head weakly. I can almost hear the pounding in her head, and I can’t help but feel sorry for her.

  “I thought I was having a migraine,” she confides. “You really think my brother has been drugging me?”

  “The symptoms are there,” I shrug. I’m not 100% sure, of course, but close. “There’s not much I can do for you except make sure you stay hydrated. Water will be the best thing for you for now. I’m afraid you won’t be able to keep any food down, but would you like to try to eat something light?”

  She shakes her head and puts a hand over her stomach. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Suddenly, Tania looks up at me with an unreadable look. “Did you get what you needed?”

  “Yes. We were able to get the journals.”

  “Is Malcolm dead?”

  Well. Eric was right. This is not something I want to deal with. Don’t I have enough?

  “No,” I answer forcibly. “I was able to get in and out without being detected.”

  Tania’s face registers complete shock. It makes me wonder if she has asked others to get the books for her before with bad results.


  Tania is unable to finish her question before she doubles over in pain. I’m torn. I’m angry that she used me to try and rid her of her brother, no matter how much I understand wanting to be rid of Malcolm. But I also don’t want to see her in pain. Knowing that there really isn’t anything I can do for her, I place the garbage can in front of her - just in case - and rub her back for support.

  “Try to breathe through the pain. When you can sit up again, drink as much of the water as you can.”


  Amanda stops short when she see Tania. I have problems remembering that I am ‘Ella’ to Tania, so I can only imagine how hard it is for my Hunters to get used to it. I wish I had just stuck with Ana.

  “What’s going on?”

  I glance up at Amanda just as Tania starts retching. Oh lord. Not only do I hate getting sick myself, I really don’t have the stomach for seeing others either. But I force myself to stay next to Tania, holding her blonde locks back.

  “Withdrawals,” I explain while trying to keep from joining Tania.

  Amanda turns around, obviously not wanting to watch what was going on. I don’t blame her at all.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I think Malcolm has been drugging Tania. Whether he’s doing that to the others, I don’t know. Right now, we just need to help Tania get through this.”

  “What can I do?” Amanda rests her head on the wall next to the entrance. “Ugh, so gross,” she mutters. I’m sure she didn’t intend for anyone to hear, but… well, you know my hearing. I struggle not to laugh since the situation is so not funny at all.

  “Not much we can do except let her ride it out. Can you get another bottle of water? She’s going to need it.”

  Amanda gave us a wide berth, taking the long way around to the refrigerator. I’m pretty sure she’s just as grateful as I am when Tania finally stops dumping her guts in the trash can.

  “What else?” she asks, setting the bottle down next to me.

  “Let’s get her back to her room. She’s going to get the shakes soon. I want to get her as comfortable as possible.”

  “Baby?” Sam walks into the kitchen while Amanda and I are helping Tania stand. I could easily pick her up and carry her to her room, but obviously that wouldn’t be the best course of action. “I thought you were coming right back, so I figured I’d come look for you. Everything okay?”

  “Sorry. Tania needs a little help. We were just going to take her upstairs.”

  Sam strides over to us, his eyes narrowing as he studies Tania’s face. “She’s going through withdrawals?”

  I nod, slipping my arm around Tania to hold her up.

  “Here, let me.” Sam gently nudges Amanda o
ut of the way, and takes Tania from me. He picks her up, cradling her against his chest like a baby.

  I try holding back my jealousy. I honestly do. But seeing Tania in Sam’s arms, and seeing her look up at him with obvious attraction makes my blood boil.

  I feel nothing for her, baby. You’re the only one for me. Sam clearly feels my simmering rage.

  Just get her upstairs quickly. I don’t think she feels the same way you do.

  Sam gives me a quick nod, and heads towards Tania’s room with Amanda and me in tow.

  “Are you okay? You’re extremely tense,” Amanda whispers close to my ear.


  Amanda places a tentative hand on my arm, and she must’ve felt my muscles coil like a snake because she jerks her hand back quickly.

  “You know he would never…”

  “I know!” I don’t mean to be so harsh with Amanda, but I just watched Tania’s hand creep into Sam’s hair. She better watch it. Sick or not, I’m about to kick her ass.

  We’re almost there, baby. I’m not enjoying this any more than you.

  Sam’s words in my head calm me a little. Only a little. But if she keeps twirling her fingers in Sam’s hair…

  I push the door to Tania’s bedroom open - perhaps a little too forcefully - urging Sam to hurry and deposit her on the bed. When she holds on a little longer than respectable, I can’t help but step in.

  “Hands off,” I growl. “I’m trying to help you, Tania, but if you keep touching my boyfriend like that, I will throw you out the window and let you fend for yourself. Or I’ll take you back to your brother.”

  Tania yanks her hands away from Sam and shrinks back into her pillows. She looks as if she might either get sick again or cry. Frankly I don’t give a damn if she does either.

  Sam begins to say something, but apparently the look on my face makes him think twice. He just walks to me, kisses my cheek before telling me he would see me in our room later, and leaves. Amanda, however, has no qualms about smirking at me with a wink.

  “I’m sorry.” Tania sounds properly contrite, though I’m not sure I believe she’s truly sorry. The apology doesn’t quite reach her eyes. There’s just something off with the true ‘Ruler’ of this territory.

  The solid smack of my fist against the plastic of the fighting dummy in the exercise room does nothing to quiet my rage. How dare she touch Sam that way? He’s mine! SWACK! I bring her in, help her and she repays me by being interested in what’s mine?! I landed a perfect roundhouse kick to the dummy, snapping it off of its pedestal and sending it across the room.

  “Who pissed in your bottle of blood?”

  I whirl around striking out at Jenna. I’m especially glad that she has extraordinary reflexes.

  “What the hell!”

  “Jesus! Jenna, I am so sorry!” I sink to my knees, trying to clear my mind of Tania.

  “What’s going on with you?”

  I sigh deeply, gathering my hair in my hands to tie it back in a ponytail. “Tania,” I answer as if that explains everything.

  “What did Buffy do now?”

  I can’t help but laugh. Call me crazy, but I really am beginning to like Jenna a lot.

  “She’s going through withdrawals,” I begin, and explain everything that’s going on. “Buffy couldn’t keep her damned hands off of Sam.”

  “Wow. Chick must have a death wish.”

  “You think?”

  “So, that’s why you’re down here instead of up with your stud muffin?”

  “I just needed to blow off some steam.”

  “Can’t you do that with Sam?” Jenna smirks.

  “Ha.” I lay back with my hands behind my head, my knees bent and tap my toes. “I was afraid of what I might have done in my state.” It was true. I’ve never felt jealousy at this level. Hell, I’ve never experienced jealousy at all. It wasn’t an emotion that was needed in my life. I had always thought it was a foolish emotion. Or perhaps I have just never felt the depth of emotion I feel for Sam. What I know now is I hate this feeling, and it leaves me with enough fear of my own rage to stay away from the one I love the most.

  “I’m sure Sam thanks you then,” she teases. “Did you see Amanda yet?”

  “I saw her earlier. Why?”

  “Did she tell you anything about the journals?”

  I sit up abruptly. “No, I haven’t given her a chance. What did you find?”

  One good thing about being a vampire, I don’t need sleep. On the other hand, one bad thing about being a vampire, I don’t need sleep. So, nights can be extremely long when I have to wait.

  I very reluctantly agreed to Jenna’s suggestion to wait until morning to meet with all my Hunters to discuss the journals. Each of them are taking turns watching Tania, and helping her through the withdrawals. Apparently they don’t trust me alone with her, and there’s no way I’m allowing Sam alone with her. Thus, you have two vampires that don’t need sleep waiting impatiently for morning and six humans that could use all the sleep they can get taking turns staying awake. It’s a messed up situation.

  I know that I could easily read the journals myself, and I seriously contemplate doing just that. Sam, on the other hand, has different ideas. Leave it to a man to find having a jealous girlfriend sexy.

  “Come back to me.”

  Sam’s husky voice brings me out of my reverie, and I turn my attention back to him.

  “Sorry, baby. I’m just so ready for all of this to be over.”

  “I know, Anala. But for now, let’s just look at this time we have together like the gift it is. Tomorrow will come soon enough.”

  I know Sam is worried about what’s coming. Frankly, so am I. Things are certainly not as they seem around here, and until I find out all we need to know I don’t think my Hunters are safe. Damn it. If only all of this could have ended with Thomas. Unfortunately, I can’t keep blaming this on Thomas or even Bernard. We need to know who our real enemy is this time. Is it Malcolm? The Priestess? Tania?

  “Help me take my mind off of everything. Just for a few hours,” I beg Sam. I realize when Sam gathers me in his strong arms that nothing calms me more than the love and security I feel right here in Sam’s embrace.

  “How’s Tania?”

  “Still alive,” Jenna answers. “Were you hoping for a different answer?”

  I shoot Jenna a death glare before pointedly ignoring her. “Any more complications?” I ask Amanda.

  “Not really. A few more gross moments, but once we got her to go to sleep it was fine.”

  “Is she still sleeping?”

  Amanda begins spreading the books over the table while keeping up with my questions.

  “Yes. I was ready to give her a sedative. But I think she’ll be out for a while. We’ll each give you our thoughts on the journals and then go check on her.”

  Good plan. I’m confident enough in Amanda, and even Jenna, to know that they have caught the others up on what we believe is going on. Even though I am now having second thoughts. I can’t help but wonder if it’s because of my inherent dislike for Tania now, or if my gut is seriously telling me there’s something wrong here. I push back that thought for now, nod to Amanda and pick up one of the journals. “Who’s first?”

  “I’ll go first. I had what looks to be the first in the series,” Sara answers. “From what I can tell, the first born Anala Lagan is the direct descendant of someone named Emma Lagan.”

  “Oh God.”

  “Do you know her?” Emily looks at me curiously. They can obviously figure out that a Lagan would be related to Thomas.

  “Emma was Thomas’s sister.”

  The others just stare at me in utter disbelief for a moment. I wonder if they were thinking back to the story I told them about when I had been changed. It was the only time I had mentioned Thomas’s sister to them. She had been young then. Perhaps nine or ten if I recall correctly. I have trouble thinking of Emma as anything but the scared little girl that I almost accidentally killed t
hat day.

  “But that doesn’t explain why Thomas’s sister…,” Sara begins.

  “I think I can shed some light on why she had a daughter and named her Anala,” Eric interjects.

  We all turn to him expectantly, as he opens the second journal. “It says here that Thomas was the only boy,” Eric glances up at me for confirmation. When I nod, he continues. “It also states that Emma became the only one who could pass on the Lagan name when Thomas… um… died.”

  “But that was unheard of back then,” I mutter. “Hell, it’s not completely heard of these days.”

  “Well, we’re still going over the journals, and I honestly don’t think we have all of them here,” Amanda explains. “We’re just trying to piece everything together, but we don’t know if we have all of the information we need.”

  “Okay, give me what you have and we’ll go from there.”

  “Well,” Eric begins again. “It seems that Emma took your death pretty hard.”


  “Yes. She looked up to you. Wanted to be like you. Thomas wasn’t the only one who was devastated. But after her brother died, she changed.”

  “Changed how?”

  “She became obsessed with training. She sought out everyone that had trained with you, wanting to emulate you. Emma even trained with two swords.”

  The dual swords were my trademark. Other Hunters found the second sword to be redundant and cumbersome. The women especially. This information, though, doesn’t answer as to why Emma became so focused on me.

  “Apparently Thomas spoke of you often, as did his - or their - parents. You were said to be betrothed to him.”

  “What!” The word burst from both Sam and me at the same time. Eyes widen as I grab the book from Eric’s hands.

  “There’s no way! My father would never just hand me over to someone.”

  I flip through page after page, not really knowing what I was looking for, but not having the sound mind to think of that. Betrothed?! Not possible! Then again, I never thought someone named Anala Lagan was possible. Son of a…

  “Here.” Eric calmly turns to the page I was looking for, then sits back silently as I read.


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