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Destined to Meet: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 3)

Page 11

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “I still don’t like you going in by yourself.”

  “You will be with me, Sam. You will know if I am in trouble. I trust you to be there when I need you.”


  I reluctantly pull away from Sam’s arms and turn to Liam.

  “I and the others will keep watch over your Hunters. You have my word. We are older than the ones the Priestess has chosen. The only reason she has been able to kill us off is because she used our charges against us.”

  “I appreciate that. My Hunters are extremely capable, their abilities beyond what I could have hoped for. But having numbers is always beneficial.”

  Amanda passes Liam, brushing a hand over his bicep. “Thank you,” she tells him softly before addressing me. “We will be as close as we can be. You know we will do our best not to harm innocents, but Ana…”

  “Do what you must do. If it is possible, let Liam and the Cursed Ones handle the innocents. I care less about their conscience than I do yours. No offense,” I say, glancing at Liam.

  “None taken.”

  “Amanda, I trust all of you. I am counting on you all to be here, unharmed, when I get back. That includes you, Jenna,” I smirk, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Yeah, well, we’re counting on you, too. So don’t go getting your old ass killed.” And, for good measure, Jenna pops her gum.

  “You are such a bitch,” I chuckle.

  “True. But you love me anyway.” She winks.

  “Eh. You are growing on me, I suppose.” I address all of my Hunters then. “You all know what you are to do. Be alert. Watch each other’s backs.”

  Emily strides towards me and throws her arms around me. “I know we have had our problems, but I want you to know I understand everything you’ve had to do. I don’t blame you,” she whispers.

  I swallow the lump in my throat, thanking her before gently pushing her away.

  “This is not good-bye. Please be careful. I will do the same.” I blow out a breath laced with nerves. I’m nervous for them more than I am myself. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  “There are guards around the perimeter,” Liam starts as we park in the same spot we met him in. “There are ways around them, but it will take longer. It will be easier to go through them.”

  “Are they innocents? Hunters?”


  “Then I’ll take the long way.” I hold Liam’s gaze. “Do not kill anyone if you do not have to. The only reason I will forgive that kind of kill will be if you are protecting my Hunters. Understood?”

  “Of course. Anala, we have spent centuries working on becoming compatible with humans. You have nothing to worry about with us.”

  I nod slightly before turning away. It’s time for me to go, and I’m trying to find my motivation. I don’t want to leave Sam. When I’m with him, I know he’s safe. Now, both of us will be a bit distracted, which could be deadly.

  “Baby.” I bring my arms up and around Sam’s neck. “We have to concentrate on what is going on around us.”

  “I know,” he murmurs, his face buried in my hair.

  “Promise me you’ll be here when I get back.”

  “I promise.” He lifts my chin to stare at me intently. “Now it’s your turn. Promise me you’re going to come back to me.”

  “I promise.”

  I follow the directions Liam gave me, again taking to the trees to move about undetected. I wish I had used the time with Tania to learn more about this ‘Priestess’. Like, what does she look like? I’m sure I’ll have no problems figuring out which one she is, of course. If her ego is as big as I think it is, she’ll be on a throne. I’m also sure she’ll be wearing her damned cloak. Well, two can play that game. And, I made the cloak what it is centuries ago.

  But how old is she? Will she look like Emma? Or Thomas? Or perhaps she’ll look like Sam and Amanda. Damn. I didn’t think about that. Will I be able to defeat her if I see Sam in her eyes? What I do know is that she is definitely a Hunter. She was born into the Society merely by being a descendant of the Lagan’s. In fact, being a descendant of that family means she is technically under my leadership. Not that I think she would accept that in any way whatsoever.

  I leap to the last tree before the Priestess’ little hideaway. It’s not exactly a cave, meaning it has been manmade. A dwelling built mainly underground, with just the entrance peeking out of what would look like a normal hill to onlookers. Two ‘guards’ stand before the door, and by their scent they are Cursed. Good. Makes it easier for me since I have no shame in killing them.

  I’m here, baby. Is everyone okay?

  We’re fine. We’re doing what we can to blend in. It has been difficult for Jeremy and Eric, but we have it handled. Be careful, Anala.

  Back at ya, babe. Going in.


  My heart races hearing Sam’s plea wondering what could have happened to cause such panic in Sam.


  I love you, Anala. Remember your promise to me.

  I let the tension in my shoulders relax a bit knowing no one has been hurt.

  I love you, too, Sam. I remember.

  I take a deep breath, and drop soundlessly to the ground. I flip the sides of my cloak back and grab my swords from their sheaths, pressing the buttons to release the blades. I take a moment to go over my options. I need to get to the door as quietly as I possibly can. My speed is a definite benefit, but they’re too far apart to be able to incapacitate them at the same time with my swords. I would run the risk of attracting attention if one were to get away from me while I was distracted by the other. With my mind made up, I stick the tips of my swords into the ground, and take out my daggers. I hold their blades in each of my hands, and with a quick flick of the wrists, I hit my targets exactly where I want. They immediately fall to their knees, and I take my opportunity. I grab my swords and run towards the entrance.

  Hesitation. It’s never been a problem for me when it comes to killing Cursed Ones. So why is it now? I shake my head free of the guilt I feel before bringing my swords down on the necks of the two felled vamps. I dust my daggers off that dropped to the ground when the two disintegrate, and sheath them back on my thighs.

  Doors are unlocked. Apparently they’re extremely confident about their abilities and protection around here.

  Ego. It may just bite them in the ass.

  I chuckle lightly at Sam’s thoughts, feeling better about my actions just hearing him. We say no more. We don’t need to since it has already been said. We know to be careful. We know we love each other. Now, it’s time to buckle down and stay focused.

  I open the door to a long, dark hallway. What is it with these people? It’s almost as if they’re making a mockery out of the Society and Cursed Ones. Hunters were never like this back in my day. We didn’t have old, gothic style digs. Nor did the Cursed Ones. Hell, the cursed roamed the land like animals looking for prey. And, here I am again in yet another medieval ‘headquarters’ that is straight out of some Hollywood horror movie. I haven’t missed the irony that even in medieval times when I was a kid, I didn’t come across places like this.

  I freeze, using all of my senses to adapt to my surroundings and decipher my next move. The dark, of course, doesn’t matter to me. I can see as clearly as if it were day time. I’m merely trying to distinguish which way to go, and who I will be up against. All heat, scents and activity seem to be radiating from one area. That tells me they have all convened in one place. Either they’re waiting for what Tania has to say, or they’re there to witness her death.

  I focus my hearing, but the walls are too thick to hear anything but the occasional murmur.

  Sam? Were you able to get close?


  Sam’s short answer, as well as the feelings he invoked in me has me pausing.

  What happened?

  Don’t worry about us. Just focus on what you have to do.

  Sam. What happened?

  Hesitation. I’m beginni
ng to hate that word and how it makes me feel.

  We did what we had to do.

  Shit. Innocents have fallen. I can only hope that one of my Hunters wasn’t the one that had to do it. I’m sure I would be able to feel it if it were Sam. At least I hope so.

  Is everyone okay?

  Yes, baby. It wasn’t one of us, but they had to watch. It wasn’t pleasant, but necessary. We’re at the entrance, and we will remain here unless you need us.

  I shake off the sadness I feel knowing that this war - hell, this charade of having Rulers and territories and fake Analas and fake Cloaked Ones - is killing humans. This is not what the Society is about. My anger only solidifies my resolve to see that this madness stops. I follow the scents, sticking close to the wall, my swords still at the ready. Soon a light shines through the darkness, and I know I’m close when I clearly hear voices.

  “Bring her in.”

  It’s a woman’s voice. She has a slight Irish lilt, and I intuitively know it is the voice of the Priestess. I sniff the air trying to distinguish her scent. It’s familiar. Sam’s scent is extremely potent to me. Intoxicating, really. This scent has remnants of Sam’s scent, a bit like Amanda, and I know for sure that this Priestess is indeed related. Fantastic. I practically plaster myself to the wall as I inch closer to observe.

  The first thing that hits me about the Priestess was how much she looks like Sam and Amanda. She has the same wheat colored hair, same golden eyes. The difference, however, is how cold those eyes were. There was no spark, no love. In fact, I realize then that it wasn’t Sam and Amanda the Priestess reminded me of. It was Thomas.

  I automatically push back against the wall when I see them bring Tania in. My mood immediately sours even more, but I tamper it down - with great effort, of course - and listen in.

  “Priestess. I’m honored that you…”

  “I have not given you permission to speak,” the Priestess interrupts Tania coldly. Tania immediately bows her head as the Priestess turns to Abby. “You brought her here. I trust you have a good reason.”

  Abby steps up and clears her throat. “Yes, Priestess. She is Malcolm’s sister and has heard his plans against you.”

  Tania visibly swallows and shrinks back when the Priestess turns her gaze back to her.

  “Is this true?”

  “Yes, Priestess.”

  Fake Anala says absolutely nothing, and I inwardly wince, almost willing Tania to speak. Does she really not realize that the Priestess is waiting on her?

  “Well? Are you going to tell me?” The irritation in the Priestess’s voice is enough to intimidate those around her. To me, it is simply annoying.

  “I, um…”

  I see Tania frown. Shit.

  She can’t remember.

  I feel Sam’s confusion even before he asks.

  What do you mean?

  If Tania knew what Malcolm’s plans were before, she doesn’t remember them now. The Priestess is going to kill her and it’s my fault.

  The guilt settles over me unlike anything I’ve ever felt. I didn’t mean for her to forget everything, just me and my Hunters. What have I done?

  Baby, it’s not your fault.

  I barely hold in my scoff. Of course it’s my fault. But I don’t have time argue with Sam about it. For once, I have no idea what to do. After centuries of living, I have finally found myself in a situation that I don’t know how to get out of.

  Sam, if I don’t go in there, they will kill Tania and her friends. If I do, I will have to kill… innocents.

  They are all around. Hunters. Innocents. Humans. Surrounding this Priestess like she is some larger than life creature. They will lay down their lives for her. And, though I know my Hunters would do the same, this person does not deserve it. How do I hold on to my humanity if I have to kill…

  We’re on our way. Please don’t do anything until we get there. Anala? Please.


  I stand my ground, hoping that Tania can come up with something to save her ass.

  “You dare come here and make a fool of me!” the Priestess bellows. She whips around and points a finger at Abby. “You! You said she knew something! You told me she is Malcolm’s sister. You dare to ask for an audience with me and have nothing!”

  Even I flinch at the deafening scream the Priestess lets out. My Hunters choose that moment to walk up behind me, and I raise my hand to stop their progress.

  “I have no use for incompetent followers. You were in that house with him, were you not?” She waits for Tania to nod in agreement, then continues. “You should know his plans. How worthless you are.”

  My blood starts to boil. I do not like Tania in the least, but this is not how a leader speaks! I turn to the others, pointing at Liam and his gang and beckoning them closer. Taking a deep breath, I project my thoughts to all of my Hunters.

  Stay here. I raise my hand again before they can even think to argue. I do not know what is going to happen in there. I want you out here in case all hell breaks loose. There are roughly eighty humans in there and another ten Cursed Ones. Do you understand what I am saying? I cannot risk you killing an innocent. Guard the door. Do not let anyone pass. I am going to do everything I can to diffuse the situation.

  Reluctantly they nod, but I can see Sam fuming. I turn my thoughts to him alone.

  Please trust in me.

  Sam closes the distance between us, placing a soft kiss to my lips.

  I do.

  I glance at Liam, and he nods his understanding. I hope he really does understand that what I want to do is incapacitate if needed, but not kill. The only reason I’m taking them instead of my group is on the off chance things escalate. I hear the Priestess order Tania, Abby and Monica to kneel before her. I try tuning out the rest because, honestly, I don’t want to hear her biting remarks.

  “You three are sentenced to death. The Society does not need useless…”

  “Enough!” I step through the archway in full Hunter gear with my cloak hood up, hiding my face. My voice is disguised, harsh and threatening. The Priestess’s head comes up sharply, surprise written clearly on her features. Not to mention the look of utter fury at, I assume, being interrupted.

  There is hesitation from the others in the room. Hands were on their swords which as far as I can tell range from katanas to broadswords.

  “What are you waiting for!” the Priestess yells. “Get them!”

  “I would not do that if I were you,” I say menacingly, putting intense power into my voice as Liam and his group file in behind me. There is much confusion in the room. I don’t think anyone was prepared for another Cloaked One. Especially one as commanding as I am. Is that my arrogance? Maybe. But I prefer to think of it as confidence.

  “Wh - who are you?” For the first time, the Priestess’s own confidence falters.

  I ignore her, instead deliberately walk through the stunned crowd, closing in on Tania and her friends. Of course, all of my senses are on high alert, and I feel Sam’s apprehension as though it were my own. I am essentially turning my back on Hunters that are trained to kill me. But that doesn’t mean I don’t know exactly where they are, and even more, where their swords are. Once I reach Tania, I touch her shoulder lightly. She looks at me, then at the Priestess, then at me again. Confusion evident in her eyes.


  Now, I don’t think my ‘namesake’ has gotten over her initial shock as she watches, dumbfounded, as Tania rises. I contemplate releasing Tania from my compulsion, but she will remember Sam and the others then. Right now, they are my aces in the hole. I can’t take the chance of Tania outing them at the moment. I glance at Abby and Monica who are still kneeling, but are looking at me as if they have completely forgotten their Priestess.

  “Stand,” I command them, and they comply. I then raise my eyes to my namesake. “You have made a mockery of the Society. This,” I spread my arms wide, encompassing the entire room, “is not what the Society was created to do.”

��I don’t know who you think you are, but this is my Society. I rule here. I rule everywhere! It is my birthright.”

  “Your birthright?” I scoff. “You were about to murder innocents! Who told you that that was acceptable in the Society?”

  “I am the Society! I make the rules as my ancestors did before me. I will do as I see fit! I will not allow my Society to be flooded with incompetent Hunters! My mother, grandmother and down the line have done the same for longer than you have been alive. Do not think you can come in here and tell me how to run my Society!”

  I was patient. Believe me, it was hard, but I let her finish her little tirade before laughing at her. The bright red flush that adorned her furious face was almost comical.

  “That is exactly why you are not fit to be the Leader,” I castigate. “It is not about you. It is about the greater good of innocents and your Hunters.”

  To my surprise, she then laughs at me. “Are you that naïve?”

  “No. I am just not that arrogant to think everyone should bow to me.”

  “Bow to you?! You are nothing! An imposter! You come in here as an imposter in your fake cloak and think you can stand up to me?” This Anala was infuriated. Her face is flush with anger and her words are sputtered with barely reined in violence.

  “Oh, sweetie. It is not I who is the imposter,” I say, my voice saccharine sweet, pissing her off even more. Slowly, I lift my hands and remove my hood from my face. “It is you.”

  I am in full Cursed mode, having made the change during the Priestess’s little ego speech. The sight has the desired effect on little Anala, as she steps back with an audible gasp.


  The rough female voice startles me as it did not come from anyone around me. My head snaps up - as does the Priestess’s - landing on Cursed eyes and extremely familiar features.


  Mother? Mentally I recall the young girl I almost killed when she followed Thomas and me out on patrol. I add a few years to that face, and it’s my turn to be shocked.


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