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Destined to Meet: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 3)

Page 13

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “Ana. We can’t save everyone.” My gaze turns to Amanda, who is apparently siding with Liam. “I mean, she was crazy. I believe Liam when he says he didn’t have a choice.”

  “Oh good. You agree with killing innocents.”

  “Sarcasm is my thing, Ana,” Jenna scoffs. “Of course we don’t agree with killing innocents. But when it comes to us or them, we are trained to protect ourselves and each other. You trained us that way. And Liam has pledged his allegiance to you.”

  “Exactly,” Amanda continues. “If it weren’t for Liam, Sam would have killed the Priestess. You know he would have. Liam did you a favor. In more ways than one.”

  “Alright. Fine, I get it.” My attention returns to Liam. “Thank you. I should have said that first, and because I didn’t, I apologize.”

  “I understand.”

  It is eerily quiet in a room that just moments ago was filled with chaos.

  “Why did they stop fighting?”

  “Because their Priestess is dead.” Liam points to young Anala’s body, suspended from the sword that Liam had thrust through her and the wall behind her.

  “Jesus! Take her down!” Turning my back on the sight, I address my Hunters as Liam acquiesces, motioning for a couple from his group to help. “Are you all alright?”

  “Yes.” Jeremy steps up to me and surprises me with a hearty hug. “Thought we lost you there for a minute, A. Don’t do that again.”

  I chuckle lightly. “I’ll try not to since it hurts like a son of a bitch.” My eyes roam over each of them, making sure there are no major injuries. A few cuts and bruises here and there, but nothing too bad. At least none of them were bitten. I honestly don’t think I could have gone through that again.

  “What do we do now?” Sara has taken a discarded article of clothing from somewhere around us, and is currently trying to wipe some of the blood off of me. It’s actually a sweet gesture that I wouldn’t have expected from her.

  “I need to release Tania and get some information from her.” I stop Sara’s ministrations when she refuses to look me in the eye. “She is still alive, right?”

  “Yes. She is sitting next to Emma, along with her friends.”

  “Is there something you want to say?”

  “Do you think releasing her is a good idea? What if she…” Sara pauses, glancing at Sam. “Are you in the right frame of mind not to kill her if she says or does something stupid.”

  A valid - extremely valid - concern. Especially in the state I’m in from drinking from Sam. But I need the information Tania has concerning Malcolm’s plans. If he chooses today to drop in for a visit, we won’t be prepared. My Hunters are exhausted.

  I look Sara straight in the eye, and answer. “You are here to help keep me grounded. All of you are. I trust you to help me if I need it.”

  Sara seems to think about my answer for a moment then nods. Before I have a chance to discuss more with my group, Liam comes up to me, holding the lifeless body of the Priestess.

  “What would you like me to do with her, Anala?”

  My eyes flutter closed briefly as I say a small prayer for the loss of her life, as well as the others that have fallen. I don’t know the extent of the damage yet, or if my Hunters had anything to do with that damage. That will have to wait until later. Great. Something to look forward to.

  “Put her next to her… ‘Mother’,” I answer softly.

  Are you okay?

  I squeeze Sam’s hand when he slips it in mine. It’s not an answer, but it’s the only one I have right now.

  “What will you do with Emma?”

  I contemplate Amanda’s question for a moment. I don’t think there are any other alternatives. Emma will have to meet the same fate her brother did. Death by my hand.

  “She will be with Thomas again.”

  It’s bad when just the sight of a person makes your blood boil. Jealousy is a peculiar emotion. I know Sam would never betray me, yet knowing Tania wants him still pisses me off. Taking a deep breath, I roll my shoulders to try and ease some of the tension there. It’s time to release Tania. Yippie.

  “Rise, Tania,” I command. She obeys, and stands in front of me. Her eyes are still glazed over from my compulsion. Abby and Monica watch me, dueling emotions on their faces. Wariness and interest make an amusing facial expression. And, yes, I am stalling. “Tania, you are released from my compulsion.”

  She blinks rapidly, then looks at me wide-eyed. Her eyes dart from side to side as I’m sure she’s remembering everything that had happened to her. Abruptly she staggers back away from me, pointing accusingly.

  “You! You’re Cursed!”

  “Well, duh.”

  That brilliance comes from Jenna. Couldn’t you guess?

  “Yes. I think we’ve all well established that I am Cursed, Tania. Now, I need information from you.”

  “The Priestess will kill you!”

  “You mean that Priestess?” I ask, pointing to the prone body. It hurts to be so flippant about a life lost, but I swallow the self-deprecation and focus.


  Astonishingly, Tania seems devastated by the loss of a person whom not thirty minutes ago wanted to kill her.

  “You’re a murderer! Just like Malcolm!”

  “I didn’t kill her.” It’s futile to try and explain that to her in her state, so I don’t elaborate. “However, Malcolm is just the person I want to talk about.”

  Tania tears her eyes away from the body and glares at me. She then glances at Sam and I see something flicker in her eyes. I clench my fists at my thighs, willing myself to keep them there and not strangle the life out of her.

  “So, you still need something from me?” She smiles smugly, then sends Sam what I’m guessing is supposed to be an alluring look. “I still need something from you.”

  Sam grabs me and holds me tight as my Hunters stand in front of me. They’re not paying attention to Tania, but are all focused on me.

  “Ana, don’t let her get to you,” Amanda pleads. “She knows how to push your buttons. She’s just too stupid to know what a mistake that is. Come on now, we have a job to do.”


  Okay, even as furious as I am, the timid call of ‘ma’am’ bemuses me enough to wonder who they’re talking to. I peer around my group and see Abby speaking to… me. Ma’am?! Oh geez.

  “I apologize, I don’t know what to call you.”


  Her eyes widen as she looks from me, to the Priestess and back to me again. “That is really your name? But…”

  “Yes, I know, it’s all very confusing. All you need to know is I am the true Anala.”

  Abby’s mouth snaps shut before she bows slightly in acknowledgment. “I would like to apologize for Tania. This is not how I would rule this Society, and I see it’s not how you would either.” Tania begins to argue and Abby shushes her angrily. “We do not require payment for information. For Tania to request someone whom is obviously important to you is beyond reprehensible.”

  I stare at Abby trying to gauge her sincerity, and there is nothing but honesty in her eyes. She is either a really good liar, or she means every word she says. Tania, on the other hand, is behaving like a child having a temper tantrum. Her face is flushed with anger and embarrassment, and I feel my face crack a smile. Okay, so I’m being a little childish myself, but whatever. I almost died, I’m allowed some imprudence, I think.

  “Fine. As soon as Tania stops having her fit, I would like for her to discuss Malcolm’s plans. I think that it would benefit us all.”

  “I agree, but she doesn’t remember anything.”

  “I believe my compulsion messed her memory up. She had been drugged by Malcolm, and I think that allowed my coercion to go further than what I ordered from her.”

  “May I ask what you compelled her to do?” From the look Abby gives me, it’s pure curiosity that makes her ask me the question.

  “To forget me and my Hunters.”

bsp; For the first time, Abby lets her gaze travel over my group. She lingers for a bit on Eric, then comes back to me.

  “They are all Hunters?”

  “We are, yes. Sam and I just happen to be Cursed as well.”

  Abby nods. “Tania, you need to tell… Anala what Malcolm’s plans are.”

  “You’re not my Ruler!”

  Abby spins around and grabs Tania’s arm so fast that even I’m surprised by the movement.

  “You will watch your tongue with me! You know very well I outrank you! I will not rule as the Priestess did. I will not kill you. But I will not hesitate to extricate you from the Society if you do not help us counter whatever Malcolm is planning.”

  Impressive. That’s the first word that comes to my mind listening to Abby’s little speech. She would make a good Leader. Sam squeezes my shoulder, silently agreeing with me. I notice that Monica stays out of it, which to me means she is quietly choosing to give her loyalty to Abby.

  There’s a mute stand-off between Abby and Tania prior to Tania lowering her gaze, effectively capitulating to Abby’s authority.

  “He has been gathering allies for some time now. Men who don’t like the idea of being ruled by women.”

  “We know this already,” I interrupt impatiently. “What we need to know is when he is planning this little revolution. And how he has managed to control everyone including Cursed Ones.”

  Ooo, if looks could kill, I’d be a speck of dust with one look from Tania. Inwardly I revel in the fact that I’m getting under her skin.

  “Drugs mostly,” Tania reveals. “That’s how he manipulates the humans. I just never thought he was doing it to me, too. He gets them addicted, then promises them more if they devote themselves to his cause. If they don’t get addicted, he uses brute force. Gunner and the others force them into submission using guns and fists. As for the Cursed Ones, he provides them with… meals. That is what he uses most of the true Rulers for. Women are his pawns to control the vampires around us. He doesn’t really care about the others or if they get to rule their territories. The only thing he cares about is being like the Priestess.”

  I glance at the deceased ‘Priestess’. I doubt he wants to be like her now. Although, if he’s not careful, that’s exactly how he’ll end up.

  “Okay, so we know the who, what, how and why. Now tell me when.”

  “There is, or was to be a ceremony of sorts for the Priestess.”

  “That’s right!” Abby interjects. “She was to choose her mate that would, well, hopefully impregnate her with a daughter.”

  “Jesus.” I can’t believe this stuff was actually happening here. What in the world was Emma thinking, doing this? Perhaps I’ll get to ask her before I have to kill her.

  Jenna practically chokes on her gum. “Eww, that’s just wrong.”

  Abby shrugs. “It was tradition. It seems that tradition has been… terminated.”

  “When is this ‘celebration’ supposed to have taken place?”

  “On the night of the Blood Moon.”

  “That’s two nights from now.”

  Abby steps past my watchful Hunters, coming to a stop in front of me. “Yes. I would like to help. Whatever you need, my loyalty belongs to you.”

  “How could you do that, Abby?! It is because of her that our Priestess is dead!”

  “It is because of the true Anala that you are alive, Tania,” Abby retorts. “She saved your life, as well as mine and Monica’s. She deserves my loyalty much more than the Priestess ever did.”

  Monica breaks her silence, taking a step forward. “I agree. My loyalty belongs with the true Anala.”

  To my astonishment, the Hunters that were left alive, as well as the Cursed Ones that made it through the battle all step forward and declare their alliance to me. All except Tania.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Are you aligning yourself with your brother, Tania?”

  She doesn’t answer right away, and I wonder if that’s exactly what she will do.

  “I stand behind Abby,” she finally answers, dismissing me and my authority. Unfortunately, she also allows herself to leer at Sam, who is standing behind me.

  “I do not care who you stand behind, Tania, as long as it is on the right side.” I ignore Tania for a moment, turning to Abby. “We need to meet somewhere other than here to make plans. Amanda will tell you where to meet. We have to finish things here, and then we will be able to leave as well.”

  “Do you need help?”

  “No. Thank you, but we will take care of this. Emma and I have a history. It is up to me to put it to rest.”

  “Very well. You heard her,” she shouts. “Let’s get moving!”

  Amanda gives Abby the address where we’re staying, and they all begin to file out.

  “Tania!” My booming voice rises over the chatter, and she stops in mid-step, turning back to me with a sour look on her face. “One more thing.”

  Silently, I walk closer to her. She doesn’t see it coming. No one else does either if the collective gasps are an indication when I punch Tania.

  “I pulled my punch this time.” I kneel beside Tania who is bleeding profusely from her nose. “But do not be so stupid as to think I’ll be as considerate next time. Sam will never be yours. For your sake, be careful when you’re around us again. Do you understand?”

  Tania shrinks back from my menacing stare, and nods. She then clambers to her feet and runs away.

  “Are you ready for this, Ana?” Eric and Emily have secured Emma’s arms with silver chains. I’m not worried about her overpowering me or my Hunters, but honestly, I’m just not in the mood to fight her. All I want is be done with all of this.

  “Let’s get it over with.”

  “You know, we could just… not take the stake out,” Amanda suggests.

  “Kill her while she’s paralyzed?”

  “Ana, we have her secured with silver. I mean, will there be a difference? At least this way you won’t have to talk to her. Or hear her say something you may not want to hear.”

  I’m weary enough to consider Amanda’s suggestion. What more could I get from Emma, really? And, if there is more, do I want to know? How blissful was my ignorance before Bernard came back into my life? Of course, I wouldn’t change my time with Sam for anything, but that doesn’t mean I have to subject myself to more. Do I owe it to Emma? No. I don’t owe her anything. I barely knew the girl. Her parents thought they could own me, Thomas became someone I hated, and Emma herself used her reputation to create fear among the Society. She killed innocents, perhaps even her own children.

  “You’re right. She has nothing to say that I want to hear. Remove the chains,” I instruct Eric. “Then step out and I will finish this.”

  “Ana, no.” Jenna is confident enough to approach me, and I see nothing but compassion in her eyes. “You made us turn around for Zac, and you were too distraught over Sam when you killed Thomas to let us in. You can’t keep shutting us out of the things that hurt you the most.”

  “Jenna is right, Ana. We know you’re our leader, but I think of us as more of a family.” Emily steps next to Jenna. “I lost it when Zac… but you let me rave. You let me come after you. You let me stab you, even though I knew you only did what you had to do. You were there for me. For us. It’s our turn to be here for you.”

  “Why don’t you just let me do it, A. She’s Cursed. It’s what I’m trained for,” Jeremy offers.

  Let him, baby.

  I glance at Sam, seeing the drawn look on his face. Sigh.

  “Get it done, and let’s get out of here.”

  “Oh my God, I need a dang shower!” Amanda drops her weapons on the floor inside the door as if she were kicking off her shoes.

  We opted to come back to the house we’ve been renting while here. I felt it would be better for my Hunters to be as comfortable as possible before having to face Malcolm.

  “I think we could all use a shower,” I quip, looking down at my bloody self.

�I need food.” Jenna stops dropping weapons all around her when I’m sure she feels all of our eyes on her. “What?”

  “How do you eat so damn much?”

  “Oh come on! We haven’t eaten since this morning, Ana! I’m starving!”

  “But you had like ten pancakes this morning. Plus eggs, bacon, ham…”

  “Yeah, yeah. And then I used a lot of energy trying to keep my ass alive. I worked all that food off. I need more.”

  I can’t help but to chuckle at her. She’s right. We all expelled a lot of energy trying to stay alive. “Fine. Order whatever you want, then go take a shower. Deliveries never make it here under thirty minutes so you’ll have time.” I give her a mischievous look. “Believe me, you need it. You wouldn’t want to offend the delivery guy, would you?”

  Jenna laughs. “Bitch.”

  Smiling, I choose to ignore her pet name for me. “We can talk about what happened tonight if you guys want. If not, we can wait. It’s up to you.” I intertwine my fingers with Sam’s. “Get cleaned up. We’ll all feel much better after that.”

  It doesn’t go unnoticed by me that Sam had been extremely quiet during the ride back to the house, and even in the time it takes us to walk to our bedroom. Not even his thoughts are getting through to me. I decide to wait until we’re alone before confronting him, and as soon as the door is closed, I turn to him.

  “Talk to me, baby. You’re shutting me out again.”

  Sam places his hands on my hips, leaning forward until his forehead touches mine. “I don’t mean to shut you out, sweetheart. Perhaps fear is what keeps my mind closed to you.”

  I take a moment to revel in the endearment. It’s one he hasn’t used before, and it sounds nice coming from his lips. Then I think about the other thing he said. Fear. Could that really be what closes his mind off to mine? It’ll be something to explore at some point.

  “What are you afraid of?”

  “Look at you, Anala. You’re covered in blood. Your blood. I held you in my arms as it poured from your neck. You weren’t healing.” The last part was said as barely a whisper.


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