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The Dare

Page 22

by Rachel Van Dyken

  I shuddered as he moved his hand to my neck and rubbed softly. "I promised myself that I'd dance with you. I'd ask for your name and that would be that."

  "But you kissed me."

  "I couldn't help it," Jace whispered, brushing his lips across mine. "You tasted so good. I was hooked the minute my mouth met yours, and then I panicked. Again, I was sixteen, so let's give me a little credit. I didn't want to get the shit beat out of me by the other football team, so I left."

  "You walked away." I sighed dejectedly.

  "I came back," Jace argued. "But I never made it."

  "What do you mean?"

  Jace closed his eyes. "Remember when we jumped off the cliff?"

  "Yes, I thought you were dying."

  "And you almost did a belly flop."

  "Jace…" I warned.


  His warm chuckle made my stomach flip.

  "When you kissed me, for some reason, it jolted a memory, one I'd forgotten until now. My dad, who, by the way, can give Grandma a run for her money any day, told me what really happened that night. I ran home, told him I'd found the girl I was going to marry, and quickly got into my car and drove headfirst into another vehicle after running a yellow light."

  I gasped, putting my hands over my mouth as the tears welled in my eyes.

  "You see…" e smiled sadly, "there was this pretty girl with bright green eyes that I really wanted to see again. I wanted to kiss her and tell her how gorgeous her dress was. I wanted to apologize for being an ass, and I wanted to tell her just how good we would be together, if she'd only give me a chance." He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Instead, I woke up three months later from a coma."

  Warm tears slid down my cheek.

  "So here's the thing, Beth. Your whole life has been based off thinking you didn't have a charge, assuming guys weren't into you, wrongly assuming I had walked away — when the very opposite was true. I almost died trying to get to you, and the truth?" His voice shook. "I would go through it all again, as long as I knew you'd still be waiting for me on the other side."

  With a sob, I threw my arms around his neck, letting the tears spill over my cheeks. "You could have died!"

  "But look," Jace squeezed me tight, "I'm right here. And I'm waiting."


  Jace pulled away and, with a grin, took off his long black trench coat, revealing a tux. "For the last dance we should have shared. For the moment that was taken. I want a do over. Because, maybe, in this cold senator's chest, there's a heart hat believes in second chances, and quite possibly the fairytale."

  "You're re-creating prom?"

  "Kind of," Jace winked, "minus all the lusty teens with acne. I hadn't really planned on dancing with you in a hospital."

  Tears streamed down my cheeks as I took his hand and started swaying with him.

  "I'm sorry," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. "I'm so sorry."

  "You did nothing wrong. Hell, all you did was look pretty, and I was lost."

  "And then I opened my mouth, and you wanted to smack me?" I teased.

  "Nah," Jace's gaze turned serious, "you opened your mouth, and I fell in love."

  Chapter Thirty-five

  "Sorry." Grandma dabbed her eyes. "I just love that part." She blew her nose loudly and shook her head. "It seems true love finally does win in the end, doesn't it, Gus?" She stood and yawned. "Lovely talk. We'll have to do it again sometime."


  "But I told you everything I know."

  "Sit. Now."

  Grandma rolled her eyes but sat.

  "The ending. I need to know where this story ends, because where this story ends tells me where you end. In prison? Or in the free world."


  I would be content holding her for the rest of my life. It had taken me awhile to work out the kinks. After all, taking more vacation? After being gone for a week? It wasn't sitting well with people, but I'd worked my ass off the last fourteen days, so I could do this with her, so I could go to Seattle and sweep Beth off her feet the way she deserved.

  I was planning on staying until she relented. I went as far as to buy a Thor costume in hopes it would sway her plan. If that didn't work, I was going to have to resort to wine, and lastly Benadryl.

  "What's going on?" a female voice demanded.

  I pulled away from Beth and smiled as Grandma slowly walked into the waiting room.

  "Dancing." Beth sighed happily.

  I kissed her head.

  Grandma's eyes narrowed. "And you two are… reunited?"

  "Yes," I answered for both of us.

  "And the child?"

  "For the last time, I'm not pregnant!" Beth shrieked.

  "But, honey bear, do you even remember your night with this one? For all you know, he could have put on a raincoat and chanted around the bed before he rutted you—"

  "Oh, good Lord, did you say Rut?" Jace half whispered.

  "It's what animals do, and we are animals."

  "NO." Beth shook her head. "No, we aren't."

  "At any rate, I'd get checked." Grandma sniffed. "Besides, I need more great-grandchildren."

  I wasn't about to explain that technically they wouldn't be her great-grandchildren I had a feeling that there wasn't a way I was going to permanently exorcise her from our lives, so I may as well go with it.

  "Oh" Grandma clapped, "and I'm happy to announce that Char is just fine! Low blood sugar! Pregnancy messes with you."

  "So, she is pregnant?" Jake was probably scared shitless.

  "Yup." Grandma beamed. "Grandchild number one, though I gave good ol' Travis an earful about how he clearly isn't doing things right in the bedroom, if Jake and Char are breeding first."

  "Breeding?" Beth repeated under her breath.

  "At any rate. I'm sure he's just fine now. I explained a few of the mechanics that I'm sure he was confused with. After all, a Grandma knows these things. To think he wasn't even aware of the best positions for conception! I sent him pictures."


  "Kama Sutra." Grandma nodded "From the Google."

  "Aw hell," I muttered.

  "What?" Grandma shrugged innocently.

  "Since everything's okay, I guess Beth and I will just go—"

  First thought? Drink wine, followed by sex, more wine, more sex, no unplanned pregnancies, and hopefully I'd finally get to pull her hair. Thank God.

  "Well, the media is having a frenzy. They watch poor Jake's house like it's Netflix. The story's already been leaked, wouldn't want you guys getting caught up in it."

  "Oh." Beth's face fell.

  "But never fear." Grandma straightened her jacket and smirked "I've got a plan." She turned the full force of her frightening gaze to me. "How good are you with driving vans?"

  Chapter Thirty-six

  "So you're saying he kidnapped himself?"

  "That's what I'm saying."

  "No drugs involved?"

  Grandma shrugged. "That van has many uses. I may have hid the rufies under the seat to keep them from the feds, but really, Gus? I panicked!"

  "So where is the senator? A reporter saw the van drive off. They saw you get in the van."

  Grandma rolled her eyes. "Of course I got in the van. I promised them I'd take them to the airport!"

  "The airport?"

  "Yes." Grandma yawned. "Really it has been such a pleasure, and I do mean that, Gus, but I have better things to be doing rather than sitting here telling you love stories. If you don't believe me, call this number. I think by now," she checked her watch, "yes, by now the rest of the three days are up."

  "Three days?"

  "Of course." Grandma stood. "Jace promised Beth six full days of the fairytale, and she only got three. They're in Hawaii, you ass."


  "You sure you're ready for this?" I asked, gripping Beth's hands in mine.

  "Yes." She beamed. "I am."

  "It's a big risk."

  "It's worth it," she whispered.

  "Well, then I guess there isn't anything more to say." I grinned. "Shit, shit!"

  The donkey moved forward with Beth atop it. Perfectly content that if he were in a race with a turtle, he'd lose by a long shot. He made his way down the small aisle.

  I decided to walk alongside Beth and the annoying little ass. It seemed right that it wouldn't be her walking toward me or me waiting for her, but us traveling on the journey together. Because sometimes, that's how love is. It isn't a man chasing a woman, it isn't a man storming the castle, and it isn't the girl waiting for love to happen.

  It's two people making a commitment. It's two people realizing that they hold the keys to their own happiness in their own damn hands. The problem? Most people forget that they have the power to live the fairytale. I'd forgotten I had the power, and in the end, I'd been willing to walk away from my future.

  Beth had forgotten too.

  So we walked hand-in-hand. She on Donkey and I next to them, you know, just in case the little shit got spooked and took off running with my future bride on tow.

  "I see you've found it." The ship captain's face lit up with a smile, helping Beth off the donkey and into the boat.

  "Found it?"

  "You're keiki."

  "Keiki?" Beth repeated.

  "Long story," I muttered, jumping into the boat.

  The captain took us out into the middle of the water and turned off the engine.

  "Alright, let's make this quick, shall we?"

  "Not very romantic is he?" Beth winked.

  "I told him to make it quick," I admitted.


  "Because I couldn't care less about saying the words — I just want to show you, what you mean to me. I'm sick and tired of words, Beth. I've been using words my whole career. I think it's time for a little action, don't you?"

  "Yes," she said breathless.

  "Do you take this woman to be your bride?" The captain asked.

  "Yes." My voice rang out loud and clear in the warm afternoon air. "I do."

  "And do you take this man to be your husband?" The captain cleared his throat. "You don't have to take him, you know."

  "I do." Beth grinned and then said "Thor" under her breath.

  "With the power vested in me by the state of Hawaii, I now pronounce you man and wife!" The captain grabbed two beautiful leis and placed one over each of our heads.

  "May your womb be fertile," he said happily.

  "Um… let's not get carried away." I laughed nervously.

  "Grandma specifically said that in order to break the curse, I had to give you a blessing." The captain grinned mischievously. "I bless you with children — lots and lots of children."

  "Take it off! Take the lei off!"

  "Let it go," Beth whispered. "After all, it's best to just go with it when it comes to Grandma."

  "Fine," I grumbled, fingering the damn fertility lei.

  "Look on the bright side." Beth wrapped her arms around my waist. "If getting married was going to help your polls, imagine what children would do. Plus, that means we get to have all the sex."

  "Side note." I cleared my throat. "If you keep quoting Grandma, I'm going to need one of her magic blue pills in order to perform."

  "Aw, no inspiration?"

  "None," I grumbled.

  "I'm pretty sure I can take care of that." Beth's hot mouth pressed against mine, her tongue coaxing my lips apart.

  "Where to?" the captain asked.

  I swept Beth into my arms and pointed back to the shore, not wanting to pull my mouth from hers for one damn second. I was going to love her, cherish her, and honor her, and I was going to damn well remember it this time!

  "Alrighty, then." The captain chuckled. "Back to the hut it is."

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  "Hawaii? This whole time? Are you saying you've successfully evaded the FBI and put us on a wild goose chase, all because you wanted to give the senator time to…"

  "Play." Grandma stretched "But, of course. Every couple deserves time to discover one another. And I gave them that time."

  "But we're the FBI."

  "And I'm Grandma." She winked. "It's best to know your place in the world. Oh, and be a dear." She sighed. "Tell the president to call me back when he has a free moment, such a lovely dear man."

  The agent blinked and then stood.

  The door to the room opened. "Let her go. Her information checked out."


  "Nadine, we are so very sorry for this inconvenience."

  Grandma patted him on the back. "It really is nothing. I'm glad Gus and I could spend some time together. I do love a good love story."

  He grinned as Grandma waltzed out of the federal building.

  "She's insane," the agent remarked to his superior.

  "That woman helped us win the Cold War. Insane does not even begin to describe her."


  Jace slammed the door to the hut behind him and stalked toward me. His hands moved over my white dress and down my bare arms.

  "Are you attached to any thing you're wearing?"

  "What? Why?" I shivered.

  "Yes or no?"



  With a rip he pulled the dress from my body. You've got to be kidding me. That crap happened outside of movies. I was witness to it.

  Let that be a lesson to women everywhere: When your man looks like Thor, he has superpowers in the bedroom.

  The dress fell to my feet, leaving me in nothing but my white wedge heels and my lacey underwear.

  My entire body felt heavy with need.

  He reached out and fingered the lace material, his fingers grazing my breasts, making my entire body ache with need. Jace's eyes darkened and then turned questioning. "And this? Are you attached to this?"


  "Good." With a tug, he had my bra off and my panties in a bunch on the floor.

  "Holy Thor."


  Crap on a stick! Did I just say that out loud?

  "Did you just say Holy Thor?"

  Instead of looking horrified, Jace seemed… I looked down… quite inspired at the thought. Apparently, visions of Grandma were long gone.

  "Yes, yes I did."

  "Hmm." He bit down on his lip and grinned. "I think I like it."

  "Yeah?" I felt myself blushing. Not only was I standing in front of him naked as a jaybird, but I'd just totally turned our first sexual experience, that we would remember, into something mildly embarrassing.

  I licked my lips nervously and waited for him to touch me.

  He stared instead.

  I was getting more and more fidgety. Why the hell did he get to keep his clothes on? I moved to cross my arms, but he jerked my hands away, his eyes drinking in every inch of my naked skin until I was ready to squirm. He made me want him by just looking; one gaze and I was ready to jump him.

  "I would have remembered this — I should have remembered this." Jace traced the outline of my breasts and moved down to my hips, worshipping me with his hands as he pulled my body against his. "Drugs or no drugs, a man should never forget perfection."

  "I don't remember either," I said shyly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I remember the cookies." Lame, someone shoot me now.

  "You remember cookies, but not me?" He grinned.

  "They were good?"

  "I'll show you good."

  "Show me great," I dared.

  "I can do that."

  He gently pushed me away and started doing a naughty striptease. Okay, so it wasn't naughty, but in my head it was, because every movement was slow, teasing me with glimpses of golden tan skin and rock-hard abs. I wanted to pinch myself.

  By the time the last shred of clothing was thrown to the floor, I was almost panting.

  And then he touched me.

  Our mouths collided.

  Yeah, we would have remembered this? Wouldn't we?

is hands dipped into my hair as his tongue drew lazy circles down my neck. My knees buckled just as he swept me into his arms and carried me to the bed.

  I closed my eyes when his godlike body hovered over me. "I'm only going to go slow once." His face was strained. "And then I'm taking you in the pool."

  "For a swim?" I said innocently.

  "Right." His eyes darkened. "For a swim, followed by taking you in the shower, something I've been dreaming about since the day you pressed your naked body against mine."

  I gasped when he pushed inside me.

  "I'm not a patient man when it comes to you, and the way I see it, I have three whole days to drive you wild."

  He pressed further.

  I winced in pain.

  And froze.

  Jace's eyes widened. "Well, hot damn." He gave me a smug grin. "It seems all we did that night was eat cookies. How about that?"


  "So maybe I'll have to go a little bit slower."

  "I'd rather you go fast." I winced even more.

  Jace laughed. "How about I just make you forget?"

  His mouth was on mine, and I was flying as his body fully joined with mine. Yes, yes. I would have remembered this. I would have remembered the way our bodies fit perfectly together. I would have remembered the way I wanted to cry with each movement, not out of pain but sheer pleasure.

  "I love you." The friction of our bodies was seriously going to be the death of me; it felt too good. I thought I was going to explode.

  Instead, I gave in, gave in to my husband, to my future, and joined with him in what was sure to be one of many times we worked on those great-grandchildren for Grandma.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  "The coast is clear." Grandma checked her watch. "Tell me, dear, just between the two of us, did he perform well? If not, I managed to save a few of those nice little charts. I'd be happy to book you for a morning session where we can pow-wow on ways to better communicate with your body?"


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