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Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2)

Page 9

by Sydney Addae

  Adam released a pent-up breath as Astrid and Bella left the room. Not once did she look back. She’d completely dismissed him. How could they be mates? It made no sense. “So I’ve been told. I just…” He walked in a tight circle. “Why?”

  Roarke left with the women and would bring them to Barticus later. Astrid would tell the Priestess about Barticus and vouch for him. “Why what?”

  “Why her? Someone so completely… uninterested.” He didn’t want to admit it stung his pride a bit to have his mate look at him and not really see him.

  “Why do you say she’s not interested? She just met you under difficult circumstances. It’s possible she’ll see you differently once you clear the city,” Barticus answered.

  “How do I explain being in her area? Near her group? I can’t believe my mate is a part of that who-doo, woo-doo stuff,” he muttered.

  “Adam,” Barticus’ tone held disapproval.

  “She already thinks something is going on because of some other guy. I don’t see how this will work.” Adam hated how quickly his life spiraled out of his control. One night he had several women in his bed, screaming his name, the next he was running through narrow streets, jumping over debris, and avoiding colliding into people like a mad man to get to one woman. He wanted to kick his wolf’s ass over this transgression.

  “Make it work, young one. The death of a breeder has serious repercussions and is something that needs investigating. I will discuss the situation with the Priestess in hopes she will allow Matt to look into the matter. Until we know for sure what killed Bella’s mother, and if it’s contagious, we need to quarantine her and those she’s closest to or keep a close eye on them at best. Our hope is humans are not infected since the teacher is fine. There may be other breeders in this Order who may be at risk. Your father didn’t think you could be separated from her and asked me to include you in the quarantine. Was he wrong? Can you walk away from Bella?”

  Adam turned to the side, fighting his beast. Even with his father’s help, his wolf threatened to break free to run after her. “No, not yet.”

  “Not ever. As your father said, the pull from a breeder is strong and if I miss my guess, she’s a virgin, pure, and untouched.” Barticus paused. “He’s La Patron, Alpha of every wolf in the States, and was over 300 years old when he met his first breeder, your mother. He could not walk away from her then or now.” He moved to stand next to Adam. “At the moment or in the immediate future, it may not seem like it, but your mate is an honorable, gift from the Goddess who looks at our hearts and provides our needs. She sees your heart and knows your will is strong enough, pure enough to mate with an untouched breeder. I don’t think there are many left. Drop the attitude and pity party. Hundreds, if not thousands of wolves would love to stand in your place. Don’t let them get to her first, your beast may never recover from that travesty.”


  Bella looked out the window of the fancy car and rehashed her conversation and farewell with Astrid an hour ago. The woman hadn’t looked her in the eyes and seemed fidgety. She didn’t smile or say anything sarcastic, which was a red flag on its own. Whenever Bella asked what was wrong, she’d shake her head and stand near the corner of the room watching Bella toss her few things back into her sack.

  Grateful for the things Astrid had taught her including correct posture, breath control, and a host of other techniques, Bella still wanted to return home. She didn’t ask why, how or even when her wish was being granted. As long as she left Rome today or tomorrow, it was all good.

  “Promise you’ll continue writing music,” Astrid said breaking the silence.

  “I will.” Bella glanced at the woman who kept looking at the window and back at her.

  “Don’t let anyone… change you. Be yourself. You’re unique and good just as you are,” Astrid said in a low whisper.

  “Right. I won’t let anyone change me.” Bella’s brow rose as she pulled her bag from the bed. “Do you want me to take off the linen to be washed?”

  “No… it’ll be taken care of later.” Astrid stepped into the hall and walked ahead of Bella. “Are you hungry? You didn’t eat much earlier.”

  “I’m fine.” Bella wondered what was wrong with Astrid but didn’t want to get into a conversation that might change the older woman’s mind about her leaving a few days early.

  “They’ll be here soon.” Astrid reached for Bella, caught herself and then let her hand drop to her side. Moving quickly, she left the main room and strode down the hall. Surprised by the normally cool Astrid showing emotion, Bella stared down the now empty hall wondering if this had something to do with Barticus or Roarke? Had they threatened Astrid? Made her feel uncomfortable? Done something to make the unflappable woman behave out of character? Bella and Astrid had a strict teacher-student relationship; they weren’t friends. To push further into Astrid’s behavior would be considered rude so she took a seat and flipped through a magazine to wait.

  Later, when Barticus arrived, Astrid returned to the main room smiling as she said good-bye.



  Adam sat next to Matt in the car that followed Barticus and Bella through the plains and valleys of Northern Italy. Majestic, jutting mountains in the distance reminded him of home. He played with the idea of contacting his siblings to discuss his new situation and decided to wait until he knew more about the place and religious group his mate was aligned with. No one had been forthcoming with that information, not even Jarcee who remained in Rome and would come if there was trouble or once Bella was no longer releasing pheromones. Brix and Leonidas were on the way to take Jarcee’s place.

  “You okay?” Matt asked. Sitting on the opposite side of the back seat with his reddish hair gleaming in the midday sun, Tomas’ father looked concerned. Matt had arrived with a small overnight bag just as they were leaving Barticus’ hotel to pick up Bella. Tomas remained with Davian who as former military was better security.

  “I’m good.” No way could Adam explain the churning in his stomach over Bella’s last rejection or the heaviness on his chest at the idea of the two of them being apart.

  “Is it bad? Do you need something for it?” Matt asked.

  Understanding the question, Adam shook his head. “No and yes. Just a sense of …”

  “Dread?” Matt asked.

  “Yeah. Not physical pain. More like my mind’s on a merry-go-round with all the new stuff. I mean, I never dreamed I’d meet my mate in this country. I just came to play ball.” He paused, marshaling his thoughts. “And to learn she’s half American, half Senegalese? Not even Italian or from this place and in some kind of religious cult?” He shook his head thinking over the information Barticus shared with him regarding Bella.

  “True. But irrelevant,” Matt said. “She’s your mate. The time is now and you’re going to be ready because you have no other choice.”

  “Yeah.” Adam didn’t want to hear that, no matter how true it was. Recalling how cold Bella had been when he arrived on her doorstep with Barticus a short while ago still shook him. “She said she didn’t want to see me again.”

  “What?” Matt sounded surprised.

  Adam had been just as surprised. He wasn’t vain but women were attracted to him. Rarely did he make the first move to approach a female and when he did they always said yes. No question. Bella’s blatant refusal to talk to him surprised him and knocked his confidence about his future.

  “Why would she say that?” Matt asked.

  “Knowing I would be relocating up here, I thought I’d soften the blow, let her know I’d like to see her again. And she said no.” Adam had been so surprised he didn’t know how to respond. While he stood in the foyer searching his mind for a comeback, she walked past him and entered Barticus’ car.

  Matt frowned. “That’s not how it’s supposed to go, right?”

  “Why’re you asking me? No one ever mentioned breeders being in the mate pool or how to deal with their stubbornness.” He
looked at Matt. “Seriously, this should’ve been covered. Going blind like this just isn’t right.” He shook his head and looked out the window. “It’s not right that she can be so unmoved while my beast is trying to rip me apart to get to her.”

  “Your mom and grandmom are breeders so we’ve learned more about that group of women than we knew before. But this is the youngest unmated breeder we’ve encountered. Plus, she’s pure.”

  Adam frowned at Matt.

  “A virgin,” Matt said. “The first one we’ve encountered. Typically, they don’t remain virgins long so I don’t know what we could’ve taught you or anyone regarding breeders that we haven’t told you already.”

  Adam growled at the mention of his mate not remaining a virgin long. He had to be the one to change that. No one else.

  Matt ignored Adam’s discomfort. “We know they can be unaffected, at least initially. I didn’t sense any fear of you or Alpha Barticus from her which means she’s strong. She appears healthy and from what I hear very talented.”

  “She has a great curvy body, made for loving. And she sounds like an angel when she sings,” Adam said thoughtfully. “Her mama dying was hard on her. She’s still hurting.”

  “As would you if it were your mother,” Matt murmured.

  Adam’s heart thudded in his chest and squeezed hard at the idea of a world without Jasmine Knight. He couldn’t imagine it. The very idea hurt so bad he cast the thought aside and locked it away deep in his mind.

  “I’m hoping to find out what killed her mother. Considering the breeders in our lives, it’s important information to have.”

  If anyone could answer the riddle on what can kill a breeder it was Matt. The man was a genius when it came to dual-natureds in general and wolves in particular.

  “Yeah. For real,” Adam said and took a deep breath. “How mad do you think she’s going to be when she finds out I followed her here?” Her disinterest and snooty response to seeing him again raced around his mind on a loop. He had no idea what to do with someone who didn’t want to be around him especially when leaving her alone wasn’t an option.

  “I don’t know anything about her,” Matt said. “What do you think?”

  “Pissed. I’d be pissed if she followed me after I told her to back off.” Adam wanted to be patient, to give her time, but those pheromones she released drew him and every other unattached wolf down wind. His beast wasn’t having it. No way could he back off while other wolves circled his mate.

  “Adam you’ve always been able to read people and handle them effectively. Tyrone’s the same way, diplomatic. Tyrese and David are more similar in personality but that’s not the issue right now. Think of your mate as the most important person you’ll need to charm, to coax to your way of thinking. Not only do you need her acceptance of you as her man, her mate, she must accept a new world and life. She’ll need to understand the inherent dangers coming her way because her mate is son to the strongest Alpha on the planet with enemies that will target her and your pups.”

  Adam’s head jerked back. “Pups?”

  “According to La Patron, that’s how he shut down his mate’s breeding call.”

  “Breeding call?” The idea of pups at this point in his life caused his thoughts to stumble and fall. He couldn’t make sense of anything.

  “The releasing of pheromones,” Matt said. “That’s a breeding call or at least we think it is, and it’s extremely potent because she’s pure. To shut that down, not only will you sexually mate with her but you can’t stop until your seed takes root.”

  “What?” Adam heard what Matt said, but couldn’t process it. How could he do that when she refused to look at him or talk to him? How many bodies would he drop before the human police got involved? No matter where he took her that damn scent would draw wolves from everywhere.

  Matt placed his hand on Adam’s shoulder. “I’ll help all I can as will Alpha Barticus. But Jarcee and Tomas can’t come here. Your beast won’t allow it.”

  “What you’re saying is I’m on my fucking own.” He moved and Matt’s hand fell to the seat.

  “I doubt you’ll ever be on your own Adam. Not with the twins and your litter mates. Plus, your mom and dad have some experience in what you’re going through. Besides, winning your mate, learning about her and pleasing her is personal and meant to be shared between just the two of you. Bella has no idea her life is going to change and it will. Your beast won’t allow her to suffer, or worry, or be afraid. Our assistance is to keep the body count low and concealed as much as possible while you work your magic. At some point, she’ll recognize you as someone she needs. It’ll be up to you to share and explain what being mated means.”

  Adam’s gut eased a bit as he thought over Matt’s words. He missed Tomas and Jarcee but understood the danger. “How long before she accepts me?”

  Matt sighed. “I don’t know. But when others come after her, she’ll need a special hero to protect her.”

  “She hates violence.” Adam looked at Matt. “Those assholes were fighting over her in the street and it made her sick.”

  “It’ll be different when they come at her. She’ll know the difference and be terrified. Better to go with the beast she knows, right?” Matt met his gaze.

  “Damn, I hope so.”


  Bella inhaled deeply as the car turned onto the long winding road leading to the gates of the Boreal Order. Tears filled her eyes as she took in the rolling hills and mountains in the distance. Clean air filled her nostrils causing her to giggle with joy.

  “Everything okay?” Barticus asked watching her closely.

  “Perfect. I’m home and never leaving here again. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She raised her hands in thanksgiving and whispered a small prayer. “We had no problems on the ride here.”

  “No, we did not.” He smiled. “Traveling in a limo the size of this one would deter most. That may not have been the case if you’d traveled by bus or train.”

  Since she didn’t fully understand why those men would fight over a stranger, she shrugged and enjoyed the beauty of the day. The gatehouse came into view and she slid to the side so she could show her father her face. When the car stopped, Bella leaned out the back window and stared into the camera. “Daddy, I’m home.”

  The gate opened slowly.

  Bella bounced on the seat and gave directions to the parking area since no cars could drive through the Compound. As soon as it halted, she opened the door and ran down the rocky path toward her home hoping to see friends or her dad. Astrid promised to contact the Priestess to let them know she was on her way plus her father was at the gate and would’ve told the others she was here. Bella looked around at the closed doors and frowned. By now, someone should have come to greet her. She pushed down the disappointment as she reached her cottage.

  Lost in the joy of being home, she had forgotten about Barticus and looked over her shoulder. He stood near the driver and took her bags.

  “This way,” she called waiting. When Barticus was a few yards away, she strode to her home and entered. Her father and the Priestess were in the kitchen.

  “Daddy,” Bella called and ran to him.

  His face lit in a wide smile. “Bella! I’m glad you made it home safe. We’ve missed you.” He released her and turned her to the Priestess who hugged her tight.

  “I’m glad to see you, Bella,” the Priestess whispered.

  “Hello, I’m Peter Gibson. Astrid said there was some trouble and you were bringing Bella home?” He extended his hand to Barticus who shook it.

  “Give me that. I’ll go put it up.” Bella grabbed her bag from Barticus. “Be right back.”

  “Please have a seat,” Peter said to Barticus. “Astrid also said you wanted to speak to Regina, our Priestess and myself as well.”

  Barticus looked around the small yet homey space and nodded. Uncomfortable sitting on the chair made for much smaller individuals, he opted to lean against the mantle. “Is there so
meplace we can speak without being overheard?”

  Regina’s brow rose as she met his gaze before looking at Peter. “Not really. You cannot enter our sacred places that offer privacy and as you can see…” She waved her arm around the home. “everything’s open here except for the bedroom. Is the matter you wish to discuss that sensitive?”

  “Yes. Yes, it is.” Barticus looked around and then sent a message to his driver. “Go for a walk. I need to use the car. Leave it unlocked.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He looked at the Priestess and Bella’s father. “We can talk in my car. It’s soundproof.”

  They looked at each other for a few seconds and nodded.

  Relieved, they would cooperate, Barticus stepped back to follow them outside.

  “Bella, I’ll be back in a bit. Food’s in the kitchen if you can’t wait,” her father yelled.

  “Okay,” Bella’s voice drifted down the hall.

  Barticus smiled reluctantly at the carefree voice and prayed to the Goddess it wasn’t the last time he heard it. “This way.” He pointed in the direction of the limo and ate up the distance with long strides. Inhaling, Barticus was pleased the only full-bloods nearby were his driver and himself. All of that would change once Bella moved around. A breeder’s mating call flew across the wind, and one as potent as Bella’s would be answered soon. He hoped they could come up with a solution to help Bella or there would be hell to pay. La Patron wouldn’t take kindly to his son’s mate being attacked because they failed to offer protection.

  He opened the car door and stepped aside. “Please.”

  Peter looked at the Priestess. She nodded and he slid across the seat. She followed and Barticus entered last and took the seat across from them.

  “May I call you Regina?” Barticus asked the Priestess.


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