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Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2)

Page 14

by Sydney Addae

  He cupped her chin. “I’m sorry. I just… I messed up with Greta at the end. I was too preoccupied with work. The one thing she asked me… one thing… was to look after Bella. To care for her. To make sure she was alright.” He inhaled and closed his eyes. “You didn’t see the pain in her eyes as she left. Even though she offered to go she didn’t want to, not really. It’s too much happening too fast.”

  She rubbed his chest in long, slow strokes. “I know. I know. Living in the Order isn’t easy. It’s a tremendous sacrifice we all make. My parents made it when they decided to remain here and raise us within these walls. Think of the 43 people who live and serve here with us. We could all be doing something different, something more intellectually stimulating or something that would make our lives so much easier. But from the first generation to answer the Boreal call for service until now, we’ve given everything to make sure every page of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene remains hidden and whole. That may not sound like a big deal to others, but it is a really big deal. I’m proud of the job we’ve done so far.” Her words held a hint of challenge as she looked in his eyes.

  Peter smiled and brushed his lips against her forehead. “You’re right as usual.”

  “I don’t want to be right. If you no longer feel you can serve with all your heart, I need to know.” She leaned back and searched his gaze.

  “I’m a guardian for the Book until I die. Got a little off course thinking about my daughter, but I promise I’m not going anywhere.” He stepped back. “I’ll go check the surveillance cameras.”

  “Good. Let the others know whatever you find, good or bad. Keep us in the loop.” She turned toward the Chapel and reached it before he made it to the porch of the security office.

  Ping. Ping.

  Peter spun as the first bullet slammed into his shoulder and fell to the ground as the second grazed his chin. His world went dark.


  Matt and Alpha Barticus arrived at the Compound and waited for security to open the gate. When no one responded to the intercom, Alpha Barticus looked at Matt. “Something’s wrong.” He opened the door, waved to Matt to follow him and took off running toward the Compound.

  “Take the car into town and wait for me to contact you,” Barticus told his driver. As they reached the edge of the cottages angry, sorrowful and scared voices rang in the air. He motioned for Matt to stop. Hoisting his medical bag on his shoulder and changing hands holding his large case, Matt nodded.

  Barticus strode forward, looking around. Inhaling, he sensed humans and gunfire. Had someone been having target practice or was it more? He couldn’t tell. People ran to the large building as well as smaller ones. A few huddled together staring in the same direction. He searched for the Priestess and when he didn’t see her, moved toward the three women standing closest to him.

  They gasped when they noticed him and he was certain they’d have run if he hadn’t stopped and spoke. “Where’s Regina, the Priestess?” he snapped, hoping his tone and the use of her first name would ease them.

  The tallest of the three pointed toward the large building.

  Barticus pivoted and headed toward the entrance.

  “You can’t go in there,” the taller woman yelled and ran past him as if her slender body could stop him.

  “Can you tell her Barticus is here,” he said in what he hoped was a kind tone.

  She shook her head. “She’s busy.”

  Impatient, he stared at her. “I have an appointment. She’s expecting me.”

  “Maybe before, not now.” She swallowed hard and she’d become so pale he thought she might faint.

  “What happened?” he asked. He’d planned to ask Regina about the gunfire, but maybe he needed to know now.

  “Peter was shot.”

  Barticus frowned. “Peter?”

  “Gibson. My best friend’s father.” She wrapped her arms around her waist as she visibly shook. “He was standing here and someone shot him.”

  Barticus remembered the name. “Bella’s father has been shot,” Barticus told Matt. “Come.” He looked at the young woman and sighed his regrets. Her day would get a lot worse when he removed her from the entrance to allow Matt to see about Peter.

  Within seconds, Matt reached him with a concerned look, understanding how important it was to help as much as they could. “Where is he?” he asked Barticus even though he glanced at the young woman.

  “Inside their most sacred place. She thinks to keep us out.”

  Matt inhaled deeply. “Miss, I’m a doctor. I can help.”

  Her gaze flew to Matt and then back to Barticus as she bit down on her lip. “Wait here.” She turned and ran down a few steps and disappeared.

  Moments later a haggard looking Regina came through the door, wiping her hands on her long, blood streaked brown dress. “Barticus, I forgot.” She inhaled and looked at Matt. “Can you help him?”

  “I need to see him,” Matt said watching her.

  Resigned, she nodded and waved them both forward. Barticus bent his head to avoid hitting the low entry ceiling as they stepped inside. Regina moved briskly, and he had no opportunity to see the inner rooms of the Sanctuary as they went through two halls that dipped lower beneath the surface before stopping in front of a room with a man lying on a long, wooden table.

  Matt moved quickly, placed his case on the floor and his medical bag at the foot of the table. Inhaling deeply, he examined the man.

  “What happened?” Barticus asked Regina in a lowered voice.

  She told him of the bombing, Bella leaving, and Peter being shot. “Our security team is searching for clues and securing our borders.”

  “How many do you have?”

  Hands clasped tight, she stared at Peter lying lifeless on the table. “Ten.”

  Barticus wanted to curse but tamped down his irritation. No matter what she said, ten unarmed men were not a security team against guns and bombs. “Would you allow me to layer your protection?”

  She frowned at him.

  “Keep your team on your grounds. I’ll have my men further out to protect the perimeter. This way we can prevent them from getting close enough to shoot anyone like this again.” Barticus steeled himself against the flinch of pain in her gaze, but if they didn’t stabilize this situation, Matt would never be able to complete the research on Bella’s mother, and he’d promised Silas that would happen.

  “More guns?” she whispered and looked at him. “Why now? Why attack us now? Is this because of Bella?”

  “No. I don’t think so since she’s on an island away from all of this. She left in full view of anyone watching. No, I think this has something to do with your Order. You’ve never been attacked before?” He thought it unlikely but wanted her to think past the pain.

  She nodded slowly. A light, a fire, entered her gaze. “They’ve come after the Book before.”

  “Book?” What were they hiding?

  She waved off his question and stared at the wall. Moments later she shook her head. “Should’ve known… what will it cost us to allow your men to layer ours?” She straightened and looked at him.

  Pleased she no longer looked as if the world would stop spinning, he shoved his hands in his pockets and watched Matt work on Peter. “Nothing. Being under attack while researching the death of a breeder is counter-productive.”

  She looked at him a few seconds longer and then nodded. “Okay. And thank you.”

  Barticus nodded and sent word to the local Alpha to send reinforcements and to discover who shot Peter. Once that was set in motion, Barticus leaned against the wall watching Matt work.

  Regina and two others hovered nearby, their lips moving without sound. Later, when Matt washed his hands, Barticus spoke.

  “Will he live?”

  “Yes. But he’ll be sore for a while. Nothing vital was hit, and he lost a lot of blood. I’m not sure how they stopped the bleeding or how he survived the blood loss.” Matt shrugged and glanced at Regina who touched
Peter’s face gently. “Wasn’t me, that much I know.”

  “Probably not,” Barticus agreed. “Ready to get to work or do you want to start tomorrow?”

  Matt exhaled, looked at Peter’s still body and nodded. “Yes. I’ve got my tools in my case. Where’s Greta’s body?”

  “I’ll find out.” He watched the three women settle around the table where Peter lay and hoped Regina didn’t renege on their deal.

  “Have you told Adam?”

  “They haven’t been on the island for an hour yet. I’d like to give him some time to get to know his mate.” He looked at Matt. “Should I interrupt them now? What if she demands to return home?”

  “I would,” Matt said returning his tools to his bag. “It’s their choice.”

  “I agree, but Peter’s unconscious and there’s nothing she can do here now.”

  “True,” Matt said.

  “When Peter rouses, I’ll tell Adam. Let them have tonight,” Barticus said, sensing that was the right path.

  Matt shrugged. “Where’s the body? I’d like to get started so I can get finished.”

  Barticus straightened and called Regina. With a long look at Peter, she stepped away and met him.

  “Matt is ready to examine Greta,” Barticus informed her.

  She grimaced, looked over her shoulder at the others, straightened and nodded. “This way.” She strode further down the hall while Matt and Barticus grabbed Matt’s bag and case. The short trip to another small building, which Regina unlocked and motioned them into, had him rethinking their ability to safeguard themselves. The stones were old and not easily compromised. A natural pool of water fed from a small stream coming through the rocks sat in a far-off corner. With proper supplies, the Order could withstand a long siege.

  She unlocked a heavy reinforced steel door, pushed it open and stepped aside for them to enter. “I know we’ve discussed how this has to be done, so I won’t go into that again,” she said. “We’ve placed her in one of our siege rooms. It’s set up for complete privacy. No one can break through the door, it’s been tested. I hope you can work here.” She exhaled and clasped her hands tight. “Please honor our traditions and do not damage her face.” She shook her head. “Once you’re done, I’ll re-wrap her body. I pray you find answers that will grant you peace.” She turned and walked briskly back the way they had come.

  Barticus placed Matt’s case on the floor and moved closer to the body. Matt joined him. They stared at the beautiful woman who looked to be in her 20’s with long wavy hair the color of a raven’s wing and a well-toned body marked with odd shaped dark spots.

  “She died two months ago?” Matt asked, sounding as surprised as Barticus felt over how well preserved she appeared.

  “Around that time.” He paused and met Matt’s stunned gaze. “What have they done to keep her from… decomposing?” The word left a bitter taste in his mouth but he couldn’t think of another.

  Matt shrugged. His gaze drifted over the remarkably kept woman. “I don’t know. I’d like to think it’s because she’s a breeder, but we don’t know enough about them to be sure.” He inhaled and pulled a pair of gloves from his pocket. “One mystery at a time. First, the disease. I’ll be sending tissue samples to your lab along with anything else that might help.” He moved closer to the concrete slab that held the body and touched her arm gently. “Amazing. She’s not hard.” He looked at Barticus, his eyes glazed with wonder and excitement. “We need to know more. She’s so different.”

  Barticus glanced around the small room, with mediocre lighting and hoped Matt could complete his task without going too far afield. Silas had warned him of Matt's penchant to get lost in the science of his work. “Yes, we do. But your Alpha requires information on the disease first. That’s your primary directive,” Barticus reminded him.

  “Yes, yes,” Matt murmured as he examined the body. “It’s just… she’s amazing. The way she’s been preserved… I’ve never seen anything like it.” He glanced at Barticus. “Can you take pictures of her before I start?”

  Barticus pulled out his cell phone and began taking pictures of the dead.


  Adam and Bella lay cocooned in a sensual haze. His arm lay across her firm hips, holding her close as they dozed. The captain buzzed the intercom announcing they would arrive at the island in ten minutes.

  Groggy but feeling on top of the world, Adam woke Bella with small kisses on her shoulder, neck and cheek. “Time to shower and dress. We’ll be there soon.”

  Turning into his arms, she moaned and snuggled against his chest. His heart squeezed against his ribcage at her movement. The scent of her arousal made his head spin with renewed need.

  “Mine,” his beast growled. “Yes,” he whispered through a tight throat to keep the extraordinary primitive need to bind her to them at bay. Instead of biting her, he stroked her hair and placed a kiss on the top. “Goddess you feel so good.” He sighed. “But you’d probably be mad if I didn’t tell you everyone will be able to smell me on you and once you stand up you’ll be even more sticky.”

  Her head shot up. Eyes wide, her horrified gaze searched his. “You’re serious?” She snatched the covers off, rolled over and ran into the bathroom. Seconds later the water turned on.

  Adam looked at his semi-hard cock and sighed. “Patience. Don’t be a douche. She needs this time alone right now. The next shower we’ll join her for fun.” He shook his head and drew the cool sheet over his rock-hard erection. “Shouldn’t have mentioned the damn shower,” he muttered.

  When the water turned off, he thought of the forest behind the Compound back home where he often ran, then soccer, even his injuries to get his boner down. Nothing worked.

  Bella walked out wrapped in a towel and averted her gaze. She zeroed in on her panties and bra. Eager to see more of her, Adam waited.

  Without removing the towel, she slid the damp panties up her legs. “You should shower too.”

  Sensing she’d withdrawn from him for the moment, he swung off the bed and headed into the bathroom. “Be back in a few. Then we can go up.” He didn’t want to say, don’t go up without me even though that’s what he meant.

  “Okay.” Bella watched his tight hips and skin saunter into the bathroom and released a pent-up breath. Once the water turned on she held her hands out in front of her and watched them shake. Had she really begged him to go harder, faster? Her face warmed. She had indeed, and he’d complied.

  “Breathe,” she mentally ordered and took a deep breath. Her bra lay on the floor next to her feet, her pants and top nearby. She looked at her clothes as if they were strangers meeting on a plane and gasped. “Did I throw them around like this?” she wondered as she picked up her bra and put it on. The water turned off, galvanizing her into action. She pulled on her pants and struggled into her top as he re-entered the room.

  “Do you need your bag?” Adam asked as he opened his bag and pulled out fresh clothes.

  “Yes. I didn’t think of it a minute ago. It’d be nice to change.” Why didn’t she think of that before putting on those panties? The shock of others knowing what they’d done had zapped her reason and then seeing him, knowing what she’d done, what they’d done, embarrassed her to no end.

  “Here it is.” He placed her bag on the bed in front of her. “I’ll wait for you in the salon. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll get the bags and we’ll go up.” He touched the back of her hand with his finger. “Take your time. Whenever you’re ready, we’ll leave.”

  Her heart tumbled and squeezed at his kind understanding. “Thanks.” She cleared her throat. “I won’t be long.”

  He nodded, hefted his bag and left.

  Bella dropped her face into her hands. For several moments, she simply breathed. Deep, mind clearing breaths. When she stopped shaking, she refused to think about her behavior and stood.

  A soft melody filled the silence in her mind. She hummed as she pulled out clean panties, and clothes. The song filling her
head pushed away doubt over her actions, and embarrassment over how aggressive she had been with Adam.

  The words of the song bubbled up and she sang in a soft tone to banish the visuals of the two of them on the bed, kissing and making love.

  “Your voice, it’s fucking amazing… I mean it’s amazing, really great,” Adam said from the doorway.

  “Eek.” Bella jumped. She’d thought he went up on deck.

  “What’s the name of it?” He caught her gaze and smiled one of those “I know something” grins a person wears when they are confident their attention is wanted. She tried to send the same expression, but feared she looked pained or worse, bloated. Mortified, she turned away and looked around the room to stall as she pulled herself together.

  You had sex. Don’t be a baby about it. Face this man with your head high, and go to the house… with the bedroom… another bed… and do it all over again, she thought. She moved toward the door and mumbled the name of the song she’d been singing.

  “Thanks.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and she’d swear the print seared her skin. “Are you alright?”

  Unsure what he meant, she frowned.

  “We went at it hard and heavy,” he said.

  “I’m good.” She turned and walked toward the stairs leading up to the deck. The cool breeze eased her overheated face and neck. She still marveled at his flexibility and creativity while she spiraled higher and higher before she shattered into pieces. The past hour with him awakened a part of her she didn’t know, and wasn’t sure she liked.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. I just wanted to be sure —”

  “I’m fine. Just fine.” She didn’t look at him. Instead, she looked at the house in the distance. “Is that where we’re staying?” She shaded her eyes with her hands to look around.

  Although the island couldn't have been more than three miles wide by her calculation, the sea disappeared from view, lost behind a seemingly impenetrable screen of lush vegetation. Colors almost too intense to be true surrounded the house. The dazzling blue of the ocean, the shimmering beaches, the rich green of the trees. Patches of different colored flowers grew randomly among the bushes. Golden grains of sand littered the shore a good distance. And in the distance, the house with large glass windows sat on a hill overlooking the sea as if sitting on a throne looking at her servants. From this distance, she imagined the magnificent views and wondered how far she’d be able to see.


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