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Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2)

Page 18

by Sydney Addae

  “He stopped talking. We are praying for him,” one of the three women said.

  Bella moved closer to Adam and took his hand.

  “Do you know what happened to him?” the Priestess asked moving to stand on the opposite side of the bed.

  Again, Matt didn’t respond. He gave Peter a shot. Checked his eyes and then his forehead. Adam sensed Matt’s anger. “What happened to him?”

  “For one, he’s dehydrated. He needs antibiotics and an x-ray wouldn’t hurt to see if there’s any other damage. I’m not knocking their religion, but he needs to be in a hospital or at least an emergency clinic for proper treatment.” He stepped back and stared down at Peter.

  “They don’t believe in hospitals?” Adam hadn’t realized that. Hell, he didn’t know much about their beliefs at all. With everything happening so fast, he never asked and Bella never volunteered any information at all.

  “At this point I don’t know what they believe. All I know is he needs care that I can’t give him here.”

  Peter groaned and moved slightly.

  “Praise God,” the women said and began another chant. This one using the words “thank you” a lot.

  “Is this just a temporary fix? He could relapse?” Adam asked to be sure.

  “He will relapse. It’s just a matter of time.” He looked at Adam. “Make sure you explain that to your mate. Her father will get better with the proper care. But he’s not getting that here. I shouldn’t have needed to give him that shot if he were.”

  Adam nodded, took Bella’s hand and kissed the back of it. “Come with me. We need to talk.”


  Bella and Adam returned to her father’s bedside. Peter tried to smile up at her, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Bella noticed a pinched look around his eyes and mouth.

  “Daddy?” she leaned forward, kissed his forehead and smoothed his hair back.

  He looked at her.

  “Are you in pain?” she asked holding his gaze.

  “Not much.” His gaze slid from hers to the other side of the bed where the Priestess and the others stood.

  “What’s not much?” Bella persisted. Based on what the doctor said, she figured it was a lot.

  “Leave it, Bella.” Her father didn’t look at her and closed his eyes.

  “Matt, what will it take to heal him?”

  “Bella!” the Priestess said moving toward her.

  “Doctor,” Bella stressed, her gaze sliding to her dad’s tight jaw and back to Matt. “What’s going on with him?”

  “Dehydration is a factor. He needs antibiotics to fight the infection, and an x-ray to see any other damage the bullet may have caused when it ripped through him. Honestly, I need more information to say all that’s going on with him.”

  Bella stepped away from Adam, wrapped her arms around her waist and looked at her father. “Daddy.” She waited until her father opened his eyes and looked at her. “I just lost Mama. Please. I’m begging you. Please, I can’t lose you too. Please go to the hospital so they can check you out.”

  Red faced, her father glared at Matt as if it was his fault for answering her question. “You know I can’t leave the Order for that. Either God heals me or He doesn’t. My life is in His hands. You know this.” His gaze flicked to Adam and back to her. “Or have you completely forgotten our ways? Our rules?” His voice seemed to grow stronger as he criticized her.

  Inhaling deeply, Bella met his gaze. “If God didn’t want us to use medicine or hospitals, He wouldn’t have given healing knowledge or healed people who use them.”

  “How bad is he?” the Priestess asked looking at Matt.

  “I can’t stabilize him. That shot will only hold for a while. I’m limited in what I can do for him here. He took a bullet. Even though we got it out, there’s probably more damage we can’t see.” Matt stepped into the hall. “Davian and Tomas are at the hotel. Alpha Barticus sent a driver for me. Contact me if you need me,” he told Adam.

  “Wait,” Bella said, fear choking her. “You’re leaving him? Like this? Now?” She waved toward her father.

  “There’s nothing else I can do for him. Plus, I need to rest.” Matt looked at Adam and walked away.

  Her father coughed. His entire body shuddered as his cough turned into a painful hacking. Eyes wide, Bella didn’t know what to do. His face morphed into a grimace that she knew meant he was in pain.

  “Peter?” the Priestess said. Her voice lacked both its normal confidence and authority. Instead, it held a ring of fear.

  He stopped moving. It was sudden and his skin lacked color. The deathlike pose terrified Bella. “Daddy,” she cried and placed her forehead on his chest. “Not like this. Please God, not like this. Please, please, not like this.”

  “Either call an ambulance to take him to the hospital or I’ll put him in the back of a car and drive him. He’s unconscious and can’t make a decision, so his daughter will make it for him,” Adam said.

  “Don’t do this Bella. It’s not what Peter wants. You know that,” the Priestess said from the other side of the bed.

  Bella looked at the Priestess. “If he dies? What then? First my Mama, now my Daddy? What happens after that?”

  “Those who are left continue the work, continue our purpose. Greta and Peter would be the first to tell you that,” the Priestess said.

  Bella stared at the woman. “You’d ex-communicate him if I sent him to the hospital, wouldn’t you?”

  The Priestess gaze flicked from Adam to Bella. “You know our rules. We’ve bent them as far as we’re willing. We do not go to hospitals and live by our faith alone. God is more than able to heal and will do so if we have faith. That’s our way, always has been.” She met Bella’s gaze for several more seconds. “Leave him with us. That’s what he wants even though he can’t speak.”

  A sob caught in Bella’s throat. “I can’t lose him too. Please, I can’t lose my Daddy.”

  The Priestess gathered Bella in her arms. “His life is in God’s hands. Always has been, always will be.” She rubbed Bella’s back soothing her.

  “I know.” Bella released a long breath and tried to engage her faith. But it was weak and she knew it. “What should I do?”

  “Continue to pray for him. Be strong for him. Give him unconditional love even though you don’t agree with his decision.” She leaned back and wiped a few tears from Bella’s cheek with her thumb. “He loves you. And he’s strong in the faith. Believe in all you were taught and stand on the teachings of the Mother Mary Magdalene and Christ for comfort.”

  Bella exhaled and nodded. “Yes, Priestess.”

  After losing her mom, her faith crashed. Seeing her father like this, in pain and struggling to live tore her apart. If prayers hadn’t saved her mother, how could her father survive? She couldn’t clear the doubt in her heart or mind. The urge to send him to the hospital stirred strong within her. Could she live with herself if her father died here when he might have lived by going to the hospital? It would haunt her. But if he survived and couldn’t return to the Order, he would be as good as dead. On that fact, she was certain. No matter how she flipped the matter in her mind, bottom line, her father wouldn’t want to live outside the Order.

  She reached for Adam’s hand, needing his warmth and strength to get through this. He took her hand and then wrapped his arm around her waist. Together they left the chapel.


  Bella woke to loud knocks on the door. She looked around. Adam lay sprawled on the sofa in the other room. Last night they’d had another disagreement. She wanted to remain in her family’s cottage and refused to spend the night in the hotel with him. He argued she would get in trouble with him staying on the grounds since visitors were prohibited.

  She told him to go to the hotel. He reminded her of their mated status. They went back and forth until he relented and slept on the sofa. His long legs hung over the end of the sofa and he made a snorting noise as he breathed.

  Smiling at how pea
ceful he looked, Bella tiptoed past him and answered the door. Mona grabbed Bella and pulled her into a tight hug. “It’s so good to see you,” Mona said rocking them side to side. “I didn’t even have a chance to talk to you when you came home from Rome. You left so fast.”

  Bella closed the door behind her and held onto Mona’s hand. “I know. Everything’s been like a blur. Coming home. Talking to Daddy and Priestess.” She inhaled as she looked into Mona’s expectant gaze. “Then there’s Adam.”

  Mona’s eyes widened. “Adam? Like a man, Adam?”

  Happiness bubbled inside her chest as she smiled at her friend’s surprise and joy. “Yes. Yes, he’s quite a man. We met in Rome, he met Daddy, we left to stay on an island to get to know each other better and came back when I heard Daddy was hurt.” Bella said it all in a rush hoping her friend wouldn’t notice the big holes in her severely abbreviated story.

  “That’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you.” Mona hugged her again and kissed her cheek. “I know it’s early but I wanted to see you before work. No one would say how long you’d be here or if I’d see you later tonight.” She glanced at her watch and looked at Bella. “I’ve got time. Now tell me why you never mentioned you were seeing anyone. Where is he?”

  Bella hadn’t been sure how she’d explain the sudden bond between her and Adam. She understood why it was important to keep dual-natured people a secret from others but she didn’t want to lie either.

  “When I met Adam, we had a connection. It happened so fast we… we just spent time together. I didn’t tell anyone.” All of which was true.

  “Awww, that’s so romantic.” Mona hugged her again. “I hope he knows he won the prize so many others tried to win.” Leaning back, she smiled at Bella. “You love him?”

  “Love? I… well, I don’t think so. We haven’t been together that long, just a couple days. Love takes time to grow and everything.” She tried to act as if Mona’s question hadn’t thrown her, but it had.

  Mona touched the tip of Bella’s nose gently. “I can see it in your eyes. You’re in love. Finally, you see something other than your music. I’m really happy for you.” Mona paused. Her eyes widened. “Maybe the four of us could go out for ice cream in town. If I’m with the three of you it won’t look suspicious,” she whispered. “Please, please. I want you to meet Jaiden.”

  Bella fought back the surprise. “I already met him, remember that time he bought that big order,” Bella said when she realized she couldn’t say no to her friend’s request.

  The Priestess was lenient to a point because of Bella’s mom, but she’d put them both out if Mona also dated someone outside.

  Mona waved her hand. “That was in the beginning, we were just getting to know each other.” Leaning forward, she lowered her voice. “I think he really likes me. He asked if he could buy me a gift, or give me something of his. I said no of course, but he gave me this two days ago.” She pulled a chain from beneath her blouse and showed the heavy gold medallion to Bella. It was a strange looking piece, with strange markings in orange and blue but Mona seemed really pleased.

  “That’s quite a necklace.” Bella didn’t know what else to say. Fortunately, Mona paid her little attention as she stroked the weird symbols.

  “He asked me to wear it today. I plan to give it back when I see him when he gets back in town next week.” She looked at Bella, her eyes sad. “I’m not foolish over him, I'm just enjoying some harmless attention from a good looking, rich guy. I know there’s no future in that direction. I’ll probably settle with Jeremy or one of the others and live out my days quite content. But for right now, I wanted to have this moment in time when someone looked at me like they truly wanted me for more than a duty.” She swallowed hard and looked down at the pendant before slipping it behind her blouse again. “Silly, I suppose, but it’s just for this one day.” Her gaze slid to Bella’s again.

  “No. Not silly. Not at all.” Bella hugged her vulnerable friend for a few moments. “He’s not the only person who wants you. Give Jeremy a chance. I think there’s a whole lot more than duty behind those looks he’s been giving you.” Bella kissed Mona’s cheek and released her.

  Mona smiled. “He’s been getting more and more bossy since Jaiden’s been coming around more. Maybe we can have ice cream with him instead of Jaiden.”

  Bella preferred that idea. “Sounds like a better plan. Is he working with you today?”

  Mona nodded as she glanced at her watch again. “I need to get moving. I want to meet your boyfriend tonight after work. Nothing happens until I give you the okay.” Mona laughed as she turned and ran toward the forest.

  Bella’s cheeks burned at Mona’s last remark. A lot already happened with Adam. She went inside and stopped at the door. He sat in the chair with his muscular arms and hands clasped behind his head, watching her.

  “You handled the questions well. Told her the truth.” His gaze held hers.

  “I try to tell the truth all the time.” She moved further into the living room and headed to the kitchen.

  “So, do you love me?” he asked close to her ear.

  She jumped and covered her mouth to hold back a scream. She hadn’t heard him move and now he stood right behind her. “You scared me.”

  He sent her a boyish grin as he stalked closer. Her back hit the wall but she couldn’t tear her gaze from his. He caged her in with his hands near her ears. “Mona said you love me.”

  Heart racing, she swallowed and appeared to give his question thought. Actually, she wanted to bolt into the bedroom and lock the door on her conflicting feelings. Her tongue swiped her lower lip.

  “She was just teasing.” Bella’s gaze dropped so he couldn’t see her confusion.

  “Nope. I think she was onto something.” He leaned closer, placed kisses up and down her neck. “This happened fast… between us. But it’s solid.” He took her mouth in a soul stirring kiss that left her gasping for air. “Right?”

  She had no clue what he was talking about. He kissed her again, stealing her breath and possibly her sanity.

  “Right?” He asked when they came up for air. How could he talk? Or remember anything? Her mind was mush. He bit her shoulder lightly and then licked it. “Right?”

  “Right,” she said without giving it much thought.

  “How about we go to the hotel so I can shower and change after we check on your daddy?” Adam rubbed his long, hard length against her.

  Christ, he smelled like outdoors after the rain and felt so good. She widened her legs to give him better access. He took both her hands in one of his, held them above her head and spun her around. The sting of his palm on her cheeks made her jump and brought her out of her sensual haze. “Yum, I like big butts and I cannot lie —”

  “Stop.” She tried to break free but he held tight and swatted her again.

  “With an itty-bitty waist, and a round thing in your face…” He started humming, she was certain he didn’t know all the words but that didn’t stop him from squeezing her butt. It felt glorious.

  “My anaconda don't want none, unless you've got buns, hon,” he said close to her ear.

  Bella laughed. “You’re crazy. Should’a guessed you’d know certain parts of the song.”

  He released her hands, and rubbed her arms as his dick rubbed against her backside. “I love this butt and I cannot lie, this butt you got makes me so horny, my baby got back.” He nipped her ear. “And I love it. Fucking sexy.”

  “Adam, you can’t say those words.” She tried to be stern but his hands were between her legs and on her breast stroking, pulling and stoking her fire.

  “What? Fuck? Sexy? Bitch?” He spun her around.

  She shivered at the shimmering gold eyes and swallowed hard as her core throbbed in anticipation. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Here? Now?” His jaw clenched as he took a deep breath.

  “What?” She knew he smelled her and tried to stop wanting him.

  Adam placed his finger beneath her ch
in and she stared up into his eyes. For several seconds neither spoke. “Last night you didn’t want to sleep with me here. I honored that.” Adam took another deep breath. “Have you changed your mind? Do you want me to take you here? Now?”

  Bella opened her mouth and closed it. “As much as I want you, not here, not now. I can’t. It just doesn’t seem right to me.” She looked at the floor. “My mom died here. I can’t be with you like that here.”

  He leaned forward, brushed his lips across hers and pulled her into his arms. “Whatever you need, I’m here for you.”

  Her heart melted and she clung to him tighter. They hadn’t known each other long but she felt she knew him. At his core. She knew this remarkable man and liked more than his body.

  “Thanks. I want to check on daddy, and then see if the Priestess needs me for anything. When you come back from the hotel I should be done with any chores she has for me.”

  “Kicking me out already?” He stepped back with a wry grin.

  “No.” She wrinkled her nose. “But a shower and change of clothes is a really good idea.”

  He raised his arm and sniffed. “What? I don’t smell anything. You need to get closer.”

  She screamed and laughed as he placed his underarm over her nose. “Stop.” She laughed pushing him away. “Ugh, that’s nasty and stinks.” She moved her head from side to side when he held her close.

  Adam laughed. “You’re supposed to like everything about me.”

  “Not that.” Chuckling, she pushed him away. “Go shower. Or sit in a bathtub for an hour or so.”

  He laughed and pulled her close. “I want to shower with you. Remember how good it felt in the shower?”

  Bella smiled. It had been good. “Yeah. I know.” Neither spoke for a few seconds.

  Adam squeezed her butt and then smacked it lightly. “Alright, I’ll go change and be back for lunch. Want me to bring you something?” He leaned back and their gazes met.


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