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Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2)

Page 20

by Sydney Addae

  “Really? That’s the way you’re going to play it when you want to have your way?” Adam said as he walked backward, holding her gaze. “Calling me baby all soft like that’s hitting low, Bella.” He pointed at her and then looked at the wall and back at her again. “I’m going to remember this. And you better be ready for some serious love-making after this. Cause you owe me. I’m going against my better judgment and stuff.” He leaned against the door for a few seconds. “They’re murmuring, could be praying.” He looked at her.

  She nodded and released her breath. Maybe it was nothing. The heavy silence, being in the back room of the Sanctuary without the others could be playing on her nerves. Plus, she’d never been in all the tunnels, not even as a child when Mona got lost inside. Adam returned, took her hand and they walked to her father’s bedside. This time they sat in separate chairs and prepared to wait.

  Adam glanced at the man on the bed. Peter’s scent was off. The putrid smell of infection wafted up to Adam. Standing, he leaned over, pulled the sheet down and looked at the gunshot wound. It was dark with pus and red lines streaking from it.

  Bella gasped when she saw it and started crying.

  “Do you want me to take him to the hospital?” Adam asked fully prepared to lift the man in his arms and put him in the SUV he had arrived in.

  “Yes… No… wait, let me think.”


  Three men crept down the back of the alley leading to the stores. Hooded and wearing dark colors, the one in front looked at a device, noticed the moving dot on the small screen, lifted his fingers and waved forward. The two men behind him moved ahead. One took out his tools and started work on unlocking the door, while the other dismantled the security cameras.

  Once the cameras were down, they opened the back door and slipped inside the store room. Boxes of product gave them cover as they inched forward and then split up. There were only two working today, the girl and the guy. According to their recon, the guy spent most of his time in the back, the female out front working with customers.

  Moving quietly, they got in position to take out the male by setting down a can of odor and smokeless gas near his workstation.

  “I don’t think we have any more of those. Let me check the stock room.” The door opened. Each man hidden in the shadows slid on their masks as the canister released the gas. The male made it to the shelf and pulled out a box before his hand went to his neck. His eyes rolled back and he fell.

  Moments later the female walked in. “What’s taking so long? The customer’s on the phone.” She saw him on the floor and ran forward. “Oh my God, Jeremy!” Within seconds she joined him on the floor, unconscious.

  The leader of the silent three checked for cameras and quickly sent them to a loop to buy them time. The other two went to the front of the store to close and lock it for the day. He bound the two in rope and placed tape over their mouths. They’d be out of it for almost an hour. By then he and his team should be done with this part of their mission.

  The other two returned and slid out the back of the store, leaving the lead person to take pictures of their hostages and upload them to the client. Pictures sent, he prepared the two for removal to the van.

  The back door opened.

  One team member entered and picked up the female. He picked up the male, placed them both in the back of the van, and drove off.

  They were five miles down the road when the first of three explosions went off. He looked at his partners as they sped down the highway to the house they’d booked for this job.

  “Twenty minutes. Good job.”

  The others nodded. “That means we get that extra bonus, right?”

  “Yep, sure does.” He pressed the garage door opener as they approached and continued inside. Once the garage door closed, he took a satisfied breath. So far this had been one of the easiest jobs he’d taken all year.


  “Adam, humans used gas to take the two who worked here away. There are still traces of their odor in the air. They drove off in a vehicle and I’m betting they set the fires,” Jarcee said.

  Adam’s jaw clenched. His mate suspected foul play and she was right. Should he share this with her now? Or wait? “Any chance of tracking them?” Technically, Jarcee was his personal security guard and tracking kidnapped humans didn’t fall beneath his job description. But Jarcee was his unofficial godfather so he did things for the four of them all the time.

  “There is but Alpha Barticus pulled his people to help in the village and won’t send more because this is a human matter.” Jarcee paused. “Just as tracking kidnapped humans is a human matter. We’re not supposed to get involved.”

  Grateful Jarcee discussed the matter, Adam pushed. “I know, but Bella’s freaking out here.” He brought Jarcee current. “Once I tell her what you’ve told me, she’s going to want to try and find them. If I could honestly tell her you’re searching for them that would help out a lot.”

  Jarcee sighed. “I’ll send Leo and Brix to the Sanctuary to stand inside. I will let you know when I find them.”

  Adam smiled at Jarcee’s confidence. “Thanks. We appreciate it.”

  “I’m glad you’re mated. Take care of her.

  Adam took a deep breath and prepared to tell his mate that her best friend had possibly been kidnapped.

  “Kidnapped?” Bella screeched.

  “Mind-speak,” Adam reminded her.

  “How? What? When?” She asked moving out of the circle of his arms to walk back and forth.

  “Jarcee found evidence at the store. He’s checking it out.” Adam sent calming waves of comfort to her like his siblings and parents often sent him.

  “Where is she?”

  “I don’t know,” he said.

  “We’ve got to do something. Find her. Help her.” She strode to the door.

  His legs tensed, each individual muscle tightened as he fought his beast to run, pick her up and keep her plastered against his side for safe keeping. Don’t be an ass. She’s not leaving, he argued with himself.

  She stopped and looked at her father. “Oh God.” She dropped her face into her hands.

  Acute relief flowed through him as he rushed forward and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s going to be okay. Breathe. Come on. Breathe for me, Baby. In.” He waited until she took a deep breath. “Good. Out.” He waited until she exhaled. She completed the cycle four more times before turning in his arms and placed her face on his chest.

  “What should we do?” her voice barely above a whisper as his face drew closer. “Daddy’s really sick.”

  Adam nodded but didn’t interrupt. Later he’d celebrate her turning to him, including him in her world, her problems.

  “He’ll hate me if I move him from here and he gets better.”

  Adam rubbed her back, giving her time to think everything through.

  “But I can’t let him die. Not here like this.” She buried her face in his chest and breathed hard. “Why can’t this be easy?”

  “Will they really put him out if you take him to the hospital?” That seemed barbaric to Adam.

  “Probably. If that happens, he might cut me off.”

  “But he’ll be alive. If he’s alive, he can keep petitioning the Order to allow him to return,” Adam said.

  “That’s true,” she said moments later. Pushing back, she walked to the bed and looked down. “Let’s take him.”

  “Okay. I’ll have Leo get the car.”

  She nodded but didn’t turn.



  Adam explained the situation and what he wanted. “I’ll bring the truck as close as I can. Brix is coming in to help.”

  “I don’t think that’s —”

  “Cancel that. The doors are locked tight. I can’t open the door. Do you have a way to get out?” Leo asked.

  “The front doors are locked. Is there another way to get out of here?” Adam asked Bella.

; “There’s a side door but it’s always locked.” She pursed her lips. “I don’t think there’s another way.” She shook her head. “The Priestess made sure we didn’t take him anywhere.”

  “Or that we leave,” Adam muttered, not liking the idea of being trapped inside any building.

  “Did Matt leave anything here that we can give him?” Bella asked as she returned to her father’s side and placed her hand on his forehead. “He’s hot.” She looked at Adam, fear in her eyes. “Adam, he’s hot.”

  “Matt.” Adam called and waited a few seconds. When Matt didn’t respond, he called Tomas.

  “Congratulations, man,” Tomas said. “You could’ve hollered at your brother.”

  “Where’s Matt?” Adam asked watching Bella.

  “In the room with dad. What’s wrong?”

  “Bella’s father has a fever, his wound is infected, this place is locked down, and we can’t get him to the hospital.” Adam took a breath and continued. “Did Matt leave anything here we can give him?”

  “Whoa, that’s some messed up shit. Hold on.”

  Adam waited for either Tomas or Matt to tell him something. He never felt so helpless in his life.

  “Go into the room where I worked on Greta. There may be some anti-biotics there.” Matt said.

  “Okay.” Adam left the room and headed down the hall.

  “Why aren’t you on the way to a hospital?” Matt asked. “Sepsis could set in from that infection.”

  In spurts, Adam explained the Priestess’ actions. “I’m here. What am I looking for?” He opened cabinets, drawers and searched the shelves.

  “Damn, if it were there you would’ve seen small bottles with black caps on the shelf when you walked in.”

  Adam looked again at the shelf. “Nothing.”

  “Then I didn’t leave anything. The only thing you can do is keep him hydrated and comfortable until they come back. I’m sorry about that,” Matt said.

  “Thanks. We appreciate your help. Tell Tomas I’ll catch up with him when things settle.” Adam returned to the room with Bella.

  She looked at him with hope-filled eyes.

  At that moment, he’d have given anything to have the answers to make things right for her. “Matt told me where to look but there was nothing.”

  She swallowed hard and patted her father’s forehead with a cloth. There was a shout. A crash and a loud noise.

  Bella’s wide-eyed gaze met Adam’s. “What was that?”

  “The praying women?” Since they were supposed to be the only ones in the Sanctuary, he assumed they bumped into a candle-holder or something.

  She took a step forward.

  Adam’s low growl stopped her.

  Bella put her hands on her hips. “Well, you go look then. If they’re hurt, we have to help them.”

  Adam’s beast’s primary objective was to keep her safe and ignored her request. His human side argued they should lose this battle instead of the war. Bella was capable of venturing wherever she wanted despite his rumblings.

  “Will you stay here? Please?” he added the last when her brow rose.

  “Yes. Go see what that was.” She glanced at her father who seemed uncomfortable and back at him.

  Although he’d never admit it, he was happy she was torn about leaving her father’s side and would most likely remain in that room out of harm’s way. He jogged down the hall and opened the door to the inner Chapel and stopped. Three men held guns at the temples of the two older women.

  They turned and fired at him.

  Adam slammed the door shut, heard the click of the lock engaging the door and ran down the hall toward Bella. He had to get her and her father to the room Matt used and lock them in.

  “Daddy?” Adam called as he entered the room, grabbed Peter and took off, knowing Bella would follow. “Daddy, I need you now,” Adam said as he and Bella entered the room. “Lock the door,” he told Bella.

  She slammed it shut, locked it and threw the metal bar over it. Chest heaving, she faced Adam as he lay her father on a narrow bed that hadn’t been used in a while.

  “What.” She placed her hand on her chest as she took a deep breath. “Was. That?”

  “Gunshot.” He told her what he saw.

  “You left them?”

  Adam growled low in his chest. “You are my first priority. I couldn’t allow them to take you. I know how important this place is to you but hear me and hear me clearly Bella. I would tear this place apart, brick by fucking brick, if those assholes had you. So yeah, I left them.” He took a deep breath.

  Her father moaned and then lapsed into silence.

  Someone kicked the door.

  Bella moved close to Adam and turned her face into his chest.

  “It’s going to be alright, Baby. I’ve got you,” Adam said as more feet slammed against the door but it held fast.

  “What’s going on? How did they get in here?” she asked.

  “What do they want?” Adam asked. There had to be a good reason for someone to go through all of this trouble.

  “What’s wrong, Adam?” his father said.

  Adam released the tension that gripped him the moment he saw those men. He told his father what happened and asked for advice.

  “Alpha Barticus will inform the Priestess what’s happening and see if there’s another way inside. Once Jarcee finds the two humans, Alpha Barticus will send the human police to rescue them. There’s no way to explain our presence without risking our secret.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “For now, there’s not a lot you can do. Are you sure the door will hold?”

  “Matt said this room is one of their designated “siege rooms”. The door is some sort of high caliber steel and has a steel bar on this side. I don’t know if it stops bullets.”

  “If the area is in a narrow hall, they may not use guns. Plus, if they can’t get in, you can’t get out to stop them from doing what they’re doing. Hold on.”

  “I’m talking to my father,” Adam told Bella.

  She nodded.

  “Alpha Barticus is on the way with the Priestess and most of the group. They were on the way back when I contacted him about this. From what Alpha Barticus says she’s really upset and blames us for their problems. Don’t expect a warm welcome.”

  “Those are humans in there with guns. Humans set the fires. Humans kidnapped their people. Humans did this,” Adam said, pissed at being the scapegoat when they tried to help.

  “I know. She’s scared. Things are spiraling out of her control and she’s having a bad day. I can definitely relate. So can you. Don’t take it personally. You know ahead of time so process it now so it doesn’t affect you later.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Adam looked at the wall and un-balled his fist.

  “I know you don’t need to hear me say this, but you did good. Getting your mate and her father out of a potentially deadly situation took fast thinking and action. Well done. Proud of you,” Silas said, his tone proud.

  His father was wrong. Adam needed to hear it, more than he realized. “Thanks, Dad. Bella’s special. Reminds me of mom. She had a hunch something was wrong but couldn’t put her finger on it.”

  “Your mom has those a lot and she’s usually right. Wonder if it’s a breeder thing?”

  Adam perked up. “That’s what I thought. Could be.”

  “I can only imagine how Bella and your mom will get along. Bound to be some interesting times. I’m here if you need me. I’ll keep you informed of what’s going on. For now, stay back from the door and listen for heartbeats and check for changing scents.”

  Adam inhaled. He smelled nothing outside the room. “Yes, Sir. Kiss mom for me. Talk to you soon.

  He quickly told Bella most of the conversation and steered her to the back of the room along with her father.

  “Thank God they’re on their way,” she murmured. “I hope they get here before anyone gets hurt.” She looked at her father and sighed. “I hope Mona and Jeremy are okay.”r />
  Something hard slammed against the door but it held.

  “I’m not sure how long that door will hold,” Adam said as the walls shuddered when the door was struck again. He glanced at Peter lying still and hoped he never had to choose who to save if things got sticky. His mate would never forgive him if something happened to her dad.

  “Silas said you saw three men, with weapons. Do you think there are more or just those three?” Barticus asked calmly.

  Relieved to hear Barticus’ voice, Adam exhaled before answering. “Not sure if there were more, I left to secure my mate and her father without scenting for more. Any idea how they got inside?”

  “Could be one of three remote, underground cave entrances. Leo and Brix are heading to a place the Priestess thinks may have been breached. There’s another one that goes deeper into the earth, like a maze and is really hard to find your way out of. Since it doesn’t come close to the Compound, we’ll leave that alone for now. The third entrance has her nervous. She insists on taking me and only me to check it out. Leo and Brix are already at the entrance checking it out and waiting for the go ahead. The Priestess and I are headed up the mountain. The rest of the pack is securing the perimeter and making sure there are no more explosives. This whole situation turned out to be more, a lot more than we expected. Someone’s willing to kill for whatever they’re hiding.”

  “Only our people involved with this rescue? Or people from the Order as well?”

  “Just us. They can’t learn our secrets,” Barticus answered.

  Which meant the men who broke into the building weren’t going to survive the encounter. Dead men don’t tell tales. Adam frowned. “Dad said you’re sending the police after the kidnappers. Won’t human bodies cause a problem?”

  “If they’re found here, yes.”

  Adam shared with Bella what Barticus said. Quietly, she sat next to her father holding his hand. She looked up at Adam. “They, no we, would die before giving up the secrets of the Order. It’s why we live in this world but aren’t a part of it. In a way, we gave up our lives the moment we accepted the charge, the mission, of the Order.” She shook her head and met his gaze. “They’ll have to kill those women, and any one of us to get what they want.”


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