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Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2)

Page 22

by Sydney Addae

  “Get that IV equipment set up,” Matt said.

  Adam looked around.

  “On it,” Tomas said as he opened the case in his hand and looked at Adam.

  Adam reached out, took Bella’s hand and pulled her back out of the way so Matt could work without speaking aloud again.

  “They’ll be mind-speaking, like you and I do. It’s best for these situations. Him asking his son to set-up was a courtesy to you and a reminder to me to inform you what’s going on,” Adam said.

  She nodded, but didn’t take her eyes off the two working on her father. The silence stretched as Matt slid something metallic beneath Peter and then connected it to a piece above him. He looked at a small screen and moved it repeatedly over the area where Peter had been shot. Bella twisted her hand so hard Adam felt it.

  Tension rolled off her in a steady stream. Adam sent love and warmth down their link and squeezed her hand. “Matt’s got this, you’ll see.” He waited a beat until she looked up at him, her fear at the surface. She didn’t say anything, simply nodded.

  “I’ve got the two friends,” Jarcee told Adam. “We’re heading into the Compound now. Alpha Barticus wants them questioned and suggested you be in the room with me when that happens. Leo and Brix have the three men in a specific location for questioning.”

  Adam frowned. “Why me?” Sure, he understood the necessity of finding out what happened, he just wasn’t sure he could help.

  “The Priestess is with Alpha Barticus. The members from the Order haven’t been allowed to enter the building where the break-in occurred and won’t until the Priestess returns to clear it. Alpha Barticus wants you to sit in on the questioning,” Jarcee said.

  Adam explained what Jarcee said and waited for Bella’s response. When she didn’t respond, he left it alone.

  Matt continued running tests, giving Peter shots and moved his patient on the table to what appeared to be a more comfortable position. Through all of that, Peter never uttered a sound or flinched.

  “We’re here in a room near where you are now. Your scent lingers in the air here,” Jarcee said.

  “We were in that room at first. I’m on my way,” Adam said. “Have you told Matt?”

  “Davian stands guard in front of that door. I told him. I’m sure he’s informed his mate by now,” Jarcee said.

  Adam hadn’t picked up Davian’s scent and was happy about another layer of protection for Bella and her father. He kissed the back of her hand and stood. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  “Can you do that thing that you did before so I can hear?” she asked.

  “This is a private debriefing we’re doing for the Priestess and Alpha Barticus,” he told her before brushing a kiss against her lips and leaving the room. He nodded to Davian and walked into the next room. Jarcee stood against the wall watching the two who sat next to each other in high back metal chairs.

  “Hello,” Adam spoke.

  “When’s the Priestess getting here?” Jeremy asked.

  “She’s searching to see if the thieves broke into anywhere else. As soon as she’s done, she’ll be here and reopen the buildings for everyone. But until then, she’s asked for help to get to the bottom of things,” Adam said when Jarcee didn’t answer the question.

  “Who are you?” Jeremy asked sounding irritated.

  “Adam Knight.”

  Mona frowned. “Bella’s Adam?”

  Adam liked the sound of that. “Yes. She was very worried when they couldn’t find you. Would you like for her to come in and wait with you?”

  “Where’s she now?” Mona asked, her gaze flew between Adam and Jarcee.

  “With Peter, he’s worse and they’re working on him.”

  Mona’s frown deepened. “Working on him?”

  “She needs to stay with Peter. He needs all of our prayers,” Jeremy said watching Adam. “When did you become Bella’s, Adam?”

  Adam searched the question for jealousy and heard genuine curiosity. “Recently,” he said and looked at Jarcee, hoping he’d proceed so Adam could return to his mate.

  “We understand you’ve been under tremendous stress for the last several hours,” Jarcee said. “But we’re trying to find the people who kidnapped you, set fire to the stores, broke into the Sanctuary and may have stolen precious artifacts. It’s our experience to gather information while it’s fresh.” He pulled out his phone and placed it on a table near them. “I’ll record everything you have to say and give it to your Priestess. If she has more questions she’ll contact you.”

  Mona nodded.

  Jeremy sighed and recalled their morning at the store. It was slow. He hadn’t heard anyone in the back when he went in to get something, then he blacked out. Mona’s story was similar.

  When there was a pause, Adam spoke. “One of the three men who broke into the Sanctuary goes by the name of Jaiden. Do either of you know him?”

  Jeremy’s jaw clenched tight as if he fought back the words with sheer determination.

  Mona went slaw jawed as her blush crept up her neck and settled on her face. Neither answered.

  “Leo, did you positively ID Jaiden?” Adam asked.

  “Oh, he’s a lovely asshole. His assignment was to go after the girl. She resisted and didn’t make things easier. I think she derailed their original plan of him and her being so star-struck she’d tell him everything. The other two said harsh things about his manhood and inability to control one woman,” Leo said.

  “We’ll let the Priestess go with that line of questioning,” Jarcee said. “What do you remember about your captors?”

  “I didn’t see them,” Mona said looking at Jeremy. “When I awoke, there was a couple bottles of water and a bowl of fruit between us. They never came in the room while I was awake.”

  Jeremy nodded. “Sorry, can’t be of help there. I think they left after they dropped us off.”

  “Leo, ask Jaiden what was the gift he gave Mona? Why did he want her to wear it today?”

  “Will do,” Leo said.

  Jarcee asked a few more questions but Adam doubted they had more information that could help identify the three men. Besides, Leo had the three men in holding.

  “Tracking device in the medallion. That’s how they knew which room she was in and planned the abduction around that.”

  “Assholes,” Adam muttered.

  “All three of them have an unbelievable sense of entitlement. The world needs to know the truth that only their project can deliver. It’s a wonder they didn’t kill more people,” Leo said with disgust.

  “We’re about done here,” Adam told Leo. “They were knocked out the whole time and saw or heard nothing. Jarcee’s winding it down, explaining what happens now.”

  “Good. We’ve got a way to go before we break down the third one. He acts as if he’s willing to die for this bullshit. Brix has been standing over him the entire time, waiting for the chance to bust his ass,” Leo said and disconnected.

  The two stood and stretched. Mona watched Adam for a few moments and walked to him as Jarcee replaced his phone in his pocket.

  “I talked to Bella before I went to work. She seems happy.” She watched him closely.

  Unsure if a response was warranted, he smiled instead.

  “She’s been my closest friend forever and one thing I know is she doesn’t do random or move with the speed she’s done with you. She barely gave men a glance, let alone falling for one so fast.” She looked down and away as if marshaling her thoughts. “Don’t hurt her and don’t stop her from pursuing her music.” She opened her mouth again and then snapped it shut and walked out the room.

  Adam wondered what else she’d been about to say.

  “Three dead in this tunnel,” Barticus said. “Their bodies are covered with large black spots.”


  Adam, Barticus, Matt, Tomas, Jarcee and Davian sat at the oblong dining table with the Priestess, three of her assistants which she didn’t name, Mona and Jeremy. Those two had just listene
d to their account from the recording of what happened at the store earlier that morning and agreed nothing had changed since then.

  The Priestess pulled out the necklace with strange orange and blue markings and placed it on the table. Mona’s face whitened but she remained silent as the Priestess took a hammer and smashed it.

  Small pieces of electronic equipment skittered across the table. Silent, the Priestess brushed it all on the floor and exhaled. “Thank you, Mona and Jeremy. You’re dismissed.” The two stood and left the room.

  Adam wondered when the Priestess had retrieved the necklace from Mona. Had Mona volunteered the information? Or had the Priestess asked her first? He’d probably never know.

  “On behalf of the Boreal Order, I’d like to personally thank each of you for your selfless service.” She looked at Matt and then Davian.

  “Peter is resting and has a long road ahead of him. Thank you for adhering to his wishes of remaining here and bringing the solutions to his health challenges to him. It was the best solution, one I hadn’t thought of. Thank you for helping him through a very difficult time.”

  Matt nodded. “His recovery might take a while. He’ll be on anti-biotics for a couple more days, but all in all he should recover.”

  She nodded. “Once again, Thank you.”

  She smiled at Adam and turned to Jarcee. “Thanks doesn’t seem like enough for finding Mona and Jeremy so quickly. They are an integral part of our small community family and their situation blew a hole in our hearts. We had no idea where to look or how to go about it and before the police could be bought in, I received word you were tracking them and asked to give you time first.” She exhaled. “I doubted in the beginning, wasn’t sure you could do it, but I’m so glad you did. We’re eternally grateful. Thank you so much.”

  Jarcee nodded. “You’re welcome, Ma’am. Adam asked me to look into it for his mate and that settled it. Glad to be of service.”

  Matt, Tomas, Jarcee, Davian and Adam stood to leave.

  “Adam, if you could remain, I’d like to talk to you along with Barticus,” the Priestess said. He retook his seat as she dismissed the two women from the Order and opened his link to share this conversation with Bella.

  Once everyone had left, she cupped and placed both hands on the table in front of her and stared at them in silence for several moments.

  “Where to begin?” she murmured and closed her eyes. “I was wrong about Peter.” She looked at Adam. “Based on what I’ve learned it took to turn things around, he would’ve died if Matt hadn’t stepped in. If Bella hadn’t insisted more be done to save her father, we would be having a very different conversation right now. I’ve known Bella all her life. She would never have forgiven me or our Order if Peter and Greta Gibson both died here. For me, that would be a very painful blow to the heart because I love them all. Greta trained me for this position. She saw something in me and encouraged me to continue on my path. She was a great woman and I wouldn’t want to fail her only child. That would devastate me.” She inhaled deeply and released it slowly. “At this point, Bella’s dealing with her father’s recovery. She wouldn’t speak to me or listen to anything I have to say. She’s angry. I understand and take full responsibility for my actions. Being in charge isn’t always easy.” She looked at Barticus who nodded but didn’t speak.

  “Barticus explained what a mate is in your world and that you and Bella are mated. I don’t quite understand how that can happen so quickly but I’ll leave it for greater minds than me to wade through. He believes I should be happy for her and give you my blessings, even though at this point I doubt Bella would care.”

  “Later, when things settle, she will care,” Adam said knowing she listened even though she hadn’t said anything.

  She nodded. “Then you both have my blessings. She can return here to visit her father and the rest of us at any time. She’s not banned from the Order. Unfortunately, you cannot remain here. Barticus explained you have a busy career and was on vacation when you met Bella. I’m not sure if she’ll speak to me for a proper goodbye and good wishes, but I do wish the both of you the best.”

  “Thank you. Bella loves everyone here, considers you all family. Knowing she has access to her father and family is important to both of us,” he said.

  “Let me share something with you first. At the appropriate time, I hope you share this information with Bella.”

  Adam’s interest piqued. Bella stirred in their link.

  “Greta Gibson was responsible for hiding or securing the relic we protect here at the Order. Through generations, men and women have attacked us legally, physically and, as what happened with Mona, emotionally to find our treasure. It’s really important to keep it out of the wrong hands and we would give our lives to protect it.” Her gaze drilled into Adam for several seconds until he nodded.

  “Often, Greta would get these inklings or hunches, she called them. I always thought she had second sight and saw things others missed.” She shrugged. “On her death bed, she told me to prepare for a storm. I didn’t understand she meant we’d be under attack again. No one has come at us with such disciplined treachery before or on so many fronts. She warned me and I missed it.” Her head dropped for a few moments. “Greta gave her life to keep the secret safe.” She looked at Adam. “She set a trap in the tunnel leading to the area where the relic’s hidden, laced it with something I’ve never seen or heard of before. It’s a strong toxin that not only kills its victims, but leaves them marked with dark spots. The looks on the faces of the three men…” she shook her head. “They suffered before they breathed their last.”

  “Wait. Dark marks? Like the ones Bella’s mom died from?” He leaned forward, eager to understand.

  “Yes. She must have tested it and was exposed. The entire time she lay in bed dying, she never mentioned it.” The Priestess closed her eyes and dabbed the corner with her finger. “She didn’t try to save herself, never mentioned an antidote or anything. We may have been able to help her.”

  “Didn’t you do the same thing for her you were doing for Peter?” Adam asked.

  She looked at him with a stricken gaze and nodded. “Yes.”

  Adam didn’t say anything.

  “Once we saw the bodies, I didn’t go further. Barticus pulled them out and will dispose of them.”

  “Matt’s going to use the tissue from the bodies for study. Your father wants to know what kind of poison was used even though I doubt we’ll ever know. Most importantly, we know what caused Greta’s death is not a threat to anyone who does not enter that tunnel,” Barticus told Adam.

  “Greta gave her life to keep it safe… she gave her life…” the Priestess murmured over and over.

  Adam looked at Barticus. “Do you know what the relic is?”

  “Not really. One thing about breeders, they’re damned hard to kill. After seeing those men, it’s hard to believe she lived another month after being exposed. I think she wanted to take the secret of what it was and how to cure it to the grave,” Barticus said.

  “You may be right.” Adam looked at the Priestess. “Can I get you anything?” he asked.

  Eyes shiny, she shook her head. “No. It’s almost time for evening service. We have so much to be grateful for.” She pushed away from the table and extended her hand to Barticus. “You have a friend for life. If there’s anything we can do for you, just ask.”

  Standing, Barticus took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Keep our secrets That’s all I ask.”

  She smiled. “And keep ours. We are allies in the secret keeping department.” She glanced at Adam. “Take care of her. She has a soft heart and an untapped gift inside. Music is only a part of it.”

  “Thank you. I will. I promise.” He stood and waited for her to leave the room.

  “I’ve missed my Bitch and am headed home to the warmth of my den,” Barticus said looking at Adam. “Tomas said the two of you had to be back for another award ceremony and pre-season training next week.”

  “Yeah, I’d forgotten about it.” He needed to talk to Bella and make plans.

  “Let me know how it goes. Leo and Brix have taken care of the problem and will be flying home tomorrow. Jarcee will travel with you and Bella.”

  Adam nodded. Leo had informed him after they’d extracted all the information they could from the men and buried them. “Thanks again for everything,” Adam said walking with Barticus out of the Sanctuary into the early morning air.

  “Family. I like the whole concept of it. Your parents were there for my daughter when she needed them. I cannot do less.” He clapped Adam on the shoulder, squeezed and walked off.

  Adam glanced at the dark sky and headed to the small house belonging to Bella and her dad.

  “I’m coming to bed, Bella,” he said.


  Bella sat in the chair next to Adam and tried to relax. Learning her mate, soon to be husband, played with an all wolf football team had been a shock. To see a convention hall full of dual-natured players almost overwhelmed her. She couldn’t move or speak. Instead, she gripped Adam’s hand, not allowing him to move a centimeter as they sat at their table with Tomas and Jarcee.

  “It’s not that bad,” Tomas whispered, his eyes teasing.

  “Depends where the needle falls for your definition of bad.” Her eyebrow rose and a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. Since she and Adam returned to his home, she’d become good friends with Tomas. He’d confided his love for Adam’s sister, Renee and the problems they faced. He’d also gone out of his way to make her feel welcomed like a sister and she appreciated him more for it.

  “Touché,” Tomas said looking across the room as his parents walked toward them. Since his parents would be leaving tomorrow, Tomas planned to spend the night at their hotel with them.

  Adam cupped her face, turning her to him and stared into her eyes. When he looked at her like that she would do anything for him.


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