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Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2)

Page 24

by Sydney Addae

  The team members looked surprised and shuffled their feet. “We were told you pulled a prank on me, drugged me so I couldn’t play in the final games. We should’ve won the championship,” he said looking around his team mates for support.

  “Easy,” David said. “Be diplomatic. Get the name of who set this up.”

  Adam rubbed his neck to keep from blurting his feelings of them winning the championship. “That’s a lie. I never did that. I wouldn’t do that. I love the game. Win or fucking lose, it’s all about the skill and thrill of the game.”

  “He’s a black wolf. I believe him,” one of the players said.

  Others murmured their agreement.

  The captain crossed his arms and stared at Adam for a few seconds. “Our apologies. We were misled and acted inappropriately by taking you and your mate. Please accept our apology.”

  At the mention of his mate, Adam’s beast growled low.

  “They are pawns, we need the king. Get the name of who set this in motion so we can finish it,” David said.

  “If you tell me who gave you the gas, how it was administered in my home and who told you the lie,” Adam said before David could speak.

  “Yes, you deserve to know the snakes in your back yard. Jealousy is a wicked thing.” The captain tilted his head. “Can all black wolves morph to two legs? I’ve only seen Alphas do that and not all of them can.”


  Bella stepped out of the shower and stared at Adam. A few minutes ago, he woke her and told her they’d been drugged and taken out of the house. Adam had set the two floral arrangements outside explaining her father hadn’t sent them. They’d been used to administer the gas that knocked them out. After opening all the windows and airing out the house, he was finally able to wake Jarcee who had been out of it on the long sofa in the living room.

  Jarcee had been incredulous over everything that happened. Bella hadn’t ever seen him so incensed. But it was Adam who concerned her. His anger was a low, simmering, seething burn. His eyes glowed molten gold. Every movement he made was precise as if he were planning a major project. But it was the cursory glance he gave her when she walked naked past him after her shower that she knew something major was going on in his mind. She pulled on her clothes, sat next to him and took his hand in hers.

  Without speaking, she entered their link and peeked into his thoughts. Dark, boiling rage filled his thoughts. Most of it was her being in danger. But the other was the sense of betrayal that cut him to the core.

  “How do you plan to address this?” she didn’t bother telling him she was fine, or that he should let this go. What they did stabbed at the core of who he was and her man wasn’t having it. Better to go with the flow and stand beside him to ensure he didn’t cross lines they’d both agreed wouldn’t be crossed.

  “Just waiting for Jarcee and going to confront him.”

  “That’s it?” Based on what she’d seen inside him, she knew better, but wanted them to keep talking.

  “No. For what he set in motion, knowing you were involved…” he shook his head and looked straight ahead.

  Alarmed, Bella’s grip on his hand increased. “Adam, we agreed you wouldn’t take a life.”

  His golden gaze seared hers with a look so feral she doubted she spoke to his human side. “No one comes after my mate, no one. Blood will flow for this.”

  “But… but we agreed,” she said trying to reason.

  “I never agreed,” Adam snapped and she saw his wolf behind his eyes. “Those bastards came into our bedroom where I slept with my mate and took us both.” He leaned forward, their noses inches apart. “They saw your flesh. Touched you. Handled you. Their scents were on you.” The painful look in his eyes was replace by an anger so deep she thought it was alive. “All because of a motherfucking lie. Bastard knew it was a lie and what would happen. To you. He knew they would come for you.” His fist shot out and slammed into the back of a chair, it flew across the room and shattered against the wall.

  Bella’s hand flew to her mouth as she stared at the destruction.

  “Ready,” Jarcee said at their closed bedroom door.

  Adam stood.

  “Give me a minute to get my shoes,” Bella said turning to head into the closet.

  “This isn’t a side of me I want you to see,” Adam said walking toward the door.

  She looked at him over her shoulder. “You told me I needed to accept all of you, remember?”

  “Yes, but I don’t think you should go.” He put his hand on the doorknob.

  Bella straightened and faced him. “If you leave me behind I won’t be here when you get back and I won’t forgive you for this.”

  He stared at her for a few seconds and released a long breath. She knew she’d won and bent to get her shoes while he waited.

  The drive didn’t take long. Bella had no idea where they were when they pulled in front of a nice large cabin. She glanced at Adam, but he hadn’t spoken a word since she threatened to leave him. He slid out and extended his hand to her. She took it and the two of them walked toward the building and headed out back.

  Barticus, Tomas, Davian and Matt greeted them. “What’s going on?” Tomas asked his gaze sliding from Adam to Bella and back to Adam.

  “Wait and see,” Adam said and turned his back on them.

  Alpha Klink and his two sons walked around the corner, stopped short and then continued. “Alpha Barticus, I didn’t realize you invited others to this meeting, “Alpha Klink said, his gaze flitting between Tomas, Adam and Jarcee.

  Barticus waved his hand as if what Klink thought was of no importance. “A challenge has been made and I’m here to officiate.”

  “A challenge?” Alpha Klink looked at his sons. “I haven’t heard of —”

  “That’s because the challenge is against you,” Alpha Barticus snarled, opened his fist and closed it slowly. Alpha Klink growled as he fell slowly to his knees and bowed low. It was obvious he fought Alpha Barticus’ control but couldn’t break free.

  “What is the charge?” Dek yelled while taking a step toward his father. Jarcee raised a hand for him to stop.

  Barticus sighed and looked down at the Alpha. “The first charge is from the Trigs. You deliberately sabotaged their team’s shot at the championship by incapacitating their key players.”

  “Lies! My Alpha didn’t do that. I did!” Diego said stepping forward.

  “How did you accomplish it?” Barticus asked Diego.

  His face flushed as he opened his mouth and snapped it shut. “I um… I snuck something into their food, sent them a basket.” He nodded, pleased with the lie.

  “Second charge.” Barticus continued as if Diego hadn’t spoken. “You lied and told the Trigs Adam Knight perpetrated the prank and gave them the means to incapacitate him knowing he lived with his mate thereby putting her in danger.”

  No one spoke or moved at the last charge which was the most damaging. If Diego or his brother Dek claimed responsibility Adam could challenge them to the death and everyone knew it.

  Alpha Klink met Alpha Barticus’ gaze. “Who is my challenger?” He glanced at Jarcee and back at Alpha Barticus.

  “Adam Knight.”

  “No,” Diego yelled and stepped forward. “I beg to stand in my Alpha’s place. If he did these things he did it for me, for our team. I will accept the challenge for him.”

  Adam morphed into his wolf.

  Bella hadn’t been prepared and stared at the pony sized wolf. His large head swung around and met her gaze.

  “Adam, I see you,” she said surprised. Moving closer she buried her hand into his fur and stood beside him. “You’re beautiful. Big, I didn’t expect that, but gorgeous.”

  He snorted and faced Alpha Barticus.

  “The challenger doesn’t want to rule your pack and has accepted your banishment as an acceptable reward,” Alpha Barticus said.

  “If he wins,” Alpha Klink said with derision.

  “Of course,” Alp
ha Barticus said.

  “If I win?” Alpha Klink said standing slowly.

  “I will reassign you,” Alpha Barticus said, his tone firm.

  “And the alternative?” Dek asked.

  “Death by the challenger’s hand,” Alpha Barticus said as if they should know the answer.

  “You won’t accept me as a substitute?” Diego asked Alpha Barticus.

  “No. You’re guilty of many things, but not this deliberate, cruel act that is beneath the dignity of any Alpha.” Alpha Barticus faced Alpha Klink. “Be glad La Patron did not send his Sword to avenge this slight. I assure you Asia would extend no mercy and would never stop until you succumbed to the sting of her sword.”

  Alpha Klink frowned. “His Sword? I’ve never heard of —”

  “For that alone you will lose your position here. To start a battle without considering the cost, knowing all the players, and understanding the possible outcomes is short sided and foolish. You knew Adam is La Patron’s son, a Black Wolf, and yet you played this game. Plus, he’s newly mated. Have you forgotten what that’s like? I assure you I have not and neither has La Patron or any mated wolf. You know the rules when it comes to mates and you set an action in motion that broke them.”

  “I didn’t know they’d follow an idea,” Alpha Klink said, his voice panicky. “It’s not my fault —”

  “Damn it, you’re an Alpha! Of course they’d follow your idea, your plan, your strategy!” Alpha Barticus yelled and then took a deep breath. “Let’s do this by the book.” He looked at Tomas, waving him forward.

  “Did Alpha Klink inform you and Adam about a prank that had been played on another team?”

  “Yes, Sir, he did.” Tomas told them what happened.

  “Thank you.” Alpha Barticus looked at Alpha Klink and repeated the two charges. “How do you plead?”

  For several seconds, no one spoke.

  “Guilty,” Alpha Klink said.

  Adam trotted a few feet away and morphed to his two-footed beast.

  Bella’s eyes widened.

  Tomas stepped close and stood on her left, Jarcee stood behind her while Matt and Davian stood on her right surrounding her with protection.

  “Do you accept the challenge?” Alpha Barticus asked Alpha Klink.

  “I suppose I do since I don’t have a choice, do I?” He looked at Alpha Barticus.

  “No. No you don’t.”

  Alpha Klink morphed into his two-legged beast and walked toward Adam.

  Adam stared at the man he’d shown nothing but respect since they met. He’d eaten at this man’s table, had long talks and yet this bastard tried to destroy him.

  “It’s been quite a day,” David said with his normal calm. “Do you want me to get the twins? Or just us?”

  Adam knew what his litter mate wanted and that suited him fine. “We can do this.”

  “Bet your ass we can. Pity we can’t kill him,” David said conversationally. Adam knew David was just as pissed over Bella being put in danger as he was and if Bella hadn’t wrangled that promise from him, Klink’s life would forfeit.

  “Yeah, but we can take him to the edge,” Adam said and jumped high as Klink lunged for him. “He’s fast,” David said as Adam kicked Klink under his chin, snapping his head back and sending him flying. “For an asshole. Time to kick ass American style.”

  It never failed to amaze Adam how sinister David became when someone close to him was endangered. No one came close to David's laser focus and ferocity.

  Their energies merged making them faster, and stronger. Klink swiped his long fingernails at Adam’s midsection and left red marks. David healed him instantly as Adam spun and kicked the Alpha on the side of the head causing him to stumble backward. With blurred speed, Adam advanced with another kick on the other side of the head.

  Alpha Klink fell.

  Adam kicked him in the belly and jumped out of the way of the Alpha’s feet. Blood dripped from the Alpha’s forehead from where he’d been kicked. He glared at Adam with teeth bared and charged.

  The ground shook beneath them. Adam waited until Alpha Klink was close and dropped to the ground, rolled and kicked the man in the back sending him flying forward into the dirt. Before Alpha Klink could regroup, Adam jumped on his back and rained punches on the side of his face, head and his back. Blood soaked the ground.

  “If you continue, you’ll kill him,” Alpha Barticus said standing nearby with the others. “It’s your choice.”

  “Please! Please don’t kill him!” Dek begged going down on his knees. “Please spare him.”

  Diego faced Bella. Tears running down his face. “I’m so sorry for what happened and my den’s part in it. Please spare his life. We’ll leave, I promise. Just don’t kill him.”

  Bella opened her mouth and sang. “I got love all over me. Baby, you touch every part of me. Ooo, ooh, Adam, I got love all over me. And I don't want to get it off. I'm completely covered up in your love.” Her voice sent chills down his back. The look in her eyes said she meant what she sang.

  Adam looked at Bella, saw the plea in her eyes and stood. His beast vibrated with the need to avenge the wrong done to his mate. Conflicted, he stood with his foot on Klink’s back for a few seconds. No one moved, they all watched to see what he’d do. For someone who didn’t want to sing publicly, his mate had no problem singing during his battles. Her voice, a clarion call of her will and promises they’d made as mates. He removed his foot and took a step backward.

  Bella continued singing, she beckoned him with her voice, calling him and calming the blood lust inside. He took another step back and morphed into his four-legged beast.

  “Adam,” Bella called.

  Loving the sound of his name on her lips, he trotted toward her. Dek and Diego picked up their father and left the yard without medical assistance from Matt.

  Bella lowered her head to Adams’ and kissed the top while scratching beneath his chin. “Thank you, baby. Thank you for doing what you had to do and keeping your promise to me. I love you for that. I really do.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close.

  “Well, that was interesting,” Tomas said and glanced at his watch. “If you’re going to make your flight, we need to leave.” He looked at his parents.

  Matt looked at Adam. “Could you shift so I can say goodbye properly?”

  Adam shifted into human and wrapped his arm around Bella’s waist. He kissed her quickly. “I can't believe you sang in public like that. Love over me, huh? I think we can make that happen when we get home.” He kissed her again.

  “Just for you,” she said. “I will always make exceptions for you.”

  “Thanks for everything, Matt, Davian. We appreciate everything you’ve done.” He accepted Matt and Davian’s one-armed hugs.

  “I’ll see you back at the house,” Tomas said as he followed his dads to the car.

  “Sounds good,” Adam said and turned to thank Alpha Barticus who was moving toward the front where the cars were parked.

  “Thanks for putting this together so quickly,” Adam said.

  Alpha Barticus waved it off. “When your father hinted he’d send his Sword, I realized that wasn’t the way I wanted my Alphas to meet my daughter. Believe me she wanted to come, but now isn’t the best time. Plus, you needed to handle this.” He looked at Bella. “The two of you needed to do this.” He waved good bye to Jarcee. “See you later.” He pulled off.

  Adam, Bella and Jarcee returned home. “What did you do with those flowers?” Jarcee asked Adam.

  “I left them outside while I ventilated the house, why?” Adam said.

  “Just wanted to be sure it was safe to go inside,” Jarcee said.

  Adam pulled Bella close. “It’s safe.” He looked at her. “You’re safe and you’re free to sing, dance or do whatever makes you happy.”

  “I know,” she said and kissed his cheek.



  By now you know my secret passion is parano
rmal romance where anything is possible. The world can be wacky, the men charismatic, strong and faithful, and the women courageous with inner beauty.

  Thank you for taking the time to read Adam’s story, Book two in La Patron's Den.

  Adam is tested in ways he never dreamed. Life doesn’t fall into neat piles or into his lap as normal. He has to work to win the girl which is something he’s never done.

  Bella is at a crossroad in her life where things are not as she once believed they were. She’s learning more about herself and that’s not a bad thing.

  You’re invited to journey with me through all the books in this series. If you like fast paced action, suspense and great love connections like me, you won’t be disappointed. Feel free to drop me a line, or join my Facebook group, La Patron’s Den, where discussions regarding Silas and the Wolf nation abound. Also, you can find me at my website,

  Knight Chronicles is a newsletter for my Readers Group from the characters of the series to keep you informed of what’s going on in the Wolf Nation. Each issue has a personal message from Silas Knight, La Patron, or his mate, Jasmine. Character profiles with in-depth interviews and thoughts you won’t find anywhere else. Also works in progress, new releases and special giveaways in every issue. If you would like to receive Knight Chronicles click this sign up link! Thank you. (

  La Patron, the Alpha’s Alpha is my first paranormal series and I’d like to ask a favor. When you finish reading, please leave a review, whatever your opinion, I assure you I appreciate it.

  Thanks again








  Sword of Inquest

  Sword of Mercy

  Sword of Justice

  La Patron’s Christmas

  La Patron’s Christmas 2

  La Patron's New Year – w/Catherine Marsh, & Leigh West

  KnightForce 1

  KnightForce Deuces


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