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Talking Dirty

Page 3

by Drea Riley; Nikki Winter

  Her eyes focused on him again before she laughed. “Bowlegged and pigeon-toed? That’s a tall order, Thigpen. How do I know you aren’t going to come two seconds after I get naked?”

  He growled and stalked her as she walked backwards, taunting him. “You’re testing me, Lyza.”

  “Am I? I didn’t realize it.” Her grin told him otherwise and in the next second he had her pinned against the wall, her legs around his waist. He nipped her neck, trying not to smile when she yelped.

  “Oh, I think you know exactly what you’re doing, and despite the fact that I shouldn’t, I’m gonna skip over the spanking I planned for you—for now,” he warned then started walking toward the stairs.

  “Where’re we going?”

  “I need a shower and someone to scrub my back. You have the privilege of being appointed that task.” He nuzzled her as he continued.

  His lips found her earlobe and sucked as his hands palmed both halves of her luscious ass, kneading the soft flesh. “Oh baby, you feel so good.”

  “That’s great. I’m glad you think so. Now please shut up and take us to the shower so you can fuck me,” Lyza growled gripping his hair and pulling his head back so she could kiss him again.

  “Okay, okay,” Maxxon panted, stumbling slightly. He did his best to walk straight but she was grinding against him, making those needy little moans as her fingers ran through his hair and her mouth finding a spot on his neck that made his knees buckle. Finally making it into his bathroom, he got the lights on and the shower going, and their clothes off in between sticking his tongue half way down her throat.

  She tasted, felt, and smelled so good it drove him insane. “Shit…Lyza you gotta get your hand off those or…or…oh fuck.” The brat had one hand between them, her hand gently gripping his balls as he managed to get them both inside the shower stall and close the glass doors.

  Her back hit the wall as he grabbed a bottle of body-wash and got some on his hands so he could soap her up, all the while slipping his tongue into her mouth and trying to find some control. Palming her breasts, Maxxon rolled her tight nipples between his forefingers and thumbs, tugging until her mouth opened on a gasp, and her hips arched. His hands worked their way down her body, delighting in her curves until he finally reached her heat. The moisture he felt there caused the thread of common sense he had to snap. “Oh, baby…wet, so very wet.” He groaned into Lyza’s ear. “Is all this for me?”

  “Yes.” Her whisper could barely be heard over the dull roar of the water but it was enough. Pulling his hips back, Maxxon lined his cock up with her entrance.

  “Mine.” He growled before slamming home, not wincing when her nails dug into his shoulders as her legs tightened about his waist and she cried out.

  Pulling back he slammed in again. “Mine.”

  “Shit…ah Maxxon…please.”

  Another thrust, then, “Mine.”

  Her hands slapped at his shoulders as her hips thrust downward. “Yes yours, just please, please go faster.”

  He picked up his pace, making sure to grind into her on every stroke as he sucked one nipple so hard it hit the roof of his mouth. Her moans in his ear just made his hips work that much harder. “Ah…ah. Ah…oh Maxxon. Oohhhh.”

  Gripping the backs of her thighs, he brought her down on him faster, his balls tightening, the need to come so great he had to bite the inside of his cheek just so he’d make sure she got there first. When Lyza’s head went back, a wail tearing from her throat right as her canal gripped him so hard he shouted, Maxxon knew he’d done his job.

  Bowlegged Threats Ain’t No Joke

  Lyza lay sprawled against the tangled sheets of Maxxon’s bed, her thighs splayed wide and her wrists still above her head, even though they were no longer tied. Sighing deeply, she tensed to give her body a slight stretch before releasing a breath and relaxing. Bringing her hands down, she let her fingers dance lightly over Maxxon’s neck and shoulders before falling away and lying limply on the bed.

  The light growl emanating from his throat tickled her flesh where his lips lay next to her nipple. It would only take one deep inhalation for him to suck the tight bud back into his mouth. As tired as she was the idea thrilled her. Three days of making love and she still hadn’t had nearly enough of this giant goofball of a man.

  “Lyza, baby, I’m going to spank you for moving your arms.”

  She giggled huskily, Maxxon had threatened to spank her so many times since that first day that she’d lost count. Deep inside she knew someday he’d make good on those promises, but she couldn’t help but tease him.

  “Spank schmank, the only spanking you’re gonna be doing is on your own monkey when I am gone and all you have is the memory of how good my soppy wet fuck hole is.”

  The laughter rippling through both their bodies caused them to groan as little sore muscles protested the effort.

  “I see you still like talking dirty.” Maxxon growled softly as he slid up her body and refit himself lazily between her thighs.

  “I love talking dirty with you, baby.” She smiled softly before kissing his lips.

  “Mmmm, okay I’m going to let you up ’cause it’s bath time.”

  Lyza couldn’t help but laugh as Maxxon rolled off the bed and stretched before he scooped her into his arms and walked gingerly to the big bathroom where he sat her on the cold marble countertop.

  “Is that your way of delicately saying I stink?”

  “No, you smell like me but if you have a complaint about my plan to have my dirty way with you in the shower…” When she didn’t reply Maxxon winked before rinsing his mouth quickly with mouthwash and handing her the bottle.

  She took a little swing and swished it around in her mouth while he started the bath water in the giant soaking tub.

  “Does that thing have jets in it?” she inquired, realizing this was the first time she’d actually paid attention to the massive tub.

  “Yup, sure does.”

  “Mmm, I bet you let them shoot you in the butt,” she mumbled as she leaned to one side to make sure she spit her second mouthful of rinse down the sink drain.

  When she straightened, she realized Maxxon was staring at her in a way she’d recognized after years of catching him doing so. It was the stare that said he was plotting something she was going to love. “Nuh-uhh dude, stop thinking whatever it is you’re thinking. I’m tired and sore, and my hair is a mess. My stomach thinks my throat’s been cut and we have to do more than just pillow talk at some point today.”

  Maxxon squinted and concentrated on her a moment longer before grabbing some bath salts and adding them to the water. Then he shut off the tap and settled them both in the tub.

  With Lyza facing him, her legs draped loosely over his and around his waist they were both able to lean back and relax. He’d have preferred to hold her close but he knew they were about to get into the mechanics of things and felt she might be more comfortable if he didn’t crowd her.

  Slowly, he lifted her leg and marveled at the curve of it before gently massaging his way to her foot and kneading the instep.

  “So...” He let the word hang in the air while watching the effect of his ministrations dance over her face.

  “Hmmm?” Her soft moan was the only reply.

  “You do know I love you, right?”

  “Wow, you’re on it with the four letter words,” she whispered. Some emotion flashed quickly on her face but was hidden behind her closed eyes.

  “I’ve loved you for a long time; been in love with you for a long time. I just ran out of ways to get you to notice me, so when your sister started working for us a year after you, I asked her how to get your attention.”

  Lyza’s eyes snapped open and she pierced him with a glare so stern it almost made him worry.

  “Exactly how long have you and my sister been plotting against me?”

  “Umm well, see what had happened was...”

  Maxxon ducked his head to hide his smile as Lyza playfully splashed w
ater in his face.

  “For a while. I tried everything to get you to notice me. I made sure you got all the heavy intellectual manuscripts; I made sure you were with me on every board meeting; I set you up in swanky hotels when you had to go out of town to conventions. You are so…”

  “I’m so what, why didn’t you just ask me out or say ‘hey, I like you’?”

  “I did. I asked you to dinner and you spent the whole time talking about some author I’d already rejected. The way you talked about his talent and potential, I called him that night, rescinded our rejection and gave him a contract.”

  “You did not.” Lyza sighed and relaxed against the tub.

  “Garrett Hendrix.”

  “Wow, really?”

  “I hate him.”


  “Because he so easily had your devotion. All I wanted was to make you smile like that.”


  “Yeah, wow.”

  “Dude, I applied to work for you because I had a crush on you. You’re damn near seven feet of hunky walking yumminess and probably one of the funniest guys I know. Every time we worked together on a project I’d be all thumbs. I felt like a babbling teenager and you’d be all flirty…but you flirted with everyone. You had a million different girlfriends. You never had time to notice me.”

  “Your birthday is December 5th, 1980 even though you say it’s the sixth. Your sister’s is the sixth by a few minutes. You love mint juleps and vintage clothing. Your favorite cartoon is ‘Gigantor’ and you have an un-realistic collection of kids’ cereal hidden in that armoire in your office. You love Lucky Charms but you hate the marshmallows, which I find really disturbing. You sing off-key and you have a habit of writing with your left hand, even though you’re right-handed. There is a Dave Matthews CD in a Dru Hill case on your desk and your iPod is predominately loaded with jazz and an ungodly amount of Stevie Ray Vaughn. You love Letterman, hate Leno, and want to dropkick Dr. Phil. You have a tendency to pop your gum and you like blue ink pens better than black. You have this thing for blue jeans and I can never tell if you’re wearing panties or not, but you do have this amazing little dimple on your right side just above where your ass curves and your waistband gaps. You’re and inch taller than Arri and your eyes are darker than hers. Your voice is deeper and your fingernails shorter. You smell like jasmine and peppermint, and you have a fetish for bacon. I notice you, Lyza. I’ve been noticing you. I just...I wanted you to notice me so I let your sister goad me into acting like a third grader. The more outlandish the crap I did, or said, the more you paid attention to me. Negative attention is still attention, babe.” He waited for a response. Maxxon knew Lyza but she still managed to surprise him at times.

  To his infinite relief one side of her mouth kicked up before she said, “I think we should get out of the tub.”

  “Oh yeah? Why?”

  “Because I’m about to pay you a lot of positive attention.”


  It Sucks Admitting Your Twin Was Right

  Lyza groaned and then groaned again. She made sure that second one was particularly loud but apparently it hadn’t gotten her point across, so she sighed and then sighed some more before kicking Maxxon in the shin. “I know you hear me!”

  He grinned but didn’t open his eyes, and turned his head away. “I don’t hear anything.”

  “Maxxon, I’m hungry!” She kicked her legs. “You’ve kept me in this bed for days with nothing but take-out food. I want a real meal, now…or I’m gonna get cranky!”

  “Seems like you’re already there, sweetheart.”

  “Food! Now!” she bellowed, purposely shaking the bed.

  “All right! All right! What do you want?” He finally rolled out of bed and stretched.

  Lyza went down the list of what she wanted for breakfast, and after muttering something about her “unholy appetite” Maxxon went to do her bidding.

  Smiling softly, she stretched out on the bed and grabbed his pillow, burying her face in it; she took a deep inhale enjoying the way his scent still clung to it. She was in such a good mood—until her phone rang. It was her signature ringtone of The Chipmunk’s singing “I’m about to whoop somebody’s ass” so, she knew it was Arri.

  “What?” Lyza answered.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be in a good mood after spending the last six days with Maxxon boring into you like he was looking for diamonds? And what the hell is wrong with your voice?” Arri asked.

  Lyza’s face heated. “Nothing. Shut up.”

  “Uh-huh. You owe me, so very much.”

  “Yes, I owe you a foot in your ass for plotting against me with the enemy.”

  Arri laughed. “Where’s the enemy now, oh dear sister?”

  “Making me breakfast because as Queen I demanded it so.”

  “Yup, you owe me. So I want my first niece named after me. Please and thank you.”

  Lyza snorted. “Like I would curse a world with two of you.”

  “You’re being mean to me. I don’t appreciate it.”

  “And I don’t appreciate you going around telling people to fuck me seven ways to Sunday.”

  “Once again I don’t see the problem.”

  “Yeah, and when I get my hands on you, you won’t be seeing anything through eyes that aren’t swollen shut.”

  Arri sighed. “You hurt me. You hurt me so much, Lyza.”


  “I’m telling Mama.”

  “And I’ll tell Daddy you got some boy sitting in your room two seconds away from making you speak Swahili.”

  “Firstly, Jeb is not a boy…he’s all man. Secondly, he can make me do a lot more than speak Swahili.”

  “Okay, now I’m hanging up because...yeah bye. I’ll whoop your ass later.”

  “Love you too!” Arri shouted right before Lyza hung up.

  She rolled her eyes and sat up. Her sister was a nut and sadly right. Lyza did owe her. She was thinking of all the nice and not so nice stuff she could do to her sibling when the smell of cinnamon rolls had her up and bounding down the stairs because really, the niceties could wait till later.

  There Are Times When Talking Dirty Just Isn’t A Good Idea

  “Maxxon!” Lyza hissed, interrupting her husband’s conversation with one of his former college roommates. “Watch your bleeping potty-mouth.”

  Maxxon jumped and turned guiltily toward her. “For Pete sake, woman, don’t use that tone with me. I thought the Catholic school nuns where behind me.”

  Lyza pierced him and his friend with a look that spoke volumes.

  “What? What did I say?”

  “You know what you were saying, and when your son repeats it I’m gonna nail your as...hind parts to the wall.”

  Maxxon grinned. “If your son says anything else bad in church it’s all your fault. You’re the one with the mouth that makes sailors blush in more ways than one, honey.” He smarted and grinned at her toothily.

  “WHY I never...”

  “YOU LIE!”

  Lyza marched over to him and deposited their wiggling four-year-old son into his arms. “Here, take your son and go find your brother and my sister before the whole neighborhood hears something they shouldn’t. I don’t need them exposing our friends to their shenanigans.”

  Maxxon leaned forward and kissed his wife on her upturned lips before making his way through the throng of people milling around his backyard for baby Jaxxon’s fourth birthday party.

  “Okay buddy, let’s go find your aunt and uncle before they make a mess of your party.”

  “PAWTY!” Jaxxon clapped his chubby little hands, a light that stole any onlooker’s breath gleaming in his happy little face.

  “That’s right buddy! PARTY TIME!”


  “His name is Jaxxon not Jason. It’s pronounced Jackson.”

  “No, it’s not, it’s Jayson. The double xx sounds like an s.”

  “You have a degree in English not black people
names—its pronounced Jackson, two x-es sound like a k.”

  “Woman, my brother’s son is named after him its pronounced Jayson and what do you mean black people names? My mom named me Jebidiah Marquavis Thigpen.”

  Arriana just blinked at him. She never heard his whole name before, and truly, it wasn’t what one would expect of an Irish American man.

  She tried not to laugh, she really did. Just in that moment baby Jaxxon was deposited in her arms as his father bodily separated her and Jeb. “Jeb, my son’s name is Jaxxon as in Jackson, please don’t upset his mother by mispronouncing his name and causing her to start mispronouncing mine.”


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