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Love Song (Rocked by Love #2)

Page 7

by Susan Scott Shelley

  His eyes heated, grew hungry, and he traced his fingertips over her face. "Do you know why I call you Sunshine?"

  She shook her head.

  Luke smiled. "The first time we met, the day had been gray and overcast. And then I arrived for the photo shoot. And when I locked eyes with you, the sun came out, brilliant sunlight spotlighting you. The sky cleared, and we touched hands, and something deep inside me brightened, too."

  The threat of tears stung her eyes. "That's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me."

  "I just wanted you to know that before we go any further."

  She stretched up to kiss him. "I haven't been the same either." With her hands on his waistband, she tugged him closer and worked the top button free.

  Luke followed suit, finding the side zipper on her skirt. The skirt caught on her hips for a moment, then fluttered to the floor.

  Gaze on his, Audrey gently tugged his zipper over the bulge in his jeans. His eyes closed when she parted the fabric and closed her hand over him. Breath hissed through his teeth and he rested his forehead against hers. "Sunshine..."

  After a long moment, he eased out of her hold and dropped to his knees. Breath feathering over her stomach, he roamed lowered. Strong hands grazed over her hips and to the back of her thighs. He tugged the yellow lace at her hip lower and proceeded to drive her crazy with teases of his teeth and tongue.

  "We should move to the bed." The words barely escaped her mouth before he swept her up in his arms and carried her over.

  He tossed the blanket back and let her slide onto the soft white sheets first. The mattress dipped as he climbed in and knelt between her legs. He ran his hands from her calves to her thighs, then teased his way up her torso in deliberate strokes. When they were lined up, lips to lips and eyes to eyes, he eased his way inside.

  Her breath caught and Luke groaned. He kissed her, thrusts of tongue mimicking the slow, seductive rocking of his hips. Audrey gripped his back and lifted into him, seeking him when he retreated. This wasn't just sex—this was sex with Luke. The difference was enough to overwhelm her. Everything intensified. And suddenly, she was flying high, swamped in pleasure as Luke increased his pace and then stiffened with a harsh groan of her name.

  She brushed his hair off of his forehead and kissed him, lingering over his taste as her body calmed.

  Luke lifted off of her and tugged the cover from the foot of the bed. He pulled it over them and lay on his side, facing her. "That was worth waiting for."

  His lips met hers again, soft and romantic, stopping only for breaths, then coming together again.

  Everything they'd said to each other, everything she'd felt, solidified that her decision to move forward had been the right one.

  "Yes," she panted sweetly. "It was. But I won't make us wait as long for round two."

  "Really?" He grinned and lowered his face to hers. "How long this time?"

  "Depends on you," she whispered against his lips right before he sank in for a breath stealing kiss.

  Chapter Eight

  Luke sat in a soft leather chair in the front room of Audrey's studio. The guys were due to arrive any minute to pick out clothes for Jett's show. Sending out a reminder to the fans about the band's appearance on the show, he caught himself whistling again and glanced at the hallway, hoping Renee and Audrey hadn't heard.

  Waking up wrapped in Audrey that morning had been the best feeling in the world. The sex had been incredible, but then again he'd expected it to be because it was with Audrey. The dark cave of drawn shades and curtains in his hotel room were a far cry from the white walls, big windows, and blinding light that poured into Audrey's apartment in the mornings. He definitely preferred her space, and how the light shined on her face, hair, and curves, but in his room she was in shadows and he wanted their relationship in the light. Hopefully, they would be sleeping there tonight.

  He sipped his coffee and glanced at his watch. Now that he'd had a taste of what life was like with Audrey in it, he wanted more. Even after their night together, he was afraid of pushing too hard or too fast. Luke knew he didn't possess much restraint, but for her, he'd try his damnedest.

  "Hey, there he is." Brendan's voice pulled him from his thoughts. The drummer walked in, grinning, arms stretched wide. He hugged Luke hard.

  Zander, Jayne, Landry, and Irisa trooped into the room. It hadn't been too long since he'd seen his friends, but damn, he'd missed them. Hugs and greetings were exchanged, loud enough to draw out Audrey and Renee from the back room. And then the introductions and reunions began all over again.

  Luke's heart beat uncomfortably in his chest when Audrey met Jayne. They shared certain personality traits, and the similarities had been too much for him to handle when he'd thought he'd lost Audrey all those months ago. Suffering hadn't made him kind back then. Luckily, Jayne didn't hold a grudge. Neither did Zander. But Luke still felt bad about it.

  Audrey and Jayne hit it off immediately and continued to chat, laughing and smiling in instant friendship.

  Zander joined him on the other side of the room. "You were right about their voices being similar."

  "Told you." His guilt eased when Zander dropped his arm around his shoulder.

  "You okay? You're quiet. Things good with Audrey?"

  "I think they're moving in the right direction. But I'm—"

  "Still afraid you might fuck it up?"


  "You probably will, but then again we all do. Just be honest with her. That's the best thing. But I can see she makes you happy. She looks happy too."

  Hopefully, he made her happy. He followed the rest of the guys into the back room. A whirlwind of clothes made their way to him. He trusted Audrey's taste, and she knew what looked best on him, so he didn't argue. The jeans, gray shirt, jacket and boots worked for him. The other guys weren't picky either, but Landry refused to trade his beat up leather jacket for the new jacket in Renee's hands.

  While the bassist debated the virtues of his fake leather over the real thing, Luke pulled Audrey aside. "You're coming to the show, right?" He posed the question partly to feel out her preference for sleeping that night, but he genuinely wanted her in the audience.

  "Absolutely. I'm excited to see you in action."

  "Awesome." He was more than a little excited she'd agreed to be there. But then again, she could be the only person in attendance and he'd be happy. "We wanted to announce you as our designer for everything, too. We can all grab something to eat afterward. And then maybe I can head home with you."

  "I have to get up ridiculously early tomorrow to prep things for the show. I won't be much company tonight."

  "I don't mind. We don't have to do anything—just go home and sleep. And I'll help out with whatever you need tomorrow."

  "You won't mind hauling boxes and helping set up? I mean, there will be a crew too, but, really, you'd help?"

  "Without complaining. And I'll bring the coffee."

  A smile bloomed across her face and eased the tension in his gut. "You're hired."

  Hours later, the band walked onto the set of Hard and Heavy Live. Luke waved to the crowd, and then winked at Audrey in the audience, seated between Irisa and Jayne.

  After Jett did his set up and introduced the band, he gestured to Luke's outfit. "I'm sorry, I can't just let this slide by. Your appearance today is a big step up from the last time I saw you."

  The giant screen behind them showed side by side pictures of Luke. Leather jacket, shirt and jeans in the live shot and a picture of him in an ancient tee and ripped jeans from the time he'd met Jett for an impromptu lunch. The audience laughed and catcalled his improved look.

  Laughing, Luke shrugged. "What can I say? The best designer in the business put this together for me, so give Audrey Pierce all the credit. All of us guys are wearing her label tonight, and she's the artist who created our new label's logo."

  Jett grinned. "You two were in your own little world when I stopped by the green room to say
hi before the show. Tell me, is it serious with Audrey? If it is, you just broke the hearts of half your female fans."

  The camera panned to Audrey. Her eyes widened, her mouth gaped, and a deep pink blush crept over her neck and cheeks.

  What the hell? Luke blinked. Jett was supposed to talk about their new label and the band's contest, not question him on his love life. Part of him wanted to keep Audrey all to himself. The rest of him wanted to stake his claim.

  Brendan waved his hand. "Hold up there, Jett. I wouldn't say Luke has half the fans' hearts. Maybe a quarter. The rest of us guys have fans, too. Am I right?" He grinned at the audience and beckoned for them to make some noise. Cheers resounded.

  Jett smiled as the camera again came to a rest on Audrey. "I didn't mean to put you on the spot. Gang, let's give Audrey a round of applause for being a good sport."

  Fuck it. Luke stood. Keeping his gaze on Audrey's, he strolled to her seat. Blue eyes full of questions, she mouthed what. He grasped her hand and gently pulled until she stood by his side.

  "What are you doing?" Her whisper ghosted his cheek. Her hand trembled in his and Luke squeezed to reassure her.

  "Clearing up any doubts about what I want." He threaded his hand in her hair and lowered his mouth to brush against her petal-soft lips.

  A soft gasp, and then she opened for him, allowing him to take the kiss deeper. Like a drug, she flooded his system. Cheers from the crowd accompanied whistles and cat-calls. Pulling away from her required more effort than he'd expected.

  With his arm around her waist, he turned toward the stage. "Does that answer your question?"

  More cheers rose up around them and Jett waved to quiet them down.

  Audrey's hand lay against his chest. Luke smiled down at her. "See you after the show, Sunshine." He couldn't help taking another taste, and then made his way back to his seat.

  "Dude." Brendan shook his head, grinning. "Nice job."

  He shrugged, then accepted a slap on the back from Zander.

  Jett directed the questions and conversation back to the scheduled topics. Until he mentioned Zander's recent engagement to Jayne. As with Audrey, the camera panned to Jayne. Her hand played with the heart pendant necklace she always wore.

  Zander tapped Luke's shoulder as he stood. "Can't have my singer outdo me." He made his way into the audience and kissed Jayne, adding in an elaborate dip.

  After the audience quieted and Zander returned to his seat, Jett raised his brows. "So all is right in The Fury's world?"

  "It's fucking awesome." Luke shifted as the phone in his pocket buzzed. Probably fans responding to the live show. "We're launching our label, Furious Records, and we're exciting to be auditioning fans to form our label's first group."

  Furious Records' logo, bold white letters on a black square appeared on the screen. Jett gave it an approving nod. "The logo rocks. And you guys are probably loving that you'll retain full control this way."

  "You trying to say we have a problem dealing with authority?" Luke quirked his brow and the audience laughed.

  "Any idea when you'll start recording again?"

  Zander spoke for the group, "We just started decompressing from the non-stop action that we kept up for years, plus we're devoting all our time to the fan auditions and gearing up for the launch party in a few weeks, where we'll announce the new band winners. So give us at least this summer, man."

  "Can I get you on record saying you're not breaking up? We've had so many people write in, asking that question, in prep for tonight's show."

  "We're not breaking up." Luke sighed. He couldn't get angry, he knew Jett wanted to ask the question to quiet the rumor mill. "We love our music and our fans too much to stop. Creating Furious Records is our promise to them and our commitment to each other."

  "And we look forward to hearing the new band perform live, right here on our stage two weeks after their launch party." Jett smiled at the camera, then turned to face the band. "Since the fans will have to wait a bit to hear you play together again, how about you guys give us a song here?"

  Luke locked eyes with Audrey. It wasn't the song he and the guys had practiced backstage, but he knew exactly what he wanted to do.


  The band stood up from the chairs and headed toward the instruments set up in the left side of the set. Audrey turned to Irisa. "What song are they going to play?"

  "Beats me. They rehearsed a few today, including covers of some other bands. So I have no idea."

  Music started, but it wasn't the hard and heavy beats the guys were known for. Luke leaned into the microphone. "This one's for Audrey."

  It was slower, less aggressive, and vaguely familiar. But she couldn't place it. When Luke crooned out the first line, she knew. One of the love songs he'd been singing every morning while in the shower. The decades' old song made modern and tough enough for a rock band with faster beats and heavy guitars and Luke almost growling the lyrics.

  Touched, she grinned at him and then admired an artist in action. He sang with his whole body. And his facial expressions mirrored the words he sang and the feelings invoked. He caught her gaze a few times and winked.

  A woman behind her murmured, "Lucky bitch."

  Surprise shot through her. Audrey glanced at Jayne and Irisa. From their shocked and annoyed expressions, they'd heard the woman. Thoughts tumbled—should she ignore it, turn around and say something, or laugh it off?

  Irisa nudged her and her head shook slightly. Let it go. But she didn't want to be a doormat. Heart beating fast, she turned. Two women sat behind her. Both wore The Fury t-shirts. One smirked at her while the other eyed her with cool disinterest.

  Saying something now wouldn't solve anything and would only cause a scene. She faced forward. If she had to bet, she'd put money on the smirker. But then again, the other woman had Luke tattooed on her arm. The incident tinged her enjoyment of Luke's gift to her, but then the band launched into one of their high octane numbers, and the entire crowd was on their feet. Being upset about a tiny comment she wasn't entirely sure was directed at her didn't make much sense when she had a new friend in Jayne, a reliable friend in Irisa, and the company of an entertaining group of guys. And, most of all, when she had Luke.

  The next afternoon, controlled chaos reigned at the venue she'd rented out for the show. Instead of a regular fashion show, the models would begin by walking across a stage set up like a typical rock concert, with guitars and a drum kit, while lights flashed in the background. They'd then move to a low catwalk that would bring them out into the "pit". Afterward, more of a party atmosphere would take over, with models walking around wearing the designs, mingling with the attendees. Food, drink, music, and hopefully, lots of sales and new clients.

  Audrey rushed between checking on progress with the models getting dressed, hair and make-up, and last-minute chats with the venue manager. Her nerves increased with each passing minute. In addition to the bands she'd invited, other band managers, rock news bloggers and reporters, fashion bloggers, and record company representatives would also be in attendance. And of course, the director of the domestic violence program. Now was not the time for anything to go wrong.

  Renee flagged her down. "Jacob can't go on. He just called me. He's home, and sick as a dog. Stomach bug."

  "Ugh. Seriously? Now?" She glanced at her list, hoping a last-minute replacement would appear.

  Luke approached her. He'd been a huge help all day long, doing anything that needed to be done. "Need anything else from me? If not, I'll go join the guys out front."

  "One of my models got sick." She bit her lip and looked him up and down. Different coloring than Jacob, but a similar enough build. "You guys are about the same size. It could work..."

  "You want me to walk down the runway?" He shook his head and laughed. "I'm not a model."

  "Please? You'd be perfect. And I need you. I'm already short a few guys. I need to balance it out."

  "I can't say no to you, not when you look at me lik
e that..." He gave her a begrudging smile. "All right, I'll do it. But no makeup."

  She threw her arms around him and squeezed him hard. "Thank you. I owe you."

  He threaded his fingers in her hair and gently pulled until her lips met his. Soft, warm, and a hint of mint. His taste was already so familiar. His tongue traced the seam until her lips parted and he groaned as she brushed into his wet heat. Audrey's fingers teased the back of his neck and she snuggled closer.

  A throat clearing behind her, followed by a tap on her shoulder, brought her back to reality.

  Renee stood, hands on hips. "Clock's ticking, guys. Come on, Luke, I'll show you where you can change clothes."

  He reluctantly loosened his hold on Audrey. "Man, the guys are going to have a field day with this..."

  Audrey checked once again on the models' progress, fixed a last-minute stitch for Vanessa, and then answered a few questions from reporters.

  Owen threaded his way toward her. Audrey immediately glanced around for Luke, relieved when she didn't see him. "Hi, are you looking for Vanessa? I think she's back in make-up."

  "I wanted to talk to you."

  "Oh? Is something wrong with the clothes you bought?" She'd spent a few hours with him earlier in the week, talking design, trying to find out what would suit him best. She'd found him to be smug about his band and vocal talents but he definitely seemed to care about Vanessa, and that counted for a lot.

  He shook his head. "Clothes are fine. Great quality. Look, you seem nice enough but hanging around Luke is a mistake."

  Taken aback, she blinked. "Luke may be a little gruff but he's a good guy."

  "He's an asshole. A failure. And failing is contagious."

  She didn't appreciate him coming into her space and talking about Luke that way. Hands on her hips, she glared at him. "It's really none of your business. I can take care of myself."

  Brow raised, he shrugged and then sneered. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

  "I'm not going to listen to you insulting Luke. You should probably take your seat out front. We're going to be starting soon." She felt a lot better when he walked away. Maybe his concern came from a good place, but neither he nor Luke were innocent in their feuding. He couldn't fault her man for everything.


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