A Billionaire In Barcelona

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A Billionaire In Barcelona Page 18

by Cherry Kay

  Kelsey continues fixing my plate and slides it over to me across the breakfast bar. “Well, next class you should definitely have another after-class chat.” I roll my eyes and take a bite of the eggplant Parmesan. It’s delicious, of course, who doesn’t like cheese and sauce covering breaded eggplant.

  Kelsey gets her plate and takes a seat next to me. She starts to tell me all about London, but I can’t quite focus on what she’s saying. All I keep thinking about are smoky blue eyes and a sultry smooth voice.

  Chapter 2

  The mellow tones of Thievery Corporation stop playing through my headphones and abruptly the ringing sound of my alarm alerts me to the time. Shit, I have ten minutes to get to my evening class. I grab my lesson plans and sweep them into my binder before shoving it into my messenger bag. While slinging the bag across my chest, I hurry out of my office, flipping off the lights as I leave.

  I don’t even have time to wave to the receptionist of the history department on my way out; I just power through the lobby and opt for using the stairs to the ground floor, taking them two at a time at that. I have to truck all the way across campus so I won’t be late for my class. Normally, I would be prepared; normally I’d be five minutes early. Not today, though.

  I was purposely trying not to think about my World Civilizations class lately. If I thought about it, then I’d think about her. Alicia, she caught me off guard on the very first day of class. When I chose to start introductions from the back of the class I hadn’t realized who was sitting in that seat, all tucked away and hidden like a precious gem. Her looks are what caught me, even though that’s something I’ve learned to put little stock in over the years.

  Then last class, when she dropped her things, when I took her in fully and up close, she was sensory overload for me. Her voice was sultry, like a red satin ribbon and she didn’t even realize how sexy it was just to hear her talk. She wasn’t tall or svelte like other women I’ve grown accustomed to dating, the modeling type. No, Alicia is average in height and she has all the right curves.

  I was beginning to think an hourglass figure was a myth, but not with Ali, her body looked perfect in those form fitting jeans and sweater, which did nothing to cover her up. Then her face, it was smooth and flawless. She has perfect light chocolate brown skin highlighting her light brown eyes perfectly. She has those high cheekbones I know most women would kill for and naturally long lashes under arched eyebrows. Her lips though, they looked so full and inviting. While talking to her, I imagined all the things I could do with those lips…what those lips could do for me.

  I shake myself out of this train of thought. This is why I couldn’t focus on my lesson plan for the class, Alicia would fill my senses and I’d be hard as a fucking post, my concentration shot to shit. As I weave in and out of foot traffic on the way to the humanities classroom building, I wonder how the hell I’m going to keep my mind focused on my lecture with her in the room.

  I all but burst through the doors leading into the classroom building and startle a few students milling around in the lobby. I bypass them and head left down the hall leading to room one-ten. Greeks. I just have to remember that today’s class will be about the Hellenistic Mediterranean.

  I slow my pace, and check my watch; it’s six fifty-nine. I can’t believe I made it with a minute to spare. Stopping directly outside the classroom door I take a deep breath, brush my hair out of my face and step into the classroom.

  “Good evening everyone, I almost didn’t make it on time today.” I say, jokingly and glance around the room, my eyes not settling on any one student, I can’t deny that I’m looking for her.

  Just so I know where not to look for the duration of the class. When my eyes spot her right up front and center I feel like cursing. How does she go from sitting in the back of the class practically all semester to finding a seat in the front row? Maybe she got here earlier today.

  I go over to the podium at the head of the room and set my jacket and bag down on the desk and fish out the flash drive with today’s presentation on it. Thank goodness I didn’t forget it, with how scatterbrained I’ve been lately. I take a moment to set up the PowerPoint and start the presentation.

  There is quiet commotion from the class as they pull out laptops and notebooks. I take the time to watch Alicia move. She has a certain grace to her movements I can’t describe. Today her curly black hair is pinned to the side and loose, falling to her upper back. Last class, it was pulled into a tight bun with a few coiled strands falling into her face. She’s just so beautiful…I force myself to look away from her and glancing around the room, I see mostly everyone is ready to take notes.

  “So today, we’re going to be learning about ancient Greece. Then after lecture we’ll discuss a recurring theme for why the Greeks were so divided.” I manage to get through the lecture portion of class smoothly. I don’t forget to mention anything important and I was able to keep my eyes from falling on Alicia entirely.

  “Alright, so we have fifteen minutes left for discussion. I want you all to group up into fours and try to come to a consensus for why the Greeks were divided. In about ten minutes we’ll get whatever points you all come up with on the board.”

  The class of twenty-eight students group up into fours a bit awkwardly, rearranging desks and whatnot. I walk around as best I can and facilitate some trains of thought here and there. I make sure to keep away from the group Alicia is in.

  Once the ten minutes are up I call the class to attention and ask for what they came up with, hands raise and among them are Alicia’s, for once. I choose someone in the back and pull up the projector screen so I can write on the white board behind it.

  “So we were talking about how the early Greeks were really invaders of people already settled with their own cultures. There was no mass conquering of land and building of a sort of universal Greek nation.”

  “Those are great conclusions, and you are absolutely right…what’s your name sir?” The student perks up and tells me his name is Destin. “Okay so from Destin and crew, we have pre-existing cultures.” I write this on the board in a T chart. “Great point let’s expand on this, anyone else?”

  The remaining five minutes of class goes well as far as discussion and I wrap everything up feeling satisfied with today’s class. A few students remain this time to talk about a few things on the syllabus and the structure of final grades. The usual.

  Once the room is emptied, I’m relieved. Alicia didn’t drop her things this time. I go to retrieve my flash drive and log out of the computer. When I pull my bag over my shoulder, I notice a pair of heavily taped up glasses on the desk Alicia was occupying…shit. I retrieve them just as she hurries through the classroom door, appearing to be flustered.

  “Oh there they are! I thought I dropped them outside somewhere and that they probably got kicked around and were never to be found again.”

  I smile at her politely. “Well these are clearly fighters. I don’t think you can get rid of them so easily.” She laughs and the sound has some sort of direct link to my cock, which stiffens in reaction.

  “Yeah they are fighters for sure. I think now of days that faith alone keeps them together.” She says silkily, I realize belatedly that I’m still holding on to her glasses and hand them to her.

  She reaches out and her fingers brush over mine. The brief contact of her smooth skin sends my mind into a conflict. I want to touch her, more of her. That was too brief, it wasn’t enough.

  “So did you enjoy today’s class, Alicia?” Shit, my voice is too husky. I clear my throat and she tilts her head at me, smiling adorably. Another thing about her was her smile. She had the deepest dimples in both cheeks.

  “I thought I told you to call me Ali. It sounds weird when you use my whole name.” She captures the corner of her plump bottom lip between her teeth and my mind wanders to her mouth again. Shit I can’t do this…this isn’t right, to think about a student like this. But fuck me if all I can think about are her delicious lips c
lamped firmly around my hardening cock right now.

  “Right, I’m sorry…so did you enjoy lecture, Ali?” My voice is betraying my train of thought and her eyes are clouding with bemusement.

  “I did, I like Greek and Roman history...I really enjoyed the discussion, even though you didn’t spot my hand up when I wanted to input.” Her voice is small and I study her expression.

  “What’s wrong?” It was taking everything in me to keep my hands and feet firmly planted where they were. All I want to do is pull her tight against me and taste her lips on mine.

  “It’s nothing, I’m probably being silly, but it felt like you were ignoring me or something.” She tries to cover up her concern with nonchalance and I curse myself. Now I’ve hurt her feelings, in a small way yes, but that’s the last thing I want to do, I’m not a selfish or mean guy, and I was today. Ali has turned me inside out in less time than it takes to tie a shoe.

  “I…I didn’t mean to ignore you, Ali. Do you still have something to say about lecture? You have me all to yourself now.” I smile at her and she gazes up at me through lowered lashes. The sexiest look crosses over her features, and she is still biting her fucking lip.

  “I have you all to myself? Or do you mean you don’t have any more classes for the night.” She speaks as if she’s trying to convince herself that I didn’t just say something so inappropriate.

  “I mean I’m all ears and no I don’t have any classes after this one.” Ali brushes her hair from her face and takes a breath.

  “Well, all I wanted to say was covered I guess…about the Greeks being divided largely because Greece is made up of many islands in the Aegean. So there were different island nations...and yeah that’s all I wanted to get off my chest.” I can’t help but laugh, she’s being so cute.

  “Very good, I’m glad you’re enjoying this topic and really grasping the main ideas.” Ali nods once, smiling.

  “Yeah I am, so far no dates to memorize so we’re good.” She takes a casual step towards the closed door to leave and I surprise her as well as myself by reaching out to grab her hand. She holds her breath out of surprise, more than anything else and looks down at my hand. “Is there something you need…?” Her voice has gone breathless and I curse myself for acting so impulsively, but I can’t deny that I just wanted to touch her.

  “No. Yes…I don’t know Ali, I just want…you.” Her breathing speeds up and she takes two steps towards me.

  Shit, shit, shit…this shouldn’t be happening. But fuck, if I’ll stop whatever is about to start. Ali stops moving when she’s a breath away from me, her hand twisting in mine to break free and find its way to my chest. I grip her waist with both of my hands and pull her firmly against me. My cock presses against her belly and she gasps just in time for me to press my mouth to hers, licking in between her parted lips to taste the sweetness of her tongue.

  She melts into me with a low moan and my hands slip from her waist to grip the fullness of her sexy ass. She moans in surprise and honestly, I’m just as floored as to what’s happening as she is. I hold her against me even tighter and grind my erection against her. Ali’s hands feverishly un-tuck my shirt and her hands slip underneath it to splay across my back.

  The contact of her hands on my skin sends me into a sort of frenzy. I want more of her against my skin, now. I pull her bag from her shoulder and push off her jacket. I back her up against the board, out of sight from the small window in the door, not that anyone would be in this building this late. Sliding my hands underneath her sweater I pull it off in one smooth motion.

  “Shit baby, lace?” She really was created just to bring me to my knees. I cup her lace-covered breasts and simply devour them. I lick and suck on the inviting cusps and pull one nipple into my mouth through the lace, my tongue flicking against it and running around it in circles. Ali’s gasps and moans only fuel my burning desire for her. What’s coursing through every one of my veins is all consuming and I couldn’t stop now if I tried. I reach around her back and unclasp her bra in one swift motion. The fabric falls from her skin and she’s bared to me.

  “Oh my god.” Her voice is ten times sexier when toned with lust, even when she sounds as if she can’t believe this is happening.

  “I know, but please don’t tell me to stop now.” I study her face, her eyes are heated and thankfully she shakes her head, wanting me to continue. I massage her breasts with my hands and then suck her other nipple into my mouth and bite down gently. Ali cries out and my cock jumps painfully at the sound. Her hands are in my hair, holding me against her skin. I know she wants this just as much as I do.

  I lick and suck my way down to her hips, getting on my knees as I undo her jeans and pull them down slowly. She smells so good, almost like caramel, it’s heady. I kiss her thigh and continue pulling her jeans off. I free her ankles of the jeans and look up at her while I hook my fingers into her matching lacy panties and pull them off. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly with each pant and the sight of her… beautifully naked with her flawless light chocolate skin. Her nipples beg for attention as the darker tightly peaked nubs call for my mouth.

  “You’re so beautiful, Alicia.” I whisper almost reverently and her hooded eyes meet mine and lock on. I can’t quite read what she’s thinking in her heated gaze, but I know that she’s as caught up in whatever rocket science is happening between us as I am. Ali bites her lip and I groan. I stand up and pass my tongue across her bottom lip before taking it in between my teeth. Her lips are softer than I could ever imagine.

  Her hands are on me, unbuttoning my shirt and pulling my belt from my pants. She unbuckles my slacks and pushes them down until I can step out of them and I shrug off my shirt. Her hands run all over my chest, my stomach, and my back. Each caress feels like a lick from a fire goddess. She slides her hand past the waistband of my boxers and grips me in her hand firmly, stroking it up and down slowly, torturously.

  “Fuck, Alicia…” I groan and she pushes me back against the desk. I watch as she pulls my boxers off and kneels down, her mouth dangerously close to my cock. “Don’t tease me, don’t tease…” Ali glances up at me, I can feel her breath on my shaft. I’m dangerously close to losing it and coming all over her face, all she has to do is put her mouth on me. Something I’ve imagined six different ways already.

  “I would never tease you Dr. G…is this what you want?” She flicks her tongue out against the head of my cock and circles it around before sucking me into her mouth. That coupled with the fact that she called me Dr. G in that sexy ass voice has me pushing my fingers into her hair and pushing myself into her mouth.

  She takes me so deep; I can feel her swallow around the sensitive head. I curse loudly and spurt into her mouth with a dizzying orgasm. She takes everything and sucks me clean. I simply stare at her in awe.

  “You’re so sexy, Ali, you’re so fucking sexy.” I chant while pulling her up and bending her over onto the desk. I lean down along her back so I can whisper in her ear. “You’re going to be the sexiest fantasy I’ve ever had come true.” I feel her shiver and I straighten. Her ass is glorious, sticking out just for me to smack and I do. Ali cries out, followed by a moan and I do it again.

  “Please Adam…please I need you inside.” I spread her cheeks and guide my still hard cock into her perfectly tight, warm and silky core.

  “Ah…fuck baby, your pussy is heaven.” Ali moans at my heated words and pushes back onto me so that I slide deeper inside of her. She’s so tight. This is going to be over fast if I don’t pace myself. I push deep, drawing out a breathless moan from her and retreat. I plan to stroke her slowly, but she has other ideas and pushes back onto me, increasing the pace.

  Her beautiful behind jiggles with every drive into her. I grip her waist and thrust hard and she clenches around me so tightly, causing me to groan. I stand on the tips of my toes to get a better angle and she becomes even more vocal.

  Ali’s cries of pleasure fill my ears and soon all I know is her. “Adam please, harder�
��” she begs breathlessly. I give her everything she wants, shit, at this point I’d give her the moon if she wants it.

  “Come for me, Ali.” I beg and, as if on command, I feel her tighten and spasm around me, massaging my cock and milking another orgasm from me. She cries out in ecstasy and I call out her name in kind as I pound my release into her. We both fly off the edge of heaven in absolute pleasure.

  Then that moment of clarity, when all the lust and heat you feel no longer clouds your mind, descends onto me. I just…I just had sex with Ali in the classroom…on my desk. Without a condom. Shit.

  “Ali…tell me you’re on birth control.” I slide out of her and she slowly stands up she has such a beautiful afterglow, her features are calm, she’s sated and very much a satisfied female.

  “Yeah I’m on the pill,” she says without concern and I relax tremendously.

  “Good…good.” Ali leans into me and stretches up to kiss me. Her lips are tender and the strangest feeling of warmth invades my chest.

  “You don’t…do you do this…often?” Her eyes are unsure now as she takes in our clothing strewn about the classroom. Of course she’d think I have sex with students often with how I just took her without much preamble. I walk over to my bag and retrieve some tissues. I pull Ali in front of me and gently push her legs open a bit to clean her up.

  “I think my lack of preparation with a condom is self-explanatory.”

  “So you’re…single?” She says this so hopefully, I can’t help but chuckle.

  “Yes I’m single Ali, are you?” I ask and she nods. “Well, now that we have that awkward conversation out of the way…do you maybe want to get something to eat with me?” Ali tilts her head at me and bursts into laughter.

  “This is so backwards, but yeah I’d love to.” I don’t know what’s driving my attachment to her, and even though I’ve had her, I still want more.


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