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Forging Forever

Page 7

by Dani Wyatt

  He drives forward with a thrust that nearly tears into my belly. He grunts into my neck then brings himself up to hover over my face. His churning hips increase their speed as he moves back and forth, back and forth, filling me more and more with each thrust.

  Our sex is slick, and the sounds are growing. I can’t believe this feels so right, but it does, and I bring my arms around to his back, pulling him down onto me, digging my fingernails into his flesh.

  There is the sound of his ragged breath being pulled through his teeth as his cock bottoms out inside me, and a mixture of pain and pleasure drags me deeper into this bliss.

  “Oh my God, Lela.” Miller’s mouth falls open in a silent yell as he stares into my eyes. “Cum with me. God, please, I want to feel you cum with me. On me.”

  His words push me over the edge, and once again I’m in the midst of my own release. The base of his cock jerks and twitches, and I know what’s coming. Heat, fire, shooting through me as jets of cum begin to fill my body, lubricating me enough for him to slam deeper; as deep inside me as he can go. He holds himself there as both of us cling to each other, riding out our orgasms.

  Even in the midst of our passion, he manages to find the presence of mind to kiss me, hard, taking my mouth the way he’s taking my body. Forceful yet tender, a combination I’ve never felt before.

  Before I come down from my peak, Miller’s forearm is looping around my waist, flipping my shuddering, shivering body up and over so I am straddling him, looking down, with his hardness still inside me, shifting and making me clench with each movement. I brace my arms against his chest, trying to gain my bearings, shaking my head to clear the sticky, sweaty tangles of my hair away from my face, any remnant of my haphazard bun no more than a memory.

  He holds me steady. Fingers strong on my hips. Eyes taking in every part of me.

  “Lean down,” he rumbles, and I comply.

  The pressure from one hand leaves my left hip, and he guides one breast to his lips, hunger in his eyes. He draws in deep and hard as I listen to him sigh and press his hips upward, moving his cock inside me.

  I melt down into him. The place where our bodies are connected is slippery with our combined fluids, but I don’t care. I love this connection. I revel in the way he slowly rocks me back and forth on his cock like a doll. He hasn’t lost one bit of his erection, and if he’s not careful, I’m going to become a babbling idiot because I think I could do this forever with him.

  He lets my nipple go and releases a sigh. “That was more than amazing, Lela.” In an instant, he’s tending to the other breast with the same vigor and suction as the first. I arch into his mouth, my eyes closing and allowing all the sensations to wash over me.

  After a few minutes, we are moving in sync again, his mouth still on my breast as we slip and slide to another orgasm together.

  C H A P T E R S E V E N


  After I carried her to the shower still pinned on my dick, I washed her magnificent body. Taking in every inch, loving her with my mouth, until she covered my lips with more of her cum.

  I bent her over in the shower and took her from behind, unable to resist even after I’d cum a handful of times already. Her body somehow even tighter on me at that angle, and it brought me to a new release, her pussy clamping down until it was painful. But I loved every moment, every sensation as her insides clutched around me with her own orgasm.

  Just as I’m toweling her off, the distant yelps from the kitchen draw our attention. I have a sudden flash of guilt, mixed with jealousy for just one more peaceful moment with Lela.

  “I was hired to train your puppy, you do remember that, don’t you?” she says, a grin spreading over her face. “I’m falling down on the job already.”

  “You’re doing just fine.” I towel her hair and then pause to admire our reflection in the steamy mirror, standing together, looking so right in such a short amount of time. “You had to tame another beast first. Now you can deal with that one.” I nod toward the yelping.

  I give her a quick kiss hating that I have to leave her for a bit.

  “It’s a miracle I’m able to stand, let alone walk, after dealing with that beast you have down there.”

  I love the playfulness in her voice. The hint of self-consciousness she showed earlier is gone now as I finish drying her hair and run a hand down her front, between her breasts, until I settle it on her plush belly. A burst of wonder that my baby could already be growing inside her spins in my head.

  I’ve never felt that before. Nothing paternal has ever crossed my mind, not until the day I saw her at the fair. In that brief encounter, a vision of us consumed my mind. Her wearing white with a round belly, walking down the aisle toward me. I didn’t fully understand it then, but now I do. It wasn’t just a fantasy; it was a vision of the future, of things to come.

  Reality cuts into the moment as I realize the time. I told Lela I’d have to get back to work. Time is ticking by and I have to get this work done so I can come back and enjoy her without worrying.

  “I have a client coming I told you earlier. I wish I didn’t have to go, but I’m finishing up a private commission, and I need to put the final touches on the blade.” I drop the towel on the floor and turn her around so I can look into those bottomless blue eyes. “I need at least the rest of today and tonight. Maybe more. I never know until I get started. Right now, there’s nothing I’d like more than to spend all my time with you, training Little Shit, but I have to do this. I’m sorry. I’ll try to be back as soon as I can. I’ll take breaks and come back and check up on you. Let me go grab your backpack. I assume you brought more clothes?”

  Her giggle warms my heart as she rests her forehead on my chest, then leans her head back and looks up at me with a sweet smile. “Yes, I brought clothes. I have another duffel in the truck. Although, those were my favorite shorts, so you owe me, Miller Rhodes.”

  “I do owe you. And I intend to repay you every chance I get.”

  I rub my hard cock into her tummy.

  Little Shit yelps again, and Lela tips her head playfully, calling out and not caring who might be listening.

  “I hear you, sweet puppy. Just tell your father here to let me go.”

  I laugh. “Never. I’m never letting you go.”

  “Well, at least give me a little leash so I can do my job. From what I see around here, this little mutt is going to destroy your place if you don’t let me help.”

  “Fine. I have to go out and get to work.”

  I walk us forward to the bedroom, holding her hand. “Wait here. I’ll get your backpack. Never know when one of my assistants might come traipsing into the house,” I say while making a mental note to have an immediate staff meeting and lay down the new law about staying the hell away from the house. And certainly no one is allowed to come in any longer without knocking.

  Or calling.

  Or both.

  I walk out into the living room and scoop up her pack, then grab my cell from the kitchen counter. The screen is covered with text messages from Carson wondering when I’m coming back out to the forge. I roll my eyes as Little Shit grumbles from her makeshift run.

  “You be good for Lela, mutt.”

  She growls and sits on her haunches, regarding me suspiciously as I turn around and head back to the bedroom.

  “All right, then. You’ll be okay with Killer out there? Help yourself to anything in the house. I’m low on food. Snoop around as much as you like.”

  “You have stuff for baking? I can bake. Anything. I have a gift. What do you like? Cupcakes? You look like a cupcake guy.”

  “You bake it, I’ll eat it. That’s the kind of guy I am.”

  “Okay. I’ll surprise you.”

  “I can’t wait. Okay, Pip, I have to go take care of this business. I’ll be in that big building you saw as you pulled in the drive, that’s where I have my forge. So if you need anything—anything at all—just walk down there and hit the button outside the door. Ther
e’s a big light that goes off inside because you can’t hear shit inside. You can come in if you like, but it’s hot as hell in there, and I won’t be able to take much time to show you around until this job is done.”

  “Okay. I’ll be fine. But someday I’d love to watch you work.”

  “Oh, you’re going to see me work, all right.”

  I place a kiss on her forehead as she opens her backpack and roots around among clothes that have been stuffed, rather than packed, inside. As much as I might want to stay buried inside her the rest of the day, I have to go.

  “We’ll be picking up right where we left off I assure you. My mouth will be on that pussy of yours for the duration because I’m addicted. Just so you know.”

  C H A P T E R E I G H T


  “Okay. Yes. I’ll get there.” My voice is thick with ambivalence, and my heart sinks.

  One night, is that all I get?

  One night, one little peek at what could be before the world comes crashing down around me.

  This phone call is what I thought I wanted. But in the span of fewer than forty-eight hours everything has changed, and now I’m not sure what I want anymore.

  Dan coughs into the phone before continuing. “They won’t do it without you. I’ve sold them on our program, but they want you. You’re going to be the star, but that only works with my backing. So it’s now or never, Lela, make-or-break time. Whatever the situation is there with the puppy, you need to drop it and hoof it back here. I’ll send someone else to replace you. The Animal Channel has a crew on the way tomorrow morning to start test shooting, and the contract needs to be signed. So get back here. I’ll talk to Shirley. She’s a friend of my dad’s, so don’t worry. I had no idea this was going to happen so fast. They said something about one of the execs getting all worked up about it, wants it to go ahead right now.”

  I heave a deep sigh as I look down at Little Shit, now sleeping on her back in the new puppy cage I set up from the training supplies I brought.

  When Miller dragged himself out of the workshop this morning he insisted on making a run to town for suitable food for me. I said I would go, but he refused. Insisting I stay here and continue my work with Little Shit, which, I must say, is something they both need.

  He also made me give him a list of baking supplies. Ever since I told him of my secret talent he’s been tossing about ideas for testing my skills. While he was working yesterday I made a batch of plain white cupcakes with a sour cream frosting from the ingredients I could find in the sparse pantry and refrigerator.

  So off he went a little while ago, with list in hand. He added socks to the bottom, kissed me and said he’d be back in a couple hours.

  And now, all hell has broken loose with Dan and this dang TV show.


  This is what I want, right? My own training show with the famous Dan Sullivan?

  “Fine, what? Are you getting in the car? Like, right now? That’s all I need to hear. That you are getting in your car and will be here in two hours. I already have Jody in her car and headed that way to replace you.”

  “Yes, sorry, I mean it will all be fine. I’m leaving right now.”

  I click off the call and wonder if I should leave my things here or not. How long will I be gone?

  I look down at my phone and think about Dad. I need to be able to help him out with this money. His health insurance took care of the basics. Rehab to get him healthy enough to climb rigs again is on top of everything else and since he can’t work right now, he can’t earn.

  I think of Miller.

  I’m a coward when it comes to emotional conversations. Unsure what else to do, I sit down and write out a pathetic note to Miller. When I’m done I swipe the back of my hand over my eyes and start shoving my clothes in my duffel. Collect my training aids and put them in my backpack feeling like I’m going to be sick.

  I’ll be back. So it’s okay right? I feel as if I’m being drawn and quartered as I walk to the door. Miller on one leg, my dad on the other, Dan on an arm and all my dreams of having a real job, putting down roots and making some real money on the other.

  Tossing my stuff in the back of the truck, I see the fair-haired, lanky guy that answered the door yesterday. The same one that stood behind Miller at the Renaissance Fair demo.

  “Hey.” I toss a wave his way and he nods.

  “How’s it going?” The twisted little smirk on his face tells me he is probably aware that I am not simply here training Little Shit.

  “Good. But...” I clear my throat and do my best to sound casual. “Listen I have an emergency. There is another trainer on their way, but Little Shit is sleeping in the crate inside. Can you check on her in about an hour?”

  He looks at me with a squint, shoving his hands into his jeans. “Sure. You coming back?” The concern in his voice only makes me want to leave faster. I’m not sure why I have such a hard time actually talking to people.

  “Uh, yep. But I gotta go. So you’ll look in on Little Shit until my replacement gets here?”

  He nods and watches as I fluster and dive into the driver’s seat of the truck.

  As quickly as I can, I start her up and head down the driveway, slow in a conflicted hope that maybe Miller will pull in as I pull out. My desire to touch him outweighs my need to avoid the conversation about why I’m leaving. But that I will be back.

  I will be back, right?

  I’m signing a contract to potentially go across the country filming a TV show. Even after all his years and success, Dan still lives out of his RV six months out of the year. And he said it took some hard negotiations to even be able to do that.

  I haven’t signed yet. I’m only signing for a few shows if that. I could be horrible and they won’t even want me.

  But if they do, it’s back to my gypsy lifestyle for a year. But it is just a year. After that, I’ll be back. I will.

  Unless the contract is extended. Unless the show is a success. Then, who knows. Maybe the road is where I belong. It’s what I know. Maybe it’s the universe telling me putting down roots is not for me.

  I groan and bang my hands on the steering wheel.

  Maybe I am a lifelong member of Team Airstream.

  I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince myself.

  I’m so distracted when I take the little curve in the driveway I nearly run into the front of a black stretch limo. I swerve, thinking I’m in its path, but it just swings around onto the dirt driveway behind me, heading for the shop. I settle my truck off on the edge near some pine trees to catch my breath and crane my neck to see who’s here in a limo.

  My truck hums under me as the doors to the long black auto open, and I expect Gavin Roxton to come out the guitar player for The Rational Tides. Miller told me he was the one that commissioned the swords.

  Instead, what looks like Hugh Hefner’s last few wives topple out. Half drunk and half clothed, giggling and jostling before Gavin follows with another Barbie Doll on his arm.

  They move toward the door to the shop and I recall all the photos along the hall in the house. All the Hollywood types. It’s time to go. Maybe this was too much, too soon. I don’t know much at all about Miller, and from what I’m seeing, I’m no match for this sort of competition.

  I rev the engine on my pick up and throw it back in drive, punching the accelerator harder than I intended. The spray of gravel from the tires sends rocks pinging into the rusty metal bed. I swipe the back of my arm across my eyes as I do my best to convince myself I’ll be back soon.

  It’s almost lunchtime when I get to Dan’s compound. I’m exhausted. And sore. Every step and movement I make reminds me of Miller being inside me. I’m raw and overwhelmed with unfamiliar emotions.

  “Thank God you’re here at last. Don’t blow this. For you or for me.” Dan’s flustered, and I’m already on a jagged edge.

  “Hey,” I snap as he starts shoving papers in front of me and jabbing a pen into my hand. “You sent me to do
a job. I didn’t know all this was going to come up so fast. You can’t be pissed at me. I drove back here as soon as you called, didn’t I?”

  “Yes.” He settles a bit and I’m surprised I’m speaking to my employer this way. “Just sign, please. I have the producer breathing down my neck. For some reason, it’s now or never. Something about a time slot to be filled. They had a crew scheduled and for some reason the reality show they were going to film fell through. Now they want to make use of the people they are paying anyway.”

  He takes a deep breath and sits behind his desk with his hands locking behind his head.

  “It’s not that I don’t want this.” I calm my voice. “It’s just a surprise.”

  “I know, but this is just to do the pilot and two episodes, you understand. Nothing is set in stone at this point. But if that goes well, the final contract will be for twenty-two episodes. Twenty-two cities, all across the country in one year. Let’s nail this, Lela. You’re going to be a star I can feel it. Maybe not as big as me. But still. The opportunity of a lifetime for someone like you.”

  Someone like me? Get over yourself.

  I set the pen to the paper. My head is swimming. Thinking of Miller. Of what I did. How I could have his baby inside me right now.

  “And, check out the numbers there in paragraph six Lela.” The excitement in his voice makes my throat tighten as my eyes light on the dollar figures where he’s now pointing. “That’s real money. Help your Dad money. Help you money. Real money.”

  Then I think about my dad. He doesn’t have many more years of rig-life left in him. It’s hard. He’s on for twenty-four hours a day for a week or more. He’s hurt now. He’s exhausted and this could buy him some time and maybe other choices.

  “Now sign. Let’s get this show on the road.” Dan snaps his hands from behind his neck and claps together loudly, and my heart skips a beat as the ink hits the page.


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