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Married In Vegas_ In His Arms (The Vault)

Page 2

by Terri E. Laine

  He scooped me up and tossed me over my shoulder, giving me a perfect view of his ass clad in tuxedo pants. Damn he was hot.

  As he got us into an elevator I hadn’t noticed, I blinked as a warning I couldn’t remember tried to surface. But when Cam set me on my feet and plastered me in a corner, his kiss burned any thought I might have had into flames.

  Chapter 2

  I’d like to think I was mature enough to handle the situation I found myself in. I’d woken to blazing heat radiating at my back. Since blankets weren’t the cause, I kept my eyes closed trying to remember the events of the previous night.

  Unfortunately, curiously won. I opened my eyes without moving took in my surroundings. What came in focus couldn’t be my hotel room. High tray ceilings with expensive looking molding, made it pretty clear I was in a suite of some sort.

  Eddie had offered to upgrade me, but I’d turned him down. So where was I?

  Still, I didn’t move afraid to wake the person crowding my back.

  An image of an older balding pot belly man came into focus. There had been plenty at the reception who’d hit on me and slapped my ass. A cold shiver ran through me as I began to hyperventilate.

  Calm down…not the end of the world, I thought and tried to rein in my breathing. If I’d ended up having geriatric sex I could mark it off my bucket list.

  Okay, not helping. That hadn’t made me feel one ounce better. Just the opposite. My stomach rolled like a tidal wave heading north.

  As I silently burped up stale alcohol, there was a consolation prize. At least I couldn’t remember it. Though my memory didn’t hide the copious amounts of tequila shots I’d had after the pink drink.

  Crap on a cracker…there had been a brief moment when I’d considered having a one-nighter, but had completely dismissed the thought. Had I gone through it? Of course I had. The fact that I couldn’t feel a stitch of clothing on my body and the ache between my legs was confirmation.

  A flash of a blond Sheldon-like man from the Big Bang Theory popped in my head, though this one wore glasses. Was it him who’s hand was molded to my abdomen just slightly north of my no fly zone until apparently last night?

  I gagged a little and moved involuntarily. The beast awoke. For a second I pretended in my head to be Belle. When, not if, I saw the man who now cupped my breast, I’d like to think that he would magically turn into a prince under the right circumstances. What a coping mechanism. My shrink would over analyze that if I had one.

  The hand was large and couldn’t belong to the guy I remembered. Thank God. Though he’d been lanky, he hadn’t appeared much taller than me and his hand that held the drink had been slim. So who was the guy behind me?

  Large hands, pot belly men...

  As if he heard my thoughts, the beast ground what had to be a python against my ass. it’s tip stretching to just above the small of my back.

  A pot belly man with a big dick, not a bad thing…

  Then the beast groaned as another hand parted my legs.

  A big dick couldn’t overcome everything. I moved fast, eyes opening as I rolled away and said, “Keep your snake charmer to yourself.”

  Any other protest I might have said crawled back in my throat.

  The beast came into focus and his name was one I knew all too well. Cameron McCabe. His hair was slightly too long and messy around his head. but too damn sexy all the same. Sleepy eyes gazed at me as if waiting for my next move.

  I would have run, far and fast if not for the second thing I noticed. Handcuffs.

  “What the hell?” I asked as panic gripped me in its fist.

  The hand bound with his moved with mine as I lifted them between us.

  “For your safety,” he said, looking like a sex God wrapped in sheets.

  My eyebrow shot up as I tried to remain calm. “Safety?” I didn’t give him a chance to answer. “Take them off now.”

  He sighed and sat up to lean on the headboard. “You weren’t the only one drunk last night. I had a little too much myself.”

  He had the nerve to sound like it wasn’t a big deal.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” I shrieked.

  He lifted his arm on display, taking mine with him as if to use my exhibit against me. “I have no idea where the key is.”

  Incredulous, I glared at him. “What?”

  There was sadness in his eyes as he held my gaze. “Look, you were talking crazy. Something about doing the cowboy ugly. When warned you not to go, you said you’d wait until I went to sleep and sneak out. I did the only thing I could.”

  I snarled at him as if that could help matters. “You handcuffed us together without a key?”

  There was a shrillness in my voice I hadn’t heard before. He shrugged undeterred.

  I’d done a lot of crazy things in my life, but his recount of the evening didn’t sound like me. “I can’t believe I said those things,” I said, dismissing his story.

  He reached over with his free hand and tapped on his phone using his thumb. Next thing I heard was my voice from a video he played for me.

  On the tiny screen a little ball of energy that unfortunately looked a lot like me gyrated while speaking.

  “Giddy up, cowboy. Ride me hard or I’m going to do cowboy ugly with someone else.”

  I scrubbed my left hand over my face as flames erupted. Thankfully he hit pause.

  “You weren’t that drunk if you recorded me,” I accused.

  Embarrassment made me sound spiteful.

  “Drunk enough to ignore common sense. I knew you would regret it despite what you said.”

  Horror filled me as the night remained a blank slate in my head.

  “What did I say?” I asked softly, not sure I wanted to know.

  I almost told him not to bother as he used his phone to cue up another video.

  “Regrets. The only thing I regret is you wasting time. I want to know if that damn thing can still fit. It’s been a while.”

  My voice rang loud and clear with only a little slur here and there.

  “Please make it stop,” I begged.

  “Don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not mad,” I shouted and took a breath to calm down. “I’m pissed you recorded me. Who does that?’

  “You asked me to?” He cued up something else.

  “Record this. I promise you I’m of sound body and mind.”

  There I was naked on video undulating as I spoke those last words. Proof he wasn’t a creep because I’d asked him to record me.

  “Please delete those,” I all but whispered.

  He nodded. “You regret it?”

  It wasn’t a question, not really. I laughed without one ounce of humor. “Regret. How can I regret something I don’t remember?”

  The dull ache between my thigh was the neon sign that we’d rounded all the bases.


  The voice came from the other room as a door closed. I hid as fast as I could under the covers putting it together for the first time I was in Cam’s suite. Thank god there was separation between the front door and the bedroom unlike your average hotel room.

  Cam tossed the cover over my bare bottom just as the inner door opened.

  “Hey, have you seen Chris?”

  I gasped and not because Eddie was here in Vegas and not on an island where he should be. I came face to face with the snake charmer at half-mast. His cock was bigger than any I’d ever seen in person. Holy crap, what the hell had I done last night?

  “Why?” Cam asked, probably finding it hard to lie to his baby brother. “Shouldn’t you be in the Caribbean?”

  I didn’t have to see Eddie to know he was grinning ear to ear as he spoke.

  “Chelsea couldn’t quite keep her hands to herself,” Eddie said with a chuckle.

  “Yeah, I so don’t want to know, Bro. Besides, that’s not all she can’t keep her hands off of?”

  I’d been concentrating hard to hold my body still. But Cam’s admission that Che
lsea might be a gold digger did the job for me. Many, including myself, thought the same, but Eddie couldn’t see it.

  “Chelsea’s not like that,” Eddie protested.

  “Keep telling yourself that, little Bro. You didn’t ask her to marry you until after she claimed to be pregnant.”

  Eddie had been scared, but a little excited too. We’d talked all night about what he should do. He’d claimed to love her, so I supported his decision to do what he felt was right.

  “And she’s not and I still married her,” Eddie said defiantly.

  The brothers had to be snarling at each other with because neither spoke for long seconds.

  “Why haven’t you called Jillian, we both know you do?”

  That was more of a shock than anything Cam had said before. My little sister and Eddie were like oil and water. It was best to keep them separated.

  “Why would I?” Eddie asked.

  “Because you been sniffing around that rabbit hole for years. Afraid Chrissy wouldn’t like it .”

  Cam knew I hated that nickname and preferred Chris, but he never failed to call me that. I reached out and grabbed his dick and grazed my teeth over the plump head as I tried to digest what Cam said about Eddie and my sister. Cam cursed, and I might have giggled but I licked him again. I didn’t think too much about what I’d done. It was obvious that was the tamest thing that had happened between us even though I still couldn’t remember.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce your friend?” Eddie asked, finally noticing the extra body shape under the mass of covers.

  Cam grasped the back of my head and drew me down to his now solidly hard cock. I reared back as much as I could without revealing myself. Cam only fought against me in a little tug of war under the sheets.

  “She’s a little busy with her mouth full,” Cam said.

  That’s when I imagined what my little back and forth must have looked like to Eddie and I stopped pulling against Cam’s hold on me. My cheek pressed against his hot length as the brothers continued to talk. Awkward.

  “You’re a dick, I hope she knows that.” He was talking to me, whom he thought was an anonymous girl under the sheets. “I don’t know why I thought Chris would go against our pact and be here with you.”

  I held my breath as Cam’s body went deathly still. “What did you say?” Cam asked.

  “Chelsea’s friend said she saw the two of you leave together.”

  I would have bet a million dollars Eddie shrugged.

  “She was drunk. I took her to bed, where she passed out and didn’t get your call. But what do you mean pact?”

  He spoke calmly with the not-really-a-lie speech about what happened between us. When he’d said the last, there was menace involved. Shit.

  Please don’t say it. Please don’t say it.

  “You might as well know, we made a rule about no kissing each other’s siblings,” Eddie admitted.

  I closed my eyes. He’d said it and I’d broken that rule in spades.

  The tightness in Cam’s muscles was a clue he was pissed. “You don’t have to worry. I didn’t kiss Chrissy, far from it.”

  That was news. We’d hooked up without so much as a peck on the lips?

  “Tell me brother. Does she know about how you feel about her sister?” Cam asked.

  I fisted Cam’s cock having forgot about that nugget of information and now I wanted to know the answer.

  “Fuck you, Cam. Keep that shit to yourself. My feelings are for my wife.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have been avoiding her. Isn’t that the real reason you didn’t invite her to the wedding? Or maybe you were afraid Chrissy would find out the truth.”

  Cam shifted. It was probable that Eddie made a move to fight his brother.

  “For your information, Jilly was invited. She sent her regrets. You’re lucky you have company or I would kick your ass.”

  That was news. I’d just assumed it was because they hated each other.

  “Try little brother, we know where that ends,” Cam coaxed.

  I had five bucks on Eddie aiming a finger at Cam.

  “I wasn’t going to say this because of her.” Surely that finger pointed at me. “Your almost four years older than me and you’ve never had a serious relationship. You’re afraid of commitment. Hell you’re looking for a way out of your contract to move to a different team because can’t stay in one place long. Leave Chris alone. She deserved better than you. Besides, she would never betray me like that.”

  Silence smothered me as Eddie stalked away. His steps were loud and clear along with the door shutting firmly behind him.

  My best friend’s words held me firmly in place. He thought I would never betray him, but I already had.

  Chapter 3

  The covers were yanked off my head, leaving me bare in the daylight. I tugged for the sheet with my free hand, managing to wrap it around myself.

  “It’s not like I haven’t seen the goods,” Cam sneered.

  Gone was any hint of playfulness. His eyes boiled with anger and he wasn’t done. We both scrambled to our knees, me still holding the sheet in place. We were practically snarling at one another. Though I wasn’t sure what I had to be mad about other than I wasn’t going to take his shit lying down. Then again, I guess I had.

  “That’s not fair,” I began.

  I didn’t blame him for being pissed.

  “What’s not fair is the pact you made with my brother.”

  I didn’t necessarily agree, but also didn’t think arguing with him while we were both naked was productive.

  He heaved out several breaths and seemed to calm down.

  “Remember that Halloween.”

  How could I have forgotten. It was the first time I’d kissed Cam.

  “I thought maybe there was something between us when I kissed you. And you—”

  “Ran,” I finished.

  It hadn’t exactly happened like that. I’d been on the verge of giving myself to him. But my phone had rung, and it had been Eddie, reminding me of my promise. No, Eddie hadn’t called for that. He hadn’t known I’d been kissing his brother but hearing his voice had killed the lust that had been raging for Cam seconds before.

  “Yeah, you moved liked someone yelled fire and I thought I’d read you wrong. That you weren’t at all into me.”

  I’d been more than a little into him.

  “Why does it matter? It wasn’t like you thought of me more than a kid sister.”

  “I wouldn’t try and kiss my kid sister if I had one.”

  What could I say to that?

  “Be honest, was I wrong about you being into me or did you leave because of that pact with Eddie.”

  I licked my dry lips. I’d never lied outright to either of the Underwood brothers.

  “You weren’t wrong.”

  And that hadn’t been the only time.

  “Then there was that time when you came over to the house looking for Eddie. He was out on a date and you’d gotten back from a crappy one.”

  I nodded, not sure where he was going with this. Eddie had warned me against going out with one of the guys from school and I hadn’t listened.

  “I was home from school that weekend and I listened.”

  He’d done more than listen. He’d held me and told me I was better than the asshole who thought asking me if I’d take off my shirt was a good idea for a first date.

  “I’d kissed you then and you—”

  “Ran,” I admitted.

  “Because of that pact?”

  I nodded, and he moved in quickly.

  His hand snaked around the back of my head and drew me to him. “You owe me.”

  His velvety lips were on mine hard and hungry. I let out a little squeak as I tumbled backwards, legs splayed giving him entrance when he landed squarely on top of me.

  He tasted like pure sin and I was surely going to best friend hell. Eddie would never forgive me. But then again, there was more history between Cam and I.
r />   Cam stopped and let out a string of curses.

  “What?” I asked, panting from lack of oxygen.

  He rose up, his bicep flexing and my girl parts protesting.

  “I have to take care of some business first.”

  He’d forgotten our tether as I had. When he moved to leave the bed, I was dragged along with him. He only briefly gave our joined wrist a casual glance.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Bathroom. Gotta take a piss.”

  My jaw unhinged as he continued off the bed, me scrambling to get my feet under me. He had a good eighty pounds on me or close enough. Standing my ground had made no difference as I was led into the spa like bathroom like a petulant puppy.

  “No way are you going to pee while I’m standing here?”

  He shrugged. “Biological function. It’s either in here or somewhere else.”

  I didn’t even want to think about what he meant. My standing there didn’t stop him. He positioned himself legs spread and I turned putting my fingers in my ears, which meant getting close enough so my right hand would reach my ear. Then I sang, la la la, until the sound of the flushing toilet penetrated my impromptu singing session.

  He moved to the sink and gratefully washed his hands.

  “You know you’ve seen my dick. It’s been in your—”

  I sang out loud again not wanting to hear what word he was about to use. It wasn’t that I was twelve, but him saying it would make it all too real.

  He was Cam, Eddie’s older brother and totally off limits no matter how good it felt to be wrapped in his arms. Besides, he was a player in the worst way. TMZ couldn’t keep up with the number of women seen wrapped around him.

  It mattered not that he’d starred in my dreams and was the mental imagine I used when my vibrator couldn’t quite get me there. But that’s where it was supposed to end. Fantasies don’t stand and pee in front of you.

  “Fantasy huh?”

  “Oh crap, I said that out loud didn’t I?”

  He nodded, and my bladder made itself aware. I couldn’t very well do this. But squeezing my thighs together didn’t help the overwhelming call of the porcelain God.


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