Hometown Proposal

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Hometown Proposal Page 11

by Merrillee Whren

  “It’s okay. It hasn’t been a problem until this coming week. I need all my time for studying.” Elise wondered whether he’d taken their past relationship for granted. Had he expected her to fall for him as soon as he indicated his interest? Did he expect that now?

  “I understand. I’ll see if I can make arrangements to have Olivia stay longer at day care. And your mom and a bunch of other ladies have filled my freezer with meals of every description. I won’t go hungry.”

  “And if you need any help, as my grandmother said, I’m sure Mom can get someone from the Ladies’ Circle to come and assist you.” Elise placed a hand over her heart. “I wanted you to explain to Olivia why I can’t be there.”

  “Nothing like leaving the difficult job for me.” Smiling ruefully, he glanced at Olivia, who was busy eating, then back at Elise. “Are you sure you don’t want to do it? You did a great job talking to her the other night.”

  Elise’s mind seemed to freeze as if to keep out any thoughts about that night. Not daring to look at Seth, she took a deep breath to calm herself. She slowly released it as her anxiety faded. “I—”

  “Okay. I get it. It’s my responsibility. But I think I’ll wait till everyone leaves.” He grinned. “If I have trouble, can I call you?”

  “You won’t have trouble.” Elise smiled as her own troubling thoughts disappeared. The attraction for Seth was still there, but she had it under control. Or maybe she was finally letting God be in control of her thoughts.

  “Mind if we join you?” Carrying a plate loaded with food, Lukas stopped next to Seth.

  Juliane stepped up beside Lukas. “We were at the end of the line. Good thing there was a lot of food.”

  Elise nodded, glad for some company to put some distance between her and Seth. “I’ll scoot over here next to Olivia and give you some room to sit.”

  Juliane took a seat next to Elise. “Can you believe we’re actually having a party without having Dad drag out his karaoke machine?”

  “He’s probably saving his voice for the Memorial Day party.” Elise chuckled. “Or maybe your wedding reception.”

  Juliane groaned. “Absolutely not. I already told Dad there would be no karaoke at the wedding reception.”

  “How did he take that?”

  “Very well, actually.” Juliane gazed adoringly at Lukas and looped her arms through his. “I can’t believe the wedding’s four weeks away.”

  Elise took in her sister’s happiness and tried not to think of Seth in context of weddings, but she wondered whether he would be at Juliane and Lukas’s wedding. He probably would, since he and Lukas had become friends. Hopefully her duties as maid of honor would keep her too busy to spend time with Seth.

  Seth looked Elise’s way. “Since you mentioned the Memorial Day party, I hope I’m still invited. My mom called the other day and said she’s coming to visit that weekend. She didn’t want to take the chance that she wouldn’t see Olivia if I still wasn’t able to travel by then. Maybe she’s even coming to see whether I’ve recovered, but I’m used to playing second fiddle to Olivia.”

  “That’s great.” Lukas clapped Seth on the back. “Now you’ll get to hear Ray Keller and his famous karaoke. At least it’s famous here in Kellerville.”

  Seth didn’t take his eyes off of Elise. “And I expect to hear Elise sing, too.”

  Elise’s heart raced at the thought of singing for Seth. She didn’t know why. She’d sung in front of him hundreds of times while they’d been working for the cruise line, but everything was different now. She didn’t know how to act around him anymore, and events like the Memorial Day party were putting him in her path more than she wanted. She loved his little girl, but she couldn’t interpret her feelings for him. How was she going to handle this roller coaster of emotions?

  Chapter Nine

  Elise rushed into Keller’s Variety as her dad was turning out the lights at the front of the store. “Are Val and Carrie here?”

  “Well, hello to you, too.” Ray chuckled as he pulled the shades on the front doors.

  “Hi, Dad.” She gave him a peck on the cheek. “Didn’t mean to ignore you, but I’ve been in a rush. Had my first final.”

  “How’d that go?”

  “I think I did pretty well.”

  “Great. And to answer your question, no, Val and Carrie aren’t here. Neither is your mother. She called and said she and your aunt Charlotte are running late, but your sister’s in the back, unpacking the dresses.”

  “Good. Aren’t you going to stick around to help?”

  Chuckling, Ray knitted his shaggy eyebrows. “What would I do except get in the way? I’m not hanging around for this hen party. Besides, isn’t it bad luck or something to see the wedding dress ahead of time?”

  “I think that’s supposed to apply to the groom, not the father of the bride.”

  “Oh, I see. Guess I’d better get this wedding thing down. I’m thinking it looks like I might be footing the bill for another one soon.” Ray gave her a speculative glance.

  Her stomach sinking, Elise shook her head. “I don’t know where you’re getting that idea.”


  Elise wasn’t sure she wanted to know what her dad was observing, but her curiosity won out. “What observations?”

  “You and Seth.”

  “Dad, I don’t know what you think you’re seeing, but you’ve got it all wrong.”

  Ray nodded his head. “Okay. I’ll take your word for it.” He waved a hand at her. “I’m out of here. I’m going to let you girls handle it.”

  “Okay, Dad. See you later.” Elise watched him go, glad that he wasn’t interested in pursuing any discussion about Seth. But she had a feeling he really didn’t believe her when she’d told him he was wrong.

  Hoping to erase any thought of Seth from her mind, Elise hurried to the back of the store, where she found Juliane. “Did all the dresses come in?”

  Juliane looked up from the group of boxes she was inspecting. “Yes, and I’m getting ready to unpack them.”

  “Let’s do your dress first.” Elise stepped closer. “Is your dress in this box?”

  Juliane nodded. “Help me get it out.”

  Elise held the flaps of the box back as Juliane took out the packing material and unfolded the wedding dress. Elise ran her hand over the white beaded chiffon. “Juliane, the dress is beautiful. In the months since you ordered it, I’ve forgotten how pretty it is.”

  Juliane put it on a hanger and held it up. “It’s even better than I remembered. Help me get into it before Aunt Charlotte gets here to measure for the alterations.”

  “Sure.” Elise watched Juliane disappear into the dressing room. “Do you want me to open the other boxes while you’re getting ready to put the dress on?”

  “Okay, but listen for Val and Carrie. They said they’d be here as soon as their husbands got home to babysit.”

  “I will.” Elise opened the remaining boxes and took out the slate-blue chiffon-and-satin bridesmaid dresses. She carefully hung them up on a nearby rack. “Did Dad tell you Mom and Aunt Charlotte are going to be late?”

  “Yeah. I’m ready to put the dress on.” Juliane’s muffled voice sounded from inside the fitting room.

  Elise brought the strapless gown in and held it while Juliane stepped into it. After Elise zipped it up, Juliane stood on the round platform in front of the triple mirror. Elise had never seen her sister so beautiful. “Juliane, the dress is so right for you. You’ll bowl Lukas over when he sees you in it. I like it even better than when you first tried it on.”

  “Me, too.”

  “And it almost fits you perfectly without any alterations.”

  Glancing down, Juliane lifted the skirt. “It has to be shortened.”

  “I’ve got your shoes right here.” Elise opened the bag sitting next to her on the floor and pulled out a pair of strappy white sandals. “I love these shoes, too.”

  Juliane took the shoes. “While I’m getting fitte
d, you need to try on your dress. Carrie and Val should be here any minute to try theirs on, too.”

  “Speaking of Val and Carrie, we were talking the other day at church, and we decided we’re going to take you to Newport on the Levee for a bachelorette party.”

  “No bachelorette party.”

  “Yes.” Elise narrowed her gaze as she stared at Juliane. “We have it all planned.”

  “Aren’t bridal showers enough?”

  “No. Besides, Nathan is having a bachelor party for Lukas.

  The guys are all going to a Reds game. So you need a bachelorette party, as well.”

  Juliane sighed. “Okay. So what are your plans?”

  “We’ll go to the aquarium, then out to lunch. Whatever you’d like.”

  “You know my input. Forget the bachelorette party.”

  “Not possible. We’re going to have a girls’ fun day even if we have to drag you along. We’ll have a great time. Just the four of us, like we used to do.”

  Juliane laughed. “Sure. I’ll have tons of fun while I’m bound and gagged.”

  “What’s the fuss? You’re always talking about a trip to the aquarium. So now here’s your chance.”

  Juliane nodded. “Okay. You’ve convinced me, as long as I get to spend as much time at the aquarium as I want.”

  “We promise to give you all the time you need.”

  “So is Seth going to Lukas’s bachelor party?”

  Elise shrugged. “How would I know? I figured you know more about that than I would.”

  “You two seemed really chummy at the housewarming, even after all your protests about going to the party.”

  “That’s because of Olivia.”

  “Did you ever think your interest in Olivia is giving you an excuse to be with Seth?”

  Elise didn’t say anything for a moment as the question rolled through her mind. Could that be true? She thought about what her dad had said earlier. Was she sending out signals that she didn’t even realize? When it came to Seth, she was about as mixed up as she could be. “All I know right now is that I adore his little girl. Could we not talk about him?”

  Juliane scrunched her face up in a way that told Elise her request was going to be denied. “We won’t talk about him for the rest of the evening if you let me mention one thing, okay?”

  Sighing, Elise let her shoulders sag. “Okay. Get it over with.”

  “Pastor Tom asked Lukas and me if we’d head up the float committee for the Fourth of July parade. We’ve already got the youth groups and their sponsors helping to make the float.”

  Elise rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “So what are you asking me to do?”

  “Of course, we’re going to do the red, white and blue color scheme with balloons and the stuff we buy every year. In fact, we have some left over from last year—”

  “Juliane, I don’t need a blow-by-blow of all your plans.” Elise put her hands on her hips. “Just get on with what you’re expecting me to do.”

  “Okay, Lukas and I thought it would be fun to have a mixed quartet singing patriotic songs on the float.”

  “So you want me to sing on the float?”

  “Yeah. That’s it.”

  Elise shrugged. “I can do that.”

  “Good. Then it’ll be you, me, Lukas and Seth.”

  “So this is how Seth comes into the picture? Have you asked him?”

  “Well, no, but I’m sure he’ll do it.”

  “Aren’t you presuming a lot? Maybe he won’t agree to do it, or he’s busy doing something else.”

  “Actually, I wanted to make sure you approved before I asked him.” Juliane bit her lower lip.

  “What would you do if I say I won’t sing with Seth?”

  Juliane shrugged. “Get someone else—maybe Stephanie Merkel. I think she kind of has her eye on Seth.”

  Elise was wise to Juliane’s game. She was trying to make Elise jealous. Well, unfortunately, it was working. She didn’t want Seth to sing with someone else, especially if that someone had a romantic interest in him. Elise knew her thinking was nuts. She didn’t want someone else to have an interest in him until she figured how what was going on in her heart and head when it came to Seth Finley. “I said I’d do it. I just wondered what happens if Seth doesn’t agree.”

  “I’ll get down on my knees and beg Nathan to sing.” Juliane folded her hands in front of her face, then looked intently at Elise. “You know he’s so wrapped up in bank work these days that it seems as though he doesn’t have time for anything else.”

  “You’re right. He never comes with us to the coffee shop anymore, but at least he came to Seth’s housewarming. And he said he was coming to the Memorial Day party. He has to have his Wiffle Ball rematch.”

  Before Elise could comment, her mother and her aunt Charlotte came in through the back door. After a hurried greeting, they immediately started fitting Juliane’s dress. Moments later, Val and Carrie joined them. Soon the women were laughing, talking and sharing in Juliane’s happiness.

  Despite her joy for Juliane, Elise’s heart had that tiny pinprick of jealousy. Would she ever find love like Juliane had? Was Seth meant to be part of that picture? Is that why he’d shown up in Elise’s life again?

  The sun flitted in and out of the clouds as Seth turned his shiny new silver extended-cab pickup into the driveway leading to Ray and Barbara Keller’s house. Seth found a spot to park in the grass off to one side among the cars that lined both sides of the driveway. After so many weeks of being unable to drive, he felt like a kid with his first car. But a chill had run down his spine when he’d driven by the spot where his car had skidded off the road. Would that happen every time he drove out here to the Kellers’ house?

  As he switched off the ignition, he glanced over at his mother, then at Olivia in the backseat. “We’re here. Are you ready for a picnic?”

  “’Lise here?” Olivia squirmed to get out of her car seat.

  “Yes, she’ll be here.” Seth unbuckled Olivia and hoped his mother wouldn’t ask about Elise, especially while Olivia was around. Other than a passing hello at church, he hadn’t had any contact with Elise in the past two weeks. Every nerve was on edge at the thought of seeing her again.

  Seth helped Olivia out of the car. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she ran ahead.

  “Olivia, please wait for Grandma.” Maggie hurried ahead to catch her granddaughter.

  Olivia turned around and giggled. “Gramma, run.”

  Maggie chuckled as she chased after her grandchild. “You are keeping me young.”

  Seth watched them as his mother waylaid Olivia, his heart swelling with love for them. The only thing that would make life better right now was having Elise as part of this family. How was he going to make that happen? Maybe today could be a step in that direction.

  He had his life back, or at least most of it. The crutches were history, though he still had to use a cane for support and to keep his balance on rough terrain. The leg that he’d broken was still mending, but it was definitely stronger. There was a bit of a limp in his step, but it was getting less noticeable with each passing day.

  Now that he was driving again, and his mother was here to watch Olivia, this would be a good time to ask Elise for a date. In the past, he wouldn’t have thought twice about asking a woman out. He’d been confident that any woman would jump at the chance to go out with him. Those days were history.

  Losing Elise had changed his perspective. She’d brought his ego down to size. His brash behavior had cost him the only woman he’d ever truly loved. He wasn’t sure how to win her back, but he figured taking things slowly would work better than trying to charge back into her life and declare his love.

  But he hadn’t been counting on the accident to delay things. Was this the right time to ask her out? He didn’t have the self-assurance that she would accept if he did. He kept remembering that night when Olivia had asked her to stay and how Elise had practically sprinted out of his house at the fi
rst opportunity. What had her running away from him?

  This was the time and place where he was supposed to leave the whole thing in God’s hands.

  As the backyard, filled with picnic tables, lawn chairs and a crowd of people, came into view, Olivia let go of Maggie’s hand and raced ahead to where Elise stood, talking with Juliane. Olivia reached up and tugged one of Elise’s pant legs. Glancing down, Elise smiled and picked Olivia up.

  Seth swallowed a lump in his throat as he observed them together. Today was the day. He prayed that God would give him the opportunity to talk to Elise.

  Maggie turned back to Seth with a shrug. “I can’t keep up with your daughter. She seems to have a mind of her own—very much like her daddy.”

  Seth smiled at his mother’s assessment. “You’re just now noticing this?”

  “Well, it’s more evident since you’ve moved away, and I don’t see her every day.” Maggie took hold of Seth’s arm and pulled him to a stop. “Olivia seems to have bonded with Elise.”

  Seth nodded, wondering where this conversation was headed. “She has.”

  “And how does that make you feel?”

  Leave it to his mom to ask a probing question—one he wasn’t sure he could answer. “Most of the time I’m okay with it, except when I have to explain to her why Elise has to go home instead of staying like she did while I was in the nursing home.”

  “Oh, that is a bit of a problem.” Maggie chuckled.

  Seth rubbed his chin. “Yeah, tell me about it.”

  “So how are things between you and Elise?”

  “At a standstill.”

  “And that means…?”

  “It means nothing has changed since I moved here.”

  “You haven’t told her how you feel?”

  Seth shook his head. “I’m waiting.”

  “For what?”

  “The right time. I don’t want to scare her away.” Seth sighed. He wasn’t about to tell his mother that he intended to have a conversation with Elise today. Right now, that was between him and God.


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