Book Read Free

Hometown Proposal

Page 14

by Merrillee Whren

  “Thank you, Olivia. These are very nice.” Elise took the flowers.

  “You’re welcomed.” Olivia danced into the living room.

  Elise buried her nose in the fluffy blooms. “Mmm. They smell wonderful.” Elise looked up at Seth. “How’d you know I liked lilacs?”

  “Because every day when you left the house while you were coming to fix us dinner, you’d stop and smell the blooms on the bush next to my back door. There aren’t many flowers left, but we managed to get a few.”

  “I appreciate your thoughtfulness.” Elise’s heart tripped at the thought of Seth taking note of her love of lilacs. “Let me put these in a vase, and then we’ll go.”

  “Me help.” Olivia trailed after Elise.

  Still holding the flowers in one hand, Elise turned and with her free hand grabbed hold of one of Olivia’s hands. “Okay. We can do this together.”

  Seth’s cane thumped against the floor as he followed them to the kitchen. While Elise and Olivia searched in the walk-in pantry for a vase, Seth leaned against the framework of the door going between the living room and the kitchen. He watched them through the open door of the pantry.

  Elise was very aware of his scrutiny. Little tingles of excitement rifled through her mind. Her reaction to Seth’s presence was exactly what she’d been worried about. She tried to remember Juliane’s words about letting God work it all out. God had a plan for her life. She needed to get out of the way and not worry about it.

  Elise spied a white vase on the top of the pantry. She handed the flowers to Olivia and reached up to retrieve it. Despite standing on her tiptoes to take advantage of her nearly six-foot height, the vase was inches out of her reach. She poked her head out of the pantry and looked at Seth. “We need your help.”

  “Sure.” He pushed himself away from the doorjamb. “What do you want me to do?”

  Elise’s pulse jumped as he stood there looking at her. Thoughts of flower vases faded, and the only answer that came to mind at the moment was “kiss me.” She clamped her mouth shut, fearful that somehow the words would escape through her lips. She stepped back and pointed. “I can’t reach that vase.”

  “I can get it.” Seth stepped farther into the pantry.

  His nearness in the close confines made her pulse beat wildly. She took a deep calming breath. Nothing changed. Her heart still racing, she pressed her back against the wall to put distance between them and give him more room to get the vase.

  Being a few inches taller than Elise, he reached up with little effort, grabbed the vase and brought it down. Turning, he handed it to her. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks.” Elise took the vase, being careful not to make contact with Seth in any manner. She feared touching him would put her racing heart into overdrive. She wanted to get out of the pantry in the worst way, but he was blocking her exit. She would have to wait until he moved. Trying to take her mind off Seth, she glanced down at Olivia. “Would you like to put the flowers in the vase and carry them to the table?”

  Olivia nodded, and Elise held the vase out to the little girl. She fumbled to put the stems of the lilacs into the vase.

  Reaching down, Seth assisted her. “Good job.”

  “Me carry.” Olivia lifted her little arms.

  Seth glanced at Elise for approval. Elise nodded as she carefully placed the vase in Olivia’s little hands.

  “Okay. Hold it tight.” Seth leaned over and guided her out of the pantry.

  Watching, Elise swallowed hard. The chemistry between Seth and her was still there, at least on her side of the equation. She couldn’t deny it or ignore it.

  Her emotions continued to be so mixed up. Could she ever straighten them out? Was spending time with Seth going to help or make matters worse? Hopefully, their time together tonight would answer some of her questions. Then maybe the attraction wouldn’t jump out and assail her.

  Elise also had to figure out how much of her fascination with Seth was wrapped up in her feelings for Olivia. The little girl touched Elise’s heart in a way she’d never felt before. She’d never cared about another child in this way.

  With Seth’s help, Olivia put the vase on the kitchen table. She turned and smiled at Elise. “Good?”

  “Yes, very good.” Elise leaned over and hugged the little girl. “Now let’s put some water in the vase.”

  Elise filled a pitcher with water, then poured it into the vase. She centered it on the table and carefully arranged the flowers so the purple blooms formed a beautiful cluster, then turned to Olivia. “What do you think?”


  “Yes, they are.” Elise picked up Olivia and looked over at Seth. “Thank you again for bringing me the flowers.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Seth stepped toward the door. “Ready to go?”

  “I’m ready for a great cheeseburger. I can taste it now.” Still carrying Olivia, Elise followed Seth out to his pickup and prayed that God would help her find the answers. Where did Seth fit into her life?

  The Dairy Barn, an old abandoned barn that had been converted into a restaurant, sat just off the main drag near the edge of town. As Seth pulled into the parking lot, cars snaked around the building as they waited in line for the drive-up window. He found a parking spot, and as he escorted Elise and Olivia into the popular restaurant, he prayed that this evening would go well. The flowers had been a hit, so at least he’d gotten off to a good start.

  Families and groups of teenagers, occupying the red faux leather booths, filled the air with laughter and conversation. The young hostess took them to a booth near the front. She gave Olivia a coloring sheet and four basic crayons, then fetched a booster seat for her.

  When Olivia insisted on sitting next to Elise, Seth smiled and shook his head as he took a menu from the holder sitting against the wall. “Looks like I’m going to play second fiddle to you again tonight.”

  Elise glanced over at Olivia who was busy coloring, then looked back at Seth. “I don’t think you ever play second fiddle where she’s concerned. You’re a hero in her eyes.”

  “Thanks for saying so. I hope that’s true.” Seth wished he was a hero in Elise’s eyes, as well, but he’d done some unheroic things that he knew she hadn’t forgotten, even if he had been forgiven. He was working hard to erase those images, but was Elise seeing the changes?

  “It’s true. I see the way you love her.”

  “My world definitely revolves around her.” A far cry from the way he’d acted a year and a half ago, in Key West. He didn’t even want to think about the man he was back then. God had changed his life and made him a different person.

  The waitress appeared and took their order and reappeared a minute later to deliver their drinks.

  Olivia tugged on Elise’s arm. “See my picher?”

  “It’s lovely.”

  “For you, ’Lise.” Olivia handed her the paper.

  “Thank you. I’ll add it to the collection on my refrigerator.”

  Fiddling with the straw wrapper, Seth tried to calm the anxiety that wouldn’t go away. His wish to make this night the beginning of a new relationship with Elise had his nerves on end. “Should I call you ’Lise, too?”

  Elise gave Olivia a little hug. “Umm…what do you think, Olivia? Should your daddy call me ’Lise?”

  Olivia nodded. “That your name.”

  “I guess she’s given you her permission.” Elise chuckled.

  Still trying to relax, Seth smiled wryly. “I wasn’t asking for her permission. I was asking for yours.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know you ever asked for permission.”

  Seth wondered what she meant by that statement. Did she still see him as the guy who did what he pleased no matter the consequences or who he hurt? He didn’t seem to be making much progress in changing her opinion of him. Should he even comment on it? He’d probably be better off if he ignored it. But he reminded himself that she’d agreed to come to dinner with him. That spelled progress, didn’t it? “I knew soo
ner or later I’d slip up and call you by that name, since Olivia calls you that all the time. She talks about you constantly. ’Lise this and ’Lise that. She’s always cooking something for you in her little kitchen.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “No, I like having you in her life.” He wanted to say he liked having Elise in his life, too, but he cautioned himself to take things slowly. She wasn’t ready to hear that from him. This time he wanted to do things right. He’d rushed their physical relationship before—something he regretted deeply now that he was a Christian. He wouldn’t make the same mistakes this time.

  The food arrived and rescued him from further explanations and troubling thoughts. He grabbed the ketchup and squirted it on his burger and fries. He looked up at Elise. “Want some?”

  She shook her head. “Should we pray?”

  Seth’s stomach sank. He’d forgotten a very important thing. “Sure.”

  Olivia folded her little hands. “Me pray.”

  “Okay.” Seth hoped Olivia could rescue him.

  “God, tanks for the food. Amen.”

  Elise patted Olivia on the head. “Thank you. That was a very nice prayer.”

  “You’re welcomed.” Olivia took a big bite of her grilled cheese sandwich.

  “How’s the grilled cheese?” Elise popped a fry into her mouth.

  “Good.” Nodding, Olivia took another bite.

  “I didn’t think you were a pickup kind of guy.”

  Elise’s comment startled Seth from his thoughts. “What are you talking about?”

  “Your new pickup. I was surprised you replaced your car with a truck.”

  Seth looked out the window. The sun, hovering just above the tree line, glinted off the shiny chrome trim on his vehicle. “I got a great deal on it, and I figured it would be good for hauling stuff for the rec center. It came in handy the other day when Lukas’s grandpa drove his car into the ditch. And somehow it seems safer. I can’t help thinking about that since I had the accident.”

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  “When do your start classes again?” Seth hoped to change the subject. He hated thinking about that accident. “Next week.”

  “Any job prospects?” Seth wished somehow he could find a way to keep her in Kellerville.

  She shook her head. “I haven’t heard of any. The past couple of days I spent a lot of time filling out applications, and I’m not finished yet. Some of those things are like major tests.”

  Seth chuckled. “That bad?”

  “Yes. I can’t believe all the questions I have to answer on some of them.”

  “Where are you applying?”

  “School districts in Cincinnati and the surrounding suburbs.” Elise shrugged. “To be honest, I’m not very hopeful.”

  “Why not?”

  “Being an August graduate, for one. Being a music teacher, for another.”

  “Can you do something besides teach?”

  “Yeah, but I want to teach. No matter what kind of job I pursue, if it’s not teaching here in Kellerville, I’ll have to move to the city. Not too many jobs here for music majors. Maybe I should’ve gone into another field.”

  “But you love music, and you should use your talent.” Seth wished he could give her some encouraging advice. He wanted her to find a job, but he wanted her to stay in Kellerville. How could he make that happen? He wasn’t sure the summer was enough time to win her heart. “I’ll pray about it.”

  Elise smiled, but Seth didn’t miss the hint of surprise in her eyes. “Thanks. I appreciate that. Sometimes it’s hard to remember to rely on God when I want to do it all myself.”

  “I know what you mean.” He was having that exact trouble in his quest to find his way back into her life. He should step back and let God be in charge.

  Elise looked at him again as if she were seeing him for the first time. “Do you ever wonder how to know what God wants for your life?”

  Touched that she’d look for his insight into a question of faith, he considered his answer carefully. “I really do. Every time I make a decision—even taking the job here.”

  “I think God will use us wherever we are, even when we don’t make the best decision.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Maybe I should say it this way. God can take anything and make good out of it.”

  “Daddy, I done. Now ice cream, please?” Olivia squirmed in her seat as her pronouncement brought an end to Seth and Elise’s adult conversation.

  “Sweets?” Elise gave Seth an impish grin.

  “Remember, we’re celebrating.”

  Olivia bounced on the bench, and her dark curls bounced, too. “No crutches for Daddy.”

  “That’s right. That’s what we’re celebrating.” Catching Elise’s attention, Seth hoped they could find a way to finish their talk. “Afterward, could you stay awhile at my place so we can continue our discussion?”

  Elise didn’t answer right away, and Seth saw her refusal coming as he observed her expression. Was she still uncomfortable being alone with him?

  Grimacing, she slowly shook her head. “I’d better not. I have more applications to fill out. Tomorrow we’re meeting with Juliane and Lukas to pick out songs, and that’ll eat up more of my time. Maybe later, after I get all that stuff done.”

  “Okay. Sure. I understand. You’re really busy right now and have a lot on your mind.”

  Despite the fact that Seth was trying to sound sympathetic, her “maybe” rang loud and clear in his mind. Would there come a time when she’d be willing to spend time with him and not have a cast of characters surrounding them? He should be patient, remembering God’s timing and God’s will. Sometimes, he had to admit he didn’t want to. He wanted his own time and his own way.

  “Thanks for understanding.” Elise glanced down at Olivia. “Ready for that ice cream?”


  With perfect timing, the waitress reappeared and took their dessert order. While they waited for their ice cream, Elise played a nursery rhyme game with Olivia, who giggled with delight.

  While they ate their ice cream, they talked about the upcoming meeting with Juliane and Lukas and their wedding. Seth had grown close to Lukas after the accident and was pleased that Lukas and Juliane had invited him to the wedding. Now he had to find the right time to ask Elise if he could be her escort. He wanted to do it face-to-face when they were alone. Would that time ever come?

  The next evening, Seth finished reading Olivia a bedtime story. He closed the book and gave her a kiss, tucking the covers around her. “Good night, sweetheart.”

  “Read more, please, Daddy?”

  Seth shook his head. “I can’t tonight. I have to meet ’Lise.”

  She sat up. “I go, too.”

  Realizing his mistake in mentioning Elise, Seth kissed Olivia on the forehead and tucked her back into bed. “Not tonight. We’ll see her at church on Sunday.”


  “No, on Sunday.” How was he going to get away without Olivia having a tantrum? Looking over at his mother, who stood in the doorway, Seth tried to convey his helpless feeling.

  Maggie caught his dilemma and stepped toward the bed. “You go ahead, Seth. I’ll take care of Olivia.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Seth stood and gave his mother a quick hug, then looked down at his daughter. “You be good for Grandma.

  “If you go to sleep now, I’ll tell ’Lise what a good girl you’ve been.”

  “’Kay.” Olivia snuggled down in the covers as Maggie waved him away.

  Grabbing his cane, Seth hurried out of the room as fast as the cane would allow. He feared if he lingered Olivia wouldn’t stay in bed. He’d been anticipating the meeting with Elise all day. Tonight was another chance to interact with her. He hoped each time they were together would bring them closer.

  As he got into his pickup, he thought of how often Olivia talked about Elise. When he’d decided to pursue Elise, he’d had no idea that his
little girl would become so fond of her. Olivia’s attachment was one more reason why he wanted to rekindle his romance with Elise. Only this time he knew how to treat her better.

  When Seth parked his pickup in front of the coffee shop, he could see Elise, Juliane and Lukas sitting at a table near the door. He sat in his pickup and watched Elise for a moment. Talking and laughing, she appeared relaxed. Would that change when he entered the picture?

  So often when they were together, she seemed to be having fun. Then suddenly he’d see that wary look in her eyes. Was she thinking of something from the past, or was she having second thoughts about her association with him in the present? He wanted to make her happy—happy to be with him.

  Entering the coffee shop, Seth slowed his step as he tried to calm his racing pulse. He needed to find a little bit of the old Seth. The guy who hadn’t been afraid to tell her when they’d first met that she was going to fall for him. But he had to temper that guy, and maybe he’d find the right combination of old and new.

  “Hi, everyone.” Smiling at Elise, Seth pulled out a chair and sat down, laying his cane aside. “Sorry I’m a little late. I had to read Olivia her bedtime story.”

  “No problem. Being a dad comes first.” Lukas shoved a piece of paper across the table to Seth. “We were working on a list of possible songs. What do you think?”

  While Seth perused the list, the waitress came to take his order. He joked with her as he ordered his coffee. After she left, he caught Elise staring at him. She averted her eyes, as if embarrassed to be caught looking his way.

  Seth wondered what Elise was thinking, but he pushed away conjecture so he could deal with the business at hand. “How many songs are we going to sing?”

  “I’m thinking about four. We can repeat them all along the parade route.” Lukas picked up a pen and turned to Juliane. “Each one of us can choose a song.”

  “That sounds good.” Leaning closer to Lukas, Juliane looked at his paper. “Is that the one you want?”

  Taking a gulp of his coffee, Seth glanced at Elise. Why was she being so quiet? She’d been talking and laughing before he arrived. Was his presence making her uncomfortable?


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