Along Country Roads

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Along Country Roads Page 16

by Mandy Magro

  ‘You can climb back up, Tilly.’ Keeping one hand on the steering wheel, he reached out with his free hand to help her up. ‘I’m so sorry that happened. The prick shouldn’t be walking around the streets. He should have picked up his car and got the hell out of Moonstone Valley. Where is Jim anyway?’

  Matilda pulled her seatbelt back on. ‘Don’t apologise, Ryan, you weren’t to know he would be there, and I suppose Jim can’t enforce him leaving. It’s not like Troy has any charges against him so it’s not against the law for him to wander about here. He probably hasn’t even been to the police station yet.’ She placed her hands on her stomach and groaned. ‘I feel sick just seeing him. I’m never one to hate people, but I hate him with every fibre of my being.’ She broke into a sob and dropped her head into her hands, her body shaking. ‘I wish he’d vanish into thin air so I could get on with living a peaceful life without always feeling like I have to look over my shoulder.’

  Ryan couldn’t stand not comforting her any longer—to hell with the reins and holding back. He tugged the steering wheel and hurriedly pulled over to the side of the road, and then, without asking if it was all right, he yanked off his seatbelt, slid over and pulled Matilda into his arms, holding her tight. He was relieved she didn’t fight it, and instead melted into him, her tense body softening as she wept. Every one of her tears that soaked into his shirt made him more and more determined to protect her with his life.



  Thanking the sergeant again, Ryan said goodbye and tossed his phone onto the dining table. He breathed a weighty sigh of relief. Resting back in his chair he placed his feet up on the edge of the table, finally feeling as though he wasn’t standing on the edge. Now he and Tilly could relax and enjoy the night out without worrying about Troy showing up. Because if he had, Ryan knew that after what the bastard had done to Tilly, there was no way he could hold back from teaching him a lesson. Matilda walked into the kitchen, diverting his train of thought. Her presence took his breath away.

  She wore a thigh-length denim skirt embossed with little diamantes on the pockets and a ruffled white blouse that showed a hint of her cleavage. It was sexy but still left the right amount to the imagination. Tan leather boots made her already long shapely legs seem even more so and he wanted to reach out and feel their silky softness. Still slightly damp from her shower, her long red hair hung down to her waist, and she wore only a hint of make-up, just enough to heighten her natural beauty and make her green eyes even more dazzling.

  ‘Wow.’ Ryan dropped his socked feet to the floor. ‘Just wow.’

  Matilda blushed with his compliment. She smiled a little coyly as she straightened a crease in her skirt that wasn’t there to begin with. ‘Thanks, Ryan.’

  ‘My pleasure.’ He sat up straighter as he tried his best to not stare at her. ‘I just got off the phone to Jim and he was watching Troy’s taillights disappear out of town as we were speaking. He said he would hang around there for another half hour, to make sure he doesn’t turn around and come back.’

  Matilda visibly relaxed, her shoulders no longer seeming to be carrying the weight of the world. ‘Oh thank God.’ Her hands came to rest over her heart. ‘I was really nervous about running into him in town.’

  ‘Oh, Tilly, I told you I didn’t mind cancelling tonight and staying home to watch a movie on the couch. I would have been more than happy to.’ He truly would have been. This would be the first night he had stepped into the pub in a little over a year and even the thought was making him a bit uneasy.

  ‘Yeah, I know. But the pub will be full of people so it’s not like he would be able to do anything to me there, and on top of that I don’t want Troy ruining our plans.’

  Our plans. Ryan liked the sound of that more than he should.

  He watched as she walked over to the kitchen sink, his eyes drawn to her butt. Taking a glass from the drainer, she turned on the tap. She kept her back to him as she drank, but from where he was sitting Ryan could see her hands trembling.

  He quickly changed the subject so she could relax. ‘You’re going to be turning heads left, right and centre when we go into the pub, Miss Denver. I’ll have to stick to you like glue so no bugger tries it on you, I reckon.’

  ‘Thanks for trying to make me feel pretty and wanting to take care of me so much, but I’m a big girl …’ She turned and looked at him over her shoulder. ‘What if I want a bloke to try it on? Did you stop to think about that?’

  Ryan felt as though someone had sucker punched him in the chest. Was she serious or stirring him up? He struggled to see through her cheeky grin but she wasn’t giving anything away. He tried his best to act nonchalant. ‘Well, in that case, I better steer clear then. I don’t want to be cramping your style.’

  She laughed and shook her head as she placed the glass back into the strainer. ‘You take the bait so damn easy, Hunter.’

  ‘Oh, you stirrer.’ He chuckled, trying to keep it light, when all he could feel was the relief that she was joking. Or was she? His mind started doing three-sixties, taunting him with thoughts of another bloke getting to undress her, and love her, and kiss her beautiful lips, the very ones that had left him aching to lick, kiss and caress every inch of Matilda Denver’s beautifully pale, perfectly freckle-dusted skin.

  ‘I love stirring you as much as you love stirring me. It’s what we do, isn’t it?’ Matilda rested against the sink. Her soft smoky eyes travelled over him, lingering on his chest, before trailing back up to meet his. ‘I know you love me doing it, too, because it keeps you on your toes.’ Something had changed within her gaze, a depth and vulnerability that she hadn’t allowed him to see before now, interlaced with suggestiveness and a hint of challenge. Was she subtly flirting with him? It damn well felt like it. Or was he was reading way too much into things, as he had a habit of doing?

  They were silent, the intensity between them building as neither of them looked away. His mind was spinning. One minute she was acting like their kiss was a huge mistake and meant nothing, and now she was making him feel like she was about to pounce on him and tear his clothes off.

  He glimpsed her hard nipples pushing into the sheerness of her blouse and his manhood suddenly ached to be released from the confines of his jeans. It wasn’t anywhere near cold in here, so was he correct in thinking she was a little hot under the collar for him? Should he seize the moment? A torrent of heat shot through him, and in that fleeting instant he almost stood and claimed her in a hungry no-holds-barred kiss. What he would give to pick her up from the floor, slide her onto the kitchen bench, tug that sexy skirt up to her hips and …

  He mentally slapped the thoughts away. He’d given into his desires, and look where that had got him? He didn’t want to misread her again and risk getting rejected, and hurt her in the process. He cleared his throat, feeling as though she was reading his fantasy filled mind. ‘Well, we best hit the road then, otherwise we’ll miss all the fun.’

  ‘Yup, ready when you are.’ Matilda sighed softly and picked up her little black bag from the bench.

  As he stood, he imagined trailing his fingers over that certain place that pulsed in her neck, then down below the collar of her blouse to where he could feather his fingertips over her erect nipples before sucking and biting them. He knew she would taste so damn sweet. He imagined how her long red hair would look resting against her bare skin as her clothes fell in a pool at her booted feet. The things he would love to do to her, the pleasures he wished he could bestow upon her, and how he ached to hear and feel her fall over the edge of ecstasy. He hardened even more. Get a grip … The voice of reason snapped him out of it. With the likes of her around him, and the fact he hadn’t had sex since Pippa had left, he couldn’t help it that his mind was in overdrive, but he could and would stop himself from acting upon it.

  He stepped near her to grab his keys and wallet from the bench, the heat between them intensifying. And her perfume, it was so gorgeous. It made him want to press up against
her and breathe her in. ‘You smell awesome,’ he said as casually as he could.

  As though she had just become privy to the goings on of his mind, Matilda’s lips curled ever so slightly into a small smile. She leaned in a little closer. ‘You look quite dapper yourself and smell pretty damn yummy. The women are going to be falling all over you tonight.’

  ‘Sure, and pigs might fly too. I think it’ll be you attracting all the attention. The newcomer to town, looking hot as hell.’ He threw his keys up in the air and caught them. ‘Right, let’s head.’

  The sky glittered with dazzling stars, the moon glowing amongst them only adding to the beauty. With her window wound up to stop her hair from blowing into chaos, Matilda tried to keep her gaze out the windscreen, the soothing landscape, the country tune playing on the radio and the night sky welcomed distractions from the gorgeous hunk of delicious smelling man sitting beside her. Every now and then she would sneak a sideways glance, her heart skittering every time she did. With his strong jawline, dimpled cheeks and the way he kept rubbing his day-old stubble as though deep in thought, it was making her belly flutter ridiculously and sending her sex-drive wild. Here she’d been, thinking that she’d lost her mojo forever.

  Was he thinking about her in the same way? Did she want him to?

  The way he had pulled her into his arms a few hours ago had moved her more than she liked to admit, and left her questioning why they weren’t just throwing caution to the wind and following through with their desires. So what if it didn’t go anywhere—wouldn’t that be better than regretting never having tried? She didn’t want to spend the rest of her life wondering what it would be like to make love to him.

  But …

  As much as she thought she should fight off these feelings, she was tired of fighting, of doing things in life she didn’t want to, of ignoring her innermost desires and needs. A part of her wanted to live in the moment for once, to hell with the consequences. She was so sick of being the pragmatist all the time.

  Was she asking for trouble by thinking so recklessly?


  No, definitely.

  She closed her eyes and tried to draw in a slow steady breath, but all she could smell was his spicy sexy masculinity. Groaning inwardly, she shifted in her seat to try to put a little bit more distance between them. She felt she was fighting a losing battle trying to stop herself from falling head over heels for Ryan because, goddamn it, there was just so much to love about him.

  He looked hotter than hot tonight. In his black shirt, going-to-town jeans, RM Williams belt and black wide-brimmed hat, Ryan Hunter was undeniable eye candy and she really wanted to get a taste of him.

  As if sensing her eyes upon him, Ryan turned to her and smiled. She felt as though she had just been busted and her cheeks flamed. She grinned stupidly and then quickly turned to gaze out the window, realising they were just about to pull into the pub’s car park.

  Get a grip, Tilly, you’re losing your mind.

  There were only two parking spots left. A group of rowdy blokes staggered out the front door, their laughter and cheering echoing through the quiet night. Suddenly the thought of walking into a packed bar panicked her, especially as she was about to meet her potential employer. Throw in the fact she was about to have a few drinks while feeling all sexed-up around Ryan; it was potentially a recipe for a disastrous night.

  Or was it?

  Switching off the ignition Ryan jumped out, the slam of the car door making Matilda jump. She gingerly climbed out, all the while wishing she could clamber back into the confines of the Landcruiser and escape to the peace and quiet of Heartsong.

  ‘You okay, Til?’ Ryan said. ‘You look a little shaken.’

  She liked the way he’d shortened her name. She tried to swallow down her nerves. ‘Maybe I should head back home, leave you boys to have a night without me hanging around like a bad smell.’

  ‘Like hell, I’m looking forward to having a few drinks with you and kicking your arse in pool. Besides, you smell pretty good, nothing like a bad smell at all.’ With a cheeky grin, Ryan grabbed her by the hand. ‘Come on.’

  Nodding, Matilda focused on the feeling of her hand in Ryan’s. His were big and strong. Hers were so much smaller and softer. It felt good, and so right. She realised that people seeing them walking into the pub would think they were together. This made her smile and hold her head up high. Maybe tonight would be a good one after all.



  Still hand in hand with Ryan as they stepped through the front doors of the pub, Matilda did a quick scan of the large crowded room. Her heart picked up pace, from a jog to more of a race. She hadn’t expected this many people to be here—the band must be good. As they zigzagged through the room, she noticed some of the blokes checking her out, most subtly, a few blatantly, and although a compliment, it made her feel a little uncomfortable. As though seeing it too, Ryan pulled her closer to him, which made her feel good.

  The atmosphere of the public bar was lively and loud with the jukebox in the corner cranking out the Kasey Chambers tune ‘Pony’, one she was very familiar with. Up the back, under a multitude of coloured stage lights, two blokes were doing a sound check. Hanging above an impressive dance floor was one of the largest mirror balls she had ever seen and two people swayed across the floor in time to the ballad. Chatter and laughter carried above the music. It had been ages since she’d had a night out, years probably. She hoped she’d gather enough courage later on to have a boogie. She loved to dance, it made her feel free and so alive—a couple of drinks would certainly help her on her way. Without warning, her belly flip-flopped with the sensory overload and, as if sensing her unease, Ryan gave her fingers a light squeeze. The simple gesture calmed her and made her feelings for him deepen just that little bit more.

  Over to one side three pool tables were positioned under ultraviolet lights, all of them being used. A group of young women had claimed one, the four twenty-somethings dressed up to the nines. Matilda couldn’t help but notice the bitter stares as she and Ryan walked past, especially from one woman who had stopped lining up her shot to eyeball them. If looks could kill … It made her wonder if it was Pippa and if her instincts were anything to go by she was guessing it was. She quickly looked to Ryan to gauge his response, but he didn’t seem to have noticed the women, or had chosen to ignore them. So she couldn’t be sure. If it were Pippa, Tilly revelled in the fact that he was still holding her hand, tighter than ever.

  With Ryan briefly stopping to say g’day and introduce her to mates and acquaintances along the way, it took them almost ten minutes to get from the front door to the bar. Everyone seemed friendly enough and made her feel very welcome, which was helping to ease the butterflies in her stomach before meeting Greg for the first time. As Ryan had told her that the sergeant and Greg were identical twins, she knew what she was looking for—a big man with a shock of fiery copper hair.

  Stopping shy of the bar service area, Ryan leant into her as he finally let her hand go. ‘We might make our way into the dining room first, more chance of getting a drink in there and being able to hear ourselves think.’

  Keen to get out of the thick of it until she settled into the night a little more, she nodded. ‘Sounds like a plan to me.’

  It was a welcome reprieve from the hullabaloo as they walked down a short hall and stepped into the more family friendly eating area. Matilda’s mouth watered with the amazing aromas wafting from the kitchen.

  Ryan stopped in front of the huge chalk menu board. ‘Hungry?’


  ‘What do you feel like?’

  ‘A medium-rare steak covered in mushroom sauce with beer-battered chips and a salad.’

  Ryan grinned at her.

  She tried not to blush. ‘What?’

  ‘I like a woman who knows what she wants.’

  Matilda’s heart stopped in its tracks. Was he referring to her wanting him? Could she be that transparent? ‘W
hat do you mean?’ she spluttered out.

  ‘Mum and Samara usually change their minds a hundred times before we order.’ He opened his wallet and tugged out a hundred dollar bill. ‘My shout.’

  Matilda pulled her purse out of her handbag. ‘No, Ryan, please, let me shout.’

  Ryan gently pushed her purse back towards her bag. ‘You know I don’t like to let women shout. That’s a man’s job, in my opinion. I have to try and keep some old-fashioned chivalry alive.’

  ‘Bro, you’re here.’ Jake’s voice made them both jump, stopping Matilda from protesting any further. He skidded in beside them, his beer sloshing over the rim of the glass. ‘It’s great you decided to tag along too, Tilly.’

  ‘Hi, Jake, yeah, I thought I better not be a party pooper.’

  Jake grinned like a man who had already enjoyed a few bevvies. ‘Good call, it’s shaping up to be one ripper of a night.’

  ‘Hey, Jake.’ Ryan reached out and gave his brother a slap on the back. ‘You got a bit of a beer glow happening already. What time did you lot start?’

  Jake looked to where a watch should be, but wasn’t. ‘Oh, about a hair past a freckle with a mole catching up.’

  Matilda laughed. ‘What the hell are you on about?’

  ‘One of our dad’s sayings.’ Jake grinned and pulled a posh face. ‘When one doesn’t have a watch that’s always the time.’ He took a gulp of his beer. ‘We’ve only just ordered if you want to add it to our table number.’

  Ryan nodded. ‘Will do. Where are you sitting?’


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