Believe Me
Page 34
That ugly white robe that made me feel so safe and comfy.
In Seattle with my Lyme warriors to see Dr. Klinghardt.
The freezing-cold water in beautiful British Columbia was actually great pain relief.
No clock, no agenda, just hanging and enjoying this special time with family.
Anwar for Vogue L’Homme and exploring the fashion industry.
Exploring nature with my Momma.
While completely disconnected from life, I found much strength by watching the sunset and sunrise.
Finally well enough to see my girls ride again.
Purple marking the free-floating silicone, located by MRI and ultrasound.
Dr. Feng after the surgery that saved my life and changed the game in my Lyme journey.
Free-floating silicone being removed during my nine-hour explant surgery.
Removal of a lymph node filled with silicone during my explant surgery.
My implant encapsulated in tissue with silicone leakage attached.
The price you pay for vanity.
UVLRX to treat the viral overload.
My body detoxing silicone after my explant surgery through my big toes.
One of the many visits in my bed.
Recovering in Santa Barbara with my forever love, Anwar.
Detoxing silicone granules through my scalp.
Gigi and I at cryotherapy after my surgery.
Shaky in my shoes but surrounded by love, Global Lyme Alliance 2015.
Gigi’s Global Lyme Alliance speech, the gift and meaning of her words are everything.
The unspoken understanding and deep compassion for our Lyme journey together.
Selfie with my fellow Lyme warriors Ally Hilfiger and Thalia.
The one who shines light in darkness.
Treating many symptoms but not the cause.
Christmas 2015 in Aspen with my angels.
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.
My last and final Housewives reunion, 2015.
One out of millions, my best friend, Paul Marciano.
#My Family.
My birthday, celebrating the gift of friendship.
Tahiti, 2016, lucky and grateful to be alive.
Slowly learning to put my thoughts in writing again, the beginning of my book.
Healing time connected to the earth.
The swim and moment I found clarity about leaving the RHOBH.
In awe of the beauty of this life right here right now.
2016, starting to come back to life with glimpses of the finish line.
Prepping for the master cleanse.
So proud of my Bella for sharing her story at the GLA Gala 2016.
A special day to remember with my son.
Photo shoot with Jim Jordan, rusty but trying to get my mojo back.
T-vam surgery, the last one on the list.
My son, so much stronger and wiser than I ever dreamed he could be.
Finally on the road with my angels at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, Paris, 2016.
Christmas in Aspen, coming out on the other side still doing what I love best.
Back to life.
Gigi winning 2016 model of the year award at the British Fashion Awards.
Christmas, 2016, not skiing yet, but happy making gingerbread houses with my tribe.
Happiness is in the heart not in the circumstances of life.
It’s impossible for me to thank all the amazing people who have crossed my path and positively impacted my life because that would be a book on its own! So to all of you who stood by me and never left my side during this most challenging time, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I treasure our friendship and will honor you always and forever for the rest of my life.
Special thanks to Michele Bender, Marc Johnson, Jan Miller at Dupree Miller, and everyone at St. Martin’s Press.
About the Author
YOLANDA HADID is a Dutch-American television personality, model, and interior designer. She was a star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and is a sought-after guest on shows from Good Morning America to Dr. Oz. Yolanda is known nationally for her outspoken awareness advocacy for Lyme and chronic disease, and has received a number of awards and accolades for her work in the Lyme awareness community, including the Lyme Research Alliance Award, the Woman of Substance Award, the Global Lyme Alliance Award, and the Stand4Lyme 2016 Catalyst for a Cure. You can sign up for email updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
About the Author
BELIEVE ME. Copyright © 2017 by Yolanda Hadid. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Cover design by Danielle Christopher
Cover photograph courtesy of Jim Jordan
The Instagram logo is a trademark of Instagram
The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.
ISBN 978-1-250-12165-3 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-250-12166-0 (ebook)
eISBN 9781250121660
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First Edition: September 2017