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Star Crossed

Page 2

by Alisha Watts

  Students, after all, didn't have to face debt and family issues and all those other external costs. He relished having the opportunity to forgo those costs and focus on his own life but there were times that he talked to his friends that he wondered if he even knew what he was giving up. He'd buried himself so deeply in his work by now, though, that he had all but trapped himself in his promises to one day date or one day take his motorcycle rides farther than state lines.

  He wasn't a biker in the stereotypical sense but he had worked hard when he was younger to earn his bike. Newspaper routes, lawn work, some errand work and babysitting had all amounted to a glorious old bike. His dad had been confused by the purchase at first, but learned how to help maintain and improve it until one day his dad caved in and bought a bike of his own to go on adventures with his son.

  Chris's grip tightened on the table before he forced himself to relax. His mother had said she forgave him for fostering his dad's interest in the hobby that had eventually gotten him run off the road. He still couldn't get the pale, cut up face of his comatose father out of his mind. For almost a week they had been hopeful that he might pull through, that wearing a helmet might have made some kind of difference, but there was no denying the lack of brain activity when they managed to bring him out of the coma.

  He hadn't taken his bike out of the garage since then, had been more devoted to his studies, and had been less inclined to search out someone else to be in his life. After all, why fall for someone if they were only going to leave you one day?


  “How goes the research?”

  The question seemed to jar Chris out of his thinking and Skylar smiled. He was so cute when she managed to startle him. During the time that she was answering phones and setting up appointments and guiding guests and whatever all she was asked to do by the actual masseuses he had camped out quite thoroughly at his table. There were several books open to certain pages or sitting partially open with a pen marking his place. Some were peppered with colorful sticky notes and there were several sticky notes attached to his laptop to remind him to add something or look for this other book.

  “What was that?”

  “I asked how your research was going,” Skylar said as she plopped down in the chair across from him and draped her purse on the back of the chair. There wasn’t really space anywhere else, as much as he had spread out.

  “Oh, slowly today. I keep hitting blocks or finding out that I have the wrong book for what I need or not getting enough evidence to support my arguments.” He stared at his laptop screen in accusatory consternation and Skylar giggled.

  “I don’t think it’s your computer’s fault. No need to fire it with your lasers.”

  He smiled at her and she had to mentally scold her heartbeat when it sped up. He was much too busy to bother with dating and his heart had been broken when his father died. He didn’t need someone coming along and forcing him into a relationship he wasn’t ready for.

  Even if he had the kind of eyes she could stare into all day. Their stern expression had shifted when he had looked over at her and she reminded herself yet again that the caring she saw in them was not especially for her. He cared about all kinds of people, had several friends besides her. It wasn’t at all that he liked her and she was wasting her time pining after him.

  “I guess I like to think that if I shame it into listening to me then it will write the rest of the thesis for me.”

  “Isn’t that a violation of some kind of plagiarism law? They could kick you out of the program for that.”

  “Ideally it would write the report in the same style that it has thus far been written, and if the software is intelligent enough to write out the report then it should be smart enough to write original work. Of course, that would be terrifying if it actually happened.”

  “Artificial intelligence bothers you?”

  “Almost as much as thinking about aliens’ existence,” he admitted almost sheepishly.

  “Aww. You’re so cute when you’re worried.”

  He gave her a flat look before smiling quizzically. “How do you mean?”

  “You just get this faraway look to you that makes you seem like you’re younger. And it’s an odd thing to worry about, since most people are nervous of things that are proven to happen. Like falling or getting attacked by something in dark alleys.”

  “True, but we haven’t proven that aliens or supercomputers could not exist. All the developments that we make with technology really worry me sometimes. I can’t prove that it’s not going to lead to some kind of horrible future and so I’m not sure if my worries are warranted or not. I’m not afraid that War of the Worlds is going to happen in my backyard or that crop circles are going to show up. I’m just worried about the potential for a world that we can’t explain.”

  “I guess that makes sense since all you ever do is play with theories.”

  “I don’t play with them. I use them in order to solve mathematical equations or to examine the social sciences in order to better understand why our world is working the way that it does. That’s not really a game.”

  “But you enjoy doing it, so some would consider it being a game of sorts.”

  “I guess so. Are you getting another coffee and hanging around or are you done for the day?”

  “I’m definitely done working but have not really decided what I am up to. Tara and I were talking about grabbing some dinner, but she hasn’t texted me back about it yet. Andrew might have decided that he hasn’t had a night in with her in a while.” Skylar gave a melancholy smile. It must be nice to have someone to spend a romantic evening with.

  He studied her for a moment and then closed the books on the table to stack them neatly. “Well, if Tara isn’t taking you out to dinner then I shall, if that’s all right. I needed to grab something to eat anyway.”

  “Have you eaten at all since I saw you this morning?”

  “No, not really. I had a power bar in my bag but have mostly just been having coffee. I’m developing that slight caffeine addiction again, I think.”

  “I know what you mean. Three or four days of having coffee habitually and I’m hooked. Then I start getting those back of the eye headaches...”

  “Those are the worst when you have a deadline. I’ve been keeping emergency instant coffee at my place to combat that since I can’t always go out and get some.”

  “Wow, sounds like you’re in it much deeper than I am. I just like to come here when I’m reading my book.”

  Chris gave her a sly smile. “That’s only because you want a guy to notice that you’re sitting alone with your book. How else will he know that you’re interesting and available?”

  Skylar put a hand on her heart in a dramatic gesture. “A gentleman doesn’t call a lady on her actions in such a manner. Besides, is it bad to want to read?”

  “No, and it’s not bad to want someone to notice you doing it. That’s just one of the things that I think is cute about you. Anyway, where do you want to go for dinner? I know a couple of great places to go in this area.”

  “I eat just about everything but sushi.”

  He gave her an incredulous look. “Have you ever tried it?”

  “No, and I don’t plan to. Raw fish sounds disgusting.”

  “You can barely taste it. It’s a delicacy.”

  “Ew, no.”

  Chris grinned, apparently enjoying her reactions. Skylar huffed at him but did not complain. After all, if she pointed out loud that it bothered her that he was bothering her then he’d probably only tease her more. She definitely did not understand boys.

  “Alright, well, I know a pretty good place to get some burgers. Why don’t we go there? I think I remember that Tara doesn’t mind burgers, if she texts you and wants to join us.”

  “That does sound good. You’d have to be pretty crazy to not like burgers.”

  “I suppose, unless you’re vegetarian.”

  “Why do you always have to prove me wrong abou
t things,” she demanded as she playfully shoved one of his shoulders and then crossed her arms at him.

  He made a show of staggering back into his seat and dropping the bag he was about to shoulder. “Maybe it’s because you beat me up,” he said in a voice that would have been petulant if he hadn’t been laughing.

  “I didn’t shove you that hard, you baby.”

  “Oh, I get it. As long as you don’t beat me up too badly then it’s okay. I see what kind of friend you are. Maybe I’ll just buy two burgers for myself,” he said as he pretended to have difficulty getting upright again.

  “Right, because that would show me,” Skylar quipped back as she rolled her eyes. She fell into step beside him and couldn’t help but think that it felt right to be around him like this. Chris was one of her best friends and she wasn’t about to compromise that by asking him out, especially when he’d all but told her before that all he felt for anybody right now was that they were friends to him. If he wasn’t interested then she shouldn’t be invested, but...

  A part of her would definitely savor this time alone with him and she knew that she’d actually be a little sad if she had to share her playful banter with him. Tara thankfully texted later on that she was staying in that night and Skylar was able to enjoy her evening with Chris in peace. Though nothing at all happened out of the ordinary, she would not admit even to herself that she was pretending at times throughout the night that it was a date and that she was special to him because he was taking her out like this.

  She didn’t ask him about it, of course, because Chris was one of those people that never changed. He may be sweet and interesting and may have made her heart flutter dangerously throughout the entire night, but she knew the truth. Skylar just wanted to ignore the heavy feeling she’d have later when she was forced to acknowledge it after his easy, thoughtless hug goodbye when he dropped her back off at her car.

  She’d much rather focus, after all, on the way it had felt to be in his arms.

  Chapter Two

  The music at The Twisted Vortex was enough to make Skylar's head pound but she followed Tara inside anyway. There were so many people there and it all looked so interesting that she couldn't help herself. Besides, if she always kept avoiding places like this then how was she ever going to meet someone? And if she never met someone, how was she going to keep ignoring how she felt about Chris?

  “Now, you're sure you want to stay here?” Tara asked with an arched brow. She was dressed in a bright red top that had more ruffles than a layer cake. Skylar had giggled but it wasn't all that more ridiculous than her own outfit, truth be told. She had picked out jeans with fleur de lis bedazzled on the back pockets and had found a pair of cowboy boots to match. She'd opted out of wearing a hat but had picked a simple white camisole to compliment the cowgirl look.

  “Sure, it can't hurt to look,” Skylar shouted back as they picked their way through the milling crowd around the bar area. The music was loud enough that she could feel the bass thrumming in her veins. It seemed to her that it ought to be an unpleasant sensation and yet she was intrigued by the feeling that it caused.

  Tara didn't try to reply since the music was so loud but rather grabbed hold of Skylar's hand and started leading her past the dance floor to the upper balcony. It was a large space overlooking the city where dancers went to cool off, smoke, or just sit on the patio furniture and socialize since they couldn't be heard in the intense noise that was going on downstairs.

  “So, start looking.”

  Skylar didn't need Tara's invitation as she was already scanning the people in the crowds around them. A couple of guys were pretty cute but it was difficult to tell who was with whom when they were all grouped together. She sighed and leaned against the barrier surrounding the rooftop. “I don't know, Tara, it seems like everyone's got someone here.”

  “Hmph,” her friend said, not sounding too impressed. “I'm not clearing out so that you look like you're more available than you are. The last thing you need is to get abducted somewhere that you aren't comfortable.”

  “Come on, Tara, it's not like everyone here is looking to slip someone a date rape drug,” Skylar sighed. She started when Tara gave her one of Those Looks. “Not that that's not something I'm thinking about and preparing for. I do know how to protect myself, jeez.”

  Tara watched her for several moments longer than Skylar was comfortable with but eventually seemed content with that. “As long as you're thinking. I don't want you to get swept up in all of this and end up somewhere you didn't mean to.”

  “I know exactly what I mean to do. I mean to find someone that seems like they're interesting and then I'm going to see if their loneliness is compatible with my loneliness.”

  “I still think this isn't the best of ideas. Don't get your hopes up too high. I've never heard of people whose parents met at a club. You don't even hear about people's parents having met at a bar anymore.”

  “What? People totally meet at bars.”


  “What? What's that sigh for?” Skylar asked. She couldn't help but be slightly offended by her friend's tone.

  “Nothing. Just be careful.” Tara said.

  “I am. I brought you with me, didn't I?”

  Tara laughed. “Yeah, well, the buddy system has been drilled into us since we were girl scouts.”

  “You never made it past being a Brownie.”

  “Then you better hope I'm a better friend than I was a girl scout.”

  “That's something I never have to worry about, Tara.”

  She rolled her eyes with a fond smile. “Anyway, do you want to go dance? Looks like things up here aren't too promising. Most people that come up here to talk have already made their... connection as it were,” she said as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

  “Well, I hope any man down there knows good and well that the only connection I want to make tonight is a spiritual one. I have to get to know his soul before he gets any of that,” Skylar said firmly as she turned on her heel and went back downstairs.

  Tara rolled her eyes as she followed her friend. Skylar was so funny sometimes. It seemed to her that all she ever did was look at whether someone was cute or had a good personality before deciding to try to get to know them better. It made her doubt that her friend was going to hold to her convictions but Tara was glad that Skylar was at least trying to think of such things.

  Even if she ended up making out with the first interesting and nice person that she found, Tara thought darkly. Skylar seemed to be of the opinion that meeting someone's eyes dramatically on the dance floor meant that they had that 'spiritual connection' or whatever. Tara just hoped that she could help keep her friend out of the worst of whatever trouble might come her way because of that mistaken belief.

  The dance floor was a milling mess of people shifting in all kinds of directions. It amazed Skylar just how much skin was being shown and how brazen some of the motions were. Perhaps some people didn't realize how bright the lights sometimes were and didn't know just how much they were showing off. After all, the lights kept flashing intermittently and it was difficult for her to focus on any one thing, especially since they were so many different colors.

  There were small stages at a couple of places along the floor where the bands came out and played. Those areas were the most crowded although when one of the bands set aside their mics so another could take their turn to play there was more room to breathe in that area. That is, unless the lead singer of the band that had been playing was very attractive and had sung well enough to inspire heightened levels of enthusiasm in his audience.

  Skylar moved around the floor, dancing with Tara and wondering how any of the other girls on the floor managed to balance drinks in their hands while they danced. Skylar turned to shout at Tara, “How are we supposed to meet anyone in all this crazy?”

  “You don't, they meet you,” a deep male voice said near her ear. She jumped and turned to see who was talking and could not help b
ut stare. He was dressed all in black and so seemed to be much slimmer than he was despite the obvious musculature of his arms as he reached out to stabilize her. His hair was peroxide blonde and his eyes so strikingly blue that Skylar forgot for a moment how to breathe. He wore an ornately decorated cross around his neck and several braided cords around one wrist.

  His lips curled into a dashing smile as he observed her reaction to him and apparently decided that she was not going to answer him right away. “My name is Grayson. I'm the lead singer of the Wraiths,” he said, indicating one of the partially occupied stages. One of the other band members waved at them and went back to tuning his guitar.

  “I'm Skylar,” she managed to say. She tucked some of her hair behind her ear nervously and smiled up at him. Her heart was racing and she knew that she must be flushed but she couldn't help it. She knew. She knew it would happen. She berated herself quickly that he would think she was stupid if she didn't say something more interesting but the only thing that came out was, “It's nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise. I'm finishing my gig in an hour or so but needed to get something to drink. Want to meet up later? That is, unless you want a front row seat. I could take you up to sit on the stage while we play.”

  Skylar looked to Tara quickly. “Would that be okay?”

  “I've always wanted to be front row,” Tara said with a shrug.

  “Great, can I get you ladies anything to drink? I was just getting water for myself,” Grayson said as he started to lead them through the throng of people.

  “Water's fine,” Skylar said. It was refreshing to find someone that didn't feel the need to drink simply because they were in a social setting, but it was far too crowded for her to tell him as much. Hopefully she would get a chance to later.


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