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Werewolf Consort

Page 8

by Girl, Breukelen

  “I’m sorry,” I say sighing. Tatum being a lycan is a weird ground to tread, for all of us. “But having you there, especially with the pup,” I say hesitating “It would’ve been asking for trouble.”

  “Yeah, I hear that a lot.” Tatum replies bitterly. “From everyone. Not sure how I see going for a run with a werewolf by your side could be such a big deal but anyway,”

  “I know it’s hard to hear people say that too you, but Tay, you have a lot to learn about the Werewolf culture and thinking. For instance what a pack run in this uh, circumstance really means.” Now it’s Tatum who leans forward, putting her forearms on the table, holding eye contact with me.

  “Such as?”

  I hold her gaze. I am no coward and I am not ashamed of what we did. “Both the Manhattan Maen and Breukelen werewolf packs ran through a forest together last night, racing with the pack leader of the Manhattan Maen to capture and consummate the intended Breukelen female for who he wishes to be his pack mate for life.”

  Tatum’s eyes widen. “Wait, are you saying? What are you saying?” She says dropping her voice to a whisper.

  “The packs watched as Paris hunted and captured me and then mounted me in front of all them.” I reply simply as Tatum’s mouth drops open. “There was no hiding from it, no subtlety about it. It was an old custom that both Paris and I agreed to perform, in honor to achieve a few things, like pack harmony, pack understanding, and respect amongst the werewolves that Paris and I are now, husband and wife and equals and should be treated by all, as such.”

  “He fucked you in front of everyone?” Tatum whispers in a high pitch.

  “His wolf, my wolf, then his wolf, and me uh, then him and me I think, I can’t recall the order of it all, it went on for awhile.” I reply back at her. “But the packs were only needed for the initial hunt and capture after that they were free to roam and rut as they pleased. And believe me,” I say raising my eyebrows “They pleased.”

  “So no one else uh, you know, got a?”

  I shake my head. “We’re not that barbaric and I would never do a group orgy. Besides, Paris would never agree to it.”

  Tatum lets out a heavy breath and leans back resting against the back of the booth. “When you say everyone,”

  “The entire pack of the Manhattan Maen minus a select personality or two were invited, but we knew not all would or could run, same with the Breukelen because our pack is considerably smaller than the Manhattan Maen. Those that couldn’t take part in the actual run, just turned up and shifted with the pack to show their respect.”

  “Including the parents in law?” Tatum asks surprised.

  “Yes.” I reply. “The purpose was to unify the packs in understanding we are now wedded and we should be treated as leaders amongst them. Both of us. And it also served as an experiment to see how long it will take for news of our werewolf wedding, to reach other communities and to see the repercussions from that.”

  “I don’t get it.” Tatum replied honestly.

  “There are plenty of werewolves, both in our own packs and especially outside of our packs, that are not pleased with Paris and my union.”

  “But why? What does it have to do with them?”

  “Tay, you’re a wolf now. And whilst you may not be a werewolf as such, you need to start thinking far more wolf like.”

  “You mean, politically or strategically?”

  “Both.” I reply and wait for her to think it through. “Tell me the answer to your own question, why would Paris and my union upset so many external werewolves to either of our packs?”

  “Standing?” Tatum replies tentatively. “I mean, you’re unifying two large, powerful, modern day werewolf packs. It might be seen as creating an uber pack. Wow, Now that I think about it, that would hold all kinds of implications wouldn’t it. A united Manhattan-Breukelen pack would be one of the biggest of its kind, you’d have double the resources of other packs, more power..”

  I smile at her. “I knew you’d get it.” I say signaling a waitress over to us. She puts her hands on the table again.

  “Why the hell does it have to be so complicated? Can’t you just love him and he loves you and you get married?”

  I laugh at her. “I’ve grown up in this culture Tay. It’s hard to change old ways, and even harder to change minds.”

  “So that’s why the invitation to the high and mighty werewolves?”

  “Right. And a few wolves you know will gossip and spread the news of our betrothal to one another to all the right sources.” I finish as the Waitress walks over and I order a coffee, Tatum a milkshake.

  “And if the gossip doesn’t’t take root, then we will be doing the full white wedding performance and inviting the wider werewolf community to attend the prestigious event.” I continue on.

  “But why? I get the letting the other packs know you’re respected and united and all of that but you could just do that through a mock wedding ceremony.”

  “Because they’d all come to the wedding ceremony and behave. Not a bad thing if you want your wedding to go smoothly. This way, we find out whose offended, who are allies are and where we can expect trouble from which pack.” Tatum’s looking at me in something close to utter fascination on her face.

  “So you see Tay, you not only have your part to play in securing your place in the Manhattan Maen pack, by keeping its strength and integrity, you also are marrying into the leading family and therefore, the hierarchy of the pack. You’re smack dab in the power center.”

  Tatum looks like she’s gone into mild shock as she processes my words. “So a white wedding, isn’t just about you having a wedding. Marion’s got other motives and you can either be aware of them, and play the game and get what you need out of it, or you can let her run the show and then be offended by being kept in the dark. Because for you Tay,” I pause to choose my wording carefully. “A pack run isn’t an option and not because you’re pregnant.”

  Her shoulders slump down a little as she closes her mouth and nods her head. “Right,” Tay replies softly. We sit in silence for a few minutes before she speaks again. “So it’s time to go all Bridezilla on my future mother in law huh?”

  I smile broadly back at her. “I’d buy tickets to see that.”


  “I don’t think I’m nearly as game as you,” She laughs. “You’re fierce in every sense of the word. I mean, you take risks, you take people head on. That is so not me.”

  “Don’t get me wrong.” I state sipping my coffee. “I wasn’t always so headstrong. You either get pushed or you develop. Plus growing up with four siblings might have had something to do with it with three Alpha’s in my family.”

  Tatum falls silent and the smile drops off her face as she looks at me. “Which was it for you?”

  I raise my eyebrows and bite my lip trying to think of which is the correct answer. But my eyes divert to the males that walk through the cafe door. The taller of the two is leading, he has shoulder length black hair and dark eyes.

  “Sorry, Hooper texted me, wanted to know where we were.” Tatum says in a low voice like she’s done something wrong.

  “It’s fine.” I reply understanding that Hooper and Tatum are very close. Best friends even.

  “Hey sis,” Thane Cavello greets with me with a big smile as he walks over to our table bending down to kiss my cheek in greeting. “Or should I you know, be calling you um, alpha or something now?” He asks in seriousness as he straightens up. “I’m not used to all the rules and regs, so pull me up if I get it wrong.” I smile back up at Thane. He’s got a good soul, he cares for me deeply. I think my absence in his life after all these years has a bigger impact than he thought it had. We’re both still rather new at getting to know one another. The other male beside him, his boyfriend, Hooper Parish, bends down to kiss Tatum’s check. “Tay,”

  “Sis is still fine. Nice actually, everyone else just calls me Bg. Thanks for joining us last night. It meant a lot to me.”

love the way you say everyone just calls you Bg, like that’s nothing, when clearly your pack name is everything.” We share a look in silence. We’re new in one another’s lives, and were reunited, up in Canada. Canada wasn’t so long ago that it can be forgotten. Talk about coming of age, I had my shot and Thane was right there with me through it all, thick and thin. My name became my everything, my shield, my power, my reinforcement. And I needed it to help me get through everything up there.

  Hooper’s eyes flitter across to me and I wonder how awkward this is going to be. After all, Hooper is boyfriend to my brother, so effectively his pack mate, and whilst I could’ve chosen to invite Thane’s plus one, I didn’t. So Hooper couldn’t join the run, because like Tatum, he’s a lycan and it would’ve set the werewolves off mission. Too big a risk to take. So I’m clearly not so much of a risk taker as Tatum thinks I am. I feel a bit gutless because the pack mates of those close to me, Wiatt and Thane, couldn’t be a part of this big part of my life.

  “Hi Bg,” Hooper greets me with pleasantly. “Thanks for letting us crash at Paris’s apartment.” He says making me think he sounds genuine in his politeness.

  “You’re welcome, we knew we weren’t going to be using the uptown one, so seemed logical, since Thane was coming to town.” Hooper nods his head. “Do you like it?”

  “Are you kidding, it’s deluxe!” Hooper grins widely. “Good choice on the spa bath with the view.”

  “Yeah, I really like that too.” I say back at him.

  Thane looks at me again. “Ah, anyway, I was going to ask if Hooper and I could continue to use the apartment for the weekend.” Thane asks me.

  “Oh, congratulations by the way.” Hooper blurts out at me. My eyes divert to Thane and he lowers his eyes slightly. I’m not sure if it’s a I’m sorry I told my boyfriend why I had to attend your pack run look. Or if it’s a, I’ve done my part in this game play, look. Paris and I have not discussed with the wider hierarchy the purpose of the pack run. Just the inner sanctum. Which Thane is not a part of. But he’s close to me and that puts him in this grey in between area of things a lot like me. But Thane is smart, I bet he figured it out. I smile back at Hooper.

  “Thank you and it’s no problem, you can have it for all of lunar week.” I say back at him. Paris and I have a few properties between us. And the uptown apartment is used more like an office. We don’t frequent it much.

  “You’re the best sister!”

  “I’m you’re only sister.” I reply back at Thane as he kisses my cheek again.

  “That you know of.” Thane grins back at me as he puts his hands on Hooper’s shoulders and turns him around and they leave Tatum and me alone again. “You’re just saying that “ I laugh and shake my head. “Because of the whole separated at birth deal.” I wave him off casually as I laugh. I can laugh now. It wasn’t quite so laughable a month ago.

  Tatum looks at me in seriousness. “You’re remarkable.”

  “Why?” I ask her confused.

  “Seriously Bg? You have to ask.” Tatum says looking at me in something like wonderment. She doesn’t go on to explain. “You should come by the apartment, I want your opinion on setting up for the pup.”

  “And you think I know what would be best?” I ask curiously. “I’ve never even baby sat.”

  “Just pretend you’re like my best girlfriend, okay?”

  I smile back at her. “Sorry, I should have said, no problem Tay, of course I’ll come by. I’ve got no other plans today, since I’m not on any actual honeymoon.” I reply, feeling like a complete heel.

  Tatum laughs at me. “Actually I just had a bit of an idea.” She says biting her lower lip and looking at me guiltily.

  “Oh no. What is that look for?”

  “Well, what if I uh, called Marion over to the apartment under the same pretense while you were there and then we could all start talking about the wedding and,”

  My mouth drops open. “Oh my god Tatum Lee, you are devious. You want me to convince your soon to be mother in law to let you do all the wedding planning and to back off.” Tatum shrugs her shoulders and just looks at me silently.

  “The devil’s in the details, right? And you know her better than me and she adores you. And you could get away with anything in her eyes, especially since last night you did the pack run for her and the pack and,”

  “Stop!” I say putting my hand up and laughing. “Alright, alright, make the damn call.” I say chuckling and standing up as I finish off the rest of my coffee. Jules stands up from his table opposite us and looks at me. “Can you bring the car around?” Jules nods his head and heads out the door.

  “You give big bad wolf, a whole new meaning.” I say as Tatum stands up and reaches for me to hug me tightly.

  “Thank you!”

  “Guess we’ll find out who her favorite daughter in law is, huh?” I say as Tay’s arms slip off me and watch her face fall and laugh. Yeah, number one lesson she hasn’t learnt yet, don’t mess with me. We walk back out of Delmonico's and onto the street waiting for Jules to pull up with the car. My cell phone rings and I am surprised by the caller ID. Jules pulls up out the front and walks around to the passenger side door and opens it for Tatum. “Well, that didn’t take long.”

  “What is it?” Jules asks me frowning as I keep looking at the screen and listening to it ring.

  I don’t think I should take this call. But I want to. And I don’t want. I shake my head. The Parish brothers, are close. Probably why he’s calling. “Hooper probably just messaged him.” I swipe the screen. “Hi Booker,” I reply into the phone. Julian’s eyes widen and he starts to reach for my phone but I swat him away as he closes the door after Tatum has gotten into the car.

  “Hi Baby uh, Bg.” Booker says back at me awkwardly. Booker Parish being awkward is not normal but not entirely out of character when we’re on the outs with one another.

  “Paris does not want you talking to that bastard lycan!” Jules hisses at me loudly. ‘Gimme that phone!” I slap his hands away quickly.

  “So it’s official huh?” He starts off. He’s heard about the pack run. The pack run held last night that he was not informed about or invited to. Paris specifically stipulated that and I agreed to it.


  I agreed to not invite Booker for a few reasons. One because despite Paris now firmly believing where I stand with him, he seriously doubts Booker’s intentions. Especially when after the weekend confrontation I had with Booker a few months ago, Booker punched me at a club. I also knew it would be the safer option if he was not included. Because Booker still can’t let me go yet. Despite our weekend of talk ages ago which was putting all that straight. It worked for me, but not for him. I put a hand to my chest because my heart is going to leap through it at any moment. I’m pretty sure. I can’t be is this weird holding pattern with him again.

  “Yeah, only way to go.” I say softly.

  “Right.” He mutters.

  I wonder if he wants to be angry at me. I was expecting anger from him. Booker’s never been angry with me, ever. I’ve seen him mad at others, but never with me. Every time he’s looked on me its been with love. But anger isn’t always about kicking and screaming till the world can hear you. And really, that’s dangerous kind of anger, the silent kind.

  “You’re angry.” I say taking a stab at his mood anyway. May as well get it out and deal with it. If we can.

  “Yes. No. I mean, I am, not at you or Paris. I understand why you guys didn’t invite me to be part of the pack run. At least, I think I do. ” He sighs. “I haven’t seen him in private since…yeah, well…”


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