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Pursuing The Plug

Page 12

by Mercy B

  As she thought, they were perched on the windowsill, tapping to get inside. Before elevating her voice to yell, Hampsher noticed another sighting that hadn’t been as expected. A Bentley truck was perched in front of her apartment while the driver stood at her old door demanding to be granted access as a result of his excessive pounding.

  “Shit,” Hampsher fussed.

  Though her voice was low, Hampsher had garnered the attention of the cats pecking at her window. At once, they all jumped from the sill and made their way across the street. Rafeeq wasn’t a fan of the measly meal chasers, but he was immediately drawn to their sudden disinterest in the home that they seemed to frequent as if they lived there. Turning on his heels, he observed as they followed one another across the street and jumped from the stoop into the slightly cracked window.

  Bingo. Without an ounce of doubt in his mind, Rafeeq knew that he’d scored. The home that they’d so comfortably snuck into must’ve belonged to Hampsher unless the entire neighborhood fed them. Somehow, that was hard to believe for Rafeeq, so he followed his first mind.

  He was across the street in record time, peeping into the window that the cats had just been let into. White sheets. Sparse furniture. Violin. The components that screamed “Hampsher” were staring him in the face. Reaching inside, he lifted the window higher and began his climb through. Though the cats were feasting in the kitchen, there was no sign of Hampsher from where Rafeeq stood once his feet touched the ground.

  Her bed was made with the violin lying across the single pillow that was at the top of it. There was a chair in front of the window that nearly made him lose his balance upon entry. Straight ahead was the kitchen where the cats were having milk and soft food. Shaking his head, Rafeeq tried understanding why Hampsher could put so much effort into caring for a group of cats but was neglecting to care for herself. She was alive, but the damn girl was doing everything but living.

  A single picture was plastered on the wall in black and white. As he stepped closer, Rafeeq managed to recognize the figure that was in it. It was one he was accustomed to. One he’d become familiar with over the years. His heart rate skyrocketed as his neck snapped in every direction possible in an attempt to locate Hampsher. She was nowhere in sight.

  Stepping forward, Rafeeq snatched the photo from the wall and studied it. He was most peaceful with her, which was when the photo had been taken. It possibly could have been before her disappearing act. His surroundings in the photo assured him that it had been taken at her home. Rafeeq recalled the night and his slumber, hand stuffed under the pillow and cradling his gun.


  He had no use for the photo, discarding it and allowing it to fall onto the ground beneath his feet. The small one-bedroom apartment wasn’t much to cover, which was ideal for his lack of patience. The sooner he reached his target, the sooner he could get some things off his chest, clear the air, and make amends. It was the only thing he’d come to do. The rest would fall into place. He was certain of.

  Bathroom? Clear.

  Kitchen? Clear.

  Bedroom? Clear.

  Closets? Clear.

  Rafeeq searched the entire unit before giving in and admitting that he’d allowed her to slip through his grasp once more. There was no doubt in his mind that she’d been in the apartment prior to his entry. As paranoid as a woman Hampsher was, there was no way she was leaving her window open for strangers to migrate into her home at free will. She’d left in a hurry, and the cracked window happened to be to his advantage.

  “I’ll catch her ass sooner than later,” he whispered before closing the door to her apartment.

  A deep sigh emitted from Hampsher’s throat as she heard her door hit the frame. He’d given up his search, and she could reemerge. Under four slats of the wooden floor, she was tucked safely and out of view. Rafeeq had passed up her location three times before ending his exploration of her home.

  Hampsher was considering the fact that she’d need to relocate for a second time which dampened her spirits even more and caused unforeseen anxiety to creep up her spine. After two minutes time, she pushed two floorboards forward before repeating the same for the other two. Finally free, she maneuvered her way out of the small hiding place. Hampsher replaced the boards and made sure they were secured before standing to her feet and dusting herself off.

  “Clever girl.” Her eyelids sealed themselves at the sound of his voice.

  “Shit,” Hampsher mumbled, barely audible.

  “Is this what you want to do? Keep playing these childish ass games?” Rafeeq stepped out of the corner he’d been crouched in and forced Hampsher into the wall behind her.

  Caught completely off guard, Hampsher chastised herself for the slip up. She’d been so consumed with her feelings that she was hardly paying close attention to her surroundings. It was measly mistakes as the one she just made that could cost her the life she hated so much.

  “Huh?” Gritting his teeth, Rafeeq’s anger was evident. Hampsher couldn’t understand why he was so upset when she was the one who’d been wronged.

  “Get the fuck out of my house, Rafeeq, and let my shirt go.”

  “Fuck your shirt, and fuck this apartment,” he fussed. “Why must I keep chasing your ass down?”

  “Chasing me down? I could’ve sworn I was the one at your door last night, or have you forgotten? You have a lot of nerve showing up here!” Hampsher stated so calmly that it nearly drove Rafeeq insane. He wanted her to be as upset with him as he was with himself. He wanted to hear her yell or cuss his ass out, but she was giving him nothing.

  I should shoot the fuck out of you. Hampsher smirked. Pack you up and then send you home to your momma.

  Stepping back, Rafeeq placed distance between the two of them before speaking. “Look, I’m sorry about last night, aight?”




  “Hampsher, stop acting so fucking tough. I know that shit fucking with you as much as it is fucking with me. You standing here looking tough as shit, but you’re hurting inside. It is rimming your eyes. I know what your night consisted of. I felt it too.”

  “You don’t know anything, Rafeeq. Now, I have places to be. If you would, excuse me.”

  “You not going nowhere, not until we both get some shit understood, and you get some shit off of your chest.”

  Sarcastically, Hampsher chuckled. Rafeeq was truly a work of art. Even while she was burning up on the inside, she still found him irresistible. She wondered how dumb she must’ve been for still wanting him. Still needing him.

  “Say something!” Rafeeq yelled, causing a few strands on Hampsher’s head to lift.

  “Say what, Rafeeq?”

  “Say how you feel.”

  Show a nigga you care, Rafeeq thought to himself. ‘Cause I know you do.

  “I don’t feel anything.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not.” Hampsher could barely keep a straight face or stand still.

  “Then why did you leave?”


  “Huh?” Rafeeq stepped closer.


  “So you felt nothing at all?” He got even closer.

  More silence.

  “Nothing at all?”

  Her silence fueled him. Her attempt to manage the persona she had been keeping up hardened him. Rafeeq was completely smitten by the woman before him, and it was all the same for her. Hampsher’s little lady below began thudding, developing a heartbeat that she tried to smother.

  “Are you insane?” Hampsher was out of breath and nearly out of fight, but there was one left in her.

  “I am.” Rafeeq was shameless in his confession as he pulled his pants down to his waist and freed his hard dick.

  “We’re not doing this. You’re not about to have sex with me after you just had sex with her.” Hampsher beat at Rafeeq’s chest before slapping him across the face. She was angrier with herself for catching undeniab
le feelings than she was with him. No one had told him to storm into her life and give it purpose. No one had warned her that his dick game would be so fucking magnificent that she couldn’t shake his ass if she tried. No one had prepared her for the heartbreak she felt when seeing him buried inside a woman other than herself.

  Vivid flashbacks flooded Hampsher’s thoughts. All night, she’d considered the two hundred ways that she knew how to kill a human and wondered what the young lady’s fate would be. No matter what, though, she would no longer be among the living first thing in morning.

  “Does that make you feel better?” Rafeeq questioned as he gritted his teeth and accepted the blows that were being thrown at him. In a way, he felt as if he deserved the shit, knowing he was wrong, knowing he’d hurt the one girl that meant anything to him. “Huh?”

  Shooting you would make me feel better. Hampsher wanted to blurt it out but held her tongue.

  Making you watch me torture and kill that bitch… that would make me feel better. A second thought fought to be released, but she suppressed the urge.

  “I hate you!” Hampsher felt like some needy female who wanted some undeserving man to herself and for him to have dealings with no one else.

  “Nah, you hate your motherfucking self for falling in love with a nigga.” Rafeeq had enough with her forceful blows and pinned her arms against the wall behind her.

  “I imagined that bitch was you,” he confessed. “And she still couldn’t make my dick spit up. I need my bitch to finish me off.”

  “I’m not your bitch!” Hampsher yelled into Rafeeq’s face. Her skin reddened and veins bulged from her neck. She was furious.

  “You whatever the fuck I say you are.”

  “Just leave. Leave me alone!”

  “Like I did the first time so that you can pop up at my shit again and run home crying instead of putting the bitch that was fucking your nigga out on her ass and setting him straight? Is that what you want? A repeat of this shit? ’Cause I’ve got time, Hampsher. But do you have the strength? ’Cause, as many times as you walk away, you will be back plus one. You won’t ever stay gone too long. I’m right here.” He pointed at her chest as he let her go. “And once you let a nigga in there, you fucked up.”

  “Please.” Hampsher rubbed her wrists. They were aching due to the pressure Rafeeq had applied to instill his dominance in the moment. “Just leave.”

  Rafeeq ignored her demand and began stroking his dick, stepping backward and admiring her in the ragged state that she was in. Though she seemed fine physically, she was everything but. It was the person he’d been searching for. The one that she’d hid and tried keeping locked away for a lifetime. It was the breaking of Hampsher’s heart, and Rafeeq had every intention to mend it in a way that it never shattered, again.

  “You admired her.” He caused Hampsher to snap her neck in his direction. Breath caught in her throat, she remained silent without admitting anything or denying it either.

  “Curiosity struck you unexpectedly.” He tortured her with his words, arousing her without touching her.

  “If I’d asked, you would’ve joined us.”

  Hampsher’s eyes faltered, landing on his elongated manhood and resting with worries. Before noticing her presence, Rafeeq seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his company, and that was the feeling she couldn’t shake. Seeing him so pleasured and so relaxed, her insecurities crept in, which had never shown face before that day. She wondered if she had the ability to please him as his company had. If she could make him feel just as good inside.

  “Did…” Hampsher stammered over her words. “Did she?”

  “Yes.” Rafeeq nodded. “She sucked this motherfucker.”

  His words were daggers to Hampsher’s heart. Closing her eyes, she exhaled and slightly slid down the wall. Oral sex was one of the indulgences of Rafeeq’s that she had yet to master. To know that someone else as willing and able destroyed her insides, tarnished them, and left the rest of her to rot as well.

  “But not the way I’m going to teach you, not as long as you’re going to last, and not as skilled as you’re going to be. Don’t ever make yourself believe that another bitch has one up on you, aight? Anything another can do, I guarantee you can do better. I won’t feed into your unnecessary insecurities, especially not after I’ve told you what I want. Who I want. I’ve solidified your place in my life, so tell me. What you want, Hampsher? Who you want?”

  Hampsher didn’t respond immediately. Instead, she opened her eyes and glared at Rafeeq. He was everything—everything she didn’t need in her life and everything she craved. He was the first and most toxic drug she’d ever tested and had become addicted to. As much as she wanted to deny him, she couldn’t. Her heart wouldn’t allow her.

  “You,” she finally admitted as a single tear slipped from her right eye.

  “Then fucking act like it!” Rafeeq’s bass peaked as he rushed forward and shoved Hampsher’s back into the wall. He lifted her into the air and then down on his dick.

  She was soaking wet. He’d been buried beneath a condom hours prior and hardly feeling anything. It was nothing in comparison to the slipperiness of Hampsher’s walls and the grip that she had around his body as if he would fade at any second.

  Putting her worries to rest, Rafeeq whispered in her ear, “I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you. This yo’ dick, aight?”

  “I hated seeing you with her.” Hampsher shuddered, admitting her displeasure.

  “I know.” Rafeeq sympathized with her. “I know. I’m done. I’m done with that shit.”

  As Hampsher blinked, a few more tears made their way down her face. She felt so exposed, so vulnerable, so needy, and so not like herself. The feeling was magnified, knowing that her feelings weren’t in vain.

  Appalled at the emotions being displayed, Rafeeq simply stared back at Hampsher as she gazed into his eyes. Nothing had ever felt better. Nothing had ever felt so perfect. Nothing had ever made him feel like such a fucking asshole either. Hampsher witnessing his sexual encounter was the last he’d expected, and he’d spend a lifetime making it up to her. Leaning forward, he kissed her tears and made a million silent promises that he planned to show rather than tell.

  “I’m sorry.” His heart burst into flames as the words left Hampsher’s mouth while she leaned forward and tucked her face into the crook of his neck and bore down with her teeth to alleviate the pain that was accompanied by the pleasure he was awarding her with.

  “Me too.”

  The arch in her back was rewarding as Rafeeq long stroked Hampsher from behind. He’d made his way to the empty bed with her in his arms, never missing a beat. All of the words she hadn’t spoken, her body language was revealing. She was remorseful and sympathetic while also fueled with rage and regret. Hampsher was a big ball of emotions as she poured passion into the bedroom of her apartment. Even in the day, darkness surrounded them as they entangled within one another’s limbs, fighting for total dominance. However, Rafeeq had conquered the challenge.

  Leaning forward, Rafeeq grabbed Hampsher’s neck and forced her upward. Her long slender body was covered in small beads of sweat. They’d been at it for ten minutes with no signs of concluding the session in the near future. Both of them had so much to prove, so much to gain, and so much to lose.

  More than ever, Hampsher was open… vulnerable even. Rafeeq noticed the decline in resistance, and it funded him with free reign. As he tightened the grip around her neck and sunk his teeth into her skin, Hampsher came for him silently but with deadly force.

  “Ummm,” she moaned during the aftermath. By then, her juices were smeared on Rafeeq’s thighs and performing the job of natural lubrication. “Teach me.”

  “Teach you?” Rafeeq questioned. “Teach you what?”

  “How to please you. Teach me,” Hampsher insisted, bending forward and latching onto the covers.

  She methodically tossed herself backward and into Rafeeq’s pelvic area, fucking him back as she knew he love
d. At that point, her only mission was to bring him utter joy. She wanted the look on his face to resemble the one that she’d witnessed hours prior as he thrust into his visitor’s pussy.

  “Shut up.”

  “Teach me.”

  Rafeeq sprang into action, knowing exactly where her mind had gone and why. He had no desire to teach her anything at the moment. His only aim was to enjoy everything she currently had to offer. Using his forearms, Rafeeq flipped her onto her back and pinned her legs in the crook of each of them.

  “I said shut the fuck up,” he demanded, leaning down and sinking his teeth just above her right nipple.

  “Uhhhhh.” Hampsher arched her back and caught her lips between her teeth.

  Rafeeq then lifted and stretched his arms to reach her ankles. He pushed her legs forward until they reached the wall behind her and began drilling into her from below. In and out he slid, as she coated him with a thick, white substance that he craved. He was digging in her insides, not leaving an inch to spare.

  “Shit. Shit,” Hampsher moaned. “Shit.”

  “Here it comes,” he warned before they both reached their peaks.

  Rafeeq dropped Hampsher’s legs and fell forward, never removing himself from her pussy. Instead, he laid his head on her chest and snaked his arms underneath hers. Neither participant was out of breath. Both were very fit and could withstand a strenuous workout.

  He had his reasons. Rafeeq refused to allow Hampsher to disappear while he slept, so cuffing her with his body would surely keep her put. If she moved a muscle, he would be aware of it. With no sleep throughout the entire night, waiting for Hampsher’s return to his home and then taking the drive to New York himself, Rafeeq was toast.

  “You staying your ass right here, H. Run again, and the next time you come back, I’m depriving you of the very thing that you will be wanting most.”


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