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Pursuing The Plug

Page 15

by Mercy B

  Besides, she was one of the good ones. If it wasn’t school, work, or her twin boys, then she wanted no parts. Within a year, she’d be receiving her nursing degree and walking around in those tight ass scrubs instead of laced tights and bodysuits.

  “She’s in for a night, huh?” Andrea joked. “I heard there’s no dick like Henny dick.”

  Had the two been anything more than boss and worker in an unprofessional environment, then the statement would’ve possibly been boundary breaking. Yet, Andrea and Rafeeq knew that the comment was all for shits and giggles with her knowing that he was possibly having a shitty day if he’d come out to play.

  “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had any.”

  They both chuckled at his response as she slammed the drinks on the bar. There was a third one that she held near her chest.

  “May as well. I need to loosen up a bit.” She shrugged.

  Rafeeq picked up the first shot before tapping it against Andrea’s glass and tossing it back. As Andrea contorted her brown skin and groaned in agony from the intensity, Rafeeq threw the second shot back too.

  “Shit!” Andrea patted her chest and screeched.

  “That’s a grown man’s drink, girl,” Rafeeq teased. “Toss me two more.”

  For the remainder of the night, he chilled at the bar, talking shit and watching the game that would be pulling in major profits the next morning. He could see the dollar signs rolling in and the numbers in his account rising from the foolish bets that had been placed. If he had to admit it to himself, he was even surprised by the outcome, but it wasn’t too farfetched.

  “Headed home?”

  Yeah, you coming? Rafeeq thought, not knowing if it was the shots of Hennessey and two Coronas speaking or thoughts of a sober tongue. Two weeks without his golden pussy had Andrea looking very fuckable with her thick thighs and even thicker eyelashes. Either they were about to take flight from her eyelids, or Rafeeq was tripping.

  “Didn’t plan on ending the night so early, but if I have another sip of whatever you keep giving me to drink, then I’m going to start spilling shit I don’t need to spill. It’s best I get out ya way now.”

  Batting her lashes and smiling from cheek to cheek, Andrea folded her arms across her chest. “I’m a grown ass woman. You do know that, right?”

  “I’m aware.” He nodded.

  “Then stop tiptoeing around me like I’m some kid.”

  “I’ve never wanted to fuck a kid in my life, not even when I was one myself. So trust me when I tell you that I’m certain you’re a grown ass woman. It’s all in ya hips… that ass… and them thighs.”

  “Boss man… aren’t we a little loose tonight?”

  “I think you drugged my shit.” Rafeeq snickered, looking at the bottom of his bottle.

  “Or maybe you’ve fallen victim to your sober thoughts.”

  “That too.”

  “Well, this grown ass woman is due for a break. No one says you have to go home.”

  “I don’t have time to fraternize. We can do that shit here. If you plan on spending your break with me, then I need you to understand that you’re going to get fucked.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, sir...” Andrea purred.

  “And once we’re done, I’m going to go back to business, and we’re going to pretend the shit never happened.”

  “Got it.” She nodded. “So, on my break, right?”

  Andrea stood fidgeting to combat the nervous energy she was feeling. Honestly, she was appalled that her boss had entertained her conversation for as long as he had. Since she’d started working at the bar three years ago, their conversation consisted of business and a few jokes here and there. There weren’t many nights that she’d find him or help him get to the state that he was currently in, so she figured she’d take control of the moment while she could.

  Since the day that he welcomed her into his office to fill the position she was currently in, Andrea had fantasized about the many things she’d do with Rafeeq if ever given the opportunity. It was the night. She had the shot, and she was damn sure going to take it. As she stared, waiting for a response, Andrea realized she’d have to do a bit more to revive his attention, which had diverted elsewhere.

  Waist deep in the pussy. That’s how far Rafeeq was as he listened to Andrea squeal from behind. Her large round ass creased from the indentions of his hands as he pounded into her without mercy. After getting him good and drunk, Andrea had been introduced to the Henny dick that she’d mentioned at the start of Rafeeq’s festivities.

  Even through the condom that he wore, he could feel the lubrication of her pussy. Baby girl was dripping something serious. The sounds of her womanhood flourished in the otherwise silent room. She took back shots like a champ and didn’t run, but the way she was screaming, you would have that Rafeeq was killing her shit, and that was the plan. To murder her little pussy since she’d thrown it at him. Up until then, they’d remained on their opposing side of the tracks, but with the way that Andrea was about to make his dick spit up, he was quite pleased that they’d crossed the tracks.

  “Earth to Heavy.” Snapping her fingers, Andrea lured Rafeeq from the trance that he had fallen into. “I’m about to clock out. Are you—”

  As she spoke, Rafeeq trailed off for a second time. That one was much briefer. The sight of Hampsher flashed before him. The distress and pain in her voice had been so alarming when considering the fact that another woman had the pleasure of sucking and stroking his dick.

  “But not the way I’m going to teach you. Not as long as you’re going to last and not as skilled as you’re going to be. Don’t ever make yourself believe that another bitch has one up on you, aight? Anything another can do, I guarantee you can do better. I won’t feed into your unnecessary insecurities, especially not after I’ve told you what I want. Who I want. I’ve solidified your place in my life, so tell me. What you want, Hampsher? Who you want?”

  “You,” she finally admitted as a single tear slipped from her right eye.

  “Then fucking act like it!” Rafeeq’s bass peaked as he rushed forward and shoved Hampsher’s back into the wall. He lifted her into the air and then down on his dick.

  She was soaking wet. He’d been buried beneath a condom hours earlier, hardly feeling anything. It was nothing in comparison to the slipperiness of Hampsher’s walls and the grip that she had around his body as if he would fade at any second.

  Putting her worries to rest, Rafeeq whispered in her ear, “I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you. This yo’ dick, aight?”

  “I hated seeing you with her.” Hampsher shuddered, admitting her displeasure.

  “I know.” Rafeeq sympathized with her. “I know. I’m done. I’m done with that shit.”

  “Nah. Make your money, ma.”

  Rafeeq knew that if he’d taken Andrea to his office, their platonic work relationship would be tainted. Women often thought they could handle the consequences of a one night stand, but they were usually surprised by the continued desires, especially if they saw their partner nearly every night of the week.

  “Maybe next time—”

  “There won’t be a next time,” Andrea mumbled, assuming she hadn’t been heard.

  Glad you know, Rafeeq thought to himself as he rose from his seat. “That shot you had is on me. I won’t dock your pay for it this week.”

  “How sweet of you, boss man,” Andrea responded sarcastically and caused them both to laugh.

  “I’m out this bitch. Stay safe.”

  Two months later…

  “Dammit, Hampsher,” Rafeeq fussed in the privacy of his office after getting word that the leads he had on Hampsher had gone cold. It was obvious that when she didn’t want to be found, she couldn’t be. Rafeeq had enlisted all of the help he could and still there were no signs of her.

  Two months. That was how much time had elapsed between their last encounter, and Rafeeq was sick to his stomach worrying if she was okay and if the baby was still grow
ing in her womb. Beyond the fear of her not returning, Rafeeq was skeptical about her decisions concerning their unborn child. It was not the time to be pulling disappearing acts.

  “Trouble in paradise?” RahMeek cleared his throat and spoke to his only son.

  He’d managed to creep into the office during the time of distress. The worry lines on his son’s face were notable as he reclined in his chair and rubbed his hands over the waves in his hair. A heavy sigh emitted from his lips before taking a peek at his father, wondering what the occasion was. RahMeek didn’t frequent the bar or anywhere else honestly. He preferred to be under the radar since he was older, retired, and raising grandchildren.

  “What’s good, Pops?”

  “I’ve come to place a bet.” Stepping forward, RahMeek took the seat in front of Rafeeq’s desk and reclined as well.

  “I don’t get into deals with family, old man. You know that. Besides, them Eagles are—”

  “I’m not betting on the Eagles,” he informed his son, rubbing the hairs of his chin.

  “Then who you betting on?” Rafeeq was plagued with confusion.

  “My son. I’d bet my last dollar that he is deeply in love with this mystery woman that your mother and I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet. Your mother sent me to you personally to demand that she get some face time with uh…” Circling his fingers, he beckoned for Rafeeq to come to his rescue.


  “Hampsher. Beautiful name, son,” RahMeek paused dramatically before continuing, “Reign let it slip that she’d seen you. Besides that, your mother has been checking your travel logs. She received a notification when you ordered the chopper. She’s also aware that you’ve been spending a lot of time in New York these last four months… more in the last two even.”

  “That lady can be so damn persistent. Did you let her know that I’m a grown ass man?”

  “And she let me know that she’s your grown ass mother. You know how she gets. Finding you the perfect woman is like a passion project for her. She’s obsessed.”

  “Don’t I know.”

  “So you won’t be surprised to learn that she’s invited you to dinner, and she said that you’d better not come alone.”

  “Is that a threat or an invitation? And when has she ever been okay with another woman other than the one she birthed coming to the house?”

  “The day she found out we were having a son.” RahMeek chuckled. “She cracked jokes about this day forever, but I can tell that she’s excited. The menu has already been prepared.”

  “And when is the dinner?”

  “In three days.”

  “Friday?” His brows centered on his face.

  “Friday,” his father confirmed.

  “That may pose a problem.” Rafeeq removed the cap from the bottle of water he’d been drinking and took a slip.

  “How so?”

  “She’s gone missing. I can’t find her.”

  “Does she want to be found?” RahMeek questioned.

  “No.” Rafeeq was honest with his father.

  “Then put our men on her. They’ll make sure she’s found.” As if it was an easy task, he waved a hand at Rafeeq. However, he was unaware of the woman that Hampsher was. Frankly, not even his son knew.

  “Done that. No traces.”

  “Oh, you fucked up, fucked up?” RahMeek questioned with a chuckle. The seriousness and worry in his son’s eyes caused him to cut his comedy short.

  “She’s pregnant.”

  Silence fell between them both as Rafeeq watched his father close his eyes and place his hand across his face. He massaged his temples and lowered it at the same time. Disappointment was evident, causing Rafeeq to feel some sort of tug in his chest. It was only seconds, but it felt like an eternity before his father spoke again.

  “She’s scared. She’s running, but I feel it in my heart that she won’t do anything stupid. Just give her time.”

  “Have you met my mother?” Rafeeq asked.

  “Unfortunately, I’m married to her.” He finally lifted his head and gave his son a stare.

  “Then you of all people should understand that I don’t have time to give her.”

  “Figure it out, son. Don’t fuck this up for your mother. And congratulations.”

  “Thanks, Pops. Keep it sealed, and don’t let mom know. I plan to tell her at dinner.”

  “You’ve got my word. I’m going to get out of here and go see about my crazy wife.”

  Rafeeq watched as his father stood from his chair and turned to leave. An inquiry popped into his head, and before he could stop himself, he was asking, “Mom ever tried to get ghost?”

  “She did, and I gave her the time that she required.”

  “She came back willingly?”

  “No.” RahMeek chuckled and continued out of the door before tossing his final words over his shoulder. “I kidnapped her ass and brought her back.”

  Rafeeq chuckled at the irony. He’d considered that among other things when it came to bringing Hampsher back to his home. He hadn’t had the chance to act on any of it given the fact that he couldn’t locate her. But the moment he did, he’d tie her ass to the bed every night if it meant keeping her grounded.

  Friday’s dinner was only forty-eight hours away, and Rafeeq refused to let another day go by without making contact with Hampsher. Because his men hadn’t been able to find anything solid or useful on Hampsher, Rafeeq knew that it was time to get his own hands dirty. There was one piece of information that Hampsher had neglected to tell him, but he’d managed to figure out in the last few days. As he pinpointed her schedule and doubled down on her reason for visiting the city each month, he was elated to discover the fact that her grandfather and grandmother had been the cause.

  Hampsher had never admitted to her return, but Rafeeq listed each time that he’d encountered her in the city. They were all on the final week of the month, none before midweek, which was approximately Wednesday. It was perfect timing. In an attempt to avoid acting a damn fool at her people’s home, Rafeeq decided that catching her beforehand was more logical. If not, then he’d bring the drama to her folks’ doorstep without hesitation. Hampsher was on some bullshit, and he’d be the first to let her know, no matter where she was. Rafeeq had narrowed down the possible methods of transportation and ultimately agreed to the train being her method. However, he didn’t know what time she’d be leaving, so it was up to him to figure it out.

  Since the ten o’clock hour, he’d been perched on a bench and waiting for any signs of Hampsher boarding the A train to Penn Station. Rafeeq had chosen the station closest to her apartment, where he had a feeling she was near. It was near the two o’clock hour when he finally noticed a pair of black jeans, a small round face tucked inside of a black hoodie, and a violin that was being carried in a small hand.

  Three beats. That’s how many Rafeeq’s heart skipped as his eyes gravitated to the slightly pudgy midsection that was poking through the fitted hoodie. Small but noticeable, it had become the center of his attention. Its presence meant one thing, and that was the fact that Hampsher hadn’t gone rogue and aborted their child. As well, she’d avoided death because she would’ve been the second human to be put down by Rafeeq had she killed his seed. Relief washed over his frame as Hampsher took her place beside a young couple whose child was strapped to the father’s back. From a distance, he watched as she marveled over the young child, imagining she was wondering about the possibilities of theirs. Warm-hearted and full of fuzz, Rafeeq stood from his seat and began to erase the distance between he and his victim. Slowly, he approached Hampsher from behind wanting to ring her neck and embrace her at the same time. The bells and the whistles of the trains as well as the loud chatter from the passengers waiting to board were void as he drew near to her body. Once upon her, Rafeeq gnawed at his jawline drawing blood. The warmness of his heart had faded as coolness overcame him.

  Frustration, anger, lust, and… love all came crashing to the forefro
nt, demanding to gain control. Choosing the easiest to maintain and the most rightful, Rafeeq allowed his anger to lead all others. After all, Hampsher had deprived him of a role that was rightfully his for the last two and a half months. Malicious. She was one devious bitch, and Rafeeq wanted her to know just how fucked up she had him.

  “Good afternoon, Rafeeq.”

  Never moving a muscle other than those utilized to greet him, Hampsher acknowledged Rafeeq’s presence the second he’d reached her. While she was calm as ever, he was everything but. Steam was emitting from his ears and nose, ready to take shit to an entirely different level while somehow reminding himself that Hampsher was pregnant and to be cautious.

  Unable to control himself, he reached out and gripped the back of Hampsher’s neck. Leaning down, he began whispering in her ear. His words were sharp enough to cut her as deep as he intended them to. With force, they came flying from his lips.

  “I’ve never met a bitch as stupid as the one I’ve managed to impregnate. The only thing stopping me from snapping your fucking neck right now is the fact that you are carrying my seed. You’re so fucking childish that the shit is repulsive. You don’t want a nigga to just chase your ass down. You want a motherfucker to lose his sanity running behind you, but I ain’t that nigga. I’m fed the fuck up with you and your shit. Today, it ends.”

  Rafeeq wanted to swallow the next few words from his mouth, but knew they needed to be said, “I’m a better man without you to keep this shit one hundred. You’ve been a fucking headache since you walked your ass into my life.”

  Hampsher’s breath became lodged in her throat as she felt as if she’d been stabbed with dagger to her chest. Unable to speak up or interfere with Rafeeq’s rant, he continued, “But I’m a man, and I can’t just walk away from my responsibilities, and that includes you. We’ve been doing this your way, so now, it is time to do this shit my way. Until my daughter or son is ready to meet me, I’m keeping you under lock and key. I can’t risk not knowing where you are anymore. I’ve got a young one to worry about. After that shit is over and done, you can vanish for all I give a fuck. I don’t want shit to do with you anymore.”


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