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My Defender

Page 11

by Alanea Alder

  Thirty minutes later, they were heading down to Level One. Sebastian opened the door when they knocked and ushered them inside. Ellie was relieved to see that everyone was relaxing and sipping pre-dinner cocktails.

  The men stood until Ellie sat down next to Kari. When Sebastian asked her what she'd like to drink, she requested a white wine. Beside her, Grant declined any alcohol but, instead, asked for tea. She had a feeling he'd drink if they were alone, but in a group of people, he wouldn't want to lower his guard.

  Her friend turned to her. "So, how is mated life treating you?"

  Ellie smiled. "I've never been happier. Now, about that long story?"

  Kari leaned in and caught her up on everything that had happened since she'd arrived in the city. "I swear to the gods Ellie, he had his guts hanging out, and he was up and at 'em, raring to go."

  Ellie wrapped her arms around her waist laughing. When she calmed down, she looped her arm through Kari's. "No more tumbling spells? When do you want to set up your appointments?"

  Kari shook her head and let her cheek rest on Ellie's shoulder. "No more tumbles." She squeezed her arm. "Thank the gods you are here! Nothing against Dr. St. John, but I really was not looking forward to him giving me exams."

  "He better not be giving you any exams, not if he wants to continue breathing," Declan growled.

  "It's his job," Grant interjected.

  Declan gave him a shit eating grin. "Exactly and he'll be the only doctor here when Ellie gets pregnant, so it's really convenient that you feel that way."

  On her other side, Grant began to growl so loud they attracted the attention of the others in the room. Adriel raised an eyebrow. "Problem?"

  Grant snarled. "No one is touching my mate."

  Adriel looked around. "Was someone going to?"

  Ellie patted his leg. "Don't worry, when the time comes, my grandmother will take care of all that. She is a nurse, remember."

  Grant visibly relaxed. When Declan chuckled, Grant picked up a decorative wooden apple from the arrangement on the coffee table and beaned Declan in the head.

  Declan hissed and rubbed his head. He turned to his mate, pouting like a four-year-old. "I think I'm bleeding."

  Kari sighed. "You kind of deserved that."

  "Meryn, breathe!" Aiden shouted, kneeling beside his mate who had toppled off her gaming chair.

  "It... it... bounced off." Meryn rolled around holding her stomach. "Poor Simba!"

  Ellie leaned forward. "Is she okay?"

  "She's turning red!" Aiden tried to get his mate to stop laughing.

  Grant tapped Ellie on her arm and pointed to Ryuu who hadn't twitched a muscle. Ellie exhaled and sat back. If the squire wasn't concerned, the small human was fine. While Meryn was enjoying Declan's pain, Ellie noticed a familiar pair of bright blue eyes staring at her from above the top of the other gaming chair.

  He stood and rotated his chair so he faced them. "Hey Ellie."

  "He's Fluffy; you should get along great with him, Pillows," Meryn informed them, trying to catch her breath.

  "We know each other from when we used to live in the same city, Meryn." She turned to Avery. "I see you got a nickname too."

  Avery grinned. "She said I was sweet and fluffy." Ellie noticed the mountain of a man who had been sitting close to Avery stood and casually made his way closer.

  She eyed him carefully, and he smiled, pointing at Avery. "We are mates. My name is Warrick DuBois."

  "Mates?" Ellie looked at Avery. "Mates?"

  Avery's face turned ten shades of pink. He shook his head. "Sort of, but not legally."

  "Sort of?" Ellie asked.

  "You know I don't turn one hundred for a couple weeks."

  She turned and looked at Warrick, pinning him with her fiercest glare. He held up both hands. "We are waiting, I swear." He swallowed and looked down at his mate. "Tell her I have been a gentleman before she guts me."

  Grant leaned forward and caught her expression. He smirked and leaned back. "And I used to think I would be the overprotective parent."

  Kari chuckled. "He has been very understanding and proper with Avery." Kari looked over at Warrick. "I am sorry, I should have warned you that Ellie takes her role as Avery's aunt very seriously."

  Ellie continued to glare at the large warrior. He looked like he ate kittens for breakfast; he would hurt her sweet Avery!

  Warrick turned to Grant. "Please tell your mate to quit looking at me that way. We will be living on the same level, and I do not need her sneaking into my home and conducting weird experiments on me."

  Grant shrugged. "If Avery is Ellie's nephew, that means he is mine as well." He gave the warrior an evil grin.

  Looking absolutely dejected, Warrick's shoulders slumped. "I am not a bad person."

  Crap! Now Ellie felt sorry for him. He looked so hurt. Maybe she had been too hard on him? "I may feel better about your mating if..." She trailed off and watched him look up, his face full of hope. He looked like an eager to please overgrown kid.

  "If?" he asked.

  She smiled, relenting. "If you can find some time to help us set up the temporary hospital tomorrow. I'd like to get to know you better since we're going to be family."

  Warrick's knees looked like they were about to buckle; he was that relieved. "Of course, anything you need."

  Avery beamed up at his mate. "My mate is absolutely amazing."

  Warrick's megawatt smile nearly blinded Ellie. Warrick sat down on the floor next to his mate so that their arms were touching. He seemed so content just to sit next to Avery. "Oh that's not fair," Ellie murmured.

  "Tell me about it," Kari agreed. "I try to play the strict one to protect Avery, but Warrick has a way of making me feel like I killed his puppy. They are so ridiculously adorable together, I do not have the heart to chastise them too much."

  One of the twins tapped Avery on the shoulder and then looked at Kari. "We're ready."

  Ellie watched as her friend got up and sat down in the empty gaming chair. "Ready for what?"

  Meryn held up her controller. "A very important quest."

  "Right." Kari picked up a clipboard from beside her chair. "Does everyone know what to do?"

  "Check!" Avery announced and turned back around in his chair to face the television.

  "Roger!" the twins replied.

  "Okay, we're going to slowly..." Kari began, starting their strategy meeting.

  "Leeeeroy Jeeeennnkkinns!" Meryn shouted.

  "Godsdammit, Meryn!" Kari yelled, dropped her clipboard, and picked up her controller.

  "Where are you?" Avery asked frantically.

  "I'm pinned! I'm pinned!" Nigel called out.

  "Shoot the animal thing in the corner!" Declan cried out, pointing to the upper corner of the television.

  "What do I do? What do I do?" Avery cried out in blind panic.

  All the while, Meryn was laughing as she used her character to run around the screen killing things at random. After the quest was over, the five gamers sat back, breathing heavily.

  Ellie had collapsed against Grant chortling. Grant's face was buried against the back of her neck, and he was also laughing uproariously.

  "You crazy pint-sized terror! I cannot believe we won," Kari exclaimed.

  Meryn was still cackling in her chair.

  Kari's eyes narrowed, and she reached out and grabbed Meryn's nose. "What should your punishment be for that crazy-ass stunt?"

  "Get off my nose Kari!" Meryn tried without success to pull free.

  Kari ignored her. "You have to collect all the ingredients the five of us need to complete the next potions quest." She looked at Avery and the twins. "No helping." They nodded, and Kari released Meryn.

  Meryn smirked. "It was worth it. I've always wanted to do that."

  "Brat," Kari said, shaking her head and smiling.

  Aiden stood over his mate, his features drawn taunt. "Who the hell is Leroy?"

  Meryn tilted her head. "Huh?"

would you call out another man's name?" Aiden demanded.

  "You think..." Meryn began to giggle. "It's my gaming good luck charm. Kinda like a battle cry."

  "Like hell it is," Kari muttered.

  Aiden looked at his mate carefully. "Why couldn't you call out 'Aiden McKenzie' as your good luck charm?"

  Ellie gave up on breathing. Beside her, Grant was pounding his own leg at Aiden's innocent question. Meryn turned to them. "Y'all get it?"

  "We don't." Nigel said, pouting with his twin.

  "YouTube it," Meryn told them.

  "Is this like that sorting quiz you made us take?" Nigel asked.

  Meryn shook her head. "Just look it up."

  Neil pulled out his phone, and the two redheads bent down to see what Meryn was talking about. Moments later they were laughing at the video and holding up their fists for Meryn's bump.

  Grant slowly pushed himself upright. "I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard, if I ever have."

  "I think you may have an inner geek waiting to burst free," Meryn informed Grant. He winked and lifted a finger to his lips.

  Ellie looked at the twins. "Where did you both place in the online sorting quiz?"

  Neil looked up smiling. "The red house. You?"

  "Blue," Ellie answered. "What about you Meryn?"

  Meryn grinned wickedly. "Green, muwahaha!"

  Grant cleared his throat. "Yellow."

  Meryn blinked, and Nigel frowned. "Isn't that the fluffy house?" Neil nodded.

  Ellie relaxed against her mate. "It suits him perfectly."

  Aiden sat down on the other side of Grant. "How do you understand any of this?"

  Grant shrugged. "I spend a lot of time alone. It leaves me with plenty of time for movies, TV, and games."

  Aiden sighed. "I don't get the Star Trek Wars."

  Meryn held up two fingers. "Two, Aiden. They are two different shows."

  Aiden's eyebrows came together. "Which one has the green guy?"

  "That's Star Wars; his name is Yoda," Meryn answered.

  Aiden looked baffled. "How is Beth green?"

  Meryn shook her head. "I would explain it to you again... but you'd forget later."

  "Green?" Ellie asked.

  Meryn pointed to Beth. "She's my political Yoda, showing me how to use the Force to defeat douchebags." She sighed. "I really wish I had a lightsaber, I bet they wouldn't mess with me then."

  Neil strummed his fingers over his phone. "Why not? Magic gave you a sonic screwdriver, why not a lightsaber? I bet we could make one with the right supplies."

  Meryn turned to Aiden, getting on her knees. "I will give you a year of kinky sex if you help them with the lightsaber."

  Aiden leaned forward quickly, his eyes bright. "Deal!" He turned to Neil. "What's a lightsaber?"

  Nigel laughed. "It's a Star Wars thing."

  Aiden nodded, rubbing his chin. "The only thing I remember about those movies were the small bear people."

  "He means Ewoks," Meryn translated.

  "Fate gave the ultimate geek someone who doesn't understand anything about the geek life," Elizabeth said smiling.

  A loud buzzing had everyone turning to Gavriel. He nodded apologetically then pulled out his phone. When his eyes widened, Ellie was afraid something terrible had happened. He looked up, opened his mouth, closed it, and then handed his phone to his mate.

  Elizabeth snatched it, looking as worried as Ellie felt. Moments later, she collapsed back. "Oh Meryn."

  Meryn shook her head. "I didn't do it! I was dead at the time!"

  "What'd she do now?" Aiden asked, looking slightly ill.

  "Yeah! What'd I do now?" Meryn repeated.

  "Facebook again," Gavriel answered.

  "No way! I didn't post anything lesbian or crazy, I swear!" Meryn protested.

  Elizabeth shook the phone back and forth. "Did you or did you not say you helped a new peep today?"

  Meryn nodded. "I did."

  "And you said she was gorgeous and sweet."

  "I did." Everyone nodded, accepting that as a normal post.

  "Did you also state, and I quote, I wouldn't mind being her bitch!?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.

  "Meryn, I love you," Gavriel said simply.

  "She posted what?" Aiden demanded.

  Ellie put two and two together. "That was about me?"

  Grant looked at her, understanding filling his eyes. "The transport tunnel escort," he said.

  She nodded then looked at Meryn. "What did you mean?"

  Meryn looked around helplessly. "I just meant that since you were so sweet and nice to people, I would be a bitch for you."

  "Oh Meryn, that has to be the nicest thing anyone has offered to do for me," Ellie gushed.

  "Don't be too appreciative just yet," Elizabeth warned. "She tagged you. There's now speculation that our matings are just a front to appease the older generations and that we're a three way lesbian love triangle."

  Meryn's green eyes widened so much they took over her face. She bit her lower lip in consternation, thought about it some more, and then shrugged. "Bow chica wow wow."

  Grant burst into laughter. Adriel looked at Grant and nodded. "Happiness looks good on you, my friend." Ellie couldn't help but agree.

  "Meryn, you truly are a treasure. I really needed that," Magnus said, rubbing his sides. The prince had abandoned all decorum and had laughed right along with the rest of them. Ellie had a feeling that the prince needed more joy in his life. He looked exhausted, but at least, for now, he was smiling.

  Sebastian looked so pleased at everyone's buoyant expressions, Ellie expected the buttons on his vest to pop. "It's been too long since this house was filled with laughter," he said beaming at his charges.

  Ryuu's eyes were dancing as a faint smile curled his lips. "Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served."

  Ellie, along with everyone else, said goodnight to Avery, Warrick, and the twins as they left to return to the Unit Level. Ellie was worried Avery wouldn't be getting any dinner, but he assured her tonight was pizza night on the warrior level, and he wouldn't miss it for anything.

  To her surprise, Avery told her that her grandmother had declared that she would meet up with both Avery and Warrick for dinner. She had even promised them cookies. But Ellie knew her grandmother too well; she was going to pump Warrick for information. Ellie absolutely adored Avery, but her grandmother took it to an entirely different level. Avery was the grandson she never had, and if Warrick thought her look was fierce, he hadn't seen anything yet. Ellie had learned from the best.

  Sitting next to her mate, the atmosphere around the table was lighthearted and warm. Meryn was tapping away furiously on her phone and scowling.

  "She really is quite brilliant. She just doesn't think like everyone else," a male voice commented to her right. Tonight, she was seated between her mate and Rex Lionhart.

  "I don't really mind what she said. I've never had anyone offer to be mean for me before." Ellie thought the small human was fierce in her affections. It was as if she'd never had friends before and was clutching tightly to those she perceived were hers. "She can claim me all she wants."

  Rex chuckled. "She'd do that with or without your permission. She doesn't really take orders well."

  "I think that's part of her charm."

  "That's the gods honest truth."

  "Ellie," Kari spoke up to get her attention.

  Ellie looked down the table at her friend. "Yes?"

  "I just wanted to let you know I just received a text from Sulis. He was able to secure all the supplies your grandmother requested, including the hospital beds we need. Now, we just need some place to put them."

  "I was approached by many of the vendors today," Eva turned to face Ellie. "They will be clearing out the center section of the marketplace for the sick. They've also volunteered to help the warriors walk the level to make sure the parents of the sick children aren't being harassed by the Founding and Noble family members." She smirked. "T
hey didn't put it quite as diplomatically, but that was the gist of it. They are quite taken with the children, and the angry mob put a bad taste in everyone's mouth."

  Rex chuckled. "Thanks to my brother, I have been able to get to know the people here in the city more in the past couple weeks than the previous years on my own. Eva is right; the common citizens have fallen for the children and cannot wait to see them up and playing again."

  Ellie sat back, smiling. "That's wonderful news. I know it will help the children to feel less secluded." She frowned as she realized something. "Damn."

  Magnus leaned forward. "What is it?"

  "There goes my theory that it might have been something from the garden. Not only did I not find anything, but Dr. St. John's notes from Carina never mentioned the Royal Gardens."

  "You still haven't found anything in the bloodwork?" Broderick asked.

  "No, nothing. It's so frustrating because I know they're sick. I can see them getting pale and weak, but there's nothing to explain it. Broderick and I've tested for everything I can think of and everything comes back negative. I feel like I am failing them."

  "Don't get too down on yourself," Eva replied. "You've done so much just by being here. More than one parent has said that their child looks forward to your check-ins. They have told their parents you make them feel like everything will be okay."

  "She's right," Declan added. "The children know how much you care. I think that's one of the reasons they have been able to stay so calm."

  She shook her head. "That's Grant and the Bolivars..."

  "No Ellie," Adriel said, interrupting her. "I have also overheard the children. One of the Hamilton boys said that you felt like a 'mom'. I cannot think of higher praise than that."

  Ellie stared as the tears fell down her cheeks.

  Kari smiled at her. "Oh, honey. You have to know how much the children adore you. They can feel your love, and it makes it easier for them to trust you. It is what makes you one of the best pediatricians in the country."

  "We are truly lucky to have you. We could not ask for a better doctor for the children," Magnus agreed.

  Beside her, Grant scooted his chair back and pulled her into his lap. For a moment, a familiar panic overwhelmed her. If he dropped her, everyone would laugh. "I'm too big. I'm not little like Meryn." Ellie tried to wiggle back to her seat, but her mate held her to him tightly.


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