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My Defender

Page 16

by Alanea Alder

  Magnus looked a bit relieved. "Not that I was looking forward to beating some sense into them," Caspian snorted at his brother's admission. Magnus continued. "But it would have gotten very old, very quickly."

  "I will announce your decree first thing in the morning," Kari said, grinning evilly. She turned to her mate. "You get to handle the first challenge."

  Declan beamed. "Aww, you do love me."

  "Boom! Take that, douchebags!" Meryn crowed.

  Eva looked over at her. "Boom?"

  Meryn pursed her lips. "No good? I'm trying to find a catchphrase."

  Rex laughed. "Meryn, why do you need a catchphrase?"

  She shrugged. "My cult suggested it."

  Beside her, Aiden choked on his wine. He hadn't even caught his breath before shooting Elizabeth a panicked look.

  Elizabeth shook her head. "She means her Facebook group." She glowered at Meryn. "Some days, I regret introducing you to social media."

  Aiden frowned down at his mate. "No more cult."

  Meryn crossed her arms. "It's how I keep my furries organized."

  Ellie looked around. "Does she mean what I think she means?"

  Grant chuckled. "It's Meryn, so probably not."

  Rex leaned forward, his eyes alight with laughter. "Please explain this one."

  Elizabeth swirled her water-filled wine glass, and Ellie could see that Meryn's Yoda probably wished it were wine.

  Rheia took mercy on Elizabeth and explained. "She calls her shifter friends on Facebook her furries. She didn't know about the sexual sub-culture it could possibly refer to."

  "I need to get in on this," Rex announced.

  Meryn shrugged. "You have to pass my Geek Life test. If you can, you're in."

  Rex pulled out his phone. "I can do that." He started to scroll. He swallowed before looking at Aiden, then Gavriel, then Colton.

  "Oh no. I know that look," Anne whispered.

  Kendrick chuckled darkly. "Share with the class, Lionhart."

  Rex hesitated. Aiden put his hand on Meryn's head and gently bopped her it about. "What did you do now?"

  Meryn tried to get away from her mate. "Nothing! I haven't even been on Facebook today."

  Rex cleared his throat. "Actually, it was Colton."

  All eyes went to the blond wolf, who shrugged. "I was just being honest."

  Elizabeth sat forward. "What did you do?" She dug out her phone and began to scroll. Her eyes widened, and she looked around the table. Looking down, she turned off her phone and turned to Sebastian. "I'm skipping dinner tonight. Could you please make me your Death by Chocolate Extravaganza?"

  Meryn and Rheia perked up. Rheia looked at Elizabeth. "What's that?"

  Sebastian's mouth was twitching. "It is how our Bethy deals with stress. Double fudge brownies are layered with peanut butter fudge sauce and chocolate ice cream. I top it with cheesecake bites and crushed Butterfingers and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups."

  Rheia licked her lips. "We really should have a balanced dinner."

  Anne nodded. "It would be the responsible thing to do."

  "Fuck that, Sebastian, bring me two!" Meryn exclaimed, bouncing in her chair.

  Sebastian gave the women an understanding look. "I will be back shortly with dessert. In the meantime, try to eat something a bit more sensible." He winked at Elizabeth and headed toward the kitchen.

  Aiden paled. "It must be horrible if Beth wants chocolate. Women only want chocolate when things get really horrendous."

  Rex cleared his throat. "There is a rumor going around on Facebook that your mating, along with Elizabeth's and Ellie's, are a political facade used to satisfy the older generation."

  Aiden nodded. "We knew that from the other night. They think the women are in some sort of love triangle."

  Rex took a deep breath and continued. "They have reason to believe that it's not just the women."

  Gavriel sat forward. "What now?"

  Rex kept swallowing to keep from laughing. "When the theory was brought forward on Meryn's timeline that you and Aiden could also be in a secret relationship, Colton jumped in saying how hurt he was after all the years he'd spent at Aiden's side. How if Aiden would be with anyone, it would be him."

  Aiden blinked once, then twice. He stood and reached for his best friend. Colton jumped out of his chair and stood behind his mate. "Pregnant women in the room!"

  "Rheia will have all the help she needs with her child after I kill you since I am their athair!" Aiden roared.

  "They are doing the butt sex!" Meryn said laughing.

  Aiden turned bright red. "Meryn!" He swung back to Colton and in two steps he was around the table. He reached out again and wrapped his hand around his best friend's throat before he began to throttle him.

  "No...sense...of...humor..." Colton said gasping for breath.

  Ellie watched the entire scene scared for the wolf shifter. She turned to Rheia only to discover that the doctor was working on eating her greens beans so that she could indulge in the chocolate.

  Ellie turned to Gavriel. He met her eyes and shrugged. "It does make more sense that Colton would be his lover."

  Aiden turned, Colton still dangling from his grasp and roared. "That's not the point!"

  Aiden's snarl was brought up short by a tinkling, cheery sound. Colton held up a finger. "Hold. That's Penny ringtone for FaceTime."

  At Penny's name Aiden released the wolf shifter. Colton ignoring his irate best friend, answered the phone. "Hello Pumpkin Dumplin', did you miss your Papa?"


  "Yes, he's here, I think." He looked at Meryn. "Is Felix here?" Seconds later, Ellie watched in amazement as the air around Meryn's shoulder shimmered, and a tiny, auburn haired sprite appeared.

  He fluttered over to Colton and looked down. His face transformed to one of joy. "Penny!" he chirped.

  "Is that a sprite?" Rex whispered. Ellie was just as awestruck as the Elder. Sprites were hardly ever seen outside their gardens.

  "Yup. He's one of my bestest buds," Meryn confirmed.

  Felix waved and blew kisses at Colton's phone before flying back to Meryn and shimmering out of view.

  Colton looked back at the phone. "Did you call to see Papa?"

  "Mama?" a tiny voice asked.

  Colton handed the phone to Rheia, looking deflated. Rheia smiled and said goodnight to her daughter. Eagerly, Colton took the phone back. "Hey pumpkin..."

  "Night Papa."

  Colton looked down at his phone. "She hung up on me."

  Aiden walked back over to his chair and sat down next to Meryn. "It would be no fun beating on you when you're pouting."

  Colton sat back down and turned to his mate. "She misses me, right?"

  Rheia patted his arm. "I'm sure she does."

  Meryn turned to Rheia then Ellie. "Random medical question."

  Ellie exchanged looks with Rheia. "Are you okay Meryn?" Ellie asked concerned.

  "What? Oh yeah, I'm fine. My question is purely hypothetical."


  "Could you kill someone by stabbing them through the ear?"

  Aiden wasn't the only one who choked on his drink with that question. Rheia turned to Ellie. "I got this one; I'm used to it." She looked at Meryn. "Depends on what is used. It would have to be quite thick, requiring a lot of force for it to be a one-shot kill. Otherwise you might end up giving that person an unplanned lobotomy."

  "Damn." Meryn played with her butter knife. "What would be the quickest way to kill someone then?"

  Rheia thought about it. "I'm assuming you mean with a sword or knife since you already have a gun." Meryn nodded. "If you have a wide enough blade a single thrust to the base of the brain would result in a complete body shut down. No brain function or heartbeat."

  Meryn brightened. "Thanks!" She swung her butter knife around in front of her.

  Ellie shook her head. "Sorry. I may be the new one to the group, but I have to know. Meryn, why are you asking about how to kill someone?"

/>   "It's for Felix. He wants to help guard me. We worked out that the best method for him would be to stab people through the ear, but the spinal cord thing sounds easier."

  Rex frowned. "Aren't sprites known for being pacifists?"

  Aiden shrugged. "Felix has been around Meryn for quite a while; she may have rubbed off on him."

  Meryn punched his arm. "I am not violent." He just stared down at her. She turned her head. "Whatever."

  Colton chuckled. "You did set his car on fire," he reminded her.

  Meryn rolled her eyes. "And everyone agreed he deserved it."

  Aiden's eyes were warm when he looked down at his mate. "That I did." He kissed the top of her head before looking at Rex. "Felix is family. If he wants to learn how to stab people in the ear, I'll teach him myself."

  Meryn stared up at her mate, eyes wide. "I love you."

  Aiden looked a bit shocked at her open admission but recovered quickly. He pulled his mate on to his lap and nuzzled her neck. "Just for that, we can watch your bear people tonight."

  "You're so good to me."

  Grant looked a bit worried when he turned to Ellie. "Are you sure you want her as a babysitter?"

  Ellie nodded. "I think she's amazing."

  Aiden's face was full of pride. "She is."


  "She wants to teach a sprite how to stab someone through the ear," Grant reminded her as they floated their way up to Level Six.

  "Exactly! Who better to watch over Benji? Meryn and Felix could take out anyone who messed with our son."

  Ellie took Grant's hand and pulled him along toward their home. She opened the door and practically ran in.

  "He's upstairs in the spare room," her gram said from the recliner. She put her book down and stood, walking over to them. "Adora had some of the warriors move most of Benji's things down to your house on the Unit Level. I told them to keep a bag of clothes and the Pack 'N' Play here for him to sleep in." She hugged Ellie close. "He's perfect." With a sniffle, she stepped back. "I know I asked for a great-grandson, but that was quick," she teased.

  Grant puffed out his chest. "I aim to please."

  Marjoram gently shoved her toward the stairs. "Go see your son."

  Ellie and Grant, hand-in-hand, took off up the stairs. They opened the door to Benji's room and peeked in. Quietly, they tiptoed in and looked down at their sleeping son. There was something calming about watching the rise and fall of his chest as he slept.

  Ellie kissed her fingers and gently placed them on his heart. "I swear to be the best momma in the whole world."

  Grant kissed his fingers and laid them beside hers. "You will want for nothing and always have a place to call home."

  They turned and eased out of the makeshift nursery. Once in their bedroom, Ellie felt the entire day catch up to her. Still dressed, she crawled onto the bed. She yawned and turned on her side.

  Grant began to strip her. "I'm sorry, my love, but I don't have it in me tonight."

  He pulled back the blankets before covering her naked body. "Sex is never expected but always welcome." Dozing in and out, she heard him undress and turn out the light. He reached over her to put something on the nightstand. When she opened one eye to see what it was, she smiled. He had made sure to grab the baby monitor.

  His arm snaked around her waist and pulled her flush against his body. The long length of warm muscle was a wall of pure comfort. She sighed happily, and he kissed the back of her neck.

  "Go to sleep, love."

  She wasn't able to stay awake any longer. Feeling like her entire world was finally complete, she surrendered to sleep.


  The early morning was magical. They got up and looked at each other then ran to the nursery. Marjoram saw them in the hallway and laughed at their antics. "Enjoy it while you can, before you know it, sleep will be a thing of the past."

  Ellie opened the door and smiled. Benji was awake and sitting up in his bed. When he saw them, he squealed and reached out. Grant picked him up, and they cuddled him between them.

  "Good morning, son," Grant whispered, kissing the top of his head. He passed him to Ellie, and she tucked him close to her chest. Benji cooed and played happily with her hair.

  It took them twice as long to get ready because neither of them wanted to put him down. Grant left while she was feeding Benji his bottle. A selfish part of Ellie just wanted to stay home and bond with her son, but she knew the other children were waiting on her.

  She met up with Grant in front of the hospital; he was carrying a familiar canvas bag. He had remembered the stuffed animals. He gave her a goofy grin and kissed first her then Benji.

  "You just saw us not twenty minutes ago," she teased.

  "Feels like forever."

  "And who is this gorgeous young man?" a voice asked.

  Ellie turned to see Rheia and Anne walking up. "This is our new son, Benji." Ellie tickled Benji's cheek until he gave the two women his famous one tooth grin. They inhaled at his adorable smile and gushed over him. "I thought you two were on the night shift?"

  Rheia nodded. "Your gram volunteered to do nights as long as we'd be on call. She said that I, especially being pregnant, needed my rest."

  The three women followed Grant as he passed out the small knit animals.

  "I want the chicken!" one of the Hamilton boys called out.

  Grant frowned. "It's not a chicken; it's a hippogriff."

  "Chicken!" the boy giggled. Grant handed it over and moved on.

  "Can I have the octopus please?" a little girl asked.

  "It's not an octopus; it's Cthulhu."

  "What's a cthulhu?" the small girl asked, tilting her head.

  "Grant, Lovecraft may be a bit beyond them at their age," Ellie suggested.

  "Oh yeah." Grant handed her the small animal. "Here is your octopus."

  She squealed then clutched it to her chest. "He smells good. He smells like you. Safe."

  Grant blushed. "Well, good. I'm glad," he said gruffly.

  Rheia turned to her. "Did he buy those?"

  Ellie shook her head. "No, he made them."

  "Sexy, sweet, and in touch with his feminine side, you're a very lucky woman," Rheia said, sighing.

  "Don't I know it?" Ellie's eyes never left her mate.

  When he was done, they walked outside to stand in front of the hospital, where Adora met them to take Benji for the day.

  "Marjoram is resting up this morning but will be back later this afternoon. When you get to be our age, you don't need much sleep. Since everything here is quiet, why don't you all take advantage of the lull to get to the lab?" she suggested. "Demetrio, Stefan, and I can manage."

  Ellie looked through the hospital doorway. Sure enough, the children were resting quietly because of the stronger medicine Rheia had brought with her.

  "Thank you, that would be wonderful." Ellie was turning to Rheia when she heard her mate curse under his breath.

  "Shit," Grant hissed.

  Ellie followed his line of sight to see Aiden rushing toward them. "Is she sick?" he demanded. In his arms, Meryn was bouncing up and down as he ran.

  "Oh no!" Rheia exclaimed. "Meryn, how do you feel?" She was already holding Meryn's wrist and checking her pulse.

  Ryuu on the other hand was walking up behind Aiden and Meryn calmly, an amused expression on his face. Why was Aiden upset, but the squire wasn't?

  "Put me down, you barbarian!" Meryn wiggled.

  "Her tongue and mouth are black!" Aiden yelled.

  Meryn stopped wiggling. "Seriously? That's why you freaked out?"

  Rheia stepped back. "Meryn, what's going on? Let me see your mouth."

  Meryn dutifully opened her mouth, and sure enough, her entire tongue and gums were black. Ellie caught a whiff of licorice and smiled. Ryuu winked at her.

  "I was eating some black jellybeans when Drama Bear here flipped his shit." Meryn pointed to her mate. Aiden set her down and eyed her suspiciously.

"I thought you were dying. Why didn't you say something!" he roared.

  "When exactly? One second I was minding my own business watching Supernatural then bam! You scoop me up like a sack of potatoes and book it to the tunnel, and then we were here."

  Ryuu stepped forward. "Denka, your coffee and breakfast are ready downstairs."

  Aiden glared at the squire. "You knew."

  Ryuu raised an eyebrow. "Of course I knew."

  Aiden was about to answer when they heard laughter in the distance. The group turned to see a man kneeling in front of Kendrick, the twins Nigel and Neil behind the older witch.

  "What now?" Aiden muttered.

  They reached Kendrick as the crowd closed in around them. One of the nobles saw Aiden and strode over. He poked Aiden in the chest. "Tell that no-name upstart to remove the spell from my brother."

  Aiden looked down at the man, both eyebrows nearly to his hairline. "Do you have a death wish?" he asked.

  The man stepped back, realizing that in his anger that he had literally poked a bear. "He has no right to interfere with Javen challenging the prince."

  Aiden looked back at Meryn. "Did Kari post the edict this morning?"

  Meryn nodded. "She actually typed it up herself and posted it last night."

  Aiden turned to the suicidal noble. "As you know, Prince Magnus has declared that the unit warriors can respond to any challenge set forth for Rule by Combat."

  The noble snorted. "He isn't a warrior."

  Aiden stared at him flatly. "Who am I?"


  "Who am I?" Aiden repeated.

  "You are Aiden McKenzie."

  "And my rank?"

  "You are the Unit Commander."

  "Exactly and if I say that Kendrick Ashwood is a member of the Alpha Unit, then Kendrick Ashwood is a member of the Alpha Unit."


  "Did I stutter?" Aiden demanded.

  "No. But that witch did not even allow Javen to make the challenge before casting a spell on him, which is against our laws!"

  "Look you... do you have a name?" Aiden asked.

  "I am Jahin Régis. That is my brother Javen Régis. Our father is head of the Régis Founding Family," Jahin announced, as if that would change things.


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