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My Defender

Page 19

by Alanea Alder

  Magnus looked up, a weariness in his eyes. "You found something."

  Kendrick nodded, then looked at her, then Rheia.

  Ellie spoke up. "You better explain it."

  Aiden looked at Kendrick. "Explain what?"

  Kendrick clasped both hands behind his back. "There is magic in the virus," he announced softly.

  "What?" Law demanded.

  Kendrick turned to him. "You need to bring someone else in to guard Meryn; I'll need you in the lab."

  Law looked shaken. "Of course. But are you sure?"

  Kendrick's expression became pinched. "I wish it were not true, but it is. The twins helped me to set up the different elemental testing plates to determine the type of magic used, but once that is determined, I'll need a more experienced witch to help me drill down even further."

  Law sat back. "I'm not sure how much help I'll be since I'm not well-versed in medicine, but I will do whatever I can."

  Magnus looked ill. "Is there any way this was an accident?"

  Kendrick looked at the prince, sadness in his eyes. He shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not."

  "I bet it was that DuBois asshole!" Meryn exclaimed. "And Evreux!"

  Kendrick raised an eyebrow at Meryn. "He's not even in the city, Meryn."

  "A douchebag is a douchebag no matter where they are," she informed him.

  Adriel turned to Magnus. "I believe she may be on to something in suggesting DuBois. He has made it known through word and deed that he does not want the shifters here."

  Elizabeth turned to her uncle. "Should we go to DeLaFontaine? He is the Founding Family head Gerald reports to."

  Kendrick shook his head. "No, I don't want to tip our hand, and DeLaFontaine may assist DuBois out of some sense of loyalty. Let's wait until we have a further breakdown of the virus. Once the results are in identifying the basic components, I may be able to trace it back to the creator."

  "I know someone who studies diseases, and she's a paranormal. I can call her to see if she can come help," Ellie offered.

  Broderick leaned forward. "Are you referring to Vivian Mercy?"

  Ellie looked at him surprised. "You know of her?"

  He nodded. "Of course. She is a world renowned epidemiologist and hematologist. Where I have concentrated my efforts in creating a synthetic blood, she has been focusing on making the human blood supply safer. She would be invaluable."

  Ellie turned to Kari. "Did you want me to call her?"

  Kari looked relieved. "Could you? I do not know her and this may be better coming from someone she knows."

  "I'll call her as soon as I check in on the children," Ellie promised.

  "How are they?" Magnus asked.

  Rheia smiled. "They are doing surprisingly well. I've had more than one child tell me they needed to hurry up and get well so they could play with their Uncle Magnus." She winked at the prince.

  He smiled sadly. "I would give anything to see them healthy and running around Level Six again."

  "Soon," Kendrick said softly before his eyes hardened. "And then we hunt for a murderer." Around the table, the other unit warriors growled their agreement.

  Grant wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "After seeing the pain and suffering that goes into bringing a child into this world, I believe more than ever that harming a child is the worst offense one can commit and the largest transgression against our gods."

  Magnus stood, and the men straightened. "Find me the one who started this. Find them and bring them to me so that I can personally see to it they pay for their crimes." The prince's normally smiling eyes had shifted to a deep crimson.

  The men of the Eta Unit stood, and as one, they placed their hands over their hearts and bowed. "We will see it done."

  Aiden stood followed by Gavriel and Colton. He turned to Magnus. "And we will assist our unit brothers for as long as they need us. There is nowhere this villain can hide that we cannot find them."


  Ellie walked with her mate through the vendor stalls to the hospital. Adora met them as they walked in and handed her a wiggling Benji.

  Adora laughed. "It was like he knew you were coming; he's been squirming for the past couple minutes."

  Ellie cuddled Benji close, and he looked up at her with soft brown eyes. He yawned wide and then snuggled down to go to sleep. Grant ran a hand over Benji's soft curls. "Looks like he just wanted his momma."

  Ellie kissed the top of Benji's head gently. "He's so perfect."

  Adora wiped her eyes. "I know that Emily would have loved you Ellie. You are very much like her, sweet and selfless."

  "Do you have any pictures of her? I want Benji to know about them growing up," Ellie asked.

  Adora looked surprised. "Yes I do." She paused. "You would do that?"

  "Of course; she was his mother. I'm going to make sure he knows all about his birth parents and how much they loved him." Ellie's heart broke a bit thinking of the woman she would never know but who had given her so much.

  "I'll get with the rest of the pack. We'll create a photo album or scrapbook for Benji with stories of his parents. That way they'll never be forgotten."

  "Thank you," Grant said, giving Adora one of his rare smiles.

  Ellie swayed from side to side as she rocked Benji. Adora pointed down to the toddler. "Did you want me to put him down?"

  Ellie shook her head. "No, I want to keep him with me a bit longer if I can. I'm about to head back to the house to call a friend. She's another doctor who may be able to help."

  "You know where to find me later." Adora leaned in and kissed her cheek before walking over to one of the children's beds and picking up a book to read to them. Adora, like Marjoram, worked with the children every afternoon to keep them entertained. Her grandmother was also sitting with one of the children; however, instead of reading, she was helping them with a puzzle.

  "We'll be back," Ellie said, tilting her head up. Grant didn't let her down. He kissed her gently. With the playful swipe of his tongue across her lower lip she sighed and stepped back. Not only was she holding their one-year-old son in her arms, they were standing in front of a ward full of children. She scowled then stuck her tongue out at him.

  His deep belly laugh had the children turning toward him like plants toward the sun. Seconds later, their giggles joined in with his masculine laughter. Ellie couldn't take her eyes off him. When scowling, he was one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen; when laughing, he was a god.

  She shook her head and turned toward the door. A playful swat on her bottom, and the children were giggling again. She swung around, but Grant was acting as if nothing had happened. "Come on, Benji, before your father gets any more playful and stops my heart." Her mate had the audacity to wink at her before he sat down next to one of the Hamilton boys and picked up an action figure.

  "You won't be a sneaky wolf, will you Benji?" she cooed as she walked back toward their house.

  "Did you want me to hold Grant down for ya?" Emeric asked.

  She shook her head. "No, he knows I'll get my revenge later."

  He laughed. "No wonder he was feeling feisty. If I had a mate as gorgeous as you, I would be popping your bottom and worse."

  "Emeric!" Ellie's mouth fell open, and he laughed at her shocked expression.

  As usual, when they were alone, her guard entered the home first. She followed after him and shut the door. He had just rounded the corner to check the kitchen when she heard a shout.

  Emeric ran into the family room. "Run!" he yelled.

  Ellie's feet were frozen as red blossoms appeared on Emeric's chest as he stood between her and the tall figure in the kitchen. He gasped once then fell to the floor.

  "Emeric," Ellie whispered in horror. Why couldn't she get her feet to move? Slowly, she took a step back toward the door.

  "I wouldn't if I were you, Eleanor," a familiar male voice warned.

  Ellie swallowed then turned. "Mr. Redly? What are you doing here?" She was about to
kick him out when she saw the gun with silencer in his hand. "Emeric?"

  "Shot." He stepped over the fallen guard. "I never believed finding you and getting you alone would be so much trouble. If it weren't for the hospital supply order your grandmother placed in your name, I never would have found you. Now step away from the door while I explain what is going to happen."

  Ellie took a single step forward. She couldn't get her feet to move any farther away from the door and closer to him. Her slight movement must have satisfied him because he began speaking.

  "You and your grandmother have disrupted plans that have been in motion for quite some time. But you will be able to rectify that for me."

  "What plans?"

  "After your childish display, your grandmother called the Board of Directors and had them fire me."

  Ellie blinked. "She did?"

  Redly growled. "As if you didn't know. I need my position, it keeps me abreast of any new medical discoveries. I have interested buyers in many countries who pay very well for the research I provide."

  "But you don't own it; how can you possibly sell something you don't own?" she asked. If she could just keep him talking, she knew her chances of being discovered would increase.

  Redly shrugged. "Formulas are funny things. If you change just one single component, the patent is different. As long as it goes uncontested, it can make money. That's where you come in."


  "Your untimely death will allow my clients to move forward with their copy of your research without having to worry about being sued for infringement."

  "But that research is years away from being completed. Why now?"

  "It may be years away from being completed for human cell trials, but what you do have has already been used to make a revolutionary new skin cream that very wealthy men and women will pay handsomely for."

  "My research is meant to help children."

  Redly shrugged. "To the victor goes the spoils. Now be a good little girl and put the brat down and come with me. Once I get you to the surface, I can hide your body. It will take them weeks to find you, and gives us more than enough time to move forward with production."

  "You're insane. What makes you think I will go along with you? Besides, if you kill me, you'll go feral. You can't spend any of your stolen money if you're a mindless, drooling monster."

  "You'll do as I say, because if you don't, I will make sure that hateful old bitch of a grandmother of yours pays for your disobedience. We just need to get to the surface so I can put a bullet in your brain. You try to get away or alert anyone on the way up and I will make sure those around you will die before you do." He gave her an evil smile. "As for going feral, that happened quite some time ago." He pulled back the collar of his shirt. "You can't see it, but I am wearing a necklace that hides the fact that I've turned. Very handy." He tilted his head. "Too bad you're so fat, I would have loved to fuck you before I killed you." He sighed, looking disappointed.

  "My mate will kill you," Ellie hissed.

  Redly's eyes narrowed. "What mate?"

  "You didn't see the very tall and muscular warrior with me? That is Grant Douglas, my mate."

  Redly paled. "I thought he was a chubby chaser taking advantage of your desperation." He brought the gun up. "Change of plans. You die here, and I will take my chances getting away. If I try to leave with you, your mate will stop us." He pulled back the hammer. "Sorry Eleanor, but you and the brat will have to die here."

  Ellie felt her skin pull taunt. "What did you just say?" Her words sounded guttural. Why did she sound so funny? She set her son on the floor behind her as the room seemed to contact.

  "What are you doing?" Redly demanded, holding up the gun.

  Ellie felt her soul burst from her body as she grew and expanded. Lifting her trunk, she trumpeted her rage. Using her long snout, she gently lifted her son out of the way as bullets flew past her.

  Redly fired then ran by her toward the door. Ellie started to turn but felt confined. She knew if she backed up she would be free. Cradling Benji close to her, she simply walked backward. She felt the cool stone of the building against her skin give way as her body broke free.

  Redly tripped and scrambled to get away. Ellie charged and brought her heavy flat foot down on the screaming man. Again, again, and again.

  Too fat for you to fuck me? As if I'd want a piece of shit like you. My mate loves me, and he's all I need. How dare you threaten my son!

  She kept stomping. No one would hurt her child. No one!


  Grant's action figure had lost for the third time when he heard a loud trumpeting noise. Four beds over, Marjoram stood quickly, clutching at her chest. Her eyes met his. "Ellie!" she screamed.

  Later, Grant wouldn't remember rising or running from the hospital. One moment he was with the children, the next he was standing with others in a circle around a very, very large rampaging elephant.

  Declan ran up and skidded to a halt beside him. "I'm going to assume that's Ellie."

  Grant nodded. He looked at Ellie's feet and saw a bright red smear. His wolf wanted to break free. Someone had threatened his mate.

  "Grant, you need to get her to shift back! If she gives in to her animal for too long, it could be dangerous not only for herself, but for others. She'd never, ever forgive herself if she hurt an innocent," Marjoram pleaded.

  Grant tipped his head back and howled. The elephant stopped mid-stomp and turned her giant head toward him. The crowd around him answered his call. The Wolftown pack sung with him, and as they did, his mate grew calmer and calmer.

  Grant watched as the elephant that was his mate sat back on her hind legs, tucking his son close. As moments passed, the elephant's image began to waver and finally melted away completely, leaving a naked Ellie standing in the middle of the stone street.

  He pulled his shirt off over his head as he ran toward his mate. He gently took Benji as Ellie covered up. When she was done, he pulled her close and held her tight. "What happened?" he whispered, his voice sounding harsh to his own ears.

  Ellie looked down at the bloody mess she had created. "He said he was going to kill me and Benji, to make face cream. I had to, I had to. I couldn't let him hurt Benji," Ellie explained, her voice becoming more shrill.

  Grant looked around the crowd a moment before Marjoram popped up beside them. "Ellie darling, let me watch over Benji so you can wash up," Marjoram suggested in a calm even voice.

  "I had to," Ellie whispered.

  "We know dearest, we know. Of course you couldn't let that man hurt Benji; you're his momma," Marjoram continued in a soothing voice as she took Benji from Grant.

  "I'm his momma," Ellie repeated.

  Grant turned to Marjoram. "Shock?" She nodded.

  "Was that a person?" a female voice asked.

  Grant was snarling his reply when he stopped short. Meryn was standing over whatever was left of Ellie's assailant. When she reached down to touch one of the mangled fingers sticking up, her mate barked at her. "Meryn!"

  Meryn jumped a mile, clutching at her chest. "What did I tell you about yelling at me when I try to touch dead bodies? You almost gave me fucking heart attack!"

  Ellie blinked her eyes. Grant could see them slowly bringing everything into focus. The distant look was fading from her eyes. "Does she touch dead bodies that much?" she asked.

  Grant felt relieved as Meryn's antics seemed to help Ellie's psyche skim over the horror she had just faced. Aiden stepped up beside them. "More than I would like." He turned back to his mate. "Don't touch it!"

  Meryn stood with her hands on her hips. "Don't touch dead bodies! Stop kicking tunnel escorts in the balls! Stop being a lesbian on Facebook! Why can't I have any fun?" she demanded.

  The wolves around them tried desperately to hide their laughter but failed miserably. Demetrio clapped Aiden on the back. "Her heart seems to be in the right place."

  Aiden smiled. "It always is." His eyes narrowed as Meryn bent down again. "Th
at does not mean you get to play with dead bodies!" he roared.

  Meryn ignored him and picked up a bloody strand. "I guess you don't want this necklace then?" She swung it back and forth on her finger.

  Aiden began cursing a blue streak. Kendrick stepped past him. "I've got it Aiden."

  Kendrick pulled a small plastic bag from his pouch and held it out to Meryn. She dutifully dropped it inside before he sealed it. "Hold up your hand."

  Meryn held up her blood smeared fingers. Kendrick murmured and the blood disappeared. "Go to your mate before he strokes out," he ordered.

  Meryn rolled her eyes and walked over to where they stood. She looked up at Ellie. "You are so kick ass. Eva has her ninja kick, and you have a killer stomp attack. All I have are drones."

  Ellie leaned against Grant, sniffling. "He said I was fat."

  Meryn's mouth dropped. "What an asshole. And you're not fat, you're sexy as hell, like a pin up model. I would kill for your figure."

  Ellie looked at Meryn like she had two heads. "Really?"

  Meryn smirked and pointed behind them. "How many of the wolves hated the fact you covered up so quickly?"

  Grant's head snapped up as he eyed the crowd. The single males eased back. He growled low in his throat, warning them away.

  Meryn pointed to the crowd. "You were naked, protecting your young, covered in the blood of your enemy, and you were standing there like a warrior goddess all hips and boobs. If you hadn't been mated, I bet a fight would have broken out over who got to approach you."

  Grant snarled. Aiden bent down and whispered to his mate. "That's not helping."

  Ellie blushed and tugged on the edge of Grant's shirt to make sure her thighs were covered. She wouldn't have believed Meryn if she hadn't pointed out the heated glances from some of the pack members.

  "All right, that's it; show's over! Step away from the warrior goddess!" Declan called out, pushing the crowd back so Grant could relax.


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